Bio Notes

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Approach for understanding underlying assumptions.

It's those moments when we where I used to think this and now I think this. You might have
come across this word dogma. Dogma is a set of principles or beliefs laid down by an
authority as incontrovertible true. This is the truth. OK. So evolution, financial selection was
a moment. We were a chicken and egg, and we went, oh, this is what we understand about
evolution. And then the egg cracked open because we had a whole load of new
understanding. We went. The way we used to think. Completely different. We now have new
evidence and new thoughts. Dogma. Changed. I heard March. Did you say economics? You
talked about this. Can you tell me how you talked about in economics? Thank you. How did
it change? Yeah. Thank you. So it was a change in dogma. It was the principles. We said this
is the most important thing we changed that. Can anyone think of another example? My
brother usually goes to ones in science 'cause that's my background, so I know that there are
some that key in physics and chemistry. Does anyone know of any moments where we've
had a real shift in our thinking?

So. We used to use the word the theory of evolution. We have so much evidence that we
believe. But this will never be falsified, however. As a scientist, I have to be open to new
evidence. Are we OK with what a paradigm shift is? Shift in our way of thinking we OK, we
gotta Dogma is principles and beliefs that are agreed upon by most of the community. So.
We don't use that word anymore, but we are still open to evidence and the sealer camp.
Anyone remember the coelacanth was the thing that I would like. Oh yeah, the the fish. The
fish with legs. The Coelacanth, Yes. See. I think it possibly hasn't. The fish that has feats. As
the intermediate. I saw way of thinking about how evidence changes. OK.

Right, yes. Great question. We're going to be looking at analysis of allele frequency and gene
pool May on Friday. We can do quite a bit of maths on Friday. 3. Because we look to see
what is it about these illegal frequencies why do they change OK can you head to team for
me please and find the link for the

Certain creatures are more likely to survive than others, and having learnt elative offspring
actually enhances promotes natural selection. OK. And the peppered moth is an example.

In the case of the Peppered Moth, we're just looking at intra specific competition. You were?
For resources, you're trying to get all of that food, all of the resources that you need. But if I
add, it's not just that if I added a Falcon, if I add an eagle, if I added a few other species, we
start to get interspecific. So this is the same definition. With different species. We're going to
talk about intraspecific competition quite a bit today.

Is out. Previous probably from about here to that. Probably about 2 1/2, maybe 3 metres
said on how old one of the Peacock feathers. Quite heavy, surprisingly heavy. Just imagine.
All of these feathers. That's a lot of effort and weights that they're going to have to carry.
And this is the peahen, this is the Peacock. Yes, we can laugh at those words. Let's move on.
OK, this is the female, this is the mail. OK, the female is often quite round, dull colours and
ale is flamboyant. We mentioned this word on our trip. Do you remember it? Oh yeah. Wells
in females. Is there another page there? I said. I think so. I think this is one the male and
female. Have different. Yes, features. Spider crabs. Sales, yeah. So this dimorphism. Is an
indication to the Peahens that hey. I'm ready to make it as a selection pressure to say this is
something that I'm so strong, I so healthy, I've got so many resources that I can. Stand on my
feathers a 'cause if you are a sick individual not able to access food. Talk to me about what
this would look like. They will probably win. Stand up. What else? There won't be as
colourful. What else? Don't dare to do that because this service of getting. Exactly. So there's
a huge amount of risk when we do what's called courtship behaviours.

