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Examination Question

Law 631 B: Law of International Institution

1. The problems of admission to membership in the United Nations.

2. Collective Security System is essential to maintain international peace and security.
3. Comment on voting System of Security Council
4. The Security Council how shall determine and be taken action for any threat to the peace,
breach of the peace or act of aggression.
5. ICJ Topic ( Article 36(1))- Case 1 (The Monetary Gold case)
6. Case 2- Anvilaevos case
7. Case 3 - Angelo Awa case

Law 632 B: International Air and Space Law

Law 633 B: Law of the Sea

1. What are the principles of the international law of the sea?

2. Discuss the issues regarding Archipelagic Waters under UNCLOS 1982.
3. Is the Doctrine of Right of Hot Pursuit in the enforcement of coastal State enough?
4. Discuss the legal status of the internal water.
5. Discuss the fisheries jurisdiction in the high seas.
6. Discuss the International Seabed Authority

Law 634 B: Intellectual Property Law

1. Important of Intellectual Property Protection for MSMEs

2. National Trademark Registration in Myanmar
3. Copyright’s Issues in Myanmar
4. Protection of Industrial Design Rights
5. Geographical Indication Protection
6. Patent and Petty Patent Right
7. The value and Importance of Traditional Knowledge

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