Lesson 13 - Assessment in Special Education

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se ss m e n t in

Sp e ci a l
uc a
Ed sson 13tio n
In this lesson, the learners will be able to:

Define the concept of assessment;

Discuss the process for conducting assessments to learners with

developmental disabilities; identify the needs and strengths of

learners with developmental disabilities; and

Discuss the role of parents or guardians, classroom teachers, and

other service providers to gather relevant information on learners

with developmental disabilities.

Special education assessment can be defined as the systematic process of gathering
educationally relevant information to make legal and instructional decisions about
the provision of special services.
According to Lewis and Mcloughlin (2010), educational assessment is an integral part
of the instructional process and it is particularly important for special educator-
teachers who serve learners with developmental disability because assessment of
such learners is highly individualized.
According to Inciong (2007), in the diagnostic assessment of children, parents
and other significant individuals in the child's environment provide a
rich source of information.
According to Lewis and Mcloughlin (2010), special education assessment
the assessment of learners with disabilities.
It can be defined as the systematic process of gathering educationally relevant
information to make legal and instructional decisions about the provision of
special services.
There are four aspects of this definition.

First, assessment is an ongoing process, not a one-time event.

Second, special education assessment is systematic.
Third, special education assessment focuses on the collection of educationally
relevant information.
Fourth, special education assessment is purposeful Information is collected
to make important decisions about schooling for learners with special needs
Assessment is integral to the decision-making process and special
educators use multiple types of assessment for a variety of educational
decisions (Lewis & Mcloughlin, 2010).

Special educators use the results of assessments to help identify exceptional

learning needs and to develop and implement individualized instructional
Special educators must understand the legal policies and ethical principles of
measurement and assessment related to referral eligibility, program planning,
instructions, and placement for individuals with exceptional learning needs.
Special educators should understand the appropriate uses and limitations of
various types of assessments.
Special educators should collaborate with families and other colleagues to assure
non-biased, meaningful assessments and decision-making.

Special educators should conduct formal and informal assessments that support the
growth and development of individuals with exceptional learning needs.
Special educators should use assessment information to identify supports and
adaptations required for the individuals with exceptional learning needs.

Special educators should regularly monitor the progress of individuals with

exceptional learning needs in general and special curricula.
Special educators should use appropriate technologies to support their assessments.
In the diagnostic assessment of learners with developmental disabilities
parents and other significant persons play a vital role to provide
information about the rich source of nature and nurture background
of the child.

The components assessments are standardized test, teacher-made test

(checklist/anecdotal), home visits, structured interview with the parents,
and observation that would triangular the data about the child.
Sample Steps in Conducting the Assessment

1. Obtain signed consent prior to starting the assessment.

2. Accomplish the pre-referral form.
3. Gather information or reports from teachers or guidance counselors.
4. Refer to health practitioner.
5. Submit assessment results.

The results of the assessment would be the basis of the enrolling school
where to place the child and what program or curriculum will be provided
based on the diagnosis result.
Tha n k
yo u! :)

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