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I m p rove c a r b o n m a r ke t m e c h a n i s m a n d

institutional construction

Facilitate the coordinated development of

carbon trading and carbon finance market
Innovate Climate Investment and Financing
Promote Green and Low-carbon Development
Financial Technology, Financial Security

Green Finance
Innovation and Practices
Special Issue on
IFF Global Green Finance Award

NO.02 2023-02

ISSN 3005-4710

9 773005 471502
全 球 金 融 F20 金 融 服 务 世 界
Global Finance 20 (F20) Finance Serves the World

《 International Finance Forum 》

ISSN: 3005-4710 The International Finance Forum (IFF)
is an independent, non-profit, non-
governmental international organisation
International Finance Forum (IFF)
UIA International Organization ID: AA2980 founded in October 2003, and established
IFF GENERAL ASSEMBLY by financial leaders from more than 20
ZHOU Xiaochuan Han Seung-soo Shaukat Aziz countries and regions, including China,
Jenny Shipley Jean-Claude Trichet Chan Mo-Po the United States, the European Union,
Erik Solheim Edmond Alphandéry Domenico Siniscalco
emerging countries and leaders of
YI Xiaozhun Antony Leung ZHOU Yanli
international organisations such as the
BOARD OF DIRECTORS United Nations, the World Bank and the
Han Seung-soo Shaukat Aziz Jenny Shipley International Monetary Fund (IMF). The
Jean-Claude Trichet Chan Mo-Po Erik Solheim
IFF is a long-standing, high-level platform
Edmond Alphandéry Domenico Siniscalco Antony Leung
ZHOU Yanli ZHU Xian LIN Jianhai for dialogue and communication and
Deborah Lehr Leong Vai Tac Siddharth Tiwari multilateral cooperation and has been

新资本 新价值 新世界

ZHOU Hanmin Laurent Fabius Gloria Macapagal Arroyo upgraded to F20 (Finance 20) status.
Ernesto Zedillo Mehmet Simsek Sultan Bin Nasser Al Suwaidi
Guillermo Ortiz Yasser Elnaggar Stephen P. Groff
Frank Rijsberman Alessandro Teixeira Takehiko Nakao


Javier Pérez-Tasso
Sir David Wright
Zafar Uddin Mahmood
Bryan Pascoe
LI Tong
NIE Qingping Upholding the spirit of “Comprehensive
IFF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE and sustainable development – New
ZHANG Jizhong ZHU Xian LIN Jianhai capital, new value, new world”, since
Siddharth Tiwari Zafar Uddin Mahmood NIE Qingping the founding in 2003, the International
SONG Min CHI Ji Finance Forum (IFF) has been committed
IFF ADVISORY COMMITTEE to building itself into a world-class
Jean-Claude Trichet Leo Melamed Yukio Hatoyama academic think-tank and multilateral
Charles H. Dallara Domingo Cavallo Carla Hills dialogue platform with strategic insight.
Horst Köhler Jacob Frenkel Wim Kok
Jaime Caruana Karel Lannoo Justin Lin
Justin Lin ZHOU Jian ZHOU Jian


HUANG Qifan Bindu N.Lohani
ZHUANG Juzhong NIE Qingping LI Zhengqiang The International Finance Forum (IFF)
ZHANG Liqing David Dollar Nicholas Hope operation based on an open, transparent
Marsha Vande Berg WEI Shangjin WANG Yi
and fair mechanism to ensure its
ZHANG Yansheng CHEN Xingdong ZHOU Chengjun
TANG Min LU Xuedu LI Junfeng independence, objectivity, foresight and
XIA Le WANG Yuanfeng CHEN Bincai inclusiveness and to facilitate global
financial co-operation and exchanges.
Through in-depth research on global
ZHANG Jizhong ZHU Xian LIN Jianhai
SONG Min NIE Qingping finance, IFF is committed to promoting
sustainable development of China and
the world economy. Our targets include:
Joanna ZHUANG Steel SHEN WU Lixin
1 . I n te r n at i o n a l F i n a n c i a l St rate g i c
Dialogue Platform
Ariel YANG LI Yangyang YIN Ni
2. International Financial Cooperation &
ADDRESS Exchange Platform
22 Floor,Pearl Development BuildingHengli Town,Nansha District,Guangzhou 3. International Financial Innovation &
ZIP CODE Practice Platform
511458 4. International Financial Strategic Think-
Tank Platform
5. International Financial Talents Platform /


The copyright of this report is owned by the International
Finance Forum (IFF). Without written permission, no institution
or individual may reprint, copy, publish or quote.
Finance is a crucial pillar of global economic development,
and its fluctuations influence the world's peace and progress.
When finance is active, the economy thrives; when finance
is stable, the economy remains steady. The economy is the
body, and finance is its lifeblood, coexisting and flourishing
together. "A myriad of economic strategies, three policies for
peace." Finance is also a vital core competitiveness of a nation,
新资本 新价值 新世界

the heart of modern economies, and the fundamental issue

concerning each country's economic development and security.
The International Finance Forum (IFF) serves as a long-

standing high-level dialogue mechanism and multilateral

cooperative institution in the global financial domain, known
03 Message from Han Seung-soo 03

as the "F20" of the financial world. Since its establishment Message from Jenny Shipley 05
in 2003, over 2,000 world-renowned guests and more
than 100,000 global industry elites have participated in
Message from Erik Solheim 07
various activities organized by the IFF, including exchanges,
cooperation, and academic research. While contributing
their wisdom and valuable insights, they have also built
the IFF into a world-class international academic think 09 Chapter 1: Research Insight
tank renowned for its high level, high standards, and
internationalization. We spare no effort to collect, analyze, Improving the Carbon Market Mechanism, Coordinating 10
and interpret the latest information, data, and trends
in global financial markets, meticulously editing and the Development of Carbon Trading and Carbon Finance
deeply interpreting them to showcase the panorama and Markets - SONG Min and HUANG Xiaoqi
development trends of the global economic and financial
landscape to our audience amid the rapidly changing world. Promoting Green and Low-Carbon Development by 14
We will continue to focus on new ideas, trends, practices, and
Innovating Climate Financing - LU Xuedu
driving forces in global financial development, concentrating Technological Innovation as Critical Support for Achieving 19
on the world and China, reform and policies, academics and
practices. Our commitment is to provide our audience with
the Sustainable Development Goals - SUN Hong
international, professional, and diversified cutting-edge financial
content, creating an open, interactive, and deep learning
platform that brings together industry professionals and scholars
to explore new trends in financial industry development and
21 Chapter 2: 2022 IFF Global Green Finance
promote financial innovation and cooperation. Award - Annual Award Winners
We will uphold an objective and neutral stance, adhere to
the principles of knowledge and professionalism, and base 1. London Stock Exchange Group 22
ourselves on practical issues in the global financial domain.
From both macro and micro perspectives, we aim to provide
2. China Construction Bank Corporation 24
our audience with high-quality information and diverse 3. Societe Generale Group 30
perspectives that go beyond specific stances, addressing the
"questions of the era" in the financial sector and truly serving
4. PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP 34
our audience and looking towards the future. We believe 5. China Asset Management Co., Ltd. 39
that through our relentless efforts and the support of our
vast audience, the "International Finance Forum Magazine"
6. China Energy Conservation and Environmental 43
will become one of the most influential media outlets in the Protection Group
international financial industry.
7. Bank of Beijing Co., Ltd. 47
8. Shenwan Hongyuan Group Co., Ltd. 52
Zhang Jizhong 9. Ping An Bank Co., Ltd. 58
CEO / Founding Secretary General 10. UBS Group AG 62
Director of Executive Committee
International Finance Forum (IFF)

68 Chapter 3: 2022 IFF Global Green Finance
Award - Innovation Award Winners Message from Han Seung-soo
1. Bank of China-Green Bond Innovation 69
2. LONGi-Sunflower (PV Loan) Project 73
3. ICBC-Green Shipping Loan aligned with the Poseidon 78
4. GD Power Development Co.,Ltd. - Carbon-Finance-Link 83
System Development & Application
5. China CITIC Bank-CITIC Carbon Account 88
6. SUAEE - Low-carbon consumption scenario 97
development and carbon account system of China
UnionPay green low-carbon theme card
7. China Southern Asset Management-ESG 102 Han Seung-soo
Comprehensive Information Platform Co-Chair, International Finance Forum (IFF)
8. ChinaBond Pricing Center-ChinaBond ESG Series 107 Chair, Council of the Presidents of the UN
Products General Assembly (UNCPGA)
9. Sinopec Green Energy Geothermal (Carbon Neutrality) ABS 112 Former Prime Minister, Republic of Korea
10. SynTao - Carbon Neutrality Database and Climate Risk 117
Scenario Analysis Platform
Distinguished Members of Global Green to the consensus on implementing mitigation
Finance Innovation Award Jury, actions to meet the temperature target.
Proud Recipients of the Award, Regarding carbon emission reduction, there

122 Chapter 4: Special Features Members of the International Finance Forum, has been no progress compared to the last
Ladies and Gentlemen, year’s COP26.
1. Supportng Green Finance to Align with a Net Zero 123
Future - Carbon Trust Green Finance Cases On behalf of the IFF’s 2022 Global Green Nonetheless, a significant step forward is an
2. HUANG Dafei: Carbon Trading Promotes Financial 130 Finance Innovation Award Jury, I would like to agreement in principle to support ‘loss and
Products Innovation offer my warmest congratulations to all the damage’ which developing countries have
awardees. strongly requested for the past 30 years.

134 Appendix This prize is our strong recognition to the

However, there is a need for new funding, and
the discussions on how to establish such fund
awardees who have devoted their efforts and
Jury Committee of 2022 IFF Global Green Finance Award 134 will be the topics for the coming COP.
financial resources to help solve the critical
issues that the humanity has been facing, that According to the IPCC report in April 2022,
is, climate change and other related issues. in order to achieve target of the 1.5°C limit,
c a r b o n e m i ss i o n s m u st b e re d u ce d by
A s yo u m a y k n o w, u n f o r t u n a t e l y, t h e
43% compared to 2019 levels by 2030 and
discussions during the COP27 in Sharm El
completely carbon neutral should be realized
Sheikh, Egypt was not much productive.
by 2050. Achieving this goal, the report says,
The discussion on climate change did not lead would require climate investments of $ 4

02 03
Message from Jenny Shipley

Jenny Shipley
Board Member,IFF
Former Prime Minister, New Zealand
Co-chair, Silk Road nternational Association

trillion per year by 2030. three years ago. Therefore, I am very pleased
to present these awards to those who have Greetings to you all as we celebrate the It’s very clear that increasingly the banking
This report, therefore, implies that the
come up with innovative ideas that could help International Finance Forum 2022 Global sector and other finance instruments are able
f i n a n c i a l s e c to r c a n n o l o n g e r re m a i n
build our society climate safe and ecologically Green Finance Awards. I am so pleased that to work with industry leaders, governments
disinterested in protecting our planet. Shifting
sound. you are able to have this ceremony, I am and other investor requirements to achieve
away from fossil fuel-based economy towards
very sorry I can’t be with you. As I have read these outcomes and all of the applicants that
a transformation of our economy based We will continue with our mission of Global
through the applicants for the awards, I have I read are worthy of being shared because the
on clean and renewable energy needs no Green Finance Innovation Award in order to
again been just astonished at the degree of ability for others to see what is being thought
belaboring. strongly leverage private funds for investment
innovation, leadership, discipline and focus through and how it’s being applied, I think will
in green projects in the future, playing a
It is an irony that while green projects are that has been exercised by many participants, have a secondary impact.
central role in strongly supporting the vision
suffering from the lack of funds, billions of not only in China, but all around the world.
of going carbon neutral for the world. And so, in congratulating the award winners,
dollars looking for investment opportunities
The list of finalists, both in the major award I also want to encourage all the International
at the stock market are not flowing into low Once again, I would like to reiterate our
and in the innovation sector, are very worthy Finance Forum team, to see that as many
carbon green projects which are critical for congratulations as well as best wishes to the
of recognition this year. That discipline and people as possible are able to read through
the humanity’s long-term survival. Therefore, awardees of this precious prize.
leadership and vision is having a significant the award applications and appreciate the
we have to work hard to find innovations
Thank you impact on global markets and it’s exciting to quality of the innovation going on so they
that can stimulate private funds to flow into
see that people are turning their mind to how might then apply these and achieve the same
green and climate projects for our safe and
to bring multi-disciplinary facets together potential impacts to the sectors for which
sustainable future.
using finance and also desired environmental they are responsible.
This is the main reason why the IFF’s Global and sustainability outcomes, to actually
And so enjoy this evening tonight. I hope it’s a
Green Finance Innovation Award was created achieve meaningful goals.

04 05
Message from Erik Solheim

Erik Solheim
Former Executive Director,
UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
Former Under-Secretary-General, United

Hello everyone,Ni Hao Guangzhou, I'm coming forward to take up the great mantle
so pleased to speak to all of you coming of green finance early. I would like to say you
to g e t h e r i n t h e g re at b e a u t i f u l c i t y o f are doing great work. We should all thank you.
worthy celebration. I am just delighted to see Guangzhou for the International Finance And of course we want you to continue on
the ways in which these awards are working Forum (IFF). this journey to do even more and even better
and the degree to which very significantly in the future. That's how humanity developed
I was asked to work on the global green
leading institutions around the world are now to be a world those who do great now, but
finance award, and I have enormous pleasure
seeking to have their products and processes expect even better and more results than in
to work on that because so many great
considered by us and we are able to recognise the years and decades to come.
suggestions came forward or people have
and reward them.
contributed to green finance in China and It has been very encouraging to follow the
Congratulations to all of the applicants and in the world.And I'm at first thank all my green journey of China over the last decade.
participants. Congratulations to the highest fellow jury members and to thank the great Ten years ago, the impression of China in
achievers and I hope that your leadership will secretariat of the International Finance Forum. the worldwide was very polluted place
have an impact on markets that will allow You have provided so good background where environment was not very high on
green finance to become a reality globally. information about the candidates and it's a the agenda. Now China is leading the green
pleasure working with you. transformation. So many areas China is
leading on every environment technology.
And of course I want to congratulate all the
Eighty two percent of all solar panels last
award winners. It is great to see so many
year in the world made in China, seventy
financial institutions and individuals in China
percent of all green batteries. And China is

06 07
Chapter 1:
Research Insight

leading the green transformation in every lot of innovation, new products and new
green technology. Through the great slogan ways of thinking which can drive the green
of President Xi Jinping - Beautiful China, change. When all these comes together, great
China's also more and more leading on a green technologies conservation of nature
green conservation of the planet. The number and green finance, China is set to be a lead
of giant pandas, number of snow leopards, nation in providing an ecological civilization
threatened species in China in the past and for the verb in the twenty first century. So
are increasing. Thanks to great conservation again thank you so much to everyone at
wo r k a n d C h i n a i s by fa r w i t h o u t a ny the International Finance Forum(IFF) in
comprehension they biggest tree planted in Guangzhou. I wish I could be there with you.
the world. But to succeed you need green
I hope to come next year and let's hope
finance added to good green policies, and
they have solved the Covid-19 problems, so
that's why we wanted to award institutional
that I can attend this fantastic forum in their
lead the charge into green finance. cause a
beautiful city of Guangzhou I'm sure we can
key role is played by the People's Bank of
call the 2022 IFF Global Green Finance Award
China and by the central authorities framing
a success and again encourage everyone to
and guiding this process. But we also see all
move fast ahead with green finance and so
the great banks and financial institutions and
much needed in today's world. Thank you so
channel coming forward, providing different
concepts to green finance. We also see a

