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Project Proposal

Criminal Detection System using Deep learning

Presented By

under guidance of
Prof. AAA
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai
College name, City Name.

Project Guide Sign Project Co-Ordinator Sign HOD Sign

Prof. AAA Prof. BBB. Prof.CCCC

Table of Contents:

S Index Page No

1. Rationale 2

2. Introduction 3

3. Problem Definition 5

4. Literature Survey 6

5. Proposed Methodology for solving 7

identified problem
6. Modules 8

7. Software Requirement Specification 10

8. Action Plan 11

A person is uniquely identifiable by their face, which is an essential component of the human body
structure. As a result, it can be utilized to track down a criminal's identify. With the development of

technology, several public locations now have cameras that can record illegal activity. Using the previously
captured faces and criminal’s images that are available in the crime database, the criminal face recognition
system can be implemented. The implementation of computer vision for the automation of the criminal
detection can substantially improve the crime situation of the city. An automatic criminal identification
system that enhances and upgrades the criminal identification as more effective and efficient approach
through the use of CNN. The CNN model is trained on the criminal dataset and then deployed for achieving
criminal detection. The fuzzy classification approach is also deployed which considerably enhances the
precision of the detection. Once the criminal is detected the system generates an alert to notify the law
enforcement that can significantly reduce the crime levels in the locality. The proposed approach has been
quantified through comparison with the conventional approaches to yield highly satisfactory outcomes.

Keywords: Face Recognition, Face Detection, Microsoft AZURE Cognitive Services, Face API,
HAAR, Machine Learning, Cloud.


Over the years, a lot of security approaches have been developed that help in keeping confidential data
secured and limiting the chances of a security breach. Face recognition which is one of the few biometric
methods that possess the merits of both high accuracy and low intrusiveness is a computer program that uses
a person’s face to automatically identify and verify the person from a digital image or a video frame from a
video source . It compares selected facial features from the image and a face database or it can also be a
hardware which used to authenticate a person. This technology is a widely used biometrics system for
authentication, authorization, verification and identification. A lot of company has been using face
recognition in their security cameras, access controls and many more. Facebook has been using face
recognition in their website for the purpose of creating a digital profile for the people using their website. In
developed countries, the law enforcement create face database to be used with their face recognition system
to compare any suspect with the database. In other hand, in Malaysia, most cases are investigated by using
thumbprint identification to identify any suspect for the case. However, because of unlimited knowledge
through internet usage, most criminals are aware of thumbprint identification. Therefore, they become more
cautious of leaving thumbprint by wearing gloves except for non-premeditated crimes. This Project to
propose a facial recognition system for a criminal database where the identification of the suspect is done by
face matched rather than thumbprint matched.

Face Recognition for Criminal Identification is a face recognition system in which the security expert
will input an image of the person in question inside the system and the system will first preprocess the image
which will cause unwanted elements such as noise to be removed from the image. After that, the system will
then classify the image based on its landmarks for example, the distance between the eyes, the length of the
jaw line, etc. Then, the system will run a search through the database to find its perfect match and display
the output. This work is focusing on implementing the system for criminal identification. Current practice of
thumbprint identification which is simple and easy to be implemented can be challenge by the use of latent
thumbprint and sometimes cannot be acquired from the crime scene.

The criminals have become cleverer and normally be very careful in leaving any thumbprint on the
scene. This system encompassed face database and an image processing algorithm to match the face feed
with faces stored in the database. There are two parts vital to the success of this system; detection and
recognition. A face detection is one of the most important steps in a face recognition system and can be
classified into four principle categories; knowledge based, feature invariant, template matching and
appearance-based methods . In recognition, two stages are required; training process and evaluation process.
In a training process, the algorithm is fed samples of the images to be learned and a distinct model for each
image is determined while in an evaluation process, a model of a newly acquired test image is compared

against all existing models in the database. Then the near corresponding model is acquired to determine
whether the recognition is triggered . In this stage, a statistical procedure, Principal Component Analysis
(PCA) is used to on a collection of face images to form a set of basis features, which is called a set of
eigenfaces. Any human face can be considered to be a combination of these standard face.

Problem Definition:
To enhance the process of Criminal Identification system through face recognition proposed model is
using Convolution neural network and Image Segmentation process.

