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Lipids Metabolism 1st Semester | Soyabean

● After heavy meal

- Chylomicron concentration decreases
● 98% of total dietary lipids are triacylglycerol
● TAG are insoluble in water
- Start to rise 2hrs after a meal
- Salivary enzymes has no effect
- Peak in 4-6 hrs
● Digestion occurs in the stomach
- Drops to normal level as chylomicrons
- Physical digestion takes place
move into adipose cells and liver
- Breaks up into small globules
- Resulting material in stomach is called
“chyme” - para siyang cerelac
● Chyme
- Thick semi-liquid material made of
TAG globules , partially digested
food,gastric secretion
- Gastric lipase
- High fat foods stay longer in the
- High fat meal causes a person to feel
full for a longer period of time
● Fats in the stomach triggers the release of
- Stimulates gallbladder to contract
- Release bile
- Fat emulsification
- Fatty acids micelles- composed of FA
and small monoacylglycerol and bile,
important for transporting the lipids
into the intestine for absorption
● Digestion of lipids
● Pancreatic lipases
1. Mouth
● Chylomicron
2. Stomach
- Important for absorption of
3. Liver ,pancreas
triacylglycerol (Absorbable form of
4. Gallbladder
5. Small intestine
- Newly assembled TAG(from FA and
6. Intestinal mucosal
monoacylglycerol in the intestine) are
combined with membrane
7. Large intestine
phospholipids,cholesterol, and water
8. Rectum,anal canal,anus
soluble proteins
● Triacylglycerol mobilizaTION
- Transports TAG from intestinal cells
- Hydrolysis of TAG stored in the
via lymphatic system to bloodstream
adipose tissue followed by release into
the bloodstream of the FA and glycerol
- TAG energy reserves are the human
bodys major source of stored energy
● Glycerol metabolism
- TAG mobilization produces 1 molecule
of glycerol
- After entering the bloodstream,
glycerol travels to kidneys or liver
- Converted to dihydroxyacetone, then
to pyruvate, then Acetyl CoA,then
CO2, or can be use to form glucose
- Acetyl CoA can enter the krebs cycle
for ATP production
Lipids Metabolism 1st Semester | Soyabean

Ketone Bodies

● Produce when the acetyl Coa is excessive

● Source of energy in the heart,muscle and
renal cortex
● Brain derives energy from ketone from ketone
bodies in diet situations
● ketogenesis
- Metabolic pathway which ketone
bodies are synthesized from acetyl
CoA,”paggamit ng ketone bodies as
source of energy”
- Primary sites are liver mitochondria
- Acetoacetate is converted to
hydroxybutyrate - (2nd ketone bodies)
- Acetoacetate and hydroxybutyrate
synthesized in the liver are released
into the bloodstream where acetone -
(3rd ketone bodies) is produce
- Acetone in bodies is mainly excreted
by exhalation
➔ Its sweet odor is is detectable
in the breath of diabetics, (di
lahat ng diabetics )
● Ketosis
- High levels of ketone bodies
are present in blood and urine
- Detected by the smell of of
acetone on a person's breath
- Symptoms of mild ketosis:
➔ - heeadached,dry
smelling breath
● Fates of FA generated Acetyl CoA
- Converted to ATP
- Acetyl Coa can be Converted to
ketone bodies
- Can be stored in the form of
triacylglycerol (makikita sa blood, and
are stored in the liver at adipose
- Can be used as starting materials for
the production of lipids other than FA
➔ These are the cholesterol
precursor of bile salts, sex
hormones, adrenal hormones

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