Ah. Sexual selection. So choosing a mate. Depending upon. Their characteristics. This might
be their form. How colourful they are. This might be their behaviour. Look at me, I can do
this beautiful dance. But it also gives us a little bit of indication about natural selection. Can
you whisper to the person next to you? How does this connect back to survival of the fittest,
natural selection? What about an individual who doesn't have this flamboyance to the
person next year less? Adjusted and adapted to the environment and they will read so well.
What is the left is close adaptively. The the ones who like getting the most. Yeah, right. One
with the good looking. Depending on how they're treated, yeah, OK, what is? He went this
species. But maybe a closely related species. What would she think? What are you doing?
You're quite frightening. Go away. Yeah, so it is most definitely a behaviour that is inherited.
To some extent. Influenced by the environment? So there are some bird species. Adapt. That
song. You know, a little cheeky minor birds outside. Yeah, the along with the little yellow on
them. They're very good at mimicking. So they can. If they hear a mobile phone ringtone.
They can't, after all, stop copying it. Yeah. And so. If. The female is attracted towards a
particular song. Not welcome towards you will make some will have offspring. Those
offspring are likely to inherit the behaviour. Are they going to inherit the song? No, no. So
the song is influenced by the environment. But the ability to sing. Is probably inherited. We
see this with Wales as well. Whales have a particular song that can be then inherited pass on
the female whales can detect it but when noticing that whale song is changing unfortunately
due to the amount of shipping that we have and the low tone frequency. Of our ships about
Engine is disturbing the low frequency of our whale song behaviour, so they now can't find
each other and mate. What was that from our previous unit?

Maybe temporal, perhaps even geographic isolation. Yeah, because they can't find each
other to mate. If. I have the best feathers if they are the shiniest feathers. They are, if you
like, the fittest. Yeah. And this usually gives us an idea that they can access. Page. So yes, as
well as being beautiful like this, they're probably able to hunt their probably able to access
resources in order to have these flamboyant feathers or the particular behaviour. So chances
are, the pecan is going to go. Like those feathers. And that's going to lead to mate selection.
So we talk about here sexual selection. We've been talking about. Troll selection. Yeah. This
is now sexual selection. Natural selection is can you get food? Can you survive? Can you have
offspring? Sexual selection is are you more likely to mate because of maybe certain
behaviours or certain colours or certain features? Which means that we are likely to see a
difference in the ones that can survive. And more likely to breed and have offspring. So the
next generation are going to be the ones that have these really nice shiny feathers able to do
this behaviour. OK. Anyone see a problem? Caitlin. Eventually, they might. That. Will.
Chances of survival? Such as? Look at me. Oh dear, Just go eat. So again, it depends upon
the environmental conditions. In this case then have to worry too much about predators.
Yeah, so having these really big feathers is not too much of an issue unless it does make
them more vulnerable. So this is, again, coming back to the environment in which they're in.
Why is it good? Because it's attracting the females and the females are more likely to mate,
yeah. But there is a real negative to this, so it's like being. Fancy. But not too fancy. OK.
Those of you, when you go travelling, it's like having a nice iPhone. We're not leaving your
nice iPhone out for somebody to pinch it. Yes. OK, so we want to be fancy, but not too fancy.
OK? Otherwise it's a harm, It's a negative. And. There is the likelihoods that if you have the
certain feathers in a certain way, they can be passed on to the next generation. OK. But this
is very much influenced by the environment and influenced by behaviour. So we're using the
term sexual selection here, yeah? Yes. So it's choosing a mate based on behaviour based on
features, which may lead to the survival of individuals that have this and can pass it on to
their offspring. It can if your two flamboyance make you more vulnerable. What did this slide
is? Do you remember from the museum? Yeah. So the males release a pheromone, A
hormone to disguise them, and the males also tickle the female. So they have the head at
one end and they're trying very quickly to meet and they tickle her. So she kind of goes to
sleep and they quickly made him run away. So they don't get. For the child, because. Indeed.
OK, this one other example we need to know about is again to do with our environment and
it's these incredible rabbits, Himalayan rabbits.

