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JMK, VOL. 24, NO. 1, MARCH 2022, 81–90 DOI: 10.9744/jmk.24.1.

ISSN 1411-1438 print / ISSN 2338-8234 online


Erni Martini1*, Lili Adi Wibowo2, Agus Rahayu3, Ratih Hurriyati4
Faculty of Economics and Business, Telkom University, Indonesia
School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
Email:, liliadiwibowo@upi.edu2, agusrahayu@upi.edu3, ratih@upi.edu4
*Corresponding Author

Received: June 25, 2021, Revised: Feb. 23, 2022, Accepted: March 5, 2022


This research had the purpose of investigating the utilization of a company's official website as a com-
munication medium and for online branding purposes in the telecommunication industry in Indonesia. This
study used a population of official websites from seven telecommunication companies in Indonesia. The
indicators that had been used to analyze website content, website ease of use, and website interactivity. The
results of this study showed that 100% of telecommunication companies in Indonesia had a website that can
be used as an online branding strategy. The indicators that were mostly used by these companies for online
branding were website content (100%) and website ease of use (93.65%), while the use of website interactivity
(53%) still needed to be maximized. The findings of this study were useful in revealing how telecommuni-
cations companies in developing countries used their websites as a communication medium for online

Keywords: Social network analysis, DANA, gopay, fintech, startup business.

Introduction Indonesia has nine telecommunications compa-

nies registered with the Indonesian Telecommunica-
The growth of the internet brings a new chapter tions Operators Association, but only seven are opera-
in strategic branding as it offers numerous ways to ting today. The existence of this telecommunications
promote online businesses (Barreda, Bilgihan, Nusair, company is significant as it is the primary provider of
& Okumus, 2016). Companies that have a strong brand telecommunications services in today's digital age.
image are likely to gain a sustainable competitive ad- Since the beginning of the era of digitalization, compa-
vantage and win global competitions (Trajković, & nies have sought to keep pace with technological
Stanković, 2017). Branding is important to the compa- trends by creating corporate websites, including Indo-
ny because it becomes part of the added value of of-
nesia’s telecommunication companies. Digitalization
fering products and services at a premium price (Gha-
commonly used to establish market positions, reorga-
leb & Kaplan, 2021). Branding is important for busi-
ness and has been a strategic review in almost all types nize business systems, and create more innovative of-
of industries, such as financial services, beer industry, ferings and customer experiences (Khairuddin, 2021),
hotel business, and property (Vrontis, 1998; O Lough- but this is not ideal in Indonesia. Consumers in Indone-
lin, & Szmigin, 2007; Cheng & Cheok, 2008; Aripova, sia rely more on social media than on official websites
2021). (Burhan, 2022). The data gathered on https://www.-
Online branding offers a clear advantage over tra- on October 8, 2021, shows the percentage
ditional branding. According to Upshaw (2001), the of traffic, ranking, commitment, and bounce on the
Internet has interactive features that provide new op- websites of each telecommunication company in In-
portunities to create stronger brand identities that have donesia.
the potential to shape brand retention. The findings of Data in Table 1 shows an average percentage of
Berthon, Pitt, and Watson (1996) supported Upshaw website visits by telecommunication companies in
(2001) with the finding that the level of interactivity on Indonesia at 28.6% and bounce rates of 40.3%. The
the website plays a very important role in transforming percentage of traffic visits shows a fairly low visit rate,
visitor interactions from umpteenth interested to inter- not reaching 30% of the number of website visitors in
active customers. Indonesia every day, which amounted to 29 million


Tabel 1
Data Traffic, Website Ranking, Engagement, and Bounce Rate of Telecommunication Company in Indonesia
Bounce Rate
Company Traffic (%) Website Rank Engagement (%)
Indosat 34.6 57,426 2.3 50.6
PSN No data 2,558,634 3.0 No data
Hutchinson Indonesia 26.5 66,747 2.0 53.6
Telkom 20.7 19,656 6.02 28.2
Telkomsel 24.7 20,659 1.53 66.6
Smartfren 41.7 68,351 2.1 44.2
XL Axiata 50 121,785 3.0 38.9
Average 28.6 2.85 40.3

