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Page 1
Lesson Objectives:

• Decision Making Statements

• If statement,if else, nested if
• Switch statement
• Iteration Statements
• While Loop
• Do while Loop
• For Loop
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Page 2

• A decision asks a question that can be answered true or

false, yes or no. Decisions are widely used in most
• A decision can be thought of as having three parts: a test
condition to be examined, one or more instructions to
follow when the test condition is true, and one or more
instructions to follow when the test condition is false.
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Page 3
Logical Operators:

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Page 4
if Statement:

• Its a conditional statement which is used to make

• It is used when a single condition is to be checked.
• A condition is enclosed in if statement which decides the
sequence of execution of instruction.
• If the condition is true, the statements inside if statement
are executed, otherwise they are skipped.
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Page 5
If Statement:

• Structure syntax

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Page 6
If Example:

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Page 7
If Example:

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Page 8
If Else:

• It is used to control the program flow based on some

condition, only the difference is: it's used to execute some
statement code block if the expression is evaluated to true,
otherwise executes else statement code block.

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Page 9
If else structure:

• Structure Syntax

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Page 10
If Else Example:

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Page 11
If else example:

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Page 12
Nested if else:

• It is used for multiple branching.

• When there are two or more conditions that needs to be
checked to decide which block of statement is to be
executed, it is used.
• The number of else if statements depends upon the
number of conditions to be checked

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Page 13
Nested if Structure :

• Structure Syntax

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Page 14
Nested If Example :

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Page 15
Nested If Example :

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Page 16
Task :

• Write a program that captures a students mark and

displays the equivalent Division as shown

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Page 17 Statement

• allows a variable to be tested for equality against a list of

• Each value is called a case, and the variable being
switched on is checked for each case.

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Page 18
Switch Structure/syntax:

• Structure Syntax

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Page 19
If :

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Page 20

1. Write a C++ program that requests an integer value from

the user. If the value is between 1 and 100 inclusive, print
“OK;” otherwise, do not print anything
2. Write a C++ program that requests an integer value from
the user. If the value is between 1 and 100 inclusive, print
“OK;” otherwise, print “Out of range.”

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Page 21

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Page 22
Iteration :

• Iteration repeats the execution of a sequence of code.

• Iteration is useful for solving many programming
• They include
• While statement
• Do while statement
• For statement
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Page 23
loop Control Statements:

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Page 24
While Loop :

• allows to repeatedly run the same block of code until a

condition is met.
• It has one control condition, and executes as long the
condition is true.

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Page 25
While Example :

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Page 26
Do While :

• They are very similar to the while loops, but it always

executes the code block at least once and furthermore as
long as the condition remains true.

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Page 27
Do while Example :

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Page 28
for Loop :

• It is very similar to a while loops in that it continues to

process a block of code until a statement becomes false,
and everything is defined in a single line.

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Page 29
For Loop example :

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Page 30

• Using a loop of your choice, write a program that accepts

the quantity sold and unit price of 3 items and displays in
the format below

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Page 31

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