Now we would see. And I'm going to use the word polymorphism. What you think that is?
Lots of different forms. You might see lots of different forms based on evolution, so maybe
we'll see spots, maybe we'll see extra fluffy ears. All the rest of it. But there is one particular.
Form in a coat colour. That is temperature sensitive. OK. So before we come to this June
member about gene expression switching on, switching off, can you quickly check in with the
person next year gene expression, what are we talking about switching on? The access.
Certain actions or certain. Yeah, it creates produces certain proteins which changes. These
Himalayan rabbits have a coat colour that is controlled by protein. Honest protein will
change, will switch on and switch off depending upon the temperature. If the temperature is
very cold, we're in the Himalayas here, so under certain degrees they're going to change to a
darker brown black colour. So you can see the one on the left. If we get these warmer
conditions, we're going to get more of the kind of albino whiter Florence to them. And hey,
we've seen this word. What's this word? Human peppered moths. Yeah. So that idea of this
protein pigments so same protein pigment, whether it's in my freckles, whether it's in the in
the peppered moth, whether it's in these rabbits, they are producing this protein. An it's
switching on depending if its temperature controlled, so the babies will get their markings a
little bit later. If the nest gets too cold or falls out, they get these darker bands in their fur
and so it helps with survival. So quickly make a note about this when the temperature
environment influences gene expression. Himalayan rabbits. I get these darker colours. And
colder environments. OK. This individual here. Can somebody think of a name for this
rabbit? Black. Black. Oh. Has had the genes expressed. Create a day for this in black not.
Black. This. Jeans switched on. This hasn't had the jeans. But. The next generation, if I had
this individual, this is. Generation. Which one is more? Guys, right. But but if you put the
North Park on the next generation and into a black environment, well, just change about.
Well, let. Right. They have the protein. I have had. Nothing happens unless that baby is in a
cold environment. Yeah. Because they've got the gene for it. Whether it's switched on us, we
stop depends on the environment. Maybe this individual is more likely to survival, less likely
to five. Yes, that will change things, but nothing happens to the genetic information because
this change is not a heritable change. Yeah, having the protein is inherited. A gene
expression. Be kind. These. OK. Have a couple. Today. Natural selection.

In the middle. All food. No, you're not. You're not going to kill them. OK, so I have. Get some
guppy fish. We're actually using this in our garden because they're really good. I bring a
shock in and he'll do that to you. We've got these in 'cause they're going to actually help us
with our composting and recycling nutrients. We're going to take some of our plant waste.
They're going to produce poo, as you can see here. We put it back in our gardens. We get a
nice kind of conferencing system going here. These two individuals are males and they're
very fancy. Can you see them? Very fancy. Have a good look at the tails. So they have wasted
energy to make fancy tails. Yeah, I've grown really big testimony, Dad. Those big tails, they're
just doing it to show off, OK? They want to be fancy. What we see happening in guppies is a
really interesting story that was discovered in the islands around Jamaica. Haiti somewhere
else. I can't remember where I scientists was looking at these guppies and how fancy they
were, particularly the males. The females are not there, quite of these dull colours to them.
And they were noticing it depending upon the depth of the water. The water was very
shallow. What do you think is the problem? Oh, I've got a fancy thing home. Yeah. So what
could we see happening in the population if the water is really shallow? And what else? So
we would see more. Males with less fancy tails, yeah. Well, they've survived. So, you know, if
this fancy one has died, 'cause the predators eating them, we're not going to have that
offspring as often. They can't change the environment, no. So this river, this stream starts
quote very shallow and eventually goes into the deeper water. The deeper water has more
kind of sediments and layers. It's a bit cloudy. So what's going to happen? What's the story?
Why are the tales bigger? It is kind of cloudy and is not not easy to be observed, yes, so
they're not easy to be observed. They're less likely to be eaten. Also their fancy. So the
female goes, oh I can see you, Whereas if they were grey darker colour, the females wouldn't
be able to see them in this cloudy water. OK, so. We need to use this as a particular example
Kate. Enjoy yourself some pretty fish. Yeah. So John, Ella and the Guppies. That it is. Please
be nice to him. He got a title, John Endless Experiments on Guppies. OK everybody. So you
are going to make notes about this, John? Endless experiments with guppies. Draw fish,
Draw some fancy fish. OK, we ready? John Endless experiments with guppies. OK, so firstly
we have sexual dimorphism. Enjoy yourself pretty fish and a kind of pale, boring fish. We
have sexual dimorphism. Can you join yourself a load of fancy fish? Because there's going to
be intraspecific competition. Draw a load of fancy fish is going to be intraspecific
competition. So. We have intraspecific competition for a mate that the males are competing
with each other to access a mate and if they have a really fancy tail. The female is likely to
make with them. We've got sexual selection. Can you make sure you got that label, sexual
selection? Competition. Have we got about courtship behaviours? Yeah. You can do this as a
drawing, it's fine. OK. So now we need to bring the story of natural selection in here. We're
going to take it to a small stream. Deep. It's quite shallow and unfortunately. There is a
Predator and he's called see Ulta Cronin, Chica. See. Yeah, we can do a bigger fish with teeth.
And say alter. Will eat anything that is particularly. Pretty and flamboyance, 'cause the water
is not very deep. So. Previously we've had sexual selection. We're now going to have natural
selection. Because the ones you will survive the males who will survive other ones who are
not so sttr Navigate to your second part of your stream, your second part of your Ripper, the
Deep River.