internet users per day (Rizaty, 2021). It is also will help provide the results of the online branding
supported by a bounce rate of 40.3% and an analysis via websites in the telecommunication
engagement rate of 2.85%. This bounce rate figure industry in developing countries, such as Indonesia.
shows the website visitors of the telecommunication
company that close a webpage after opening the first Online Branding
webpage nearly halved. The low engagement rate of
2.85% also means that website visitors and website Branding is fundamental to the success of an in-
administrators have fewer interactions when browsing novation, particularly over the long term. It is defined
the company's website. This means that official as a value-creating process through consistent promo-
websites in the telecommunication industry haven’t yet tion, offers, and customer experience that will satisfy
built enough interaction and communication as a part and help customers use the product (Aaker, 2007). The
of their online branding. terms "online branding" and "e-branding" grew in the
Previous research examining websites as part of 1990s with the emergence of the Internet, which is
corporate branding, conducted by Barreda et al. used at all levels of an organization. ICT innovation
(2016), found that website interactivity has an effect on allows the online branding strategy to evolve and be-
brand knowledge, which consists of brand awareness come part of the business strategy to remain compe-
and brand image. Another study by Rowley (2009) titive online. Online branding is suggested in the Inter-
found that online branding activities on websites were net era, which refers to the use of the Internet as a
still not fully developed. But this result is rare in Indo- branding medium. Branding helps businesses build a
nesia. There are still few studies that are concerned unique identity to attract customers to use their product
with research on websites as a means of communica- or service (Ibeh, Luo, & Dinnie, 2005).
tion and online branding, especially in the telecommu- Branding in the current information era has be-
nications industry. This research will fill the gap by come more important because customers can easily
examining how the website is used as a corporate com- obtain product and service information. In order to
munication tool in creating online branding. compete, it is important for the company to embed the
Telecommunication companies, along with glo- brand in the minds of customers. In the electronic me-
bal and domestic competitiveness, should be able to dia context, online branding is becoming an important
deliver good telecommunication products or services issue (Simmons, 2007). Ghachem (2011) stated three
to the community as customers. By providing the ser- online branding approaches that were considered re-
vice in plenary, marketing efforts are required to com- presentations of how a website as an online channel
municate products and services, one of which is made could provide information and direct experience to
by branding the public. Up to now, the limitation of customers about the product or service provided by the
discussion on how the practice of line branding company. The website has an unlimited scope, and
performed by telecommunication companies in thus the website plays an important role in promoting
Indonesia can still be studied further to gain infor- and marketing a company's activities. Large and small
mation on the effectiveness of an online branding stra- businesses often use the website as a means of promo-
tegy that has been implemented by the companies that ting marketing products or services. A successful bran-
become interesting to be studied further. This research ding strategy will sell more value than the competition.
Martini: Website as an Communication Tool and Branding Strategy in Telecommunication Companies 83

