About Tata

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I will start with number zero because, like zeroth law precedes the first law of

thermodynamics, this precedes everything.

0. TATA is the most ethical company in entire India, if not world.

1. After 26/11 attacks on taj, among many things that Ratan TATA did, one was that he
personally was there in Mumbai and made sure that whoever was affected due to attacks
was arranged psychological counseling. And he did this all without any fuss on media or
any publicity.

2. TATA declined a huge project in an African country just because its effluents would
pollute a lake which will threaten their endangered species. When world and UN opposed
the project the Government stiffly went ahead. Then UN recommended at least give the
contract to TATA. They care about the environment as much as their customer.

3. TATA is in every goddamn business. But you will never see them in Alcohol business,
cigarette business and Entertainment business. Never.

4. Way back in early twentieth century a TATA family member (I don't remember the
name) wrote his elder why to endure so much with so much of sacrifice, what good it is to
us? (He was aged and he had become very weary) The reply was whatever is good for the
country is good for us and it must be done.

5. TATA is the first company to start Provident fund way before it was mandated by

6. It was the first company to start a daycare for children whose mothers are working in
company and had no one to take care of at home. It also started giving maternity leave
much before it became law.

7. TATA never gives and take bribe. It is strict company policy.

8. It has its own administrative exam (like UPSC, its called TAS)

9. TATA motors is the first company from India to endorse Lionel Messi as global brand

10. Large percentage of all the TATA companies earning goes to TATA trust which is
never used for commercial or selfish purpose.

11. Cyrus Mistry, son of construction tycoon Pallonjee Mistry is only the second non
TATA person becoming the head of TATA group. First being Sir Nowroji Saklatwala.
Cyrus Mistry was only 46 when he took the Rein's of TATA group in 2012.

12. TATA's have built world class institutes like IISC, TATA institute of fundamental
research (TIFR), TATA institute of social science (TISS) and many more.

13. Leadership:
 TATA communications: the world's only wholly owned fiber ring around the
 TATA global beverages: Second largest tea company in the world.
 TATA chemicals: worlds second largest manufacturers of soda ash.
 TATA motors: among the top 10 commercial vehicle in the world.
 TCS: second largest IT service in the world by market cap and profit.

14. Pioneering initiative

 Established first steel plant.

 Started the first power plant.
 Pioneer civil aviation
 Brought insurance to the country
 Started country's first chain of luxury hotels
 Manufactured India's first indigenous passenger car, TATA indica.

15. Fast facts:

 Number of employees: over 600,000

 International presence: over 80 countries.
 Tata group revenue: over $108 billion (2014-15)

16. TATA group believes in the parsi legend, humata hukhta hvarshata, which means
good thoughts, good words and good deeds.

17. And of course TATA is the largest business group in India.

There is so much about Tata group, that You can go on and on and on.

A family which had migrated from greater Iran to Gujarat in 19th century has built a
legend in India.

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