We've got a predator in that Rousey, Alta. We've got our fish in there are males and females.
But the females are trying to see the males in this cloudy, dirty water. So they're going to be
looking for the ones that are flamboyant. CL Theresa Predator. As we're in a second
ecosystem, yeah, we're at Down the River. OK. So in the deeper river. The females are
looking for the males and they're only going to be able to see them in this cloudy dirty water
if they are this fancy flamboyant tales to them. OK. So John Ella, the scientist who is looking
at these rivers and lakes when? What can I do? So he wanted to mix up the populations. So
he took. So if you want to write John Endler experiments, he took some of the individuals
that live in the shallow water. And put them with the predators that live in the deeper water.
There are some. There's one called our Hearty, but I'll tell you more about him in just a
minute. Yeah. Yeah, he did that in, like, in a big aquarium. Yeah. So he took these fish that
were upstream. And put it in a cloudy environments. And left him for a few generations. At a
month. Just took some. Just took a sample. OK. So over time we would see changes in the
alleles. OK. How to think about how those alleles would change? We took the ones from the
shallow water. We put them in with The Dirty water and the predator that's there in the
deeper water. How would the alleles change? You might think back to the peppered moth.
Want to draw it as a graph? How would the graph look like over several generations? How
would it change?

How did it start at the beginning of the experiment? The graph look like in terms of
frequency. And maybe we can look at that, the dull males and the colourful males. And then,
after a few generations, what would it look like? Graph 2 graphs. The experiment didn't end
there. So he then took. The ones that were offspring of the offspring of the offspring of the
offspring, Yeah. So several generations later. And he makes them back into their original
environments. So he took the offspring of the offspring of the offspring back into the original
environment. But this time he did it without the predator. And he used a different predator.
He's one that was not familiar to them. It's called our hearty. So we added a new predator in
here. This new predator. Wasn't really interested in whether it was colourful or not, it was
just catching them. So we saw a return to the previous allele frequency. So previously we
would have high in dull, low and colourful afterwards. We would have low window and high
in colourful. And then we return it back to our conditions with a new predator. Over enough
time we would see it go back to these original conditions. They're just catching, like you with
the whole you were just catching. Hopefully, but you would think of you doing that walk
experiment. You would just catching whatever you could catch. But you're going to be
catching more frequently the brighter ones 'cause you can see them. Yeah. He also did
another experiment with these poor guppies. With both predators. What have we got
happening now? If I've got both predators, which one? In terms of specific competition.
Yeah, he put both types of predators together. We've got interspecific competition and this is
where we could most definitely see that. See, Altar was the horrible beast that ate loads.
And for our party, was it so successful? Because it's better at doing is it is more efficient. So
this one case study. Hits so many things. Have you gotten written down somewhere about
sexual selection, courtship behaviours, dimorphism, natural selection, survival, the fittest,
intraspecific competition, interspecific competition, and legal frequency change? One story
does all of that. The Beginning. We were taking the ones from the river, so rich from the.
From the. The other way around, the shallow ones. Yeah, we're taking the shallow ones.
Right. And then afterwards we would have it. Alright, thank you. They could ask you this as
an exam question, and they could ask you this with data. Basically we're just seeing what's
happening over generations and using these terms to talk about it. So over time we might
see changes in behaviour, we might see that they're going for a particular type. To some
extent, yes. Yeah. They might be focusing on the ones they can just capture or the that
maybe got a preference. Yeah, for a particular type, OK. Quick question. Yep. So. By myself.
The shallow water. The dull ones are more common. I'll get the graph 3 for Friday and I'll
make sure I get it right. OK. To finish off folks.'Cause remember we have some multi choice
questions on Friday.

