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Brisbane City Psychology

Dr Louise M. Blundell, BSc(Hons) MA(ClinPsych) DPsych MAPS AFBPS

Principal Clinical Psychologist PSY0000991790 APS:022268 BPS:85193
To ensure that you are fully aware of considerations relevant to engaging in psychological therapy, and that you get the
most out of your therapy experience, please read the following information carefully prior to signing this agreement.

All personal information provided throughout the course of a psychological therapy encounter will remain confidential
and secure, available only to the psychologist working directly with you, with contact information available also to
administrative staff. Exceptions to confidentiality occur under the following circumstances :
Information and/or psychological therapy notes are subpoenaed by a court of law
Failure to disclose the information would place yourself or another person at serious and imminent risk
You have been referred under the Mental Health Care Plan – in which case a brief written report to the referring
medical practitioner is required at various stages throughout the provision of psychological services (Please
clearly advise if there is any information you would prefer not to be disclosed in such reports.)
Your prior approval has been obtained to
- provide a written report to another professional or agency, eg GP, solicitor
- discuss the material with another person, eg a spouse, relative or employer
If disclosure is otherwise required or authorised by law
To ensure you are provided the best possible psychological care, careful and sensitive discussion of the therapy
encounter with qualified professional colleagues is sometimes required for the purpose of professional supervision.
All registered Psychologists are bound by the above outlined confidentiality requirements, as determined by the
Professional Codes of Conduct issued by the Australian Psychological Society (APS) and relevant State Registration
Board. To maintain absolute confidentiality, excluding the above exceptions, no information pertaining to your therapy
encounter will be discussed with any friend, spouse, family member or any third party, without your signed consent.
Fees are as outlined on the Brisbane City Psychology website, and as agreed with yourself at the commencement of
psychological therapy. All fees have been determined in accordance with APS guidelines, with these typically being
significantly below APS recommended fees. Individuals referred via a GP Mental Health Care Plan, Psychiatrist or
Paediatrician are entitled to receive a Medicare rebate for psychological services for up to 10 sessions within any twelve
month period. All fees are to be paid in full at the time of service provision with Medicare claims processed at
the Clinic via the EFTPOS/Medicare facility. Rebates are deposited to your account within 24-72hrs.
Excluding standard initial, review and discharge letters to your GP/Psychiatrist/Paediatrician, all additional reports
and letters incur a fee reflecting the time taken to prepare and write these – typically 1-3 hours (longer for detailed
Neuropsychological reports). Costs for reports are outlined on our website.
Cancelling or Changing an Appointment & Cancellation Fees
It is appreciated that at times unexpected and unavoidable circumstances may result in the need to cancel or reschedule
an appointment at short notice, and this will of course be considered with regard to cancellation fees. However, in
general a minimum of 24 hours notice is required to cancel or reschedule an appointment without incurring a fee. (As
much notice as possible would of course be greatly appreciated.) Please be considerate of this courtesy, as with
sufficient notice, these can be offered to others awaiting an appointment, avoiding unused/wasted appointments. Please
also be aware that non-attended appointments result in a loss of income for your therapist, and accommodation fees for
scheduled appointments are charged to your therapist irrespective of whether or not you attend.
To gain maximum benefit from psychological therapy it is most beneficial (for your own progression) to attend regularly,
and to arrive on time for your appointment. Non attendance and late arrival will limit the time available to provide an
effective service to you. In the event of late arrival, sessions will still need to end no later than fifty minutes from the
originally scheduled time. When longer EMDR appointments have been scheduled, it may not be possible to undertake
this particular therapy in the event of late arrival, as at least 100 minutes is required to undertake EMDR to full
completion. A different therapy method would however still be able to be employed, and the full longer consultation fee
would still apply. Please note that when an appointment has been cancelled or not attended without adequate notice
(other than in an emergency), no further appointments will be offered until payment of the cancellation fee has been
received. A cancellation fee of $125 will be charged if less than 24 hours notice is provided.
79 Wickham Terrace Brisbane QLD 4000
Tel: 0435 591493 or (07) 3270 4555 Fax: (07) 3270 4559
Effectiveness of Psychological Therapy
Psychological therapy is very much a collaborative process, such that its effectiveness is dependent on the collaboration
between yourself and your therapist, and relies heavily upon individual factors such as readiness to engage in the therapy
process, including a willingness to consider reflections provided by your therapist (which can sometimes be challenging
and difficult), preparedness to accept and undertake any tasks or challenges necessary to effect change, a willingness to
communicate openly about fears and vulnerabilities, and often acceptance of at least some responsibility for the need to
change. These conditions are necessary to enable significant improvement in emotional wellbeing. If you have any
concerns about your readiness to actively and willingly participate in the psychological therapy process, or if for any
reason (eg gender, age, race, personal style) you would prefer to meet with a different therapist, please do discuss this
openly with your therapist, who will endeavour to suggest an appropriate alternative therapist, and/or refer you to the
APS “Find A Psychologist” service.
Please Note: Alcohol or drug usage within 48hrs of your appointment can significantly impact the effectiveness of a
therapy session, and cannot be allowed. You are therefore requested to refrain from doing so within this time frame.