A successful brand strategy affects the quality and products, and services offered by companies. E-bran-
emotional perception of customers. ding can maximize corporate exposure to the public.
Online branding is an important part of today's Branding is an important marketing strategy to create a
business strategy and needs to be taken into considera- new market and maintain customer loyalty. Creating a
tion, specifically along with the company's offline brand name in an industry is a complex process. This
branding activities. With the enormous growth of on- process involves activities including product design,
line business transactions and greater online opportu- channel management, image formation, and target
nities, online media businesses are designed to pro- marketing. It is relatively difficult to create and secure
mote businesses, products, and services offered by bu- the status of a brand name in the physical world; it is
sinesses. E-branding can maximize the company's visi- even more difficult to do so in the virtual world. Buil-
bility among the public. Branding is a major marketing ding a good brand involves many elements, not to
strategy for creating a new market and maintaining mention building an effective base for products or
customer loyalty. Establishing a trademark within the services offered. According to Simmons (2007), seve-
industry is a complex process. The process includes ral things that needed to be integrated to successfully
activities such as product development, channel mana- built brand awareness were based on the following as-
gement, image creation, and targeted marketing. It is pects: Understanding customers' brands depended on
comparatively difficult to create and secure brand sta- customer perception. When a brand was created, it
tus in the physical world; it is even more difficult to do needed to be communicated and positioned for the
so in the virtual world. Building a good brand involves appropriate audience. Interaction with customers: In
many elements, not to mention building an effective order to obtain competitive intelligence about a brand,
base for products or services offered. Simmons (2007) processes within an organization must revolve around
suggested that some things that needed to be integrated its creation, development, and monitoring while inter-
to build a successful brand were based on what
acting with customer targets.
Branding in the current information era has be-
Tzokas and Saren (2004) stated that the website
come more important because customers can easily
was a suitable channel for building and maintaining
obtain product and service information. It is important
relationships with customers. A marketing strategy to
for the company to embed the brand in the minds of
maintain loyal customers is conducted through two-
customers in order to compete. In the context of elec-
way communication, awarding, an effective customer
tronic media, online branding has become an important
thing (Simmons, 2007). Online branding in today's community and service recovery mechanism, as well
digital age is important to explore because of its im- as an online brand community as an important aspect
portance from the perspective of organizational stra- in forming a brand. Therefore, it is important for com-
tegy and brand experience (Rowley, 2009). In explor- panies to position the website as a means of commu-
ing how a website as an online channel is used to nication with customers in relation to building a good
support a brand, Ghachem (2011) in his study stated brand image and profitability for the company. Ac-
three online branding approaches that were considered cording to this review, the initial research question is:
representations of how a website as an online channel RQ1: Does the Indonesian telecommunications indus-
could provide information and direct experience to try have site as part of their online branding stra-
customers about the product or service provided by the tegy?
company. A website has an unlimited extent, and
therefore, a website plays an important role in the Website Content Online
promotion and marketing activity of a company. It is
common for both big and small companies to use Content is an important part of branding. Rahim-
websites as a promotion medium for marketing pro- nia and Hassanzadeh (2013) argues that web content is
ducts or services. A good branding strategy will sell one of the most important issues for businesses seeking
more value than competitors. The added value of a to maximize their profits by promoting their services or
good branding strategy affects the quality and emoti- products in a competitive market (Rahimnia & Has-
onal perception of customers. sanzadeh, 2013). Hernández, Jiménez, and Martín
Online branding is an important part of today’s (2009) stated that there are factors to consider when
business strategy and must be taken into consideration designing a website, namely that the information pro-
as precisely as the off-line branding activities of the vided on the website must be accurate, informative,
company. With the huge growth in online business current, and relevant to the needs of consumers. Web
transactions and bigger online opportunities, business- design is important for optimizing the interaction bet-
es on the internet are designed to promote businesses, ween system users (Nong & Gainsbury, 2019). Liu,

Arnett, and Litecky (2000) found that a well-designed Sinnapan, 2007). This study used data from Ghachem
website will encourage brand recall, recognition, and a (2011) and Vlahvei et al. (2013) to examine online
positive attitude from consumers towards the site and branding by Telco companies in Indonesia.
its products. Websites that present information but do The population in this research is the official web-
not have the capacity to provide contributor space and site contents of all telecommunication companies.
interact among users are viewed as worthless (Nong & According to ATSI (Asosiasi Penyelenggara Teleko-
Gainsbury, 2019). munikasi Seluruh Indonesia), there are 9 (nine) tele-
communication companies listed under the associa-
Website Interactivity tion. There are only 7 (seven) companies that are qua-
lified as analysis unit. 2 (two) other companies are
The concept of interactivity on a website is a con- ousted from the list because 1 (one) company listed in
cept mediated by technology and relates to engage- early 2016 was declared bankrupt and was acquired by
ment, interests, and attractiveness (Palla, Tsiotsou, & a foreign company (Bakrie Telecom). The other com-
Zotos, 2013). Interactivity on the website is demon- pany merely provides local telecommunication service
strated through interactions between individuals and in several regions, thus was ousted as analysis unit
websites (Barreda et al., 2016). Neelotpaul (2011) (Sinarmas Telecom). Based on the description, the
stated that interactivity on the website can be used to population of this research includes websites from
build long-term relationships, while Voorveld, Van Indosat, Pasifik Satelit Nusantara (PSN), Hutchinson
Noort, and Duijn (2013) found that website interacti- Indonesia, Telkom, Telkomsel, Smartfren, and XL
vity became an important aspect in building an online Axiata. Analysis of the website content that is asso-
brand due to the occurrence of reciprocal communica- ciated with each of the companies is conducted by
tion between consumers and the system. Referring to a using a checklist that covered the variable and its indi-
study conducted by Ghachem (2011) who developed cators to support the data collection relevant to research
an online branding model for a newspaper company in questions. To be more precise the following stages
Tunisia, this study uses the concept of online content have been taken in the analysis:
and interactivity presented by Ghachem (2011) as a 1. An initial checklist (Yes (Y)) and (No (N)) is
research variable that will then be used to categorize piloted with seven websites from telecommuni-
coding manuals for website content and interactivity. cation companies. This initial checklist process is
This study did not use the attribute website of Gha- used to tighten whether each website has or hasn’t
chem (2011) and replaced it with an ease-of-use of each variable and indicator that is used in this study
website (Vlahvei, Notta, & Grigoriou, 2013), which is in their website.
considered more appropriate in measuring online bran- 2. All websites are analysed using the revised check-
ding on websites. According to that study, the second list. It is deemed necessary to revisit most of the
research question is: sites to re-check details to be assured of their
RQ2: Has online branding which includes online con- accuracy.
tent, website ease of use and interactivity been The unit analysis includes the content of the web-
implemented in the Telco industry in Indonesia site consisting of an online brand attribute, the ease of
use of the website, and the interactivity of 7 (seven)
Research Methods official websites of telecommunication companies in
Indonesia observed in June 2021. To obtain an objec-
This study is conducted by analyzing the content tive result, coding is performed by two people, namely
on the website. The advantage of using content ana- Coder I and II. The coding is done by the author and
lysis as a research method is that it is not intrusive, can assisted by the assistant of the author. The purpose of
be supported by unstructured materials, is context- why there is more than one coder is to obtain agree-
sensitive and thus able to process symbolic forms, and ment, or mutual agreement, to meet a high level of
can handle large volumes of data, Krippendorff (1980). reliability. The reliability of the reliability test resulted
The benefits of this technique are seen as the same as from Coder I and II is tested with the Hoslti formula
examining online media such as websites. The steps test (Holsti, 1968). Reliability is shown in the agree-
taken in content analysis techniques refer to McMillan ment percentage–how much of an inter-coder equation
(2000), namely formulating research questions and/or is accepted when assessing content. In the Holsti for-
hypotheses, selecting samples, determining categories, mula, the tolerable minimum reliability score is 0.7, or
training coders to determine reliability, and, lastly, 70%. Therefore, if the calculation result shows a relia-
analyzing and interpreting data (Hashim, Hasan & bility score above 0.7, it means the gauge is reliable and
Martini: Website as an Communication Tool and Branding Strategy in Telecommunication Companies 85