Evolution, that there would be a reason for a change. The giraffe has the longer net because
it wants it and over generations they want this longer change and it's going to happen. So for
example, in the case of the the redhead video, we don't want, you know, the next
generation. At to have green hair, it's just a random mutation that leads to that green hair.
This. Change That's happening. Be very, very careful when we're talking about the peppered
moths. They don't want to be black. They don't want to be peppered. Yeah, it's a random
mutation that means that they're more likely to survive over time. So, Lamarckism, ideas of
evolution, please be very careful you don't step into them. We're staying with the ideas of
Darwin. And if you remember Wallace, who also gave us evidence and we now give it a
whole new, different term, we turn because we have extra evidence. We call it Neo Dahman.
ISM. Did I put that here? Neo Darwinism and Neo Darwinism is that we're using evidence
from genetics, from Cladistics, from all sorts, from sexual selection to help us with our
understanding. So we are definitely not Lamar kissed that something wants to be a
particular form. Darwin gave us this random idea of random survival of the fittest, and we
now have more evidence from DNA to add to this understanding, and we call it Neo
Darwinism. OK. If you haven't already done the data analysis questions please

The. Forms I'm going to use the latest. And some of them are the black form and some of
them are the peppered form. All the alleles in a population is a gene pool. But in the case of
the peppered moth during the industrial revolution are paler forms. The edge. And we went
through a bit of a genetic bottleneck where there were only certain allele frequencies that
were found that were more common than darker form. So imagine etic bottleneck, we limit
the amount of alleles, we limit the amount of variation that could be there, and this
population will grow on and survive and produce offspring. What happened with the
cheetahs was the genetic bottleneck was so small to remember how many individuals we
were down to about 12 or 14 individuals that even if we got the population's growing and
we're up to about 2000 today, they're still so limited in the genetic information that they
have. But the allele frequencies are really quite low. OK. Any other

And we show it as one. OK, so all of the individuals in our population is going to add up to 1.
I'm going to do the exceptions. These are the five things that you need to know about that
Hardy Weinberg assumes. The first one is no mutations. Any mutations are going to add
variation into our population. So a highly word, highly Weinberg principle is that there are
no mutations. Is there any mutation will add variation to our population? There is no
immigration. Because immigration will add alleles into our population. There is no. Sexual
selection. We're not having a particular preference on the colour. We can't say, oh capital A,
capital A, you're very attractive And so sexual selection, No, we are assuming no sexual
selection. We are assuming that there is just total randomness in their behaviour in their
mating patterns, and this is a large population. With a large gene pool. Once we have a small
gene pool, through a genetic bottleneck, we might change those allele frequencies. And
those allele frequencies might change because one particular form is more popular that
natural selection idea. So we've got no natural selection. 2345 Did we get five things that?
So no mutations, no migration. No natural selection. No sexual selection and a large
population. These five principles add variation to our population. So we remove those five
principles when we're taking into account Hardy Weinberg. OK. Right. So. In our gene pool,
we're going to assume that this is a population now and we're going to see what is
happening inside of our population. So first job, we were doing this on Friday and I ask you
to finish this quickly for homework. We quickly looked to see who the capital, a capital, a
Swaran. In this population, there were seven. We look to see who the capital a small aides
were and we quickly add those up and there was 13. OK. And we quickly added up the small
a, small A and we realised that there were five. We can do this as a percent of the
population. So 28 out of how many there were in total. And so 52%