Literature Survey:
Microsoft Kinect Sensor is used for detecting faces[1]. Kinect has a RGB sensor and a IR sensor.
CCTVs have a RGB sensor with IR LEDs for night vision. The device detecting the faces was Kinect with

its vast hardware and sensors. These faces were passed on in a cropped manner to the system. Used a Ann to
train the system using 4 faces. The Ann was trained on Azure. The processing was done by a PC104+
embedded system. The link between the PC104+ system and the Windows Azure cloud infrastructure was a
3G wireless connection. The system was overall very fast with speeds sometimes around 200ms.
The method used several sub methods like skin detection although he most prominent was face
detection [2].The Algorithm used was the Haar Cascade Classifier. HAAR Cascade classifier mainly works
by finding patterns with reference to black and white rectangles. This particular paper used a advanced
implementation which also involved diagonals. Every Face is modeled as an ellipse. Skin detection is used
to speed up haar face detection .This is only detection not recognition.
It is a multistep process where every frame was analyzed [3]. First step was detection using Haar
classifier. Second step was detecting face using both Eigen Faces and Gabor algorithm, third step was
decision making and selecting. The accuracy was around 50 percent because of changes in illumination
The authors used method which specifically used Microsoft Azure to compute data [4]. This project
main aim was to find objects in the environment for robot to navigate. The paper used the SIFT and SURF
Algorithm as its main object detection strategy .SIFT finds objects by identifying blobs .Another technique
is to try a direct match .The user interface was a windows from C# application.
Authors used the method which used a technique to determine the consistent background [5]. This
paper made use of 2 cameras to prevent any disturbance from lighting. The one particular method they used
was background subtraction. The specific algorithm was the MOG background subtraction. Long term and
shorter analysis is done in case someone come back to pick up his luggage. Algorithm used was the MOG
background subtraction.Long term and shorter analysis is done in case someone With increasing terrorist
activities there was augmenting demand for video surveillance. Mostly images are generally classified based
on the value of simple features [6]. It is always better to use features rather than using pixels as feature based
systems always operates much quicker than pixel based systems. In this approach the algorithm consists of 3
intermediate steps :
A) By using an intermediate representation for the image, Integral rectangle features can be
very quickly.
B) Adaboost technique can be used for the construction of classifiers that helps us to separate desired
features from the collection of vast no of features. It utilizes a set of positive and negative images to train.
C) Cascading of different classifiers
A full advantage of Pattern Recognition and Image Processing model can be taken with the help of Open
Computer Vision (OpenCV). To detect human face and achieve fast face detection of the video, mosaic gray
rules were adopted. Three types of main algorithm based on mosaic model are: Gray Rules: The trisection

image model according to the organ segmentation of face is established. Integral Image: Rectangle feature
can be computed very quickly using an intermediate representation for the image. Frequency Histogram: It
removes the non-face region from the image and merge the overlapping face region.
Changes in the facial appearance occurs due to natural ageing of human [8] [22]. There are 147,784
operational mugshots of 18,007 repeat criminal offenders in the longitudinal face database. It consists of at
least 5 face images of a subject that were collected over at least a 5year time spa. As elapsed time increases
between two face images, population mean trends in genuine scores is estimated by using multilevel
statistical models. COTS-A performance is better than COTS-B.
Haar classifier is used to detect faces in the frames that are come as input [9]. A face detection
method based on AdaBoost was adopted in the paper. Improved AdaBoost algorithm achieves more robust
performance. And high speed over conventional AdaBoost based methods. Study of locality preserving
projection is essential and analyzed the Proposed a method using Bilinear CNN [10]. At each location
convolution layer outputs of two CNNs of the image are multiplied. Image labels are used to train bilinear
CNN model & it requires training network.
Authors proposed a method using deep learning. Automatically collecting and labelling the data from
CCTC videos is done in order to construct a dataset [11]. Face were recognized using VGG Face
Recognition Algorithm. Haar Classifier is used for detecting faces. The paper reported accuracy of
99.2%.Training is an essential part and in this case required 2.6M images of 2.6 lakh people .
This paper classify object detection into many categories like model based system, image invariance
method, example based method , static object detection , moving object detection .Recursive and non
recursive algorithm is used for removing background [12].Object can be tracked using point tracking ,kernel
tracking, edge detection and color. This paper classify object detection into many categories like model
based system, image invariance method, example based method , static object detection ,moving object
detection [13].Recursive and non recursive algorithm is used for removing background .Object can be
tracked using point tracking ,kernel tracking, edge detection and color.
This paper proposes three steps. Steps include face detection, face feature extraction and finally face
recognition [14]. Face was detected and background removed, face features like face cuts and angles were
formatted and styled, while recognition goes ahead and identifies it 3 detection methods were experimented
with namely camshaft algorithm, Haar classifier, vend finding via motion. Camshift and finding via motion
were fast but the most accurate and reliable was Haar classifier.
Authors introduces the Benchmark(IARPA Janus) A (IJBA), face images are manually localized by
publicly available media in the wild dataset (500 subjects) [15] [23]. IJB-A protocol focuses on: the ability
to search for a person’s face in a set of images (search), and (ii) the ability to compare facial imagery from
two persons, and verify whether or not they are the same person (compare). All faces have been manually
localized and have not been filtered by a commodity face detector is a key distinction between this dataset

