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1. In your words, what is art narrative?

Art is a thing that exists for a great purpose and, that is, to help a person
express themselves in a way they want to, intentionally or unconsciously. It is
significant that each person has his ability to understand and to able to relate
his self to the environment which we can create our own stories from our
experiences or even from our mind; hence, narrative is an important thing. If
we are going to put the two words together – art and narrative – this simple
means an art that tell stories in various form under art. Every artwork is
accompanied with meanings and purpose of why it is created by an artist. It is
one of the most creative and unique way of showing emotions and expressing
thoughts which is being picture out from your mind; you are trying to have the
concrete of your imaginations, words, or thoughts.

2. How will you differentiate “borrowed art” to “art appropriation”?

I have had read a quote from an artist before, who was Picasso, who said that
“Good artist copy, great artist steal”. At first, I thought that he was trying to
tolerate some artists who love painting or drawing’ however, I soon understood
that he meant about the borrowing of art. As I have also starting doing some
various art such as through dancing, writing, or drawing; I have learned that I
was also borrowing an art from a certain art which it was revealed that the art I
was borrowing was also borrowed from the other. Basically, borrowed art refers
to borrowing of ideas which increases your observation. You are like stealing
something as your starting point – but to avoid copying or we may say,
plagiarism – we use our creativity or our inner forces to transform it then we
tend to synthesize into something new. We are not focusing on doing better, but
rather we cope with ideas from a certain art which pushes to create our own,
which probably because of our purpose to express who we are or what we really
are. On the other hand, art appropriation means creating an art that copy or uses
the existed objects as reference. The imitation of art is clear when an artist is
doing appropriation. It is created with imitation but with little transformation, and
this is commonly used nowadays where some pictures is being added with
details or adjustment with its colors. Some examples of art appropriation are
memes, a Monalisa in an sketch version, an realistic painting being turned into
cubism, and etc.
3. From the three reasons under borrowed art, choose one and expound.

The third reason under borrowed arts that says “Sometimes contemporary
artists are specifically interested, for example, in the meanings, values and ideas
that borrowed elements carry or suggest.”

One of the artists’ causing factors to create an art is curiosity based on what
they see. Our sense of sight cannot understand what it sees if our brain does not
follow with thoughts. We basically learn from our sense, especially by our sense
of sight. We found out that the meaning of borrowed art is getting the ideas of a
certain arts which somehow pushes their inner self to express our own
expression in the same way. There are many artist who used a certain artwork to
be their inspiration as they understand what is the meaning behind of that
certain art; they found something exceptional and touchable on it. We are
familiar with the quote saying “make your passion to be your profession” –
which inspires to do something that we love no matter how people belittle it, and
so these contemporary artist tend to borrowed artist, as wells as the elements of
arts, because that is what they find interested or love to do. Indeed, anything that
has its unknown meanings; but because the level of our understanding and
interest towards something, we able to know and learn of it and we tend to use it,
not for others but for us to create our own thing or stories. Therefore, borrowing
art is not something illegal for some contemporary artist.

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