vice versa (Wang, 2011). From the calculation result website attributes). This view of the online branding is
and coding performed for the whole unit analysis, the the result of a month of observation. Websites are con-
reliability coefficient score towards categorization of sidered a form of communication, and messages seek
website content of telecommunication companies is to be identified through this research, and content
71.4%, the reliability coefficient score for website ease analysis is considered the most appropriate for the type
of use is 85.7%, and the reliability coefficient for inter- of research in question. In order to facilitate coding,
activity is 74.6%. Thus, it can be concluded that the use manual coding instruments were prepared (Kolbe &
of variables in analyzing website content in this study Burnett, 1991; Lombard, Snyder‐Duch, & Bracken,
is reliable. 2002). Manual coding is intended to provide opera-
The content of this study was analyzed through tional definitions and examples pertinent to the final
the company's official site. To answer research ques- coding (Kolbe & Burnett, 1991). Table 2 summarizes
tions, coding procedures are performed at the level of the coding manual used in this study.
the presence or absence of website attributes on each Descriptive analysis is used to answer research
company's website, encoded based on Y (there are questions by using frequency distribution tables to get
websites and website attributes) or N (no websites and a sense of data processing outcomes. Manikandan

Table 2
Manual Coding
Category Definition and Example Coding Strategy
Portal sites owned and Domain/site with www. Y if it has a company site
managed directly by the N if it does not have a company site.
Updating The content and information on the website are Y if update.
updated as of the most recent date. N if not update.
Value Added Unique, original or proprietary content or Y if the website has content with value added in it.
information which may not be obtained elsewhere. N if the website does not contain value-added
Examples of this value-added content include video content in it.
content, case studies, research studies, report books,
promotional offers, tutorials, and blog posts.
Customization A website with a unique design and features initiated Y if the website has a customizable design.
by the user. N if the website does not have a customizable
Support Richness Richness relates to the complexity and content of the Y if the website support richness.
message. The web enables messages rich in text, N if the website does not support richness.
audio and video to be sent to several people
Direct email address Direct email address refers to an email address Y if the website has a direct email address.
issued as identification for anyone who sends or N if the website does not have a direct email address.
receives a secure message directly.
Mailing address Mailing address for business mailing purposes. Y if the website has a mailing address.
N if the website does not have a mailing address.
Telp Number availability Phone number refers to the availability of a fix line Y if the website has a Telephone Number.
number that can be contacted. N if the website does not have a Telephone Number.
Home button available The home button refers to the main home/main Y if the website has a home button.
dashboard feature on the website. N if the website does not have a home button.
Sitemap Sitemap menu is a map feature to show the location Y if the website has a Sitemap
of the office. N if the website does not have a sitemap.
Language use Language use menu refers to the choice of languages Y if the website has language use.
that can be used when using the website. N if the website does not have language use.
FAQ FAQs refer to the Q&A service features that Y if the website has a FAQ
consumer ask for the most and can be clicked N if the website does not have an FAQ.
directly on the website.
Customer care Customer care refers to customer service that can be Y if the website has Customer care
contacted on the website. N if the website does not have customer care.
Logo and firm name in All types of corporate identities such as logos, Y if the website has a logo and firm name in every
every page company names, colors that can be identified on page.
every page of the website. N if the website does not have a logo and firm name
in every page.
Chat room An online service that provides a place for a Y if the website has a chat room.
community of users with similar interests to N if the website does not have a chat room.
communicate in real time.