So let's take a look at this worked example. We're trying to identify. The Hummers I guess.
Recessive form. So in the American white population approximately 70% of people can taste
the chemical. This is the dominant while 30% a non tasters. So this is telling me the recessive
phenotype. OK, I can assume they would have the letter small a small a. All the questions.
Have a look through our set homework on Team Cognitive. So small a small array is our
recessive phenotype. From this I can use my equations to do all sorts of things. This is my
recessive phenotype frequency. So I can deduce from this one. What Q ^2 is? Q ^2
Remember is the percentage of our population. That have Bahamas, I guess recessive. And
it's telling me in the question it's 30. So now I need to do a little bit of math. I need to do the
square root. Of. 30%. An it tells me that the value is. Over here, but remember, we're not
using percentages. This time we're using a value out of 1. So we're going to use. 0.3 and
gives this up square root. This helps us find Q. Once I've got Q, I can use the equation P + Q =
1. So I know that Q + 0.5477 = 1, so I just rearranged the equation to find PP is 1 minus. That
gives me a value of. 0.45 This now is peak. So I'm going to put these values in and sort them
out. I've got P, I've got Q. We can find two PQ by just multiplying. So I know what P is. P from
this question is 0.45. I know what Q is that 0.54. Multiply those two together then times that
by two. Please be careful, multiply this first and then multiply it by two, otherwise you're
going to end up with some error. OK, let's take a look at this question. Population of
hamsters has gene containing 50% of the M alleles's are 90% and 10% of the great appeals.
Frequency of the recessive alleles is 10%. So I'm going to pull out from this question
information that I know the recessive allele. But be careful, this is the recessive allele, not
the phenotype. So this value it's giving me. Is cute. OK, this is the body for Q, but be careful,
it's 10% so I need to change this and it is now. 0.1. OK. So it's defined Q ^2, it takes 0.1.
Spirit. This is the value of Q ^2 0.01. We can do our equation OVH P + Q = 1 so to find P. So
we do 1 -, 0.1, so P is 0.9. Find P squads. We would take 0.9 and square it. It gives the
survival of 0.81. I meant to be cute. So I know P. Is there a .9? Q Is there .19 times it by two.
This gives me a value of 0.18.