08 09
Chapter 1 Chapter 1
Research Insight Research Insight

Obstacles and challenges facing China’s with the imbalance of supply and demand.
carbon market China’s ETS must be fully aware of China’s
special situations, and it should learn from the
Improving the Carbon China’s ETS has developed rapidly, and
experience of international carbon markets,
the existing carbon pricing practices in the
Market Mechanism, carbon market have yielded some positive
such as improving the allocation mechanism,
covering more participants in the carbon
Coordinating the results. However, it still faces problems and
market, and setting up necessary flexible
Development of Carbon challenges, mainly including:

Trading and Carbon (1) Vague/unclear positioning of the financial

attributes of carbon market and lack of Carbon derivatives market
Finance Markets carbon finance innovations
State quo of carbon derivatives in China
◆ SONG Min 1 and HUANG Xiaoqi 2 (2) Single and restricted access mechanism
and low liquidity On April 12, 2022, China Securities Regulatory
(3) The regulatory system of the carbon Commission (CSRC) issued four financial
market lacks coordination among different industry standards, including Carbon
agencies Financial Products (JR/T 0244-2022) , which
After the first-year operation, China’s national gap between them and international carbon is the first national industry standard in the
(4) The carbon pricing lacks a solid legal basis
Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) has made a markets. We further attempt to find a feasible field of carbon finance. The Carbon Financial
and a connection with the general policy goal
great achievement, with a trading volume of path for the coordinated development of the Products mainly standardized the terminology
(5) Allocations in the ETS are free and there
194 million tons and a cumulative transaction two markets. and scope of application of carbon financial
is uncertainty on timing of mechanism that
value of 8.492 billion yuan. It has become products, as well as the implementation
eventually will reduce the free allocations
the largest carbon market in operation in Carbon trading market process of different carbon financial
the world. However, due to the late start of Experiences, lessons learned and implications
products, puts forward normative guidelines
China’s ETS, it still faces a series of obstacles Current obstacles and challenges facing for China from EU ETS and other international
and framework requirements for financial
a n d c h a l l e n g e s i n te r m s o f i t s t ra d i n g China’s carbon market carbon markets
institutions to develop and implement carbon
mechanisms. All financial trading activities financial products, and provides a specific
First year of China’s national carbon market The EU ETS is the world’s first emission
are based on spot transactions. In fact, we classification of carbon financial products.
trading system, as well as the most developed
believe carbon finance market and carbon China’s national ETS started its first compliance
and active carbon market in the world. The
trading market should complement each period on July 16, 2021. According to the statistics From the perspective of regional carbon
total amount of allowances is set by the EU.
other. Carbon trading, by providing a market of Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange markets, the seven carbon pilot programs
The allocation method of allowances has
determined carbon price, is the premise and (SEEE), from July 16, 2021 to July 15, 2022, have carried out a series of trial practices
also gradually changed from free to paid
foundation of carbon finance, and, on another China’s national carbon market saw its total of carbon derivatives and developed a
allowance. EU ETS covers a wide range of
hand, carbon finance is a booster for carbon trading volume reaching 194 million tons, with a range of products such as carbon options,
industries and GHGs. But it also has problems
trading. Therefore, from the perspectives of cumulative transaction value of 8.492 billion yuan carbon forward, carbon pledges and carbon
such as oversupply of allowance, weak carbon
China’s carbon trading market and carbon and a compliance rate reaching 99.5%. The trading repurchase. However, carbon futures have
price, and unfair allocation of allowance.
finance market, this article analyzes the status price ranged from 40 to 60 yuan. not been put into actual use in China. For
The allocation of allowances in the Regional
quo of the two markets and the development example, the Shanghai Emission Allowance
Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) of the U.S.
Forward (SHEAF), a carbon quota forward
is mainly auctioned, and the auction is held
product, was officially launched in January
quarterly. In addition, RGGI has established
1 SONG Min Academic Member, IFF;Dean, Economics and Management School,Wuhan University 2017, with the carbon allowance of Shanghai
a Cost Containment Reserve (CCR) to deal
2 HUANG Xiaoqi Lecturer, School of Economics, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law as the objective. As of December 31, 2020, a

10 11
Chapter 1 Chapter 1
Research Insight Research Insight

Suggestions to improve Third, it is important to note critical role

of carbon tax as a complement. With the
China’s carbon trade and development of carbon market, coordinated
carbon finance markets research on carbon market and carbon tax can
be carried out, so as to give full play to the
First, promote the construction of a “top-level
role carbon tax in developing carbon finance.
design” framework to improve the current
At the same time, we need to pay greater
carbon market mechanism. Specifically, the
attention to effective coordination of carbon
system should further standardize carbon
finance with other environment policies.
assets, clarify the financial attributes of carbon
emission rights, strengthen carbon finance Fourth, we need to consolidate the carbon
supervision. Also, the system need a reasonable spot market, strengthen carbon finance
controlling of the total amount of allowances innovation, and further develop the carbon
and allowance allocation. It should gradually derivatives market. Meanwhile, we need
expand its coverage of industries, and steadily further enhance the environmental information
incorporate third parties such as financial disclosure, the MRV system, and the risk
institutions to participate in carbon trading. control during carbon finance innovation.

Second, reset and develop the Chinese Fifth, we need to further improve the accuracy
cumulative (bilateral) of 43,000 transactions their carbon markets, so that the spot and Certified Emission Reduction (CCER) market o f emi ssi o n data veri fi cati on a nd dat a
of carbon forward products were reached derivative markets can support each other. to serve as offsetting mechanism for the quality, and help develop industry emission
in the Shanghai carbon market, with a Specifically, the European Climate Exchange national carbon market. CCER can add to benchmarks, thereby help improve the quality,
total trading volume of RMB156 million. To (ICE_ECX) and the European Energy the diversity of carbon-based transactions, transparency, and accuracy of emission data
summarize, China has tried out a series of Exchange (EEX) started trading futures and increase liquidity, and motivate companies to reports in the ETS.
carbon derivatives. But those have not been options on carbon allowances (EUAs) and participate in carbon trading.
used on a large scale. certified emission reductions (CERs and
ERUs) at the very beginning of the carbon
Developments of international carbon
market in 2005. In the U.S. RGGI carbon
markets and their implications for China
trading system, futures trading even predates
spot trading. Currently, carbon futures are the
The development of the global carbon
most mature and active carbon derivatives in
market shows that, carbon derivatives market
the global carbon market.
and carbon spot market complement each
other. At present, the major types of carbon At p r e s e n t , d u e t o t h e i m m a t u r i t y o f
derivatives trading are: carbon forward the carbon spot market, China’s carbon
trading, carbon futures trading, carbon derivatives market is still at an early stage.
options trading and carbon swap trading, The appropriate development of innovation in
among which the innovation and trading carbon finance as well as carbon derivatives
of carbon futures are the most mature such as carbon futures while ensuring the
market. Both EU ETS and RGGI made use smooth operation of the carbon spot market
of both carbon spot and derivative trading may be one of the future directions for the
instruments such as forwards and futures in long-term development of the carbon market.

12 13
Chapter 1 Chapter 1
Research Insight Research Insight

level climate benefit accounting (including accounts for 34% of the 10 MDBs’ total
the benefits of reducing greenhouse gas financing of that year.
emissions, CO2 removals, adapting to climate
In the past several years, China has adopted
change, etc.), including energy, transportation,
a series of measures and formulated relevant
Promoting Green and Low-carbon Development by agriculture, water resources, etc. Since 2012,
policies to promote climate investment
these MDBs have jointly published their annual
Innovating Climate Financing climate finance report, disclosing their annual
and financing. In October 2019, Chinese
Society for Environmental Sciences set up
◆ Xuedu LU / Academic Member, IFF Former Lead Climate Change Specialist, Asian Development Bank climate investment and financing status to
Climate Investment and Finance Association
the international community. In 2018, ADB
(CIFA). In October 2020, five ministries
announced its climate finance goal: from 2019
and commissions headed by the Ministry of
to 2030, ADB’s own capital for climate change
Ecology and Environment jointly issued the
investment and financing will reach US$80
“Guiding Opinions on Promoting Investment
billion. On the eve of the 26th Conference
Updates of climate finance below 1.5 degrees, about US$110 trillion of
and Financing to Address Climate Change”.
the cumulative investment in decarbonization of the Parties to UNFCCC in October 2021,
in China and abroad of the global energy system by 2050 will be the ADB further announced to increase this
In December 2 02 1, ni ne m i ni st r i e s a nd
commissions headed by the Ministry of
required as estimated by the International number to US$100 billion. The 2022 Annual
Climate finance is a “by-product” of the Ecology and Environment jointly issued the
negotiations under the United Nations Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). In Climate Finance Report by 10 MDBs 3 shows
“Notice on Launching Climate Investment
addition, according to the Global Climate that in 2021, the 10 MDBs invested US$81.717
Framework Convention on Climate Change and Financing Pilot”. On 10 August 2022,
Finance Report (2021) published by the billion of climate finance, leveraging additional
(UNFCCC). During the negotiations, developing the Ministry of Ecology and Environment,
Climate Policy Initiative (CPI), the total investment of US$112.038 billion of climate
countries required developed countries to together with other relevant ministries and
amount of climate finance has grown steadily finance from partners. The climate finance
provide support in finance, technology transfer
and capacity building for developing countries in the past decade, reaching US$632 billion

so that they can participate in the international in 2019-2020. But there is still a big gap of

efforts in addressing climate change. Gradually, about US$2.6 trillion per year of climate

the concept of “climate finance” has been finance compared with the required climate

developed to refer to the finance that supports finance as estimated. A recent analysis by

climate change mitigation and adaptation McKinsey informs that globally about US$9.2

actions, including public and private sector trillion in climate investment and financing

investment and financing, as well as regional, annually is required to achieve the goal of

national and international investment and limiting the temperature below 1.5 degrees by

financing. Climate finance is the fundamental 2050.. Apparently, there is a severe shortage

guarantee for promoting global climate in climate finance.

protection and adaptation to climate change.

Since 2012, the World Bank, Asian Development

The Paris Agreement under the UNFCCC Bank (ADB), and other multilateral

requires parties to limit the global development banks (MDBs) have formulated

temperature increase in this century to Two guiding principles and implementation

degrees Celsius while pursuing efforts to limit guidelines for climate finance accounting.

the increase even further to 1.5 degrees. To They have also developed guiding principles
The 10 MDBs refer to Asian Development Bank (ABD), African Development Bank (AfDB), Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB),
achieve the goal of limiting the temperature and implementation guidelines for project- 3

European Development Bank Council (CEB), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), European Investment Bank (EIB),
Inter-American Development Bank (IDBG), Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), New Development Bank (NDB), World Bank Group (WBG).

14 15
Chapter 1 Chapter 1
Research Insight Research Insight

First, the existing laws and regulations are carbon emission reduction investment project
not fully matched with the requirements of can realize its benefit. However, for those
climate investment and financing. Although projects that are neither required by law/
China has issued relevant regulations, policies governments, nor in the voluntary carbon
and guiding principles for climate investment market, the carbon emission reduction
and financing, there are still large gaps to benefits would not be appropriately realized,
ensure a systematic operation of climate since those benefits would not go anywhere.
investment and financing. For example, China For adaptation project investments, the
still lacks a series of methods, guidelines, adaptation benefits are even more difficult
standards, tools, etc. to guide the operation of to be quantified and recognized, and the
climate investment and financing, for instance, adaption effects are noticeable only when
the scope and accounting of climate finance, extreme climate events occur. Thus, usually
and accounting and reporting of climate the adaptation benefits cannot be recognized
benefits generated by climate investment and and realized appropriately, then investors
financing, etc. would not be able to obtain cash flow returns
from adaptation investment. This is also why
Second, relevant institutions that implement
the funds currently invested in adaptation
climate investment and financing lack the
projects are basically from governments or
required knowledge and skills. The operation
other public organizations, and not many
of climate investment and financing requires
departments, approved 23 local pilots to finance per year. It should be pointed out that from private sector. Therefore, it is highly
large-scale training on climate investment and
explore the ways on climate investment and it is more difficult to invest climate adaptation required to innovate climate investment and
financing knowledge to build up the required
financing. projects compared with carbon emission financing mechanism and climate benefit
capacity of financial institutions and operation
reduction projects, even climate adaptation sharing mechanism so as to encourage all
Under the guidance of the “dual carbon” personnel, which will require enormous
projects may have more long-term benefits. parties to invest in mitigation and adaptation
goals (meaning the two national carbon efforts.
A study report by the Global Commission on to climate change, including the formulation
goals: carbon emission peaking by 2030
Climate Adaptation in 2019 concluded that by Third, the benefit of climate investment can and improvement of relevant laws,
and carbon neutrality by 2060), the demand
2030, the world needs about US$1.8 trillion not be realized or recognized sufficiently. regulations and policies to ensure the benefits
for low-carbon technologies, products and
for climate adaptation investment, including For a carbon emission reduction project, to of climate mitigation and adaptation can be
services will continue to increase, which will
for early warning systems, climate-resilient obtain carbon emission reduction benefits, appropriately recognized and realized.
drive a huge demand for investment in green
infrastructure, improved dryland agriculture, investment institutions will need to make
and low-carbon technologies, and bring about
mangrove protection, and investments in extra efforts and additional investment, and
Re co m m e n d a t i o n s fo r
unprecedented opportunities for promoting
climate investment and financing. According
making water resources more resilient. It is communicate with governments/society, promoting climate investment
estimated that such investments can generate which will bring about additional cost. For
to the National Centre for Climate Change
US$7.1 trillion benefit output, which is nearly
and financing in China
those enterprises with the compulsory
Strategy and International Cooperation
four times that of the input. responsibility of carbon emission reduction, In view of current issues of China's climate
(NCSC), more than 139 trillion RMB of total
the carbon emission reductions generated investment and financing and for meeting
climate investment (about 3.48 trillion Issues facing China's climate
by the investment can help them meet the f u t u re l a rg e - s c a l e d e m a n d fo r c l i m a te
RMB per year) will be needed to achieve
investment and financing government requirements of carbon emission investment and financing, the following
China’s 2060 Carbon Neutrality goal. While,
reductions, which would mean the additional recommendations are proposed for discussion
according to McKinsey's recent analysis, China Climate investment and financing in China
investment can generate its value, or the and consideration.
will need about 20 trillion RMB of climate now faces the following issues.

