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Government take big part on how we survived covid19.

In March 2020, the Philippines faced one of its

toughest challenges yet: the coronavirus disease 2019, more
popularly known as "COVID-19". The SARS-CoV-2 virus is the
cause of COVID-19. Mild to severe respiratory illnesses,
including death, can be brought on by COVID-19. The
greatest preventative methods are avoiding ill individuals
and wearing a mask during periods of high transmission,
remaining 6 feet apart, washing your hands often, and
staying away from people. Because of this, the authorities
imposed a lockdown, during which no one was allowed to
leave their homes or interact with others without a mask
on. Several individuals lost their employment as well as
their source of food and supplies of commodities when the
lockdown began. The government is trying to find a
solution, which is why there are initiatives being run
locally, specifically in our barangay of , such as the
"ayuda," which provides residents with free rice, canned
goods, and other essentials for living; another kind is the
cash assistance they give to families. There are also
things that the other barangays do; for example, they give
free food from their community pantry to people who need it
the most and give free food as an act of kindness to stray
people. Government take big part on how we survived
covid19. From those safety things they implement to secure
as to the things they give out that helps most of the
families to survive starvation.

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