Risks Associated with Psychological Therapy

It is also important to be aware that whilst the eventual outcome of psychological therapy is for the majority of people
very positive, appreciated and valued, the process can also – particularly in the early stages, expose a wide range of
difficult feelings, reactions and moods. These might include anger or depression feelings, nightmares and/or flashback
memories, anxiety, feelings of guilt, fear, frustration, disappointment or sorrow, and for some people mood swings and
irritability. For couples and families there might initially be an increase in tension due to difficult feelings/experiences
being exposed or potentially exposed, concerns about the openness and honesty of your partner or a family member, or
feelings of fear and threat becoming heightened. There may also be physical signs or symptoms of increased emotional
distress, including headaches, gastro-intestinal distress, lack of energy, breathlessness, sleep disturbance, increased heart-
rate (associated with anxiety) or nausea. It is important to discuss any such concerns with your therapist.

For some people these difficulties can at times interfere with daily life, and personal and professional commitments and
responsibilities. It is therefore important to let your therapist know if there are any current or pending personal or
professional situations which might be negatively affected or jeopardised if such difficulties arose during the course of
engaging in psychological therapy (e.g. an impending job interview, exam, home care needs or an important home or
employment responsibility). In these instances therapy might be better postponed until your personal situation is more
amenable to engaging in therapy.
Similarly, although not typical, for some individuals, engaging in psychological therapy can expose difficult feelings that
may result in a desire to self-harm or harm others. If this occurs, or has occurred previously when engaging in therapy, it
is very important to discuss this with your therapist and/or your GP/Psychiatrist/Paediatrician immediately, so that your
own and others’ personal safety can be maintained to the greatest degree possible.
The Therapy Relationship Dynamic
If you have had a very difficult and painful relationship with someone in your past, particularly with a parent, or anyone
with whom you experienced extreme hurt, rejection, punishment, abuse, abandonment, criticism, being ignored, not
feeling loved etc., the feelings you have toward that other person can sometimes be projected onto your therapist (and
others) in a very powerful way. This is called projection or transference. These feelings may for example, take the
forms of fear, anger, vulnerability, longing to be loved, interpreting things said in sessions as criticism or judgement etc.
This can occur for reasons as simple as the therapist being the same gender as that parent or other person, or the therapist
may be perceived as a mother/father /authority figure, or have physical or personal characteristics similar to that person,
or they may use a word or phrase or expression which reminds you of that other person. These feelings can sometimes
be very intense, and it is very important that you let your therapist know if this is occurring.

Your therapist will work hard to aid you to work through these feelings, and this can often be a very positive and
powerful means of achieving growth and healing through the therapy encounter. While quite rare, there are some times,
however, when these feelings can be so strong that they are difficult to manage, such that they become a significant
impediment to the therapy being beneficial, and can even potentially be detrimental to growth and healing. In this event,
it may be more appropriate for you to meet with a different therapist. This process can be very difficult for both the
patient and the therapist, as there will have been a therapeutic relationship developed, which will now be closing. While
this can be very difficult, it is extremely important to be respectful of your therapist’s professional judgement about the
appropriateness of continuing with themselves, or referring you on to someone who does not elicit such strong projection
or transference feelings. Talking about and working through this therapy experience with your alternative therapist will
be a very important component of your subsequent therapy experience, and can also be very powerfully healing.

