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Group 6
Subject: English - Summit1
Teachers: Mrs.Chu Thi Thu Nga
and Broi Gocela
Introduce group members

Lực Dũng Chúc

Hiền Quyết
Our topic:
Advantages and
Disadvantages of
Raising a pet
Love and bonding
Having pets brings special love and bonding
between people and pets. Pets have the
ability to understand and respond to their
owner's feelings, bringing joy and empathy.
Create fun and
reduce stress
Pets have the ability to help reduce
stress and create joy. Playing and
interacting with pets can help reduce
stress, improve mood, and boost mental
Improve health
Having pets can have health benefits.
Many studies show that contact with pets
can reduce the risk of cardiovascular
disease, lower blood pressure, boost the
immune system and help reduce feelings
of loneliness.
and learning
Having pets requires responsibility and
care. Caring for pets can help children
and adults learn to care, share, and
become more confident.
Expenses and
financial liability
Raising a pet requires expenses for food,
medical, toys, and other expenses. At the
same time, financial responsibility is
required to ensure that the pet is
adequately and properly cared for.
Loss of freedom
and time
Having a pet requires constant care
and attention. This can cause a loss of
freedom and limit time for the
Health and
hygiene issues
Having pets can be synonymous with a
number of health and hygiene issues. It is
necessary to ensure that pets receive
periodic medical care, cleanliness and
disease control.
on movement
Having pets can cause
restrictions on movement.
Finding pet sitters when away or
traveling can be challenging.
The advantages and
disadvantages of keeping pets in
the house are something
everyone should know before
making a decision. Of course,
there will be difficulties, but if
you want, you have a way to
overcome and change to share
the living space with your "new

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