16 17
Chapter 1 Chapter 1
Research Insight Research Insight

First, formulation or improvement of relevant of the carbon emission reductions can be

laws and regulations so as to promote climate used as a condition for a project to get climate Technological Innovation as Critical Support for
investment and financing. The Chinese investment and financing, and the risk control
government has released the "1+N" policy requirements for innovative emission reduction
Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
framework to achieve the dual carbon goals. technologies may be reduced, and investors ◆ SUN Hong / Chief Engineer The Administrative Center for China’s Agenda 21
The government agencies also have issued can share the long-term benefits/premiums
guidance on promoting climate investment brought about by investment in adaptation
and financing, and launched the first batch infrastructure to climate change, etc.
of pilots. On this basis, it is urgently required Scientific and technological innovation has Development in the 21st Century, emphasizing
Third, insurance instruments should be fully remained essential to achieving different on population, environment, and development.
to further formulate new relevant laws and
used to promote investment in emission sustainable development goals from the Recently, the focus is on harmony between
regulations or improve existing ones for
reduction and climate adaptation. Plausible Agenda 21 adopted by the United Nations human and nature, high-quality economic
guiding the climate finance operations and
examples are carbon emission reduction
protecting the climate benefits generated by Conference on Environment and Development growth, and effective social governance, and
benefit insurance for innovative low carbon
climate investment and financing. For instance, in 1992, to the United Nations Millennium today, economic recovery and health are
technologies, insurance for extreme climate
the climate benefits produced by climate Development Goals (MDGs) formulated in most concerned issues. All these need to be
disaster, insurance for climate vulnerable
investment should be legally defined to have United Nations Millennium Summit held in addressed based on soft science and strategic
area investment, etc. Insurance companies
economic value, which would lay a solid legal 2000, and to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable research.
have great business potentials in the field of
basis for innovating climate financial products. Development adopted at the United Nations
carbon emission reduction, and should be Second, scientific and technological
Also, it is very urgently needed to formulate Development Summit in 2015. The supporting
encouraged to be more involved. innovation provides the critical technologies
detailed operational rules and guidelines for role of scientific and technological innovation
to solve the challenges of sustainable
the climate investment and financing, such Forth, large-scale and systematic capacity in achieving sustainable development goals is
development. In recent years, the progress
as, the definition and accounting of climate building training on climate investment and mainly reflected in the following aspects:
i n s c i e n ce a n d te c h n o l o g y h a s g re at l y
investment and financing, accounting and financing for financial institutions are urgently First, scientific and technological innovation promoted the coordinated development
disclosure of the climate benefits generated by needed. The financial institutions should be underpins the decision-making process of economy, environment, and society. For
climate investment and financing projects, and trained to have the capability to carry out
for sustainable development. The 2030 instance, agricultural technological advances
etc.. Further, government may also consider emission reduction and climate adaptation
Agenda for Sustainable Development spans in breeding, cultivation and processing help to
setting up climate investment and financing assessments for all financing projects in order
a wide range of areas, with 17 Sustainable eliminate poverty and hunger and ensure food
long-term targets as national targets and the to enhance the carbon emission reduction
Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 associated security. Especially, the recent innovations
targets of commercial banks and institutions, benefit and climate adaptation level to be
targets. To achieve these goals, it is necessary in biotechnology, information technology,
such as, climate investment and financing financed by the financial institutions.
t o t a ke m e a s u re s , e s p e c i a l l y l a w s a n d new energy technology, and new material
targets for 2021-2025, 2026-2030 .
regulations, policies, funds, technology, and technology are transforming the modes
Second, financial institutions are encouraged standards in place, which should be systematic, of production and lifestyles and provide a
to develop innovative tools and products coordinated and feasible. Much needs to be strong impetus to the development of the
of climate investment and financing. These done to formulate the proper measures. environment, health, social governance, public
innovated tools and products should reflect safety, disaster reduction and prevention,
The key challenges to sustainable development
the key characteristics of climate investment and industrial development. With regard to
varied at different stages. In 1994, the Chinese
and financing, that is, the benefits of carbon carbon neutrality and climate change, more
government promulgated the first national-
emission reduction and adaptation to climate than 100 countries have announced various
level Agenda 21, China's Agenda 21: White
change, and ensure a reasonable return of the carbon neutrality goals. The paths to carbon
Paper on China's Population, Environment, and
benefits for investors. For example, the amount neutrality may be different, but they all require

18 19
Chapter 1 Chapter 1
Research Insight Research Insight

technological support, especially disruptive as well as national ecological civilization

technologies, in the sectors including energy, demonstration zones, national agricultural
industry, architecture, transportation, and sustainable development pilot zones, and
carbon sink. national low-carbon pilot provinces and cities.

Chapter 2
Based on the national conditions, China’s To i m p l e m e n t t h e 2 0 3 0 A g e n d a f o r
pathway towards carbon neutrality relies on Sustainable Development, China has launched
low-carbon, zero carbon and negative carbon the Innovation Demonstration Zones for
technologies, and emphasis is on the inputs the Implementation of 2030 Agenda for
of R&D of substituting clean energy at the
source, reducing emissions in the process,
Sustainable Development covering 11 cities and
regions so far, including Shenzhen, Taiyuan,
2022 IFF Global Green
and capturing carbon at the outlet. It is also
very important to develop technoligies of
Guilin, Chenzhou, Lincang, Chengde, Xuzhou,
Huzhou, Ordos, Zaozhuang and Hainan Tibetan Finance Award - Annual
Award Winners
zero carbon electricity, zero carbon non- Autonomous Prefecture as approved by the
electric energy, fuel/raw materal and process State Council. These innovation demonstration
a l te r n a t i ve s , n o n - CO 2 g re e n h o u s e g a s zones target different types of bottlenecks in
reduction, CCUS/carbon sink and negative pursuing sustainable development, innovate
emission. Technology is the key to solving the technologies, policies and institutional
major challenges to the "dual carbon" goals mechanisms, explore technological routes and
and sustainable development. systematic solutions, and provide practical
experiences for implementing the 2030
Last, scientific and technological innovation
Agenda for Sustainable Development.
drives the technological solutions and
development paradigms for sustainable C u r r e n t l y, s e v e r e c h a l l e n g e s e x i s t i n
development. The application of technological sustainable development, and the pace of
breakthroughs needs political and financial achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development
support, especially through the sustainable Goals is also slowing down. Here are several
development pilot programs to verify the suggestions: firstly, we need to continue
feasibility of technologies, policies and measures. i n c r e a s i n g i n ve s t m e n t i n s c i e n c e a n d
technology and build the technological
China began comprehensive pilot programs
system for sustainable development and in
that utilized technology to guide social
particular, the carbon neutrality technology
development to address the economic and
system to achieve the dual carbon goals.
social development issues as early as in 1986.
Secondly, we should enhance the integration
As of now, China has established 23 national
of technology and finance to promote the
independent innovation demonstration
application and industrialization of scientific
zones to promote the emerging industries,
and technological achievements. Last, we
i n n ova t i ve i n d u s t r i e s , a n d k n ow l e d g e
should strengthen international cooperation
industries, 177 high-tech industry
on science and technology to promote
development zones, over 200 national
sustainable development around the world.
agricultural high-tech parks and national
agricultural science and technology parks,

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2022 IFF Global Green Finance Award - Annual Award Winners 2022 IFF Global Green Finance Award - Annual Award Winners

1. London Stock
Exchange Group
- LSE Group Looks Forward
to Continued Cooperation
with China to Help Sustainable
Financial Development
◆ David Schwimmer / Chief Executive of
the London Stock Exchange Group

It is a great honour that the London Stock green credentials.This year, LSEG’s FTSE
Exchange Group is a recipient of the IFF Russell reported that China already has the
Global Green Finance Award. Enabling second largest share of the global green
sustainable finance is central to our purpose. economy at 12%. China plays a critical role in London Stock Exchange Group HQ

LSEG is proud to be recognized for its efforts helping investors meet global sustainability
issuers are prioritising ESG performance for This partnership between the London Stock
to deliver sustainability products and services goals, and continues to demonstrate great
consideration.To meet this growing demand, Exchange and the Shanghai Stock Exchange
to clients around the world. potential in green finance.Global asset
LSEG’s data and analytics business continues provides a channel for innovative, fast-
allocations to green and sustainable finance
The global transition to a decarbonized to provide high-quality ESG data for driving growing, and green companies to raise
are increasing each year. Investor demand
economy requires a massive realignment efficient allocation of capital. capital in both markets. It is an opportunity
for actionable, climate-related financial
of capital, and we welcome China’s role in for investors outside of China to understand
information continues to surge. Recently, our FTSE Russell index business
this transformation, and its more ambitious the companies, markets and people of this
partnered with Ping An on the use of their
targets for achieving carbon neutrality. Every To meet this growing demand, LSE Group's country. And it is a chance for Chinese
market leading China-specific ESG scores to
country, government and business must Data and Analytics business continues to companies to build strong financial ties
better enable investment in Chinese
be thinking about climate mitigation. For provide high quality environmental, social and around the world, expanding their global
companies with superior ESG scores.With
this global transformation to succeed, we corporate governance (ESG) data to facilitate investor base and boosting liquidity while
greater amounts of data at their disposal,
need new and innovative ways of thinking, the efficient allocation of capital. Recently, still supporting the growth of China’s national
investors are better equipped to discern
including from the financial sector. FTSE Russell, a member of the LSE Group, exchanges and economy.LSEG is proud to be
which issuers have ESG considerations truly
and Ping An of China have partnered to IFF’s partner. We are bound by a common
Sustainability continues to be a key issue at the heart of their activities.
assess the performance of Chinese companies vision to empower the economies and to help
for investors worldwide.And we applaud using a market-leading ESG rating index, create sustainable growth.
Earlier this year, we saw the listing of Chinese
the IFF for its long-standing commitment helping Chinese companies with superior wind turbine manufacturer and smart energy
to discussing sustainable finance. We need We are looking forward to working together
ESG performance to access more resources provider Mingyang Smart Energy through the
to encourage and enable investors to direct to achieve the green finance goals that will
and investment. The more data available, the Shanghai-London Stock Connect.
capital to Chinese companies with strong benefit IFF, China and the global community.
better investors will be able to identify which

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2022 IFF Global Green Finance Award - Annual Award Winners 2022 IFF Global Green Finance Award - Annual Award Winners

2. China Construction Bank Corporation

- Targeted Measures to Sustain Financing Flow and Multiple
Initiatives to Promote

Achieving Carbon Peaking and Carbon reserve technology for carbon reduction in
N e u t ra l i t y i s a s o l e m n co m m i t m e n t o f China. CCB Shandong Branch attached great
China to the world and an integral aspect importance to the technology, and after
of promoting high-quality development. learning about the financing needs of a CCUS
China Construction Bank (CCB) remained demonstration project of carbon dioxide
committed to implementing the decision flooding and storage in an oil field, The
and plans of the CPC Central Committee and company set up a task force at the first time
the State Council, and focusing closely on to carefully study and analyze the project CCB Shandong Branch Invested RMB 450 Million in a CCUS Project
the dual carbon goals, it incorporated green situation, and made every effort to promote
a win-win situation for both oil production CC B G u a n g d o n g B ra n c h l a u n c h e d t h e
finance into bank-wide strategy, strengthened the project declaration and approval. As at the
increase and carbon emission reduction. The innovative “Carbon Footprint Linked Loan”
top-level design, operation management, end of 2022, as the exclusive financing bank,
successful implementation of this project was product, which links the loan interest rate
resource guarantee and innovation drive, and CCB Shandong Branch successfully placed a
an important step for CCB to adopt monetary or comprehensive cost of enterprises with
took multiple measures to mobilize the power green loan of RMB450 million for the project
policy tools to accurately support green carbon dioxide emissions, with the aim to
of finance to promote carbon reduction in all and declared a fund of RMB270 million for the
and low-carbon technology innovation and guide enterprises to actively reduce carbon
aspects of the society and economy, so as supporting tool of carbon emission reduction,
promote carbon reduction at the source of emissions in the production process and
to effectively serve the green transformation with its excellent approval efficiency and
the industrial chain. encourage more enterprises to reduce loan
and development of enterprises in the real high-quality comprehensive services receiving
interest rates through energy conservation
economy. high praise from the customers. Upon the
Making good use of and emission reduction, thus helping solve the
completion of the project, it is projected to
Boosting carbon reduction help digest 700,000 tons of CO 2 per year enterprises’ “carbon difficulties faced by enterprises in accessing
affordable financing and enabling them to
at the source of industrial and produce an additional 3.59 million tons accounts” to promote digital
enjoy the real benefits brought by energy
of crude oil, which is equivalent to planting
chain with innovation drive carbon management conservation and emission reduction.
about 6 million trees or taking 400,000
CCB actively helped in the country’s green economy cars off the road for a year, and CC B a l i g n e d t h e “c a r b o n b e h av i o r ” o f In addition, some local governments and
and low-carbon technological revolution the project will become the largest CCUS enterprises with the dual carbon goals to regulatory institutions are also actively
and green and low-carbon technological full-chain demonstration base in China and realize the control over both the amount and involved, together with financial institutions,
breakthroughs. Carbon Capture, Utilization the first megaton-level CCUS commercial intensity of carbon emissions. Based on the to guide and promote the development of
& Storage (CCUS) is an important strategic operation project in China, helping to achieve “carbon behavior” portrait of enterprises, low-carbon transformation in the whole

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Helping enterprises make quotas it holds can be traded in the “local

carbon market”. CCB Chongqing Branch, after
good use of “carbon assets” learning the enterprise’s financing needs and
through quota realization problems of lacking sufficient collateral and
pledges, collected and refined the enterprise’s
CCB actively carried out bank-enterprise
financing demands at the first time, and sorted
engagement, helping activate and transform
out the Bank’s environmental equity financing
the idle “carbon assets” of enterprises
products. In combination with the relevant
into real benefits through “carbon quota”
management requirements of government
pledged financing, A leading enterprise in
agencies on carbon quota allocation, trading,
the wooden door manufacturing industry in
pledging and offset, CCB Chongqing Branch
Chongqing has been granted environmental
launched the innovative carbon emission
protection certifications such as “Ecological
rights pledged financing mode by pledging
Origin Protection Products” and “China
the carbon quota held by the enterprise in
Environmental Labelling Products” by the
the local resource and environment trading
General Administration of Quality Supervision,
center as a credit enhancement measure,
Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s
providing the enterprise with loan support
Republic of China. It is also one of the key
of RMB24 million for “quota realization”.
emission control enterprises in Chongqing,
By doing this, CCB supports enterprises to
CCB Zhejiang Branch Launches "Carbon Credit" for a "Deep Green" Carbon Emission Enterprise in and was included in the city’s unified carbon
adhere to a development pathway of leading
Zhejiang Province quota management indicating that the carbon

society. In 2021, the Quzhou Branch of the explored the development of carbon finance
People’s Bank of China built a carbon account according to the four color levels, and
index system for industrial enterprises under launched the innovative “Priority Carbon
its jurisdiction with the two indicators of Loan” product, which links loan elements
total carbon emission amount and intensity with the results of carbon credit reports,
as the core, and gradually improved the data classifies interest rates into “four categories
collection, accounting and rating system, and twelve levels”, implements preferential
dividing enterprises into four carbon emission interest rates for customers according to the
levels of “red, yellow, light green and dark labeling results and guarantee measures, and
green” and forming a carbon credit report. applies carbon credit to the whole process of
In order to further exert the demonstration credit placement, providing new viewpoints
and leading role of the pilot bank of green fo r c u sto m e r a cce ss a n d p o st - l e n d i n g
financial reform in the process of achieving management by account managers. Up to
the “dual carbon” goal, CCB Zhejiang Branch now, CCB Zhejiang Branch issued a total of
proactively communicated with government RMB5.18 billion of “Priority Carbon Loan”
departments and continuously deepened to 158 customers, saving RMB20 million in
the cooperation between government and interest costs for enterprises.
banks. Based on the government’s “carbon
account” system, CCB Zhejiang Branch CCB Chongqing Branch Helps a Leading Wooden Door Manufacturer Realize "Carbon Allowances
for Realization"

