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9.P. Code No.31132 I'aqe Vo.

First Semester B.Sc., Degree Examinations

January/ February 2023
(NEP Scheme)
Paper : NSA0320 Computer Fundamentals and Programming in C
Tune: 2 hrs.) IMax. Mauks:60
Instructions to students
1. The sudents should legiblu write Section number along
with question numbers.
2. The answers without Section number and question
numbers will not be valued.
3. The question numbers should be legibly written within
the margin only.

options provided : 10X 1- 10 Marks

Select the most appropriate answer from
1-) Father of Computer
a) Pascal b) Charles Babbage
c) Neumann d) None

I-2) T10la (gray)

a) 10010 b) |1110
c) 10110 d) 1010I

I-3) | (10)
a) 7 b) 8
c) 4 d) 6
| -4) C Programming was invented by
a) James Goslings b) Charles Babbage
c) Dennis Ritchie d) George Boole
|-5) All keywords in C are in
a) Upper case b) Sentence Case
c) Random d) Lower case

|-6) 'if is Statement.

a) Condition b) Declauration
c) Friend d) Loop
9.P. Code No.31132 Puqe No.., 2
|-7) +tg means
a) Decrement g b) Post increimnent g
c) Add g d) Pre incremcnt g
I-8) tolower ( ) function returns
a) Length of String b) String in Lower Case
c) String Reverse d) String Uppercase

|-9) Void hai() will

a) Not return any value b) Will return value
c) Will not execute d) None of these
1-10) User defined function created by
a) Ken Thomson b) Dennis Ritchic
c) Library d) User

II. AnswerWrite notes on any FIVE of the following : SX 3= S Murks
II -1) Write truth table for AND, OR, NOT gates.
II-2) Define different translators.
II -3) Write the rules for naming an ident1fier.
I|4) Write note on type conversions.
II -5) Differentiate while and do-while loop.
Il-6) What is an array ? How arrays are declared? Give examplc.
II-7) Write the advantages of pointers.
I|-8) How structure members are accessed inC Explain


III. Answer any THREE questions from the following. 3X 5= 15 Marks

II-) Explain Block diagram of digital computer with neat diagram

I|I-2) Explain unformatted input and output functions.
II|-3) Explain switch case with program example
II-4) Explain following with example
a) strcmp b) strcpy c) strcat d) isalpha e) strlen
|-5) Explain components of user defined function with example.
9.P. Code No.31 132 Page No... 3
Answer the following: 2X 10= 20 Marks
IV- ) Bnetly explain History of computers.
Wnte an algorithm and flowchart to find arca und volune of a sphere.

Explain structure of C program

Expluin bitwise and logical operators used in C with example. |5+5|
IV- 2) Explain nested if statement with example.
How pointers are declared and initialized? Give exanplc. (5+5|

Explain the categories of user defined function

Write the difterences between structure und union |S+5|

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