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Tasks Start Date

Module 1 - Know About Angular

Understand - Requirement, Purpose, Benefit of Using Angular Js 2023-01-24
Understand the impact using Angular - Core Points 2023-01-24
Business Usecases / Market Applications Built on Angular 2023-01-24
Understand NodeJs 2023-01-27
Module 2 - Get Started
Install Angular, Learn to install and downgrade various versions 2023-01-24
Build Your First Application 2023-01-24
Understand the directory structure, compiling and execution of an applica 2023-01-26
Understand Architechture 2023-01-27

Module 3 - Learn Angular (Just Understand Concepts Without Implementation)

Basic Concepts - Tutorial No. 1 - 11 (Try to relate with oops concepts) 2023-01-30
String Interpolation {{}}
One way Binding — Custom Binding, Property Binding
Two Way Binding [(ngModel)]
Directives and Life cycle
Host Binding and Attribute Directives
Parent-Child Communication
Grab some extra in detail not just syntax
Inline vs Internal CSS
External vs Internal CSS
col ls md lg full form and uses.

Module 4 - Learn Angular (Implement The Basics)

errors, - Tutorial
learning eachNo.
task1is- 11
much important then just completing.
If you understand these you are half the way

Module 5 - Angular Basic Development

Angular Form Module
Angular Forms - Dynamic
Angular Forms - Reactive
End Date Status Happiness Index

2023-01-26 Done
2023-01-26 Done
2023-01-26 Done

2023-01-26 Done
2023-01-26 Done

Hello world app made

Support URL's

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