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technology and environmental protection low-carbon transformation. In July 2022, “green power loan” product, which based
priority, continuously carry out technological the Fujian Power Trading Center issued on the enterprise’s green power purchase
improvements and environmental monitoring the Implementation Rules for Green Power plan and electricity settlement details,
to ensure the products environmentally Trading in Fujian Province (Trial). Through provides certain interest rate concessions
friendly, green and sustainable. With the green power trading, power users who were to enterprises that purchase green power.
boost of “carbon market” trading, “carbon willing to take more social responsibility Through the product, the Branch successfully
quota”, pure environmental asset, is endowed were distinguished, and thus it became issued a special loan of RMB4.5 million to
with some functions of the financial asset, the main means of green and low-carbon the customer, which was directed to the
which also creates more scenarios and transformation and the realization of the “dual payments of green power, realizing the
entrances for financial institutions to provide carbon” goal of enterprises, making green granting of the first green power loan in the
diversified services to enterprises. power trading a broad market prospect. province. The “green power loan” was highly
During its customer visits, CCB Fujian Branch recognized by customers for its capability
Guiding the demand- learned that there was demand for green to reduce financing costs by tapping into

side low-carbon transition power trading but lacking suitable purchase customers’ energy-saving needs.
channel. After learning of the customer’s
through green electricity use needs, the Branch first visited the provincial
In the next step, CCB will continue to take
green as the ecological feature of new finance
CCB guided green power consumption power distribution and sales companies,
with a focus on the development goal of
through market-oriented approach, so as s o r te d o u t t h e s p e c i f i c p ro ce ss e s a n d
“dual carbon”. It will continue to enhance
to promote enterprises to broaden their transaction prices of green power trading in
the innovation awareness, stimulate the
emission reduction pathways and accelerate the province, and launched the innovative
innovation momentum, and accurately irrigate
the sustained financing water into the various
links of the industrial chain to reduce pollution
and carbon emission, so as to contribute
CCB’s wisdom and strength to promote
the development of comprehensive green
transformation of the society and economy.

CCB Fujian branch invested RMB 4.5 million in "green power loans" for a chemical company

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sustainable use of surplus capital will be key Volvo Cars China is restructuring its product
to making a real difference. line to focus on electric and hybrid vehicles
3. Societe Generale Group In its specific business practices, SG China
from 2025. L'Oréal China's green deposits

- Green Cash Management Product Case Study links the achievement of relevant green
have also been launched in SG China. L'Oréal
is transitioning to a low-carbon business
targets with investment and financing interest
model and reducing CO 2 emissions from
rates, to help further promote the vigorous
its production sites worldwide. By 2025, all
development of green sustainable finance.
products; Strategic consulting, In this year's L'Oréal production sites are expected to be
Societe Generale (China) Co.Ltd. (Hereinafter
carbon neutral. In addition, a large energy
referred to as "SG China") was registered in IFF Green Finance Award practices election, Green deposits
we will focus on our bank's "Green cash company in Beijing also entrusted SG China
Beijing and has been developing steadily in
management products" as a key case. Green deposits offer opportunities for clients with its first green deposits, which is also one
China for 41 years. In recent years, we have
with a surplus of liquidity, for example by of the first green deposits of Chinese state-
actively supported the Chinese government's Cash management is one of the businesses financing green loans to support low-carbon owned enterprises. The group has played an
advocacy and development of the concept of in which banks play an important role in related investment. This allows these clients important role in adjusting Beijing's energy
global trade in services and the construction facilitating economic transformation, as cash to participate in the decarbonization process structure from coal-based to natural gas-
of "two zones" proposed by the Beijing management not only provides deposits but even if they are not directly involved in the based and is committed to becoming a world-
Municipal Government. Under this framework, also short-term loans, acting as a natural green transition project. class clean energy operator. Societe Generale
green financial product innovation is the top bridge between surplus capital and much- China is committed to providing depositors
priority of our strategic development. needed projects. In this context, SG China As one of the first banks to launch green
with annual updates on the use of such funds
has received increasing demand for ESG- deposit products in the domestic market, SG
In 2021, SG China included the practice of and to be able to provide this service at the
related cash management from our clients China has provided relevant services to well-
green finance in its 2025 strategic plan, same level as the traditional corporate deposit
in the Chinese market and has launched known companies such as Volvo Cars China.
aiming to double the scale of green finance
business in the next five years. Societe and implemented a series of "green cash

Generale joined the UN Environment Net management products".

Ze ro C a r b o n Co a l i t i o n i n 2 02 1 to h e l p Sustainable cash management products are

transform the global economy and meet popular in the European market but are still a
the goals of the Paris Agreement. The MSCI relatively new concept in China. Sustainable
(Morgan Stanley Capital International Global cash management tends to be less focused
Index) ESG (Environmental, Social and than project finance and other capital
Governance) rating was upgraded to AAA, market products. We also note the focus
ranking in the top 3% of global banks. Societe on green cash management products and
Generale China makes full use of the Group's sustainability efforts: for example, companies
advantages to support the green and low- are transitioning to low-carbon business
carbon transformation of local clients, making models and planning to reduce CO2 emissions
unremitting efforts in product design, dividing from their production sites globally, and by
green financial products into three categories: combining surplus capital with sustainable
sustainable and positive impact financing, green development, companies can use their
such as green financing and sustainability- financial resources to support ESG-related
linked financing; sustainable and responsible projects in the industry. In the transition to
investments, such as ESG investment index a low-carbon future, products that enable

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business. finance structures meet the definition of

"green finance" in China and Europe, and
Green loans continue to expand the volume of green
finance deposits and loans, develop innovative
Innovative solutions such as ESG Green
green financial products, and give full play to
Deposit enable banks to support companies
the role of financial institutions as a bridge in
in aligning their financing strategies with
the transformation of green economy.
sustainability goals, while supporting the
g row i n g d e m a n d f o r g re e n f i n a n c i n g ,
including short-term financing for working

SG China provided a US$100 million green

loan to a major power supplier listed in Beijing
in Hong Kong. Under China's "dual carbon"
policy, the company is investing heavily in
renewable energy, and the loan will be used
to support its wind and solar projects in China
and overseas.

In the first half of 2022, we provided a Societe Generale wins several ESG awards
one-year ESG loan to a financial leasing
company of a large state-owned bank to
support related new energy projects, which
is expected to reduce CO 2 emissions by
100,000 tons per year. As one of the first two
foreign banks to be included in the scope
of the PBOC Carbon Emission Reduction
Tool (CERT) policy by the People’s Bank
of China in 2022, SG China’s one-year ESG
loans offered to green energy project that for
another financial leasing company of large
state-owned bank was certified by the PBOC
in the fourth quarter of 2022 and enjoyed
the relevant policies of the carbon emission
reduction support tool.

In the future, Societe Generale China will

continue to monitor green deposit and loan
projects with the help of sustainable and
Societe Generale's Sustainability Think Tank is a staff organization with four main working groups
positive impact financial solutions teams that drive ESG activities and initiatives
around the world to ensure that all green

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4. Pricewaterhouse-
Coopers Zhong Tian LLP
- PwC Greenhouse Gas
Emission Tracker

The issue of climate change is now at a critical to automate the tracking, reporting and
point, and the importance of controlling management of enterprise greenhouse gas
greenhouse gas emissions is becoming emissions. It aims to improve enterprises'
increasingly prominent. China has raised its ability to manage carbon emissions and
climate governance to an unprecedented level carbon assets, also achieve synergic
by putting forward the dual carbon goals. The development of financial performance with
14th Five-Year Plan period is also a crucial natural environment and social benefits
period for accelerating "decarbonization". as well. It fully supports domestic and
international accounting standards, covering
The world is taking positive action to build a
n o t o n l y t h e g re e n h o u s e g a s e m i ss i o n
sustainable and green future, and disclosure
accounting methods and reporting guidelines
i s f u n d a m e n t a l to a c h i ev i n g t h i s g o a l .
of 24 major industries issued by the National
Greenhouse gas emission is an important
Development and Reform Commission,
quantitative information in the disclosure
but also the international Greenhouse Gas
of ESG sustainability, and enterprises are
Protocol and ISO 14064 greenhouse gas
increasingly faced with the requirements
verification standards. Enterprises can
of investors, regulators and policy makers
m e a s u re a n d m a n a g e g re e n h o u s e g a s
to disclose greenhouse gas emission
emissions using domestic or international
information. Therefore, timely tracking,
standard frameworks as needed, and can
accurate calculation and perfect report of
track, calculate and report all emissions
emission data are particularly important. Carbon emission management for industrial park
data in scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 of the
PwC Greenhouse Gas Emissions Tracker accounting system.
(or “the system”) is an ESG digital solution
The system adopts RPA (Robotic Process
independently developed by PwC China
Automation) technology, which can track

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PwC Greenhouse Gas Emission Tracker Desktop

and calculate emissions data in real time, is strategy, low-carbon transition, climate
compatible with multiple formats of data change, ESG reporting and assurance, and
import, supports the docking with enterprise improve their ESG performance. Data display
ERP and other data systems, and establishes
The system has been successfully applied
a transparent and traceable greenhouse
to multiple customers in multiple industries.
gas emissions monitoring and management
Take the example of a client of a leading
system. In addition, the system's interactive
global component manufacturer, which
visualized data dashboard clearly presents
h a s re ce i ve d i n c re a s i n g re q u e st s f ro m
d a t a d y n a m i c s , e n a b l i n g o p e ra to r s to
downstream customers and regulatory
understand and grasp real-time emissions
authorities to disclose its organizational
information more easily. Through visualized
carbon footprint. By participating in global
data dynamics, more in-depth analysis and
projects such as the Scientific Carbon Target
insight can be obtained to help enterprises
Initiative (SBTi) and CDP, the client is also
manage the implementation of emission
looking to enhance its ESG performance,
reduction measures and net zero strategies.
enhance its competitiveness in the ESG
In addition to providing digital solutions, PwC sector, and enhance its global impact to set
also provides customers with customized a global benchmark. In addition, since the
end-to-end services, and gives full play to customer's production bases are spread
its advantages as a professional service all over the world, and the production
organization to provide enterprises with management systems of each production
services related to sustainable development base are different and there is no unified Multiple devices adaption

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data source, the customer needs to rely on used to enhance brand benefits and build
the system to manage the company's carbon global trust.
emission reduction and carbon neutral key
In the future, the PwC Greenhouse Gas
performance indicators and identify emission
Emission Tracker will enable more industry
reduction opportunities.
clients to quickly implement the digital
PwC ESG & Sustainability team starts from transformation of ESG, helping to achieve the 5. China Asset Management Co., Ltd.
the actual production process of customers, country's "dual-carbon" goal. - Construction of the new ESG investment ecosystem
and according to the requirements of the
international greenhouse gas accounting
system, carries out a comprehensive sorting
of the sources of greenhouse gas activities, Founded on April 9, 1998, China Asset an influential and respected asset management
helps customers to establish monitoring and Management Co., Ltd. (ChinaAMC) is one of the company in the global capital market.
analysis of the greenhouse gas accounting first fund management companies approved
methodology of different regions and their As of December 31, 2022, ChinaAMC managed
by the China Securities Regulatory Commission
customers, and forms the core carbon assets. assets of USD 255 billion (including its
(CSRC). Headquartered in Beijing, ChinaAMC
At the same time, the PwC Greenhouse subsidiaries), serving 200 million retail clients
has presence in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Chengdu
Gas Emission Tracker has been successfully and 110,000 institutional clients, including
and Nanjing, and subsidiaries in Hong Kong,
connected with the client's internal system, national social security fund, corporate annuity,
Shenzhen and Shanghai. ChinaAMC is
enabling automatic data interaction, and segregate accounts and overseas institutional
positioned as a comprehensive and versatile
establishing a transparent and traceable clients such as sovereign funds, central banks,
asset management company, with mutual
greenhouse gas emissions monitoring and pension funds, banks, asset management
funds and institutional business as the core
management system, covering several of companies and securities companies from
investment management service. It has built a
the client's plants around the world. The Europe, America and Asia.
diversified asset class management platform
system's interactive visualized data meter with services covering multiple asset classes, ChinaAMC was the first in the industry to
clearly presents data dynamics and increases industries, and regions through ChinaAMC put forward the investment philosophy of
customer stakeholder engagement and (Hong Kong), China Capital Management and “Research Creates Value ". ChinaAMC’s
transparent and informed dialogue with them; China Wealth Management. investment team is one of the largest among
Through precise management of relevant
Chinese fund managers. The firm’s more than
data, we can identify opportunities for rapid Since its inception, ChinaAMC has always
280 investment professionals conduct 3,000
emission reduction and help customers adhered to the philosophy of "Our
visits to listed companies annually, providing
reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Performance Your Trust", providing investors
in-depth coverage on up to 80 percent of
with high-quality investment products and
Through this digital system, PwC helps total market capitalization of China’s stock
services, to increase clients' wealth and
c u sto m e r s i m p rove t h e t i m e l i n e ss a n d market. The average length of employment
improve their quality of life. At the same time,
accuracy of carbon emission management of investment managers and fund managers
ChinaAMC aspires to promote the healthy
data, assists managers to identify emission exceeds 12 years.
development of the capital market, create
reduction opportunities, and helps customers value for society, and contribute to economic ChinaAMC is an ESG pioneer in the Chinese
become benchmarking enterprises in the growth. Over the past 25 years, the company asset management industry. ChinaAMC
carbon neutral industry. Meanwhile, carbon upheld the principles of "integrity, respect, was the first full-service Chinese asset
disclosure and product carbon footprint are innovation, and sharing" in its quest to become management firm signed up to the Principles

