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Pl ality Pe mS eae xs.) . ea) TTT) Panes VOCABULARY THE BODY: HEALTH “1 Lao tthe pictures BE. How may parts ofthe — yi rayon tlle awl “ = had uch with a tend yesterday mone how he Are you a Multi-tasker?, yo ee ansrered the text mesages had two sot phone fonverators checed her eral fered er fon tt Srdpais fore nen th one how one an dn op {ating for more thon afew second Nye espe rate nets roma any pose BU ot ooo, READING ‘What happens when you multi-task? 1 veut ou orate yu wr he eA dia tine cor dyn 2 veut menaryats wore ou font anes end romte Yorn enentr cma nrc ooamps Yours onrumber 8 rover ast anyousat on mh ou nk Bonyareodonnyove eng 4 outa pobans we re aed ees Yo Sento en eta ane fe. 5 You sosane as bay You natin eae Youre dng otros ot Desc oe 6 snty~anainassne gone you tes ves uo as ges ode comune, © ‘What can you do about it? Iesvoreay One thngat atin When ou a at Srp thy emenbmy rend? Net wack were gg ome a {hep ow eres owe raed etna Iustahandistn Ts pan He doesn Aron p° Meryeuinan nathan VOCABULARY COMMUNICATION 2.8 Lookat the ward me ow nd cross ou the eee ~o J am ‘amples te ote 2 Doyaudweye ova rit ey? 3 Doyou yor pow a ie? 4 ieteong fryauto—nerereten gen? stone nswers? ‘work pos and ake uns, At nd answer “on ¥en 2 Kano ssny coma tterettar aero ese 1 Carga tabi, Us he renin tnt in Erie seem, (page 140 LANCURCUBANK 4 ott etn ee 11a when the esha pss 2a. ue ehh Teyhor 281 in pk nan ‘wooden re remory. Ganda) S when hn nc Sr 8 eos ot saunas 7 ere 2 wan EE ‘queue! 18 ues et to werlcho Uneaten? SPEAKING WRITING ‘ADVERBS IN STORIES 15 & Lock ot picture A-O. Wht cd you think happened? 1 Seedy Ken! a8 okt 1 Uae the prompt to wit he stay. Ramenber to 1 On Suan Kango up, ae beset ee. change sho adctas nwo box wom it avers ‘han add ine af thom oyu tay Eure 6A ‘st: Sa wih" ws tn Saran 73 )) HELP! VOCABULARY VERBS OF MOVEMENT 1 Lak tthe suction bl Wich Inagerhes ond opus of ean pk he ooh FUNCTION OFFERING TO HELP 2 feed he etic and gest theming ob me. The most helpful city ‘hen somone seus psn nob do they sap ander Jrwacon eter he US: eed one he Sesion erent etsy new Thy oan Twente at Ser aa dl thne evernere tS cu 2) karen eating sng ite art ana dep neha fon 1) Arn ta tte bg ep sone pape 4 ira peson ye cs toad ‘hay od at pole n panchspecing ces were say te Tostheoi Nat San Seva and Manca hy ech sored Naty. People nese cs doe mah asad ced tarps oie tir Poe n How Yok crs ea x et ther worhtan ota orware nah Thy as hy "cmon of apts tno de orb pecpbget any wth thm, ote mot hy the ete ‘neon © 2 stan rn conraiee ct oun 8 8 g --¥~ eon, Nee thet ny al eer © cater et sttnn ha hpeng 1 gs trating ae, eho 9 rs 1 po 148 LANCURGEBANK LEARN TO freeway trop when comes tery ut the crearestion (Hakan eres), (Briere Ny [reenter =) PWR 4 2s q Ves Dvp VIEW ‘American Speakout alpanel discussion writeback a website message 3.8 wn the OVD an csc your answers tthe coe @ Horizon: Sugar 1 t Versus Fat i isonet yg os oie Whi tone so, ftir an bern BO incest Xan vin Tuien goon eee terete month Chien high po! nd {nd Kaden ony hots no ‘heydosnuntr emperor camel eee eee Be inthe indo te dovghna tr Pre eipest eerie ae 4 choose dhe favorite ype of dash 11 é .5(( LOOKBACK W THE BODY: HEALTH 41 Complete the dialogues. Diciogue 1 A: What's wrong? What's wrong with you? B: Ihave a terrible co Arunnyn____, a bad s_r_ thr A: Ian stay here. I'm off! Diologue 2 A: Mya hurt, my hurt, [think | have a bad fu B: Do yau have a t_mp_r_t__ A: Yes, what can | do? Diclogue 3 A: Ihave an awful bid B: Myf_ng_ A: Mye_e_ are t_rd. B: Myb_ck “shad, A&B: We don't know what we have! hurt @ lot B Work in pairs. Read the dialogues. © SHOULD/SHOULDNT 2 A Road tho situations and make a note of what the person should/shouldn't do. f@) My arm hurts, so | can't use ‘my computer. | have to finish 3 report by tomorrow. by | have a terrible backache, Im {going on vacation tomorrow, and hava two heavy bags to carry ©) Ihave a headache and a bad sore throat. Ihave an important interview for a new job ‘omarraw. ) My leg hurts, so I can't walk very farm going out tomorrow right, snd | want to dance. B Work in pairs and take turns. Role-play the four situations above Using your ides ® COMMUNICATION ‘3 Workin pairs. Match phrases 16 with 6). Then ask and snewer the questions 1 How many text messages © 2 Do you ever get 3 Can you have 4 What do you do when you forget 5 Do you remember 8 Da you ever turn aff ‘a a conversation and wateh TV at ‘the same time? 1) your phone? When? ©) do-yousene @ day? everyone's name in the class? 