and previous datasets. In the IJB-A dataset amount of variation in pose, occlusion and illumination is
Based on conditional random field (CRF) which is combined with the saliency measure which
introduces a new salient object segmentation method [16] [24]. Statistical framework formulate saliency
measure and contrast local features in illumination, color and motion information. Method is efficiently
implemented by using statistical frame work [22]. The integral histogram approach and graph cut solvers
effectively implements the method. The feature includes lab color values and optical formation which are
obtainable in real time.
In the process for detecting the face from the frame that is extracted from the video, author proposed
CIE-Luv color space model [17]. The model is capable of separating out skin and non-skin regions and
detect skin like reasons. Skin detection is carried out on the basis of image size (height/width>=2/3).Face
verification: He says once the skin detection is done, by using variance formula we can distinguish between
face and other parts of body detected in image. The extracted face from face detection step is verified in
database faces to find person and return best match location along with face recognized. In proposed system
the best thing is video is changed to CIE-Luv color model that works on HSV (Human Vision System) thus
accuracy is guaranteed. Variance of test face is calculated and variance of each face in codebook is
calculated, as per the variance of test face, near valued face from codebook is selected. For face detection
viola jones algorithm is used to reduce the computational complexity.[18]. This algorithm is split into three
1] Integral image: deals with skin color, motion, facial appearance.
2] For face extraction- illumination, noise low regulation are major problem.
3] Problems are overcome by various techniques such as geometric based. Haar wavelet is used for
verifying face
This paper shows two contributions that are made:
A) Assembling of a large scale dataset.
B) Use of deep CNN with appropriate training.
Automation and human combined in the loop to represent large dataset. Data purity and time are the main
focus [19].
The face benchmarks (LFW and YTF) are used to achieve comparable state of result [25]. CNN
feature extractor, a learnable function obtained by composing several linear and nonlinear operators is used.
Euclidean distance used for comparing face in data book and nearest valued face from data book is returned.
The Deep face work was extended by the DeepID. Dataset
collection included:
1) A list of candidate identity names are bootstrapped and filtered.
2) More images for each identity are collected.

3) Automatic filter is used to improve the purity.
4) Near duplicate removal
5) Final manual filtering.
6) Training: Learning a face classifier, learning a embedding using a triplet loss. The goal is
to minimize the average prediction log-loss .
In distinctive video frames, Author’s proposed algorithm will track the real time moving objects [20]
[25]. The objective is to relate target objects in consecutive video frame for tracking purpose. Moving object
in different frames of video is tracked in the real time using color feature and motion. In image processing
median filtering is used to decrease noise which is a nonlinear operation. Target representation and
localization and filtering and information association is vital in visual tracking.

Proposed Methodology Model:

The Proposed methodology model is depicted in the figure 1 as mentioned below.

gure 1: System Overview
The Proposed methodology contains the following module and sub modules as mentioned below.

Module A: Camera, Live image capture

 Instant Frame Collection
 Frame Processing
 Frame normalization
 Extracted Frames

Module B: Convolutional Neural Network
 Input layer initialization
 Hidden Layer evaluation
 Output Layer estimation
 Trained data

Module C: Preprocessing & Image segmentation

 Image resizing
 Image segmentation
 Image conversion
 Normalized and preprocessed image output

Module D: CNN & Decision Making

 Test Image data
 Model initialization
 If-then rules
 Criminal Identification

Minimum Hardware Specification:

CPU : Core i5
RAM : 8 GB
HDD : 500 GB
Monitor, Key Board, Mouse, UPS, DVD Writer
Software Specification:
Coding Language : Python
Development Kit : Python 3.8
Front End : Tkinter
Development IDE : Spyder 4.2
Data Base : My SQL 5.0

Action Plan:

(1 Week):
Group formation and Sample project topic selection

(2 Week):
Abstract and Synopsis

(3 Week):
Project identification and definition

(4 Week):
Proposal Submission

(1 Week – 4 Week):
Layout and design implementation

(1 Week – 4 Week):
Detailed Design Evaluation

(1 Week – 4 Week):
Design document and methodology

(1 Week – 4 Week):
Testing and experimental result

(1 Week – 4 Week)
Analysis of result and conclusion

(3 Week – 4 Week) :
Report document and entire work

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