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for Responsible Investment (PRI) in 2017. committee led by the CEO in 2020 and
ChinaAMC was awarded the global highest formulate responsible investment policies.
rating of A+ in the "Strategy and Governance" ChinaAMC is committed to implementing
module of the annual evaluation report of the the "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality"
PRI signatories in 2020, becoming the first strategy in the operation and investment
asset manager in China to receive this honor. management, announcing that it will achieve
"carbon neutrality" in its operations from
ChinaAMC established an ESG team in 2017,
2021, as the first mutual fund manager in
as the first to consolidate ESG professionals
China to announce a concrete timeline and
i n to i nve st m e n t te a m s . C h i n a A M C h a s China Asset Management Co., Ltd. Sustainable Development Field Achievement Showcase
roadmap for carbon neutrality. The company
integrated environmental, social and
also gradually strengthens its portfolio carbon
corporate governance factors into the entire border responsible investment product that by participating in communication with
emission measurement and plans to complete
investment process, and frequently engage invests in Chinese equity market domiciled international organizations and independent
the portfolio carbon emission baseline
with listed companies to improve sustainable i n E u ro p e, s e t t i n g a m i l e sto n e fo r t h e dialogs with listed companies. For example,
measurement and target setting by 2025.
performance. ChinaAMC established a multi- internationalization of Chinese mutual funds. through participation in corporate
dimensional and localized ESG evaluation With respect to international cooperation As of December 31, 2022, the fund achieved a communication of international initiatives such
system, as the first to practice international on sustainable investment, ChinaAMC also return of 30.21% since inception, outperforming as Climate Action 100+ (CA100+), ChinaAMC
ESG investment philosophy and methodology maintains its top position in China’s asset the benchmark index by 2.5%; obtained an provides climate information disclosure advice
in China's equity market. management industry. In 2018, ChinaAMC MSCI ESG rating of BB, outperforming the to local companies in efforts to achieve the
signed a strategic cooperation agreement with benchmark index by one grade, presenting Paris Agreement climate goals.
ChinaAMC was also the first Chinese fund solid performance in both profitability and
NNIP and jointly launched world’s first cross-
manager to establish a company-level ESG ChinaAMC participates in a number of
sustainable development initiatives led by
ChinaAMC continuously enriches the green international organizations. In September 2019,
investment product line, adding low-carbon ChinaAMC signed on to the Investor Statement
and environmental protection-related thematic on Deforestation and Forest Fires in the
funds, ETFs, and ESG sustainable investment Amazon initiated by the UN PRI, becoming the
funds. More ESG-themed fund products are only Chinese investor among all the 230 global
expected to be launched in the future. investors making the commitment. ChinaAMC
also became the first Chinese asset manager
ChinaAMC implements shareholder activism.
to sign up the CA100+ initiative in 2018 and
Since 2018, the ESG team has conducted in-
serves on its Asia Advisory Group. ChinaAMC
depth exchanges on ESG with more than 50
is a supporter of the Task Force on Climate-
listed companies, assisting them to improve
related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) as well as
their sustainability. All listed companies have
one of the only two Chinese asset managers
given positive feedback, and some of them
participated in the pilot work on climate and
have received upgrades in third-party ESG
environmental information disclosure among
Chinese and British financial institutions. In
Meanwhile, ChinaAMC leverages shareholder 2021, the People's Bank of China (PBOC)
acti vi sm to i mprove co rpo rate cl i mate released the official version of Guidelines

China Asset Management Co., Ltd. Sustainable Development Field Achievement Showcase information disclosure and practices for Environmental Information Disclosure of

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Financial Institutions, based on the experience education in under-developed areas. So far,

of the pilot institutions, and ChinaAMC assisted the beneficiaries include 449 less fortunate 6.China Energy Conservation and Environmental
in drafting the asset manager section. students and 22 outstanding rural teachers. Protection Group
ChinaAMC actively participates in the green With the deepening development of capital - Introduction of the Green Finance of CECEP Hundred Technical
finance actions of the government, regulators, markets in China, it is expected that the Service (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
and industry associations. In 2021, as the only ChinaAMC ESG team will continue to improve
representative of fund managers, ChinaAMC the existing research framework, enhance the
attended the Green Finance Symposium sustainability of the portfolios, and provide In recent years, the green finance business of green finance and climate investment and
held by the PBOC, and proposed the data investors with stable long-term excess returns. CECEP Hundred Technical Service (Beijing) financing in the country, CECEP Hundred
analysis and development direction for the Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “CECEP has provided more than 20 policy research
"carbon peaking and carbon neutrality" target. Hundred” or “ the company”) has been results and nearly 10 standards and
ChinaAMC has also provided industry ESG commited to its Two-Three-Four Development specifications for the National Development
research materials and company practices Strategy, which means, "two field" of green and Reform Commission (“NDRC”), the
cases to CSRC, SSE, and SZSE, and was finance and climate investment and financing; M i n i s t r y o f E c o l o g y a n d E n v i ro n m e n t
appointed by the CSRC to participate in the “three services” of green research, green (“MEE”), the People’s Bank of China (“PBC”),
Sustainable Information Disclosure Global certification, and green technology; “four China Banking and Insurance Regulatory
Symposium held by International Organization endeavors” of research innovation, market Commission and other ministries and
of Securities Regulatory Commissions (IOSCO) expansion, technology empowerment, and commissions. These achievements fill four
as a representative of Chinese financial brand enhancement. For one thing, CECEP gaps in the country and enable the company
institutions. ChinaAMC is also a member of the Hundred provides research services for to ride the “tide” of the industry. Entrusted by
Green and Sustainable Investment Committee investment and financing activities; for the PBC and as the most important supporter,
of the Asset Management Association of China another, its services for investment and CECEP Hundred completed the research for
(AMAC), leading the second task force to financing activities can support its research the Green Bond Endorsed Projects Catalogue
promote the establishment of ESG investment work. In so doing, “Research innovation” and (2021 Edition) . As the only standard for green
and product standards in China. “investment and financing services” support bond issuance in China, the Catalogue was
and reinforce each other in the green finance jointly issued by the PBC, the NDRC, and
ChinaAMC and China Alliance of Social Value
business. China Securities Regulatory Commission
Investment have released the “White Paper on
to promote the development of the trillion-
ESG Development and Innovation in China" for Ride on the “Tide” of the scale green bond market in China. The
two consecutive years. ChinaAMC also helps
raise the ESG awareness of the public through
Industry through Research Guiding Opinions on Promoting Investment
and Financing to Address Climate Change,
public service advertisements and forums. Innovation
which was drafted with the company’s
ChinaAMC also actively undertakes social The green finance business follows closely the deep involvement, was jointly issued by
responsibility. In 2021, its Huaxiaren Charitable national strategies of reform for promoting five ministries and commissions including
Foundation donated more than RMB 590,000 ecological progress and green financing. the MEE. It fills the policy gap in the field of
to the flood victims in Henan, and also donated Through bold exploration and innovation climate investment and financing and charts
aids worth more than RMB 2 million to help under the arrangements made to achieve the course for the development of climate
the rebuilding in the aftermath of the flood. the goals of “carbon peaking and carbon investment and financing in China. CECEP
In addition, the Foundation has long funded neutrality” and the overall framework of Hundred also developed and published

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Guidance on Taxonomy of Climate Investment development. At present, CECEP Hundred

and Financing Projects, the first voluntary has expanded the green finance business to
climate investment and financing taxonomy more than ten provinces and several countries
standard in China, which fills the gap in along the Belt and Road. So far it developed
climate investment and financing standard green certification methods for seven regions
and defines the business boundaries and (cities and counties), including Guangzhou
scope of climate investment and financing City and Lanzhou New District, and provided
activities in China. Entrusted by the MEE certification services for more than 5,000
Department of Climate Change, CECEP projects/enterprises. The company offered
Hundred completed the Research on the green finance consulting services to more
Criteria for Inclusion in Nationally Determined than 100 banking and financial institutions,
Contributions Project Library, helping China including China Development Bank and China
summarize and demonstrate the positive Construction Bank. The total investments
results of its response to climate change o f t h e p ro j e c t s t h a t t h e co m p a ny h a s
to the outside world. CECEP Hundred also served amount to more than RMB 300
developed and completed the Research on billion. In addition, the company it worked
Standards and Financial Support Model for deeply with more than ten international
Green Development of Agriculture in China, organizations, including the World Bank
Lecture on "Climate Investment and Financing Policies and Practices under the carbon peaking
which won the “Second Prize of Excellent (WB), the Asian Development Bank (ADB), and carbon neutrality goals" by Liao Yuan, Chairman of CECEP Hundred Technical Service (Beijing)
Development Research Achievement in the the Agence Française de Développement Co., Ltd.
Chinese Banking Industry” and was highly (the French Development Agency, or AFD), finance research results, opened up the stimulated the drivers of technological
recognized by Agricultural Development Bank and the German Corporation for International “last mile” in the transformation of finance innovation for CECEP Hundred, encouraged
of China, with which in-depth cooperation Cooperation GmbH (GIZ); it also provided technology results, and “preemptively” it to become more specialized in the R&D
was promoted. Research on Environmental green finance consulting services for a seized the opportunity for green finance of green finance theories and more flexible
Performance Evaluation System of Bond number of “Belt and Road” partner countries, business. Through the collaboration between in R&D management and control, and laid a
Issuers, completed under the company’s including the People’s Republic of Mongolia, the Information Technology Department solid foundation for the company to empower
leadership, filled the gap in the ESG evaluation Kazakhstan, and Pakistan. and the Green Finance Department of the the real economy with financial technology
system of bond issuers and was unanimously company, the Green Credit Management and to support the high-quality development
acclaimed by China Central Depository & Promote Innovation in Information Systems 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 have of green finance.
Clearing Co., Ltd. and bond investors. Business Products through been developed and iterated; three utility

Technology Empowerment software kits for carbon accounting, carbon Build the “Highland” of
Support Green Develop- disclosure and carbon evaluation of financial Influence through Communi-
ment through Business In recent years, CECEP Hundred institutions have been created; the green
has accelerated the application and
cation and Cooperation
Practice financial service platform of Guian Pilot Zone
transformation of financial research for Green Financial Reform and Innovation Taking advantage of the platform of Climate
Th e g re e n f i n a n ce b u s i n e s s o f C E C E P results, actively built a financial technology in Guiyang has been launched; an ESG Investment and Finance Association, CECEP
Hundred focuses on major regional empowerment system that integrates theory evaluation system and database has been Hundred worked with a number of research
development strategies of the country with information technology development, established; an industry-financing platform institutes such as the Institute of Strategic
and reinforces the important role of effectively improved the efficiency and for climate investment and financing has Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
market expansion in sustainable business success rate of the transformation of green been developed. These initiatives have further and a range of international organizations

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7. Bank of Beijing Co., Ltd.

- Exemplifying Carbon Finance

Established in 1996, Bank of Beijing has seized As at the end of September 2022, Bank of
the opportunities of the times and achieved Beijing’s total assets reached RMB 3.18 trillion
presentation on the innovative practice of green bonds breakthroughs in investment attraction, listing, and the bank realized a net profit of RMB
cross-regional development, etc. successively. 19.361 billion in the first three quarters. Cost-to-
such as GIZ in carrying out research projects, financing, strengthened communication and
The bank has over 640 branches business income ratio recorded 23.69%, NPL ratio 1.59%,
and it continuously publishes important connection, promoted win-win cooperation, and
units in not only over 10 major domestic cities provision coverage ratio 200.25%, and capital
views and articles in the field of green finance built a “highland” of influence in the industry.
including Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Xi’an, adequacy ratio 14.62%. The bank achieved
and climate investment and financing; in
In 2023, CECEP Hundred will still adhere to the Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Changsha, Nanjing, outstanding performance internationally
collaboration with local financial regulators and
general principle of “making steady progress”, Jinan, Nanchang, Shijiazhuang and Urumchi regarding all business indicators. The bank
industry associations in many provinces such
implement the new development concept but also Hong Kong Special Administrative holds a brand value of RMB 76.9 billion,
as Guangdong Province, Guizhou Province,
completely, accurately and comprehensively, Region and the Netherlands. The bank has ranking No. 50 on the latest Top 1000 World
Gansu Province and Hunan Province, CECEP
support the building of a new development established a classic pattern for innovation- Banks list by tier 1 capital, and was on the top
Hundred provided green finance training
paradigm, promote high-quality development, driven development of small and medium- 100 list for nine years in a row.
for financial institutions in these provinces
focus on ensuring stable growth, strengthen sized banks. In this new era, the bank has,
and thus greatly enhanced its visibility in the
technological innovation, prevent and resolve with a focus on the three tasks of “serving Representative Cases
industry; it actively joined ICMA and other
major risks, give full play to the leading role of the real economy, preventing financial
green finance international alliances to discuss Bank of Beijing has always adhered to
Party building, focus on key tasks, forestall risks, risks and deepening the financial reform”,
hot issues on green finance with domestic and its mission of serving the high-quality
tackle and strengthen weaknesses, and seek strengthened the guidance of Party building,
foreign institutions; in the meanwhile it had development of the real economy. Firmly
practical results, and make new contributions conducted business in accordance with laws
frequent communications and cooperation with following the national green finance policy
to the realization of the carbon peaking and and regulations, sped up digital transition
prestigious media such as Xinhua Finance and against the backdrop of carbon peak and
carbon neutrality goals, the advancement of and upgrading, enhanced comprehensive risk
Economics and China Finance, during which it carbon neutrality, the bank is contributing its
ecological development, and the building of control, and steadily promoted high-quality
widely promoted its achievements in the field bit to the development of green industries and
Beautiful China. development of all business segments of the
of green finance and climate investment and the low-carbon upgrading of traditional areas.

