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Create Your Own Future

Success Factor #1 – Your Potential Is Unlimited - Take complete

control over your mind, and learn to unlock your special powers to attract
whatever you want into your life.
Success Factor #2 – Clarity Is Critical - You must be absolutely clear
about the things you want to achieve and the person you want to become.
Success Factor #3 – Knowledge Is Power – Learn everything you need
to know to be an expert in your field. Read continually, listen to audio
programs and take every course you can to stay ahead of your competitors.
Success Factor #4 – Mastery Is Magical - Resolve today to become
absolutely excellent at what you do. Develop your skills to a high level, and
resolve to be among the top 10% in your field. This will help you more than
anything else.
Success Factor #5 – Attitude Is Everything - Become a totally positive
person, so that people like you and want to be around you and help you.
Think and talk only about the things you want, and refuse to think or talk
about the things you don’t want.
Success Factor #6 – Relationships Are Essential - Develop a strategy
for expanding your network of contacts and improving your key
relationships in every part of your life. The more people who know you and
like you, the more doors they will open for you.
Success Factor #7 – Money Matters - Make a habit of saving your
money. Start with 1% of your income, and then gradually build up to 10%,
20% and 30%. A person with money in the bank attracts more opportunities
and good fortune than a person who is broke most of the time.
Success Factor #8 – You Are A Potential Genius - Unlock your inborn
creativity by constantly looking for ways to get results faster, better and
cheaper. . There is no problem that you cannot solve, and no goal that you
cannot achieve by applying the incredible power of your mind.
Success Factor #9 – Results Determine Rewards – Concentrate single
mindedly on getting the most important results possible in everything you
do. Focus continually on your highest priorities, on the most valuable use of
your time, every minute of every day.
Success Factor #10 – Seize The Day! - Develop the habit of action
orientation, the essential quality of all successful people. Get going, get
busy, move fast. Practice a “sense of urgency.” Stay in continuous motion in
the direction of your goals.
Success Factor #11 – Character Counts - Become a thoroughly good
person. The better a person you become on the inside, by practicing the
qualities of character that you most admire and respect, the better will be the
quality of your life on the outside.
Success Factor #12 – Dare To Go Forward - Have the courage to begin,
and the persistence to continue. Resolve in advance that you will never give
When you combine all of these factors together, you will become a successful


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