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Level 2, Spring Term, 2022

Global fashion
Task 1
How often do you buy new clothes? Which of these is most important for you: the price,
the size, the color or the brand?

Task 2
Read an article about photographer Gillian Turner-Niles. Choose the correct answer for
these questions.
1 Where can you see her photographs?

A in shops B in magazines

2 Who does she work for?

A a clothing company B different companies

3 What does the writer think about fashion across the world?

A It’s the same. B It’s different

4 Does Gillian agree with this opinion?

A Yes, in some places. B No, she doesn’t.

Level 2, Spring Term, 2022

Level 2, Spring Term, 2022

Task 3
Word focus: like
Look at the sentences with the word like. Does it always mean the same? Discuss with
your partners and teacher.
Task 4
a. Do you like fashion? Is it important to you?
b. Do you wear clothes like your friends, or like famous people on the internet?
Task 5
Check the meaning of clothing items in the pictures. Do you have any favorites?

Task 6
Have a short discussion as a class about fashion
• What is currently in fashion in your country?
• Look at these categories. What is now out of fashion?

Level 2, Spring Term, 2022

Task 7
How much do you know about tattoos? Tell your partner. Then, read an article about
tatoos. Which paragraph (1-4) talks about
a. tatoos in Polynesian culture?
b. why modern societies have tatoos?
c. tattoos in ancient cultures?
d. tattoos in the USA?

Task 8
Read the article again. According to the information in the article, are these sentences
true (T), false (F) or don’t know (DK)?
1. Some famous people have tattoos.
2. In the USA, more women go to tattoo shops than men.
3. Before five thousand years ago, nobody had a tattoo.
4. Different ancient cultures had tattoos.
5. There weren’t tattoos in ancient China.
6. In Polynesia, people don’t have tattoos anymore.
7. Chris Rainier says tattoos are a type of fashion.
8. The writer doesn’t like tattoos.

Task 9
a. In your country, are tattoos in fashion? Out of fashion? Traditional? Not part of
the culture?
b. Do you like tattoos on other people? Why? / Why not? And on yourself?

Level 2, Spring Term, 2022

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