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In 2021, the bank further raised the strategic in Beijing against the backdrop of carbon in Beijing against the backdrop of carbon meet the financing needs of enterprises, Bank
positioning of green finance business. It held peak and carbon neutrality. In March 2022, peak and carbon neutrality, which further of Beijing designed an exclusive financial
the “Press Conference on Supporting the the Bank rolled out the first CCER-pledged enriched the green finance product line and service solution. With the professional support
Development of Green Finance of Beijing loan in Beijing. In March 2023, the Bank effectively expanded the financing channels of the CBGEX, the Bank granted a loan that
& Releasing the Green Finance Action Plan released “Bank of Beijing Carbon E-Loan”, a for enterprises. uses the historical average transaction price
of Bank of Beijing”, launched the green carbon finance product based on quantifiable of CCER in November and December 2021
Bank of Beijing built a team to take charge of
financial service brand “Green Finance+”, and environmental benefits. published on the Beijing e-Trading Platform of
the whole process of the transaction. Through
established the comprehensive service system Chinese Certified Emission Reduction as the
covering green loans, green bonds, green Major Measures the green channel, the team completed
basis and the CCER held by the enterprise as
business review and approval within only
supply chains and green finance ecosystem. the pledge. The bank enriched the types of
The first carbon-emission-quota-pledged seven working days and assisted the enterprise
Meanwhile, the bank set up the management collateral for traditional working capital loans
loan in Beijing against the backdrop of in completing the registration of the pledge
office of full-time green finance personnel and made better use of the enterprise’s stock
carbon peak and carbon neutrality of its carbon emission quota in the Unified
in the Head Office to make overall planning carbon assets.
Registration and Publicity System for Movable
for the operation and development of green Bank of Beijing developed the carbon-
Property Financing of the Credit Reference Bank of Beijing opened up an exclusive green
finance business across the bank. emission-quota-pledged loan, an innovative
Center of the People’s Bank of China. The channel and assigned special personnel
carbon finance product. With the carbon
To support the national strategic goals of subject of the pledge is the enterprise’s carbon f o r r e v i e w a n d a p p r ov a l f o r e f f i c i e n t
emission quota allocated by the Ministry of
carbon peak and carbon neutrality and realize emission quota assets in the carbon trading implementation of the transaction; assisted
Ecology and Environment as the pledge,
green, low carbon economic development, account this enterprise opened at China Beijing the enterprise in completing CCER pledge
the Bank grants loans to eligible market
Bank of Beijing has constantly pushed for Green Exchange (CBGEX). Meanwhile, Bank registration with the Unified Registration
entities, and encourages enterprises to use
green adjustment of the investment and of Beijing and this enterprise jointly submitted and Publicity System for Movable Property
the loans first to improve their technologies
financing structure. The bank took the lead in the Application for Freezing Carbon Emission Financing of the Credit Reference Center
for energy conservation, low carbon and
carrying out carbon finance innovation to fully Quota to the CBGEX and signed the Assets of the People’s Bank of China; and signed
clean production, and pollution control,
mine the carbon market value of enterprises. Freezing Service Agreement with the CBGEX, the tripartite CCER freezing agreement with
and then in their production and operation.
In September 2021, the bank launched the thus completing the pledge procedures of the enterprise and the CBGEX to lock the
In September 2021, the bank granted the
first carbon-emission-quota-pledged loan the enterprise’s carbon emission quota. After collateral and successfully granted a RMB 3
first carbon-emission-quota-pledged loan
all relevant agreements were signed and the million loan to the enterprise with a term of
pledge freezing procedures were completed, two years, which will be all used to support
the innovative loan was successfully disbursed. the development of the forestry carbon sink
project of the enterprise. The loan is the first
The first CCER-pledged loan in Beijing
CCER-pledged loan in Beijing.
Bank of Beijing has innovated in credit
Bank of Beijing Carbon E-Loan, a carbon
business centering on carbon-asset-pledged
finance product based on quantifiable
loans to inject financing into Beijing’s pursuit
environmental benefits
of carbon peak and carbon neutrality. In early
2022, Bank of Beijing fully communicated Bank of Beijing constantly deepens innovation
with the CBGEX to explore the feasibility of in carbon finance products. In March, 2023, it
CCER-pledged loans from the perspectives launched “Bank of Beijing Carbon E-Loan”, a
of market value, freezing operation and carbon finance product based on quantifiable
development prospects. In March 2022, to environmental benefits. The product is
"Bank of Beijing Carbon E-Loan" Product Launch

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based on the enterprise carbon account and embrace the green development philosophy
green project database system launched by and build a new ecosystem of green finance.
the CBGEX. This system, applying FinTech Through such loans, the bank has effectively
means like Internet of Things, big data, helped small and medium-sized enterprises
AI and blockchain, can realize intelligent enrich the content of collaterals, solved the
monitoring and dynamical calculation of difficulties faced by enterprises who seek
carbon emissions and serve a variety of green energy conservation and emission reduction
investment and financing needs. “Bank of in accessing affordable financing, facilitated
Beijing Carbon E-Loan” targets projects in green transition and development of financing
the green project database of the CBGEX. enterprises, and created both environmental
Based on the carbon accounting by the and economic benefits.
enterprise carbon account and green project
The first CCER-pledged loan in Beijing is
database system, the product links loan
another achievement in innovation made by
interest rates and the system’s evaluation
Bank of Beijing in exploring the opportunities
results and provides all-round supporting
of the CCER trading market. With the CCER- "Bank of Beijing Carbon E-Loan" Product Launch
measures including preferential interest rates,
pledged loans, the bank provided service and
quick review and flexible loan repayment for It offers differentiated financing interest of the real economy based on quantifiable
support to a domestic forestry carbon sink
the green projects. Bank of Beijing provides rates and loan limits based on quantifiable environmental benefits directly via a digital
project, further mined the value of ecological
differentiated financing interest rates and environmental benefits, providing a boosting and intelligent carbon finance platform,
products and empower and increase value for
credit lines to projects with different carbon mechanism for enterprise transition from the linking carbon finance and digital technology
green industries, and created more precious
emission intensities based on the carbon financial perspective and guiding enterprises and building a sustainable ecosystem for
carbon sink resources for the domestic carbon
emissions of projects automatically calculated to actively take energy conservation and enterprise transition. Third, using the synergy
trading market. It is not only a beneficial
by the system. Such difference in financial emission reduction measures, thus driving of the ecosystem, the bank has provided
attempt of Bank of Beijing to support the
services can help guide enterprises to actively green transition and development. co m p re h e n s i ve s e r v i ce s t h at i n te g rate
strategic goals of carbon peak and carbon
take energy conservation and emission financing and intelligence. In future, Bank of
n e u t ra l i t y b u t a l s o a n o t h e r i n n ova t i ve O ve ra l l , t h e s e c a r b o n f i n a n ce p ro d u c t
reduction measures, apply for green projects, Beijing will, in cooperation with professional
cooperation with the CBGEX in the carbon innovations are successful examples of Bank
and energize the carbon trading market. institutions, scientific research institutes and
asset pledge field after the Environmental of Beijing in building the green financial
trading platforms, provide integrated carbon
Implementation Effect Rights Financing Tools was implemented. service brand “Green Finance+” and
neutrality finance and value-added services
supporting the strategic goals of carbon peak
The successful launch of the first carbon- “Bank of Beijing Carbon E-Loan” marks centering on corporate and personal carbon
and carbon neutrality of Beijing, and are also
emission-quota-pledged loan in Beijing another step forward on the basis of the accounts that include carbon accounting,
important means to promote carbon emission
a g a i n s t t h e b a c kd ro p o f c a r b o n p e a k two existing carbon finance products. It is a carbon neutrality strategy consulting and
control and reduction by market-based ways.
and carbon neutrality has played a good bold move for Bank of Beijing to employ its carbon neutrality pathway planning, green
First, Bank of Beijing has given full play to the
exemplary role for key emission enterprises professional capabilities in green finance to financing and information disclosure, to
role of carbon trading in connecting financial
to fully mine the financial attribute value provide differentiated value-added services fully improve the energy conservation and
capital and the real economy, which not only
of carbon assets and make better use of to enterprises seeking emission reduction. emission reduction effects produced by green
promoted capitalization of carbon assets but
carbon assets. It is an important move for With a focus on the three core capabilities financing and jointly enrich and refine the
also, through allocation of financial assets,
Bank of Beijing to implement the strategy of carbon quantification, carbon pricing and carbon finance ecosystem of the capital city.
guided the real economy to pursue green
of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, and carbon finance, the product provides services
development. Second, the bank provides
also a solid practice of Bank of Beijing to to more enterprises in the real economy.
differentiated financial services to enterprises

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climate change”, providing advice to the In view of the identified climate change risks,
Board of Directors and supervising and the company closely tracks the policy trends

8. Shenwan Hongyuan Group Co., Ltd. inspecting the implementation of relevant including environment and climate-related
work. risks, updates the due diligence items for
- Pushing forward Green and Low-Carbon Development
its investees or customers where necessary,
with Professional Financial Services,Promoting the Effective The company are continuing to strengthen
requires the business lines, risk control
Integration of Climate Change Management and “Carbon the analysis, judgment and early warning
function and investment research function
of climate risks under the “Carbon Peaking,
Peaking, Carbon Neutrality” Practice and Business to closely monitor the climate-related risk
Carbon Neutrality” strategy. The Industry
management of the investees or customers
R i s k A n a l ys i s u n d e r C a r b o n N e u t ra l i t y
and properly addresses the extreme weather
report was compiled in 2022 to highlight the
events in a timely manner.
industry and enterprise risks requiring special
attention and make climate risk management To promote the effective integration of
The report to the 20th CPC National benefits of investing activities. more forward-looking, meanwhile,Shenwan climate change management and “Carbon
Congress states that, to advance the Beautiful Hongyuan is building a “carbon” financial Peaking, Carbon Neutrality” practices with
China Initiative, we must take a holistic and Build a climate change service system, and promoting climate change business activities, the company created
systematic approach to the conservation and management system and management and the integration of “Carbon an integrated service system for “carbon”
improvement of mountains, waters, forests,
comprehensively enhance the Peaking, Carbon Neutrality” practices and finance focused on “research, products,
farmlands, grasslands and deserts, carry businesses activity by financial means such as financing, investment, trading, cross-border
out coordinated industrial restructuring, risk prevention competence issuing low-carbon bonds, supporting green and risk control” and formulated an action
pollution control, ecological conservation, and enterprises’ IPOs and investing in low-carbon plan to serve the national strategy of “Carbon
Shenwan Hongyuan resolutely implements
climate response, promote concerted efforts industries. Peaking, Carbon Neutrality”.SWS Research
the national strategic plans for achieving the
to cut carbon emissions, reduce pollution,
goals of “Carbon Peaking, Carbon Neutrality”
expand green development and pursue
and climate change response. With reference
economic growth, and prioritize ecological
to t h e f ra m ewo r k o f t h e a s k Fo rce o n
protection, conserve resources and use them
Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD),
efficiently, and pursue green and low-carbon
the company has identified, assessed and
development. In recent years, Shenwan
responded to the risks and opportunities
Hongyuan Group devoted to identify, assess
brought about by climate change, and
and respond to the risks and opportunities
co n t i n u e d to p ro m o te c l i m a te c h a n g e
brought about by climate change, and
management and make climate information
promoted the effective integration of climate
d i s c l o s u re to a d d re ss t h e co n ce r n s o f
change management and “Carbon Peaking,
re g u l a t o r s , c a p i t a l m a r ke t s a n d o t h e r
Carbon Neutrality” practice and business.
stakeholders and comprehensively enhance
The philosophy of green development was
its ability to forestall risks.
further applied to promote green and low-
c a r b o n d eve l o p m e nt w i t h p ro fe ss i on al Shenwan Hongyuan set up “The Strategy and
financial services, while the philosophy of ESG Committee of the Board of Directors”at
responsible investment was incorporated the board level is responsible for studying
in the investment decision-making process ESG-related plans, objectives, policies and
to enhance the environmental and social significant matters, including “addressing Shenwan Hongyuan Underwriting Sponsor Helps Penyao E.P. Complete Refinancing

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2022 IFF Global Green Finance Award - Annual Award Winners 2022 IFF Global Green Finance Award - Annual Award Winners

was elected a Co-Chair Member. bonds with an underwriting size of RMB8.652 reports, developed ESG-related indexes and standards. The constituent bonds also meet
billion, up 35.60% from last year. participated in compiling the standards for the following conditions: China Bond Market
Promoting green ESG information disclosure and evaluation. Implied Rating (MIR) AA+ or above, remaining
In May 2022, the “China Huaneng Group
development financial Co., Ltd. 2022 Renewable Corporate Bond
In 2022, SWS Research published 18 research maturity of 1 to 3 years and satisfaction of
reports on ESG and was invited to jointly the internal credit rating requirements of
services Publicly Offered to Professional Investor
compile two ESG standards, namely, General the company. By launching the China Bond-
(Low-carbon Transition-linked Bond) (Series
Shenwan Hongyuan continued to deepen Rules for ESG Information Disclosure of Shenwan Hongyuan Securities ESG Green
1)”, lead-underwritten by Shen Wanhongyuan
t h e p h i l o s o p hy o f g re e n d eve l o p m e n t , Enterprises and General Rules for ESG Credit Bond Select Index, the company
Securities, was successfully issued with a
created a “carbon neutral” industries team Evaluation of Enterprises. The two standards actively explored and innovated in the
size of RMB2 billion. It was the first low-
for investment banking, channeled capital were issued in Beijing on June 25, which bond investment strategy R&D, design of
carbon transition-linked bond in the exchange
into green industries by supporting equity is of great significance in promoting the distinctive financial products and over-the-
market. This low-carbon transition-linked
and debt financing of green enterprises, standardization of ESG information disclosure counter derivatives customization under the
bond, linked to the KPI of “new installed
continuously explored financial service models of Chinese enterprises. philosophy of green finance and sustainable
capacity for renewable electricity,” effectively
for “Carbon Peaking, Carbon Neutrality” and development. Such moves have effectively
promotes the low-carbon transition of carbon- In the 2022 China Bloomberg Hackathon
promoted green and low-carbon development served “Carbon Peaking, Carbon Neutrality”
intensive energy enterprises, representing a held by Bloomberg in November 2022,
through professional financial services. industries, channeling financial precisely into
useful exploration to help boost green and Shenwan Hongyuan Jinchuang Quant Team
the green finance system.
In 2022, in terms of equity financing, the sustainable development of real industries. won the championship with the “Business
company completed 7 projects in the green
S h e nwa n H o n g y u a n ste p p e d u p g re e n
Cycle-based Sector Rotation ESG Enhanced Practicing responsible
industries with total financing of RMB3.978 Index Strategy”.In this competition,
research and exchanges, promoted green
Shenwan Hongyuan Securities developed
billion. In terms of debt financing, there were
f i n a n ce d eve l o p m e n t o f i t s e l f a n d t h e
a total of 22 green bonds and carbon neutral ESG indicators to incorporate enterprises’ Shenwan Hongyuan keeps track of the
larger industry by publishing ESG research
contribution to environmental protection and developments in responsible investment
social responsibility into investment decision at home and abroad, gradually embedding
making, and developed the “Business Cycle- the concept of responsible investment into
based Sector Rotation ESG Enhanced Index its investment decision-making process. It
Strategy” to further broaden the financing is committed to reducing investment risks
channels for carbon-neutral enterprises while improving the environmental and
and projects. After comparing with many social benefits of investment activity.In the
competitors, the index strategy was investment research business, the company
unanimously approved by judges and won the actively applies responsible investment
2022 Bloomberg Hackathon championship. strategies such as positive screening, negative
screening, convention-based exclusion
On December 30, 2022, Shenwan Hongyuan
a n d s u st a i n a b i l i t y- t h e m e d i nve st m e n t ,
Securities and China Bond Pricing Center
incorporating social and environmental
jointly issued the China Bond-Shenwan
impacts of investee assets in investment
Hongyuan Securities ESG Green Credit Bond
Select Index. The constituent bonds are credit
bonds publicly issued by issuers with good T h e c o m p a n y a c t i ve l y p a r t i c i p a t e s i n
performance confirmed in China Bond ESG green investment and impact investment.
Shenwan Hongyuan as lead underwriter anchored the successful issuance of 2023 Green Financial
evaluation or green bonds that meet relevant While investing in green bonds and impact
Bonds of Zhejiang Wenling Rural Commercial Bank Co.

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2022 IFF Global Green Finance Award - Annual Award Winners 2022 IFF Global Green Finance Award - Annual Award Winners

SWS MU makes continuous improvements comparative advantages, actively serve and

in its management framework, policies and integrate into the new development pattern,
procedures for responsible investment. The continue to work hard towards the goal of
Administrative Measures for ESG Investment building a first-class integrated financial
was formulated in 2022, incorporating the service provider, and strive to make better
ESG investment research function into the achievements that are worthy of the times,
duties of specialist jobs. In addition, SWS MU the country, the people, the customers and
has taken steps to create a distinctive ESG the shareholders. We will demonstrate and
investment research system, formulate ESG implement the primary task of Chinese
investment strategies, strengthen ESG risk modernization construction with practical
management, refine the information system work and results, and make a new chapter
for ESG and foster talent in ESG investment in the process of financial support for high-
research. quality development !

