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Worksheet no:1(Revision

Name: Aariz Abdullah Karim

Grade: 7 Sec: ___ Date: 5 / 11 / 23

Subject: History & Bangladesh

Teacher’s Sign:

Topic: WW1

A. In the light of the following sources answer the following questions:

Source A: The First Continental Congress (colonists) sent a letter to King George III (king of Britain) and
asked him to stop taxing the colonists. It is unfair to tax without representation in Parliament.
1. Which cause of American Revolution is stated here? What was colonists and Britain’s perspectives
regarding this issue.

Ans:The cause of the American Revolution stated here is Taxation Without Representation.
Colonists' Perspective: The colonists believed that it was unfair for the British government to
impose taxes on them without giving them a voice or representation in the British Parliament.
Britain's Perspective: From the British perspective, they viewed the American colonies as subjects
of the British Crown, and it was their right to tax the colonies for the purpose of funding the
defense of the empire and maintaining order.

Source B: In 1900 nearly everyone would have agreed with the statement ‘To be a great nation you must
colonies’ made by a French Politician. A large Empire was important not only for trade but also national
1. ‘To be a great nation you must colonies’- this statement portrays which long term cause of WW1?
How did this become one of the major causes of WW1?
Ans: The long-term cause of World War I known as "Imperialism." Imperialism is the policy of
powerful nations extending their influence and control over other regions or countries, often
through colonization. Imperialism became a major cause of WWI due to intense competition for
colonies, complex alliances, nationalism, conflicts over colonial possessions, and the
assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
B. Answer the following questions in light of the given map-
1. What is the difference between Original Schlieffen plan and the Plan
which was executed by Von Moltke?

Ans:The original Schlieffen Plan was an ambitious strategy to quickly defeat France and then turn
east to face Russia. In contrast, Moltke's modified plan, executed during WWI, was more
conservative, with a focus on the eastern front. Moltke extended the timetable, shifted forces to
counter Russia, and recognized logistical challenges.

Why did Schlieffen plan fail?

Ans: The Schlieffen Plan failed because of logistical challenges, unexpected resistance from
Belgium and France, and a diversion of German forces to the eastern front to counter Russian

C. Answer the following questions:

1. Which countries were known as Central Powers and Western Allies?
Ans: The Central Power: Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria.
The Western Allies: France, the United Kingdom, Russia, and later the United States

2.Which event act as a trigger to start the WW1?

Ans: The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

3. Why do you think ‘Treaty of Versailles’ failed to keep peace?

Ans: Treaty of Versailles failed to maintain peace due to its harsh treatment of Germany,
unresolved issues in Eastern Europe, dissatisfaction of various nations, the League of Nations
limitations, economic hardships, and the recovery of nationalism and militarism.
4.Which long term cause of WW1 do you think is the most important and why?

Ans: Nationalism is often considered the most important longterm cause of World War I. The
intense national pride, rivalries, and ambitions among European powers fueled tensions, alliances,
and competition for dominance, creating a volatile atmosphere that contributed significantly to the
outbreak of the war.

5. "The First World War was a horror of gas, industrialized slaughter fear and appalling human
suffering."- Provide evidence to justify this statement.
Ans: The evidence justifying the statement includes the widespread use of poison gas, the
industrialized nature of warfare with advanced weaponry, the unprecedented scale of casualties,
and the profound physical and psychological suffering experienced by soldiers and civilians during
World War I.

D. Label any six new countries name that was formed as an outcome of the ‘Treaty of Versailles’ by
using different colour codes.

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