(2011) defined frequency distribution as an organized UK have used the company's website to establish com-
tabulation or graphical representation of the number of munication and build an online brand presence. Re-
individuals in each category on a measurement scale. search by Barreda et al. (2016) proved the relationship
The use of frequency distribution tables in this study is between interactivity websites and brand equity. Table
because frequency distribution tables are the most 4 provides the frequency of how telecommunication
common type of tabulation used to indicate the fre- companies in Indonesia use their websites for commu-
quency distribution with the aim of comparing data nication and branding purposes.
that has a different number of subjects (Manikandan,
2011). The frequency distribution also makes it possi- Table 4
ble for researchers to view all the data comfortably Results for Distribution Frequency
(Gravetter, Wallnau, Forzano, & Witnauer, 2020). Online Frequ- Percentage Total
Branding ency (%) Percentage
Results and Discussion Update 7 100
Website Value added 7 100
The purpose of this research is to examine the use Content Customization 7 100
of websites by companies that fall under the category 100
Support Richness 7 100
of telecommunications companies registered with the Direct Email 7 100
Asosiasi Telekomunikasi Seluruh Indonesia (ATSI). Email Address 7 100
Website address information is obtained by directly Telp Number 7 100
accessing the website address that the Google search Home Button 7 100
Sitemap 6 86
engine displays for each company. Data was obtained Website
Language 6 86
from each company's website in June 2021, as pre- Ease of
Use FAQ 5 71
sented in Table 3. Customer Care 7 100
Logo 7 100
Table 3 Chat room 5 71
List of Website Address RSS Feed 6 86
Blog 1 14
Name of Company Site Address Website
Comment 0 0 53.06
Indosat Interativity
Mobile Content 7 100
Social Networking 7 100
Hutchinson UGC 0 0
Telkomsel Based on Table 4, it can be shown that 100% of
Smartfren Telco companies in Indonesia have utilized the website
XL Axiata content on their corporate website for online branding
strategy. Websites from each company have already
Table 3 shows that all telecommunications com- updated their content, provide additional value, and
panies in this study have a Web domain that is used as have a website with a customized design and are sup-
the company's official site. Based on these findings, it ported by richness that presents content through text,
can be said that all telco companies in Indonesia al- audio, and video.
ready have an official website that can be used for the Aspects of ease of use websites have a percentage
purposes of the company's branding strategy. Research value of 93.65%, which means that most of the telco
on the use of websites as a business strategy states that companies in Indonesia have a website that is easy to
websites contribute to the provision of information to use by users. Based on the data in table 3, it can be seen
consumers, provide e-commerce capabilities, and en- that almost all telco companies already have basic
courage the development of interactive relationships features that are easy to use in obtaining email address-
between companies and their customers (Vlahvei et es, company phone numbers, home buttons, customer
al., 2013). Furthermore, Vlahvei et al. (2013) suggest care, and company logos on every page of their web-
that many companies are aware of the need for web- site. However, regarding the availability of FAQs on
sites for their businesses, but they do not have clear the website, there are still 2 (two) companies that do
direction on how to utilize their websites to build a not include FAQs on their websites, including those
strong brand identity. Utilizing the website for bran- that do not have sitemap features and language options
ding strategies has been proven by Rowley (2009), on their websites, which means the percentage of ease
who researched how premium retail businesses in the of use websites is not yet maximized.
Martini: Website as an Communication Tool and Branding Strategy in Telecommunication Companies 87