I'll show you in some of the other questions when they talk about the phenotype. It's a
really common error, so just be careful. It did. So we could have just skipped that. We were
just playing 'cause we need to use the formula. You're absolutely right. OK, but hang on,
we've got to answer the question. The question says what proportion of the offspring, So
this is asking for the phenotype ratios. What proportion of the offspring will be black? So if
you are black in this case, you could be home as I guess dominate. You could also be. Patches
I guess. So we need to find the individuals that are homozygous dominant or heterozygotes.
So we can find this as he squared. And to pick you. Yeah. Now the other question is asking
for you what percentage of the population will be grey so we can figure that one out from
the Q squared value. OK. So we're going to get a value over here of 99% and our Q squared
is going to be a value of 1%. And just double check your maths. So these two values add up
to 100%, yes. If you. OK. The plans. KP Pants. So you're working with people. It's found that
36 plants out of 400 word dwarf the frequency of their phenotype. OK, being a tight now. So
and I also have done a little bit of the maths. For us this is 9%, so if this is the phenotype this
is telling us Q ^2. But we've got 9%. I need to work this out as a ratio of 1. So I'm going to do
9% out of 100 to give us my ratio out of 1. So Q ^2 is going to be 0.09. OK. So now we can do
the rest to get Q I'm going to use the square root of that, so sqrt 0.09 is 0.3, so just square
rooted it. That's all I've done. To find P, I'm going to use the equation 1 -, Q = P, so 1 -, 0.3.
Sarah .7. To get b ^2 I'm just going to square this value, so .7 spread..49. And then two PQ.
So I'm going to take my value of P 0.7 like value of Q 2.3 and then multiply it by 2.7 * .3
times by two 0.42. We need to do a check. But we need to check. These two values add up
to 1. These three values add up to 1. Just check. Thanks. Right now we've got to answer the
question, what is the frequency? Of the tool gene. OK. So you could be one of two things.
You could be capital A, capital small way or capital A, capital A. So which two values are we
gonna add up? Two PQ and. He He squared. Yeah. Yes, so two PQ. And P spread at those up.
Just check. Determine the number of hetras, igas, pea plants. Now we need another piece of
information from this question. They snuck in something, they've hidden it. Do you see how
many are in the population? 404. Hundreds. Spot that. There are 400 in the population. So
we need to see our value of hedgerows. I guess a hatchet value of hedges I guess is 2 PQ
which is 0.42. But we have to bear in mind that this is a population of 400, so we want 42%
of 400 and you should get a value of 168. OK. Next question. The ability to taste PTC's
inherited a simple, dominant, dominant characteristic as opposed to found out that three
360 students could not taste. So it tells me here that tasting is dominant, so 360 out of 1000
could not taste. Is that the allele frequency or the phenotype frequency? Being in type
frequency, so I'm going to do 360 / 1000. So that's going to be my Q ^2 value. Correct OK
then we can do the maths real quick from there. To find out Q we square root it. To find P we
do the equation 1 -, Q = P, so 1 -, .6. Full. We square it to find. P ^2. 1/6. We take our value of
paid 0.4 R value of queues or .6 times in together times it by two to find two PQ. Let's do our
check. What check do we need to do? These two values add up to one. Did these three
values add up to 1? OK. Then we need to answer the question, so state the frequency of the
gene. So basically the allele for tasting PTC. If you can taste PTC, what what are you? What
characteristics? A capital, a capital, a small A. So we're basically looking for the value of he if
he. RP You can taste it. I value repeat is 0.4. If you like, that's 40% of the population.
Determine the number of Petra Saiga students in this population. Where should we be
looking for Hedges, I guess. Two PQ cheeky. But we want of this population and the
population tells me that there are thousands, so I'm going to take the two PQ value 0.48.
Times by my population and it gives me a value of 480 individuals in this population were
Hedges Igas. OK. Is this feeling a bit easier?

Getting into the groove about little bit, OK.