Getting the best out of Psychological Therapy

In summary, to get the best out of your psychological therapy experience, the following are helpful considerations :
• Aim to attend every scheduled session
• Be prepared to share your thoughts and feelings - particularly difficult ones, openly with your therapist
• Complete any home tasks or challenges set by your therapist
• Openly discuss any doubts, concerns or uncertainties with your therapist

I have read and understand the information contained in this document, and accept the terms and conditions upon
which psychological therapy will be provided by Brisbane City Psychology.

Name:_________________________________ Signature: _____________________________ Date:___________

Name:_________________________________ Signature: _____________________________ Date:___________ .

Dr Louise M. Blundell,
BSc(Hons) MA(ClinPsych) DPsych MAPS
Principal Clinical Psychologist
PSY0000991790 APS:022268 BPS:85193
79 Wickham Terrace Spring Hill QLD 4000
Tel/Text: 0435 591493 or Tel: (07) 3270 4589
General Therapy Information & Etiquettes
Fax: (07) 3270 4559

Length of Appointments
Initial ‘Assessment’ Appointments are for the purpose of collaboratively exploring your difficulties to determine the
most appropriate therapy approach to meet your unique personal needs. This typically requires 90 - 120 minutes of
therapist time – comprising 50 minutes face-to-face consultation, with your therapist then later devoting at least 30
minutes to privately reflect on the meeting, write comprehensive notes, consider and ‘formulate’ regarding your
situation, and to plan the future therapy encounter to best meet your personal individual needs.

Subsequent Appointments are for the purpose of then engaging in the therapy process. These appointments typically
require 60 minutes of therapist time - comprising 50 minutes face-to-face consultation, with your therapist then devoting
(after you leave) 10 minutes to reflect on the meeting, write up notes and plan subsequent sessions. Reports additional to
standard initial, review and discharge letters to your referring GP, Psychiatrist or Paediatrician, incur an additional charge
reflecting the time taken to prepare and complete this.

EMDR Appointments
Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing (EMDR) is a particular therapy approach sometimes used in the
treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. EMDR appointments require 120 minutes face-to-face consultation. This
allows 10-15 minutes preparation time, 90 minutes to engage in the EMDR process, and 10- 15 minutes for discussing
the experience and debriefing. Please note: Medicare rebates do not increase to accommodate the double session required
for EMDR. EMDR sessions do therefore cost more than a regular session, and are therefore only recommended when
considered likely to be of particular benefit. EMDR does however, often significantly reduce the overall number of
sessions that might otherwise be required for PTSD.

Neuropsychology Assessments
The number of appointments required can vary considerably, but typically require six to eight meetings in total (with
each being 50-60 minutes long), to undertake an initial screening, subsequent Neuropsychological assessment, and at
least one feedback session. Neuropsychology reports incur an additional cost reflecting the time taken to complete this.
These are typically and necessarily complex, lengthy and detailed.

All fees reflect the length of time devoted to each session or report

General timing etiquette

To enable your therapist to be on time for all appointments (including your own) it would be very greatly appreciated if
you could be as respectful as possible of the above time frames. A non-intrusive alarm will sound two minutes before
the end of your session to let you know that you and your therapist need to wind up the session.

The therapy session is carefully managed to enable sufficient time to work through your concerns. However very
occasionally when a session has been particularly difficult, it is sometimes necessary – out of respect to the client (which
could at times be yourself) to go over time by a few minutes, or (rarely) sometimes even a little longer. Therefore, on the
very infrequent occasions that this occurs your patience whilst awaiting commencement of your own meeting is very
much appreciated. You will still in this event receive your full 50 minute face-to-face consultation.

Contact Outside of Scheduled Appointments

Due to the large number of clients for which your therapist has responsibility, and as a general therapy etiquette, it is not
possible to accommodate requests to discuss concerns outside of therapy sessions, other than to communicate regarding
appointment times. While your therapist may at times provide therapy-related information to you, via text or email –
please respect that they will not be able to respond to further requests to discuss these outside of therapy sessions. As
your therapist is with clients throughout the day, they will typically respond to messages at the end of the day when
possible, so we ask that you please be patient and understanding of this. Please note that emails are not regularly
reviewed, such that text or telephone messages about appointments are the preferred communication method. Calls or
texts to our mobile telephone can be received from 9am to 5pm weekdays. Our landline has a 24hr answer service, so
messages can be left at any time on this number, but will not be received until the following working day.
In the event of an emergency situation please contact your GP/Psychiatrist or go to your nearest hospital.
Thank you for your understanding of these considerations - it is very much appreciated.

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