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Mr Altaf Hussain, MQM Founder & Leader, is usually recognised as the

leader of the third largest political party in Pakistan. He is the first and
only leader in Pakistan who introduced a new trend in the political
culture by giving a non-feudal based political philosophy and forming a
true democratic, liberal and progressive political party, which is the
sole representative of educated middle class masses, minorities and
have-nots. The people of Pakistan are well aware of his political
ideologies and statements. However, only a few know that Altaf
Hussain is not only a political leader but also a genuine thinker, who
expresses comprehensive ideas and analysis on various subjects of life
during sessions with his workers. These opinions and statements are
not only novel but also thought provoking.

With regards to the philosophy of “realism and practicalism”, Mr Altaf

Hussain has time and again expressed his views during his addresses.
Now he has compiled his philosophy in comprehensive form, which is
being presented for your study. We hope that this philosophy of Altaf
Hussain would inspire new thoughts amongst the intellectuals.

Dr Imran Farooq
Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM)

Date: -- 08 July 2003



The philosophy of Realism and Practicalism is a criterion for checking

the righteousness, evilness, wrongness, truthfulness and falseness of
everything. This includes philosophies, ideologies, theories, policies,
concepts, systems including medieval, modern and prevailing system
of governing a country or institutions. It is also helpful for checking
the truthfulness, concoctions, lies of statements, analytical write-ups,
columns, versions and perceptions either generated, created,
emanated or given by different quarters, elements, institutions or

What is Realism?

Realism is an act of accepting reality in its actual spirit and essence

including facts, physical universe, events, necessities of life, ground
realities, favourable or unfavourable situations, conditions and
atmosphere, as they are, as opposed to the abstract or ideal. In this
regard a practical approach be adopted rather than having ideal,
moral, religious or romantic approach. It does not matter whether one
likes or dislikes things as they are or appear to be rather than as one
might wish them to be. For example, Sun rises from the east whether
one likes or dislikes the phenomenon.

Similarly, there are many systems of running the governments

prevailing throughout the world (existence of systems of governance),
which are prevailing in all sovereign countries for example democratic
system, socialist system, monarchical system and medieval feudal
system etc. One may like one or two or may be more but some may
dislike all.

Unfortunately, in Pakistan, since its inception (1947), medieval feudal

system is still in vogue. The existence of feudal system in Pakistan is
a reality but in 21st Century it is a common knowledge that this
medieval system is a great hurdle in the progress and prosperity of the
country and the nation as well.

Likewise with all existing fruits and vegetables like bananas, mangoes,
cherries, carrots, onions etc. Whether you like or dislike them, their
existence is a reality. Real existing things have other realities in them.
For example, some fruits and vegetables have bitter or sour taste. If
one knows this fact that some people are allergic to those fruits that
have sour taste and whenever they eat such fruit they might get a
problem of sore throat. So, they should avoid eating such fruits
having sour taste. Fish, eggs, etc are also a reality but some people
are severely allergic to them, therefore, those who are allergic to them
must avoid having it or eating it.

The existence of eatables is a reality and this is also a reality that

some foods are not good for health. So the existence and accepting
things in its actual spirit and essence must also be understood and this
fact also be taken into consideration that what is good and what is bad
and what is beneficial or what is harmful for human beings at large.
This way of realising things is known as Realism in its actual spirit and

What is Practicalism?

An act of doing things, making or taking decisions, adopting means

and ways in accordance with the actual spirit and essence of reality
(realities) and realism is called Practicalism.

For example when one sees and observes that there are lackings and
shortcomings in any prevailing system and one thinks that positive
steps and corrective measures should be taken to make the system
better and beneficial for the people at large. To obtain better and
beneficial results, one has to take positive steps and corrective
measures through committed, well-determined manner and hard work.
This way of acting and making all efforts practically is called

In other words Practicalism means an action taken or a policy made

after detailed analysis and consideration – taking into account all the
consequences and repercussions of such action(s) rather than theory,
dogmas or creed – ensures successful results.


Practicalism means that any idea, theory or doctrine should be

applicable practically not only verbally or theoretically.


Practicalism also means that ideas should not be based merely on

truth but can change the world with success practically.

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