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Worksheet no:(Revision work-2) Name: Farhan Tajwar

Grade: 7 Sec: A Date: 15 / 11 / 23

Subject: History & Bangladesh

Teacher’s Sign:
Topic: American & French
Revolution, BD St

A. Read the following comprehension and answer the following questions

The Boston Massacre
It’s the evening of March 5, 1770 in Boston in the British colony of Massachusetts. British soldiers are
changing the guard at the Customs House where British taxes are levied and collected. A confrontation
occurs between colonists and the soldiers, shots are fired, and three colonists are dead on the spot; two more
die the next day. This event is called the Boston Massacre and it’s easy to say that it was a cause of the
American Revolution. What really happened and why?
Great Britain had spent huge sums of money waging the French and Indian War (1754-1763) in North
America to gain control of more land. At the same time the British were fighting the related Seven Years’
War in Europe. When the wars ended in 1763 Great Britain needed money and passed the Townsend Acts
which heavily taxed everyday imported items like glass, paper and tea in the colonies. When these taxes
caused unrest among the colonists, in 1768 Great Britain sent troops to Boston to maintain control and
protect the tax collectors who levied customs duties on imported products. These soldiers could be assigned
to live in private homes with the colonists. There was one British soldier in Boston for every four residents.
Boston was an occupied city and tensions were high between soldiers and residents. There were frequent
The Boston Massacre began with a nighttime confrontation between a youth and a soldier in front of the
Customs House. A crowd gathered and grew larger when church bells were rung to get the attention of more
men. The British soldier summoned help as well. Soon 400 men of Boston were throwing ice and snowballs
at the soldiers defending the Customs House, daring them to fire their muskets into the crowd. Reports say
that the officer in charge called out, “Don’t fire!” In the confusion, shots were fired anyway. The British
immediately removed the troops from Boston and repealed the Townsend Acts in April 1770 except for the
tax on tea. The officer in charge and nine soldiers were brought to trial about eight months later. Two soldiers
were found guilty of manslaughter and all the others were acquitted. Boston remained quiet for several years.
The Boston Massacre was later used as a rallying point by patriots who favored independence.
1. What is a massacre? Is the Boston Massacre an accurate name for what happened? Explain your answer.
Ans: A massacre is when a lot of people are intentionally and brutally killed. The Boston Massacre, in 1770,
was a clash between British soldiers and American colonists in Boston that led to the death of five colonists.
Whether it accurately qualifies as a "massacre" depends on people’s explanation. But, for me it’s accurate.

2. List the imported products that were subject to taxation by the British Townsend Acts.

Ans: The imported products were- Glass, Paper, Lead and Tea.

3. How did ‘seven years war’ played an important role in American Revolution?
Ans: The British were fighting in the Seven Years War going on in Europe. When the war ended in 1763
Great Britain needed money and passed the Townsend Acts which heavily taxed everyday imported items
like glass, paper and tea in the colonies.

B. Answer the following questions:

1. How was the life of France after the French Revolution
Ans: After the French Revolution, France got rid of its king, went through a time of political chaos and a
leader named Napoleon took charge. They changed how land was owned, shook up the relationship with the
Catholic Church, and had a bumpy ride with different governments. The revolution's ideas, like freedom and
equality, stuck around and shaped France for years to come.
2. Write any one information about the following issues of the new state of Pakistan.
● Refugee Issue
● Canal Water Dispute
Which of these do you think had the greater importance for the people of Pakistan? Why?
Ans: *Refugee Issue- After Pakistan was created in 1947, millions of Muslims moved there from different
parts of India, creating a big refugee challenge for the new country.

*Canal Water Dispute- There was a disagreement with India about sharing water from the Indus River.

The Refugee Issue was about the large movement of people. The Canal Water Dispute was a disagreement
with India about sharing water from the Indus River. Both were important, but the Canal Water Dispute’s
effect towards agriculture and the economy was a bigger issue. That’s because of no water, no food source.
And Pakistan was just founded at that time, it would have been a hassle for the country to endure if it wasn’t
solved later on.

3. How are the American and French revolutions similar?

Ans: The American and French Revolutions both wanted freedom from what they saw as unfair rule. They
were inspired by ideas like liberty and equality, addressed social inequality, and faced economic challenges.
Both had important declarations and popular uprisings, and they got some help from other countries.

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