2) someone's name and they remember yours? 9 text messages in English? @ ADVERBS OF MANNER 4A Write the opposite adverbs. 1 early late 2 loudly 2 lowly 4 well 5 carelessly B Complete the sentences with ‘verb from the box below and an ‘adverb of your choice | spoekts) cette) eats) drivets) welds) goles) | [tobed 4 1 too 2 Bryne v0 fon their cell phones: 8 My closest friend 4 Everyone: too (© Work in groups and take turns. (One student: Say one of your ‘sentences. Othar students: Give ‘advice or say your opinion using should/shouldn'c. ‘A: Everyone talks too loudly on their ‘cell phones. B: Yes, they should speak quietly. ® OFFERING TO HELP '5 Work in pars. What can you say in ach situation? 4 You're a a friend's house, and she breaks some gesses 2 You're walking down the strect, and someone fells off his diye 3 You're on a train, and 8 women next to you becomes 4 You're at home, and you pour hot cof on a fronds shirt 5 Your friend is cutng vegetables and cuts his finger badly, 6 Your friend wants a coffee, but she doesn have enough money to buy one, GA Complete the conversation with the words in the box. {: Good morning, Can Ifyou? B: Yes, the shower in my room doesn't work. A: I send someone to look at i. BB: Thank. And when doas the City ‘Musoum open? A: Lat look on the computer It opens at ten today. B: Thanks, And can you get! me @ ‘taxi to go to the museum? A: No problem, | cal for one now? B: In about an hour, please. A: Cortainly B: Thanks ot. A: You welcome, 8 Work in pairs. Practice the ‘conversation. soasaa? A vn ar os + ult ka of _Yyartenaramarney ster 5 omy fo ie oO ont ann on a oy [| Us atu int gan Yeu seagate nan se ove ort seal when semetng enone. Yeu hevoto ara on 20 ra: NOT Yoshino th gh Nowa Yo aad ry th nu. NOT Yosh sy hr FE] ers cin ert te ey Most decay to vey [eet cranny aowes onargin-nr +y eh) a active andrgin in surges) tere tary ‘ond vl i {58 NOT oy regu arte Neetu ew NOT pera ow coy Use ir el mare to ey how you do saneting cay stn all She sats gy se eit fe to sy wh au eae ec hed eer, She ha eh ae, US ater wtheete, "ate ay Use enter th cine. He bod eer Wane arf aw afjcties Tho Svs tawil fel taria Daven any go arth vrk, Jered ory OR ter ste ver pare started worker She dave her car sc (nee the end ctw sweeten cprene, Taried ot werk cary. Sh ewe te the stare guy FER) Olering To Hoty ‘rrovems | otors ng esposis ore thie ESET) ee, waco, Tetons, |enagss jar |Tigtoven | Nera 0 | Pati oo Use ONO nh, Lat na Sow + ive to te hl PRACTICE 1 Complote questions 1-6, Then match sam we ropes on 1 1 mn tn.) Kren on 2 Ban doen ete car ct el pons een? 2 Kak ty ar sar we 4 Some teres evry srying nls =oeanere 5 Ny engi ort to rv n Sth nee, ‘em Soa? 1 Ta wr so may word wn dot tr ivan abetrene detonay? (9 Yor you saute ne. 19 Ys they shou es portent pation 1 No bahar. Th ol ee fr (2 No. you Baka. Cal ber eer (8 Yes she sud ah es ewig, 1 Ye, you sho it on Engin on 1 Compt te sntenas. Us the net o aver rw ence wa ry ‘cpt eo the ‘Sree boat) ‘mp 4 Sho The bys ig We hare wou aa ae 1: do ndaretand ie homme &___me ook) Conaration 9 {My bard eR ant cary se Beane ery ea 8 Do you thnk oy meray reo to por? 4 Yo eck th eae ek pdr user 5 Ty by eo enone 5 Slonistres Sow aremton 7 0 an tng Wee eee eee tala wanna aniseed rong. 0 gt wy Kettle 750 onde ie ck cee We rp Eee of Uo the ‘haw Buna. ond dere hae tower | Compt te sc conversations aw US the vrs mn parntosee to ap Bt Rew? ten Ashton tobe ana BL mm eyes—— foprd ‘ner ot ay change er ne para mace, Lesson 6.1 MONTHS AND ORDINAL NUMBERS: 1 ornate stead alien ech ment, 1st Da, m3 h asa 8th a- - a F SEPTEMBER, Em 12th 20th TE 3rd ro Oth Lesson 8.2 APPEARANCE AND CLOTHES 2 wc whi words are asecsives inf uncouratie pons, cencabl inglr rons sg unt pura wou Losson 11.1 BODY PARTS “1 auton names oth ay prt ith the tn. aan

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