Website interactivity is the dimension that has the company/product/service, increasing equity, and great-
smallest percentage on the websites of the telecom- er customer loyalty (Aaker, 1991; Kapferer, 1992).
munication companies in Indonesia, amounting to The research conducted by Ibeh et al. (2005) also de-
53.06%. This indicates that telco companies have not monstrated a high degree of connectivity to the import-
maximized the interactive features on their websites. ance of on-line branding and collaborative consumer
As shown in Table 3, comment functionality and user- adoption strategies in brand development. Collabora-
generated content (UGC) are two features that are not tive strategies include online and offline brand co-
available on all of the websites. The blog function is branding activities, distribution partnerships, aggregate
only used by one company, while other companies do content, and the deployment of products and services
not include the blog function on their websites. The tailored to more personalized email (Ibeh et al., 2005).
chat room function is also only used by 5 (five) out of The second objective of the research is to deter-
7 (seven) companies, proving that this feature is not yet mine whether online branding, which includes online
part of the branding strategy of 2 (two) telecommu- content, web usability, and interactivity, has been im-
nication companies in Indonesia. While the interacti- plemented in the telecommunication industry in Indo-
vity features that have been maximized by these com- nesia. Based on the results of the study, it may be stated
panies on their websites are mobile content and social that all telecommunications companies in Indonesia
networking, where each company has a link that di- have maximized their websites for enterprise online
rects users to the company's social media, any content branding strategy. They had already implemented a
from their website can also be accessed on mobile branding strategy for their websites by creating up-to-
devices. date content, being able to convey corporate messages
through updated content, being able to convey the
Discussion company messages to customers from different back-
grounds, and having unique content that is considered
The primary objective of this research is to deter- able to communicate the uniqueness of company iden-
mine whether the Indonesian telecommunication in- tity. Based on these results, it can be mentioned that the
dustry has a website as part of its online branding stra- website content of all telecommunication companies is
tegy. Based on the results, it can be seen that all tele- viewed from the content update uploaded, the added
communication companies in Indonesia already have value given in interactive features, and the uniqueness
a website that can be used as part of the company's
of the feature that is easy to navigate and able to display
branding strategy. Online branding through a website
information that is not ambiguous for the user, which
is inevitable in today's technological era because its
has been implemented by Telco companies as part of
presence brings up more complex and dynamic ele-
their online branding strategy. Based on the results of
ments for branding strategies, especially in terms of
this study, telecommunication companies in Indonesia
real-time interactions and market crowds (Simmons,
2007). Research by Kenney and Curry (1999) notes have maximized the usability of their websites for
that many companies are developing new online bran- users. Customer service is also part of the brand stra-
ding strategies that can help companies create unique tegies implemented by all Indonesian telecommuni-
companies and engage consumers in the process. The cation companies without exception. This proves that
success of an online branding strategy depends on the companies are aware that the availability of customer
company's ability to understand consumer needs, mar- care that can be accessed by customers, potential cus-
keting communications, website interactivity, and con- tomers, or other stakeholders on the website is a part of
tent (Simmons, 2007). Based on this, the next step for the strategy to be able to provide good service.
telco companies in Indonesia to make the website an The website interactivity that can be analyzed
online branding tool is to manage the website with based on this study is supported by the use of websites
content and features that allow users to be comfortable connected with social networks and content that is able
when accessing the website and get valuable informa- to be accessed through mobile devices. This allows
tion so that they want to come back again to access users to connect with other Internet users on corporate
information about the company and products/services Websites as an umbrella and can be accessed more
offered in the future. freely via mobile devices. However, other interactivity
It is important for companies to manage branding aspects have yet to be fully utilized, such as free email
because of its benefits to the company in improving and chat rooms that are not owned by all seven
competitiveness, being a differentiating profile of the telecommunication companies in Indonesia, yet these

two features can support engagement between custo- It is possible that a similar study could be conducted
mers and companies and or company representatives. using the same variables but in a different industry.
Telecommunication companies did not use User-Ge-
nerated Content (UCG) on their websites. UCG, in this References
case, can support customer involvement and can cause
a sense of being a part of the brand, so these features Aaker, D. (1991). Managing brand equity: Capitalis-
should be considered to be accommodated and the use ing on the value of a brand name. New York,
of the features can be maximized on the corporate web- NY: Free Press.
site. Aaker, D. (2007). Innovation: Brand it or lose it. Cali-
fornia Management Review, 50(1), 8–24. https://
Conclusion and Implication
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be used in corporate online branding strategy. In their branding through interactivity theory. Tourism
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the majority of telecommunication companies in Indo- an.2016.06.007
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