The drums are beating and the tide of spring

is swelling. A thousand sails are competing
for the first one. Looking ahead to the new
year, we will adhere to the guidance of Xi
Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese

Shenwan Hongyuan Underwriting Sponsor Helps Sainz E.P. IPO and Listing on the SSE STAR Characteristics in the New Era, fully utilize
MARKET our intermediary function and professional

bonds such as “Carbon-Neutral Bonds”, million of customer funds toward green bond
“Rural Revitalization Bonds and Poverty investments.
Alleviation Bonds” with its own funds, the
SWS MU, a subsidiary of the company,
company provides advice on ESG investment
joined the United Nations-backed Principles
to customers in the investment advisory
for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) on
business, guiding capital into areas where
D e ce m b e r 7, 2 0 2 2 . I t i s co m m i t te d to
greater environmental and social benefits
integrating the philosophy of responsible
will be created.In 2022, the company’s
investment into its corporate investment
participation in green bond investments
research system in an all-round way following
stood at RMB7,250 million, exceeding the
the PRI requirements.SWS MU set up a
annual target by 45%. The asset management
management framework for responsible
business line newly invested in 30 green
investment. The management led an
bonds with a total size of RMB1,268 million.
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)
The participation in impact investments such
Committee to promote the incorporation
as rural revitalization bonds totaled RMB405
and implementation of ESG in investment
million, with proceeds used for relocation,
research, product creation and management.
demolition and centralized resettlement
The ESG Committee has an ESG Working
of local people. In the investment advisory
Group responsible for implementing the
business, the company guided RMB487 Shenyuan Hongyuan Underwriting and Sponsoring Helps Lixin Energy's IPOffering and Listing on
specific ESG work. the Main Board of Shenzhen Stock Exchange

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9. Ping An Bank Co., Ltd.

-Establishing multi-level green finance product system

Ping An Bank actively integrates social create tailored credit policies for green
responsibility into the development strategy, industries and projects, and provide accurate
operation and management. Closely and comprehensive financial services for
monitoring national economic and financial enterprises.
s i t u at i o n a n d f u l l y e m b ra c i n g n at i o n a l
Green Bonds
strategic deployment, Ping An Bank focuses
on green finance to lead green development. We g i v e f u l l p l a y t o t h e r o l e o f t h e
We have improved capability in financial bond market in supporting sustainable
service to support the realization of carbon- development, actively build a framework for
peak and carbon-neutralization goals, met green bonds, and promote the development
Low-carbon Home is personal carbon account service of Ping An Bank.
new development needs, cultivated "green" of green bond issuance, underwriting, and
momentum, and built a multi-level green investment. In 2021, we underwrote green development, we increased investment in license advantages of Ping An Group’s
finance product system including green bonds totaling RMB 5.2 billion, among which green bonds and provided financial support comprehensive finance , uses a variety of
credit, green bonds, green credit cards, green four green bonds have obtained green bond for the green and low-carbon development financial products such as M&A loans, bonds,
wealth management, providing diversified certifications according to the International of enterprises. By the end of 2021, balance of supply chain finance, bill integration, targeted
and comprehensive financing channels Capital Market Association (ICMA) standards. investment in carbon neutrality, carbon peak real estate investment trust (targeted REITs),
for enterprises, and integrating ecological and green development related industries was syndicated loans, carbon emission reduction
environment protection in finance service
Green Credit Cards
RMB 5.225 billion. support tools, etc., innovates business
with expanded coverage. As a bank in full transition to retailing- combinations and strategic tactics, and
Ping An Wealth Management, a wholly-owned
oriented, we actively develop green retailing builds three business models of "commercial
Outstanding achievements business. In 2021, innovative green credit card
subsidiary of the Bank, actively develops
bank + trading bank", "commercial bank +
green finance and ESG investments. It
in green finance products such as "Low-carbon Home" and investment bank" and "commercial bank +
incorporates green finance and ESG products
"Safe Xpeng Card" were designed, aiming at investment bank + complex investment and
Green Credit into its overall plan, and develops ESG-
guiding the environment-friendly and low- financing". Ping AN Bank is doing its best
themed products. In 2021, Ping An Wealth
Ping An Bank set priorities on 15 sub-sectors carbon lifestyle and promoting the "carbon to meet the differentiated, diversified and
Management supported green finance and
spanning six fields, namely, clean energy, peak and neutrality" development on part of comprehensive financing needs of various
ESG investments of nearly RMB 13 billion,
environmental protection, transformation consumers by incentivizing them for their low enterprises in realizing green transformation
including 56 green bond investments with a
o f c a r b o n - i n t e n s i ve i n d u s t r i e s , g r e e n carbon actions and contributions to public and upgrading and low-carbon development,
total amount of RMB 2.685 billion.
transportation, green buildings and green welfare, rewarding them in the form of card further promote the high-quality development
bonus. of enterprises.
services. Building on comprehensive financial, Ping An Bank's innovation
technological and ecological advantages,
we broaden the financing channels for
Green Investment in green finance A s a c a p i t a l a n d te c h n o l o g y i n te n s i ve
industry, new energy entails heavy assets,
enterprises for low-carbon transformation, Adhering to the concept of sustainable Ping An Bank gives full play to the full

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Environmental benefit Data the environmental benefits generated by pages of detailed information, the book
green credits with key data from the project systematically analyzes and discusses China's
Annual savings of standard coal (10,000 tonnes) 47.42
feasibility study report and relevant approval green finance related industries from the
Annual emission reduction of carbon dioxide equivalent
103.86 documents. As of December 31, 2021, Ping perspective of banking industry for the first
(10,000 tonnes)
Annual chemical oxygen demand emission reduction An Back delivered remarkable environmental time, focusing on the industrial transformation
(tonnes) benefits through green credits. in the new era of low carbon, the industrial
Annual ammonia nitrogen emission reduction (tonnes) 21.46 trend under the carbon neutral strategy, the
2. Through the WeChat public account of
Annual total nitrogen emicssion reduction (tonnes) 22.88 system of green finance, opportunities and
"green finance of Ping An Bank", we update
challenges, and the forward-looking prospect
Annual total phosphorus emission reduction (tonnes) 2.27 and share industry trends, research views
of green finance. It also briefly introduces
Annual sulfur dioxide emission reduction (tonnes) 10,469.41 and achievements in green finance to our
the green finance practice of Ping An Bank,
Annual NOx emission reduction (tonnes) 1,779.81 employees and the public, including 12 in-
aiming to further disseminate the concept
Annual savings of water (10,000 tonnes) 1,408.33 depth industry research reports, 25 issuances
of green finance to the whole society and
of green finance biweekly and comments
promote the development of green finance.
Note: Considering the data availability and calculation method, some unquantifiable environmental on green finance updates, so as to promote
benefits are not included. employees' understanding and capacity in Conclusion
REPORT IN 2021) Aiming at the long-term development of
3. In 2021, Ping An Bank, together with
green finance as an industry, Ping An Bank
large investment, long capital recovery period investment, RMB 4.75 billion low-cost debt Ping An Securities, wrote the White Paper
continue to improve the structure, system and
and high market risk. This is especially true underwriting and USD 200 million green on Green Finance Helping High Quality
process of green finance. We provide a series
for photovoltaic and wind power projects. credit). At the same time, with the help of Development (2022), which was released on
of resource support including credit policies,
They have a great demand for capital inputs offshore finance and supply chain finance, we January 6, 2022.This book is the first white
special quotas, incentives and subsidies, and
and development loans in the construction provided enterprises with financing schemes paper on green finance in China's banking
constantly develop the green finance industry
and development stage. However, financial with better pricing compared with domestic industry, and also a summary of the bank's
to forge a warm finance.
capability of the new energy enterprises, RMB loan, and revitalize the green business latest innovation and practice in the field
availability of financial resources on the development of the group, and supported the of green finance. Through more than 400
market and the macro-economy environment national goal of carbon neutrality.
make it difficult to get enough financing;
therefore, new energy projects mainly rely Ping An Bank's green
on indirect financing such as fixed assets finance business generates
m o r tg a g e l o a n s w i t h l i m i te d f i n a n c i n g
good economic, social and
channels, far from enough to meet the
needs for large-scale, low-cost and long- environmental impacts
term capital. To ease the financing strain of
1. In line with the Guidelines for Measuring
a central enterprise group in the new energy
Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction
field, we innovated business model, joined
of Green Credit Projects (hereinafter referred
hands with insurance company and trust
to as the Guidelines) issued by China Banking
company to create an investment model of
and Insurance Regulatory Commission,
"bond underwriting, equity direct investment
Ping An Bank calculated and measured
and credit" (RMB 2 billion equity direct

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10. UBS Group AG

- Establishing a
global ESG platform

UBS convenes the global ecosystem for peers by integrating sustainability into our
i nve st i n g , w h e re p e o p l e a n d i d e a s a re global mainstream offerings across the
connected and opportunities brought to life, investment bank, wealth management, asset
and provides financial advice and solutions management, research and philanthropy,
to wealthy, institutional and corporate clients a i m i n g t o c re a t e a p o s i t i ve e f f e c t o n
worldwide, as well as to private clients in environment and society.
Scale of UBS Sustainable Investment
Switzerland. UBS offers investment solutions,
Our three key global achievements in green
products and impactful thought leadership, is In Asia Pacific, UBS has invested heavily in wo r k f o rc e w i t h m e m b e r s m a i n l y f ro m
finance in 2021 include: First, they have
the leading global wealth manager, provides our ESG platform recently. UBS initiated a Global Banking division since Jan. 2020
made sustainability a priority for the Group
large-scale and diversified asset management, cross-divisional Sustainable Finance (SF) and it has been expanded as an integrated
Executive Board (the GEB), and all GEB
focused investment banking capabilities, and network within Asia to harness the bank’s China ESG platforms with representatives
members should have ESG-related objectives.
personal and corporate banking services in efforts on green finance more coherently from all businesses. China ESG workforce
Second, they have anticipated the ever-
Switzerland. UBS strives to play a leading role and effectively to deliver as one firm in the collaborates closely with SF office and has
increasing demand in sustainable investments
in green finance and create long-term value region. A regular forum comprising about held multiple events in the past year and will
by making them the preferred solution for
for stakeholders, focusing on driving positive 40+ members was established for information actively participate in ESG related activities
our private clients investing globally, and
change for clients, employees and society. s h a r i n g , t ra n s p a re n c y, i n n ova t i o n a n d in the future. UBS aim to further enhance
continuing to broaden our offerings. Overall,
collaboration across boundaries to coordinate our leadership in creating innovative green
Contributions to Green sustainability-focus and impact investments at
and synergize efforts as part of the network. financing solutions to support clients in China.
UBS increased significantly in 2021, reaching
Finance USD 251 billion, up from USD 141 billion a year
UBS also set up a dedicated SF Office in
APAC to partner with the Business Divisions
UBS has built a unique ESG (Environmental, ago. Third, they have announced, and are
to accelerate revenue growth in green finance
Social and Governance) platform to support implementing, the ambition to achieve net-
and capture the potential of this mega trend.
g r e e n f i n a n c e d eve l o p m e n t . O u r E S G zero greenhouse gas emissions across all

platform differentiates from that of their operations by 2050. In China, UBS have set up the China ESG

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Contribution to Global investments, surpassing our commitment A-share non-public offering, Tianlun Gas’ transparency on climate risk exposure.
of USD 5 billion $54mn top-up placement, FTXT’s RMB
and China Sustainable 900mn Series A-share private placement,
• UBS Asset Management: has developed a
• Our Investment Bank (IB) continues to suite of products, named Climate Aware, to
Development through Green Ganfeng Lithium's US$628 million new share
shape client dialogue, integrating ESG help investors align their portfolios toward a
Finance in research and investor conferences.
placement in Hong Kong, China Gas's US$1.5
low-carbon future. Today, the Climate Aware
billion top-up placement, Li Auto's US$1.52
In 2021, 134 ESG research reports were strategies have grown to USD 23.4 billion in
UBS want to be the financial provider of billion dual primary listing in SEHK and
published, in collaboration with 202 investments. They are supported by Asset
choice for clients who wish to mobilize capital US$863 million convertible bond issuance,
analysts. 22 of the IB’s key conferences Management’s climate engagement program.
towards the achievement of the 17 United BYD's US$3,860m primary placement, and
featured relevant ESG content. IB has
Nations Sustainable Development Goals so on. Among them, China Gas's placement • UBS Investment Banking: UBS continued to
supported 146 green, social, sustainability
and the orderly transition to a low-carbon is the largest new share issuance project ever leading the way in pushing the boundaries
or sustainability-linked bond issuance
economy. They strive to maximize positive issued by natural gas utility company listed for innovation in sustainable finance via
s i n ce 2 02 1 w i t h to t a l d e a l va l u e o f
effects in global sustainable development in mainland China and Hong Kong, and Li sustainability-linked bonds since 2021. Having
and to minimize negative impact on society Auto's US$863 million convertible bond is the brought the first ever SLB to Asia via New
and the environment. As a group, UBS have • Set decarbonization targets for 2030 for largest single batch of convertible bonds for a World Development’s US$200m 10 year SLB
achieved below achievements in 2021: financing of the real estate, fossil fuel and Chinese company to issue in US market since in January 2021 as a Joint Structuring Adviser
power generation sectors the beginning of 2021. We are committed and Global Coordinator, UBS followed up
• USD 161 million donations raised and USD
to connecting capital with ESG through with a US$400m SLB offering for Shui On
108 million grants committed by UBS • 140 companies across sectors engaged in
financing and transformation consulting, Land in June 2021 which was the first ever
Optimus Foundation climate topics
therefore we can support our clients on their SLB offering from a Greater China corporate
• Almost 680,000 beneficiaries reached • 92% total reduction of our greenhouse journey to sustainability. with operations in Mainland China and
through strategic community impact gas footprint from the 2004 baseline year Towngas Smart Energy’s US$200m 5 year
activities Innovation in Green Finance SLB offering in April 2022 which was the
UBS is fully committed to its purpose of first ever USD-denominated SLB from a non-
• USD 3.4 billion invested in social, green UBS group has always been committed to
sustainability in China by actively conducting property Greater China corporate.
and pandemic bonds as part of Group innovation, providing sustainable financial
a number of green finance projects and
Tr e a s u r y h i g h - q u a l i t y l i q u i d a s s e t services across sectors on a global scale, • Committment to Philanthropy: UBS Optimus
working closely with clients and partners to
portfolios with 87% yoy growth and we have a series of innovative initiatives, Foundation is committed to addressing
build a comprehensive sustainable investment
including: social and environmental issues. UBS has
ecosystem. We offer wealth management
• USD 251 billion of sustainability focus and
clients in China with ESG solutions. They also continued innovation in philanthropy. UBS
impact investments group-wide (78% • UBS Wealth Management: Managing
issue green bonds for Chinese companies, Optimus Foundation has partnered with a
increase compared with USD 141 billion in portfolios in accordance with a 100%
and since 2021, UBS has helped issuers in specialist to create and launch a pioneering
2020) sustainable investment approach, UBS is
Greater China complete more than $20 initiative which aims to invest USD 100 million
the first major global financial institution to
• We are a leader in sustainable investing billion issuance in ESG-related bonds. In in 15 to 20 SDG-aligned outcomes-based
recommend sustainable solutions rather
(SI), with a global footprint and a terms of equity, they actively help ESG- programs, working with governments and
than traditional solutions for the investment
n e t w o r k o f r e s o u r c e s t o d e l i ve r a themed companies get listed and carry out philanthropic donors to design and invest in
of global private clients. We help our clients
wide range of research, advisory and green finance equity financing. UBS helped projects that support vulnerable children and
assess, manage and protect their assets from
product capabilities that continue to a number of companies with carbon-neutral adults in developing countries in areas such
climate-related risks by offering innovative
grow. USD 11.6 billion client assets have concept to complete overseas financing as education, health, employment and the
products and services in investment,
been directed to SDG-related impact successfully, including CATL's 45bn RMB environment.
financing and research and by providing