Correct. And we can look back at this one to help us with that, yeah OK. Deformaty appears
in 4% of a large herd cattle. Assume the deformity was caused by a recessive allele. The
frequency of the recessive. We've got phenotype here. So what value is this going to be? For
this he Q Q ^2 P ^2 what is it Q ^2? It's our phenotype. Yeah? So this is telling me my hue
squared value. OK. So this is 4% or if you like 0.04? OK, then we do the rest. So 0.04 square
rooted. Tells me it's 0.2 P How do I find P? Q. 1 -, .2 point 8. How do I find the squad? Where
it? How do I find CPQ? Thank you. Quick check. These values add up. Those values add up
Hank. So let's go to question calculate the percentage of the herd that are carriers. A few
familiar with this word carrier. Carry It means that they're in the heterozygote form, OK. So if
you're not familiar with that term, carrier means it's hatches? I guess so. Which one? You're
not a carrier. You have the disease or you have the condition. Yeah. Depends. So this one is
asking percentage. Yeah. So if I'm looking for carriers, where am I going to get this number
from R2P, Q value, yeah. So I to pick U value is 0.32 but my question once the percentage so I
just time for 532% of my population. Karius. Determine the frequency of the dominant allele
or the dominant gene. So in here we need the value of P's P takes into account the
homicide. This recessive form. It also takes into account the heterozygote form. So the value
of P here gives me zero point. 8K. We could do this
Question 550 pure. Breads Black Guinea pigs. Do you know the term purebred? Purebred.
The other term for this one is homozygous. There's no there's no other alternative. Yeah,
and black we know is the dominant gene, 50 albino, which is the recessive. We've got a
frequency of 50 to 50. OK, we know that this is the frequency of the allele. I'm more
interested in the recessive allele. So this is the value of Q. But actually the question is also
given us the value of P. Let's do the math for the rest. So. He .5 ^2 .25. C52 PQ .5 * .5 * 2.
Great Britain masters that one. Does that one. Yeah. OK, determine the proportion of the
population that becomes white. So white is are recessive. So they can only be the small a
small a form. If you like, that is going to be the cube squared. We are interested in the
population, the population or we just need percentage. That's fine. So we're taking two
squared as a percentage. So that's 25% or 0.25. OK. 64% of a large population exhibit the
recessive trait were characteristic controlled by two alleles, one is dominant over the other
recessive phenotype. So that's going to give me. Which values this? He squares K, so I'm
going to quickly 'cause it helps me to have this set up. So he he swears he scratch two PQ, so
Q ^2 is 64%, so .64. OK, let's work at sqrt 64. 0.8 Q then P is 0.2..2 ^2 0.042 PQ equals 2.8
* .2 times 20.32 OK, now let's go to the question the frequency of the recessive allele. What
letter do I need here? Yeah, Q The value of Q. And that's going to give me 0.8. Or if you like
80%. The percentage that are heterozygous, so where should I be looking for? Two PQ so to
pick U value is 0.32 or if you like 32% of population the percentage that exhibit the dominant
traits. So what I need for this one that dominant they could either be capital A small eight or
capital A capital A. So what value do I need? P. Yeah. So it's 0.2. 20%. 2 seconds. So A A is
Petrificus over .3 T and their caps. Is P ^2, so P ^2 is 0.04. So zero point. 3/2 is 2 PQ. Pass the
key squared value is 0.040 point. 36 or 36%? I confused myself on that one. We OK with
that? Then his dominant could either be the heterozygote form or the homicide this
dominant form. This value is 2 PQ and this value is P ^2. But but the one you have it up up
there like the 88%, shouldn't you add them up to two? This one no the question for being.
Oh, this question. Yeah 'cause you said you we have the frequency of the dominant gene.
Yeah, maybe we should add it up here then. This would be P ^2 + 2 PQ. Let's check that so it
works out to pick U 0.32 plus. He squares. Sir .64. Sir .96. Yes Sir, from 9/6. I made a mistake
there, sorry. Questions to the percentages are homicides for the dominant trait. So we're
looking here for the value of capital A, capital A. So this would be our value of P ^2. So I
value P ^2 is 0.044%. The. One or more recessive alleles. So if they are recessive they can
either be kept a small a or small a small Acer. Which devalues do we add up? Yeah. Yeah, so
this was the case when it wouldn't work for the other value. So you're absolutely right, it is
cute 'cause once we add these two values up, if you see so two PQ is 0.32 and Q ^2 is 0.64. If
you add up those two values it should come to 8, which is also Q. If you add them up, there
will be like 0.96 right? You're right. Where am I going wrong in that? Yeah. I think you're
correct, 402.96 'cause I96 yeah 'cause when you add the psquare of at equals two one yeah.
It still adds up to one, yeah. Yeah, so I think it is. I think it's two P Q + Q ^2. I'll have a look. I'll
have a look in and go back through it. OK. Last question, I'll be nosing. OK, what do we know
from this one? The frequency of the recessive allele. So what is this? Q. Q. And so that's a
value of 0.1. We can do that squared to get the value. We can do at -1 to get P. We can do
that squared to get. P ^2. And we can do our value of P times

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