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EDU 401
Q: What is the difference between empathy and sympathy?

A: Empathy is understanding someone from their perspective without feeling sorry for them, while
sympathy involves feeling sorry for someone.

Q: How can empathy lead to peace in the classroom and community?

A: By understanding and accepting others' perspectives, empathy promotes mutual understanding

and respect, reducing conflicts and fostering peaceful relationships.

Q: What is the relationship between personality traits and learned behavior in

dealing with conflict?

A: Personality traits can influence how individuals naturally respond to conflicts, while learned
behavior refers to the conflict resolution strategies individuals acquire through experience or

Q: How do gender differences play a role in conflict resolution?

A: There can be variations in how different genders approach and resolve conflicts based on social and
cultural factors, although individual differences are significant.
Q:? How can past conflict experiences impact an individual's conflict resolution

A: Past conflict experiences shape an individual's perceptions and strategies in dealing with conflicts,
influencing their present conflict resolution preferences.

Q: What are the key characteristics of the "Sage" conflict response style?

A: The Sage is a problem solver with a win/win orientation, emphasizing cooperative problem-
solving, preserving relationships, and meeting the goals of both parties.

Q: What is the main characteristic of the "Ostrich" conflict response style?

A: The Ostrich involves avoidance and withdrawal from conflicts, often by quitting or complaining to
others, with an overemphasis on preserving relationships.

Q: What is direct intervention in dealing with difficult people?

A: Direct intervention involves directly addressing the behavior of the difficult person and explaining
the impact of their behavior on others.

Q: How can indirect coping be used to deal with difficult people?

A: Indirect coping involves providing training to others on how to effectively deal with the difficult
person's personality or behavior.

Q: What factors influence the effectiveness of techniques in dealing with difficult

A: The effectiveness of techniques depends on disputing parties' communication skills, the
perspective they hold towards the conflict, power distribution, and personal accountability.

When is conflict considered positive?

A: Conflict is considered positive when it leads to the resolution of internal and interpersonal conflicts
through win-win problem solving, strengthening relationships.

Q: Who owns the problem in a conflict?

A: The person who is negatively affected by the problem is considered the owner of the problem.

Q: What is the owner's responsibility in a conflict?

A: The owner's responsibility is to find a way to resolve the problem, even if they are not the cause of

Q: What should be included in the preparation for conflict resolution?

A: The preparation should include only those involved, a description of the problem that respects all
involved, an explanation of how conflict resolution can enable a win-win outcome, an agreement not
to revert to win-lose methods, and finding a good time and place with no distractions.
Q: How does conflict resolution contribute to win-win outcomes?

A: Conflict resolution methods aim to find solutions that satisfy the needs and interests of all parties
involved, creating win-win outcomes and strengthening relationships.

What are some steps involved in looking at a problem or issue during conflict

A: Steps include identifying the problem or issues, using "I" messages to explain concerns, needs, and
goals, practicing reflective listening, evaluating actual needs, brainstorming solutions, considering
different perspectives, and deciding on a mutually acceptable solution.

Q: Why is it important not to accept sudden promises during conflict resolution?

A: Accepting sudden promises without evaluating the underlying issues can lead to unresolved
conflicts resurfacing later on. It is crucial to thoroughly address and resolve the problem.

Q: What is the purpose of brainstorming during conflict resolution?

A: Brainstorming helps generate multiple possible solutions that meet the needs of both individuals
involved, fostering creativity and open-mindedness.
Q: What should be done if the agreed-upon solution does not work during conflict

A: It is important to remember that it is the solution that failed, not the person. In such cases,
individuals should seek new solutions and evaluate alternative approaches to resolve the conflict.

Q: What are some rules for effective communication during conflict resolution
according to Topic 57?

A: The rules include using "I" statements instead of "you" statements, being slow and patient in
settling conflicts, taking a temporary detour if tempers flare, seeking safety if feeling threatened, and
constructively expressing feelings and desired resolutions using I-way statements.

Q: What are the five basic ways of addressing conflict identified by Thomas and
Kilman in 1976?

A:. The five basic ways are avoidance, collaboration, compromise, competition, and

Q: What does avoidance look like in conflict resolution?

A: Avoidance involves ignoring the conflict, respecting differing opinions, not escalating the conflict,
and suggesting to discuss it later when there is less busyness

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