64 65
Appendix Appendix
Jury Committee of 2022 IFF Global Green Finance Award Jury Committee of 2022 IFF Global Green Finance Award

2022 IFF Global Green Finance Award 2022 IFF Global Green Finance Award
- Annual Award Winners - Innovation Award Winners

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Chapter 3: 1. Bank of China

- Green Bond Innovation
2022 IFF Global Green
Finance Award - Innovation Closely following the goals of carbon peaking
and carbon neutrality, Bank of China issued
at promoting the interconnection of domestic
and overseas green bond markets; In terms

Award Winners a n u m b e r o f re m a r ka b l e g re e n b o n d s ,
established an innovative and professional
of the fund application, Bank of China
innovatively issued the first-ever biodiversity-
brand image, and gradually consolidated the themed green bond offered by financial
foundation of green finance, which facilitates institution, and the first blue bond offered
to building green finance into a new business by commercial institution, for supporting
card of the Bank. the development of green loan segments.
In terms of climate transition, Bank of China
Overview of Green Bond innovatively issued the first publicly offered
Issuance transformational bond by financial institution
in global market, and accumulated experience
Since 2016, Bank of China has issued green for future issuances of transformational bonds
bond every year, involving a wide range of in domestic market.
issuers and multiple currencies. By the end of
2022, a total of 15 rounds of green bonds has Bank of China's green bond issuance has been

been issued in domestic and overseas market, widely recognised by both domestic and

with the amount equivalent to US$23.3 billion, overseas professional institutions, and has been

ranking first among Chinese banks. Most successively awarded the Global Green Finance

of the green bonds issued through Bank of Innovation Award by the International Finance

China overseas branches are characterised Forum (IFF), Best Green Bonds for Financial

by diversified corresponding green asset Institutions by The Asset, and Global Awards

pool, which are welcomed by international on Outstanding Leadership in Blue Bond by

investors. Global Capital, Asia-Pacific Green Financing
Transactions by the Banker , and so on.
Bank of China keeps strengthening
innovative research on green bonds. In Green Bond Issuance in
terms of transaction structure, Bank of China
innovatively issued the first green asset-
backed bond among Chinese banks, targeting With the rapid development of the green

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bond market, Bank of China fully support the (1) The First Green Bond Aligned with the
development of green finance by leveraging Updated Version of CGT
its impacts in both domestic and overseas
In November 2021, the first version of the
market. In 2022, Bank of China issued domestic
CGT was released and opened for global
green bonds in two phases, totalling 60 billion
consultation. The CGT is designed by the
yuan, and overseas green bonds totalling
International Platform on Sustainable Finance
3.54 billion U.S. dollars. This marks Bank of
(IPSF), a joint effort of the People’s Bank of
China the largest green bond issuer among
China (PBoC) and the European Commission,
Chinese banks in both domestic and overseas
which analysed the similarities and differences
market by volume in 2022. Adhering to the
between China's Green Bond Endorsed
pioneering and innovative spirit, Bank of
Projects Catalogue and the EU taxonomy for
China has successfully launched two landmark
Sustainable Activities. The CGT selected a
transactions, the first-ever green bond that
list of green economic activities recognized
aligned with the updated version of China-
by both China and the EU, with the purpose
EU Common Ground Taxonomy – Climate
of promoting China-EU cooperation in green
Change Mitigation (hereinafter referred to as
investment, and optimize comparability of
the "CGT ") and the first USD-denominated
global sustainable finance frameworks. In
biodiversity bond issued by financial institution.
June 2022, IPSF released an updated version
Among them:
of the CGT on its official website. Compared Bank of China HQ
with the initial version, the updated version
consultation, improved the contents by rural areas, the of energy-saving pumps
has integrated various feedbacks from public
adding 17 economic activities that are jointly and vacuum equipment manufacturing, and
recognised by Chinese and European experts, energy-saving transformers manufacturing,
and thus included a total of 72 economic among which manufacturing projects of
activities that contribute significantly to energy-saving transformers are categorised
climate change mitigation. to the new types of economic activities in the
updated version of the CGT and applies more
In June 2022, Bank of China issued the first
stringent and/or detailed Chinese criteria.
green bond under the updated version
Secondly, the bond issuance selected projects
of the CGT , with the issuance amount of
located in both China and Europe. Thirdly, the
US$500 million. The corresponding loan pool
corresponding green projects covered various
included projectd belonging to economic
scenarios in the updated version of CGT , for
a c t i v i t i e s n ew l y a d d e d i n t h e u p d ate d
example, areas with clear overlaps (Scenario
version of the CGT , and they varied by
1), and China criteria are more stringent and/
types of economic activities and geographic
or detailed (Scenario 3). The project selection
locations. Firstly, this issuance selected 14
followed common or stricter criteria under
projects in 5 industries, namely electricity
each scenario.
generation from wind power, storage of
electricity, construction and operation of "Bank of China issues green bond under the
public transportation system in urban and updated version of the CGT and explores
Bank of China HQ

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2022 IFF Global Green Finance Award - Innovation Award Winners 2022 IFF Global Green Finance Award - Innovation Award Winners

the development path of the international lake ecological environment protection.

sustainable finance market through its own
Before the opening of the second phase of
financial practice to attract wider groups
of market players to understand and use
the COP15 meeting, Bank of China issued 2. LONGi-Sunflower (PV Loan) Project
another biodiversity-themed green bond.
the updated version of the CGT," said Zhou
Zhou Quan indicated, "this issuance aims
Quan, General Manager of the Assets and
to promote ecological development by
Liabilities Management Department of the
leveraging financial services, attract more
Bank of China, "the successful issuance of this
international market participants to pay In recent years, with the continuous the pain points of the household photovoltaic
bond marks a new step in the comparability,
attention to biodiversity-themed green bonds, development of household photovoltaic market. Satisfy users and distributors'
compatibility and interoperability of the
and encourage more institutions to inject towards "financialization", various financial operational, site building, and maintenance
international sustainable finance taxonomy,
financial vitality into biodiversity protection." investment models in the photovoltaic needs with a "one-stop" service.
and will help the development and the
industry have also emerged. At present,
construction of international sustainable In the Group's 14th Five-Year Plan, Bank of Green finance revenue model: LONGi's
there are four main investment models for
finance Market." China promotes green finance as one of the g re e n f i n a n ce m o d e l i n S u n f l owe r 2 .0,
household photovoltaic in the market: full
key development directions. Bank of China after completing the station construction
(2) The First Dollar-Denominated Biodiversity payment model, financing lease model, roof
will continue to implement the strategy p ro ce d u re s a n d g r i d co n n e c te d p owe r
Bond Issued by Financial Institution rental model, and photovoltaic loan model.
of ecological civilization, firmly fulfil the g e n e ra t i o n , t h e ow n e r s h i p o f LO N G i
In November 2022, Bank of China, through responsibilities and obligations of a large The investment model of household distributed household power stations will be
its Paris branch, successfully issued the first state-owned bank, build a green financial photovoltaics has gradually evolved from the owned by farmers, and all revenue generated
USD-denominated biodiversity-themed green service brand, and become the bank of choice initial high investment and high return "full by the power stations will also be owned
bond offered by financial institution, which for green financial services. payment installation" model to the "operating by individuals. The commercial feature of
is also the first biodiversity-themed green lease model" aimed at users who lack cash LONGi's "Sunflower 2.0" product is that all
bond in Europe. The bond issuance has been but want to install photovoltaic power proceeds from selling photovoltaic systems
actively subscribed by international investors. stations; Then to the zero down payment are owned by farmers, except for repaying
Over 10% of total subscription was from "photovoltaic loan model" in cooperation bank loans. This approach not only provides a
super-sovereign and sovereign investors, and with major local banks; And the low risk sustainable source of income for farmers, but
the bond issuance successfully attracted the and low return "rental roof model" where also helps to reduce energy consumption and
active participation of professional investors users do not invest and only provide roofs. carbon emissions.
in the green and sustainable fields, marking a In the constantly changing and developing
M a i n m e a s u r e s : LO N G i S u n f l owe r h a s
broad investor base. investment models, the financial investment
established its product positioning as a
market for household photovoltaic has
The bond is three-year and fixed-rate, with the "one-stop digital household photovoltaic
basically achieved full coverage of the needs
issue amount of US$400 million. The bond solution" since its inception. Namely, LONGi
of different users.
proceeds would be used for various projects Sunflowers will provide one-stop services to
with biodiversity protection benefits, such as The "Sunflower 2.0" launched by LONGi this meet the business and usage needs of users
precious plant protection, natural landscape year is a cooperation with Ping An Bank to and distributors, as well as the construction
e co l o g i c a l re sto ra t i o n , n a t i o n a l fo re st jointly build a safe and reliable "green finance" and maintenance needs of the station. At the
reserves, water environment management, model. The product features of "zero down same time, it can also improve the business
ecological water environment restoration, payment, multiple rights, low threshold, and development and operational efficiency of
ecological water network construction, and support of up to 200000 yuan" directly hit distributors through digital business systems

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and operational platforms. Such a product Farmers who apply at a low threshold can
has epoch-making significance in China. The enjoy support for the construction fee of
common people can truly build their own up to 200000 yuan; At the same time,
power stations through "financial leverage" Ping An Bank will also provide exclusive
such as low-cost and low interest funds from rights and interests to farmers through rural
banks, reducing the entry threshold for wide revitalization financial services and carbon
power stations, and selling the electricity account platforms, achieving long-term
generated by the power stations to the power assistance and benefits to farmers;
grid to obtain profits.
The second is wide coverage and long term.
Relying on strong digital and platform Based on scientific calculations of regional
advantages, LONGi, together with Ping An lighting, power generation income, repayment
Bank, innovatively launched a 10-15 year per installment, and user income, this product
green finance product for farmers, creating a can cover regions with different lighting
sunshine bank on the roof for farmers. conditions and adjust the loan term according
to the actual situation of regional lighting,
Different from the traditional photovoltaic
with a maximum of 15 years. The electricity
digital loan products, the green finance
fee is distributed after deducting the principal
products jointly launched by the two parties
and interest, and farmers can obtain stable
this time mainly have the following three
income during the use cycle of photovoltaic LONGi Sunflower (PV Loan) Project
The third is online and intelligent. The Ping Longji sunflowers can benefit millions of
One is low threshold and multiple rights.
An Digital Pocket Bank APP will add relevant farmers, truly integrating our country's
functional modules and integrate them with a g r i c u l t u ra l p o l i c i e s w i t h p h o tovo l t a i c
the Longji Sunflower mini program to achieve development.
online, modeled, and automated operation of
Partner information and cooperation mode:
the entire photovoltaic digital loan business
In this mode, Ping An Bank of China, as one
process. Farmers can place orders to grid
of the leading financial institutions in China,
connected power generation in as little
provides loan support to farmers for installing
as 7 days; The overall project can use IoT
photovoltaic power generation systems.
technology to remotely monitor the project's
Th ro u g h t h e p re fe re n t i a l l o a n p o l i c i e s
operation in real time, achieve sensorless
provided by banks, farmers can obtain lower
intelligent post loan management, and
loan interest rates and enjoy more flexible
comprehensively improve the user experience
repayment methods, reducing financial
of farmers.
This "green finance" mode allows users to
Meanwhile, as one of the leading photovoltaic
truly become the owners of their own power
e n t e r p r i s e s i n C h i n a , LO N G i p rov i d e s
stations, and truly enjoy the benefits brought
advanced technology and equipment support
by household photovoltaic policies and power
to ensure that farmers can obtain first-class
generation. As a huge commercial innovation,
LONGi Sunflower (PV Loan) Project photovoltaic power generation systems.

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period refers to the first 3-6 months after

the photovoltaic power plant is connected to
the grid and begins to generate electricity,
without repayment. This part of the electricity
generation income is used as a guarantee for
future repayment by users. The meaning of
the repayment reservoir is to establish a pool
for storing power generation income, such as
reserving two installments for repayment in
the pool. This part of the power generation
income is kept in the user's card, but the
user cannot directly withdraw it, and the
bank is not used to repay the loan. This part
of the power generation income serves as a
guarantee for future repayment, ensuring that
the known risks mentioned above do not pose
a threat to the user's credit, and avoiding the
uncontrollable weather and seasonal changes
risks with product solutions.
LONGi Sunflower (PV Loan) Project
LONGi's professional technical team can coal per year, reducing CO2 emissions by 21.22 The "Sunflower 2.0" product launched by
provide comprehensive technical support and tons per year, and equivalent to planting 4225 LONGi and Ping An Bank of China is a very
training to farmers, ensuring their interests. trees per year. innovative and forward-looking green finance
service. By integrating the resources of banks,
Specific example: Taking Song, a villager Green finance security measures: LONGi and photovoltaic enterprises, and farmers, a
from Pingzhengtun Village, Changyi City, Ping An Bank also innovatively launched the complete full chain service model has been
Weifang City, Shandong Province, as an financial security mechanism of repayment formed, promoting the development of green
exa m p l e, h e i n st a l l e d a 2 1 . 6 KW Lo n g j i impoundment period, repayment reservoir economy in rural areas of China. This "win-
Sunflower Power Station. The estimated and repayment security fund. Due to the win" cooperation model not only promotes
annual power generation hours are 1350 influence of seasonal and weather changes economic growth in rural areas, but also helps
hours, and the annual power generation is on distributed photovoltaic power generation, to promote China's greater contribution to
about 29160 kilowatt hours. Calculated based the revenue of power generation varies greatly the 3060 dual carbon target.
on the Shandong regional grid electricity in different seasons and weather conditions,
price of 0.3949 yuan/kilowatt hour, the which can easily lead to user repayment risks,
annual electricity sales revenue is about 11515 and known repayment risks pose a threat
yuan. The initial construction cost of the to user credit security. Therefore, LONGi
power station is 86000 yuan, and the total Sunflower has cooperated with Industrial and
electricity revenue for the 25th year is 287882 Commercial Bank of China and Ping An Bank
yuan. For the environmental protection part, to establish a repayