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Chapter 3

1. What is scaling techniques?

 Scaling technique: is a method of placing respondents in continuation of gradual change in
the pre-assigned values, symbols or numbers based on the features of a particular object as
per the defined rules.
2. What is measurement?
 measurement is the process in which researchers describe, explain, and predict the
phenomena and constructs of our daily existence
3. What are the base for scale classification?
 Subject orientation
 Response form:
 Degree of subjectivity
 Scale properties
 Number of dimensions
 Scale construction technique:
4. What are the important scaling techniques and scale construction techniques?
 Important of scaling techniques are
1. Rating Scales and
2. Ranking (comparative)scales
 Important of construction techniques are
1. Arbitrary approach
2. Consensus approach
3. Item analysis approach
4. Cumulative scales
5. Factor scales
5. What are the guidelines for constructing questionnaire?
 Write out the objectives of your study.
 Write out information to be collected that relates to the objectives.
 Review the current literature to identify already validated questionnaires that
measure our specific area of interest.
 Write a draft of your questionnaire.
 Revise the draft.
 Assemble final questionnaire.
6. What are the different sources of data?
 Primary and
 Secondary
7. Data processing and analysis Involves three major steps
1. Data Preparation:-
 Cleaning & organizing data for analysis
 Checking data for accuracy;
 Entering data into computer
2. Descriptive Statistics:-
 Describe the basic features of the data.
 Provide simple summaries.
 Form quantitative analysis of data.
3. Inferential Statistics:-
 Testing models and hypotheses.
 Used to infer about population.
 Used to make judgments on the observed difference between groups in the
sample is ‘significant’
8. Describe why a research problem is the heart of the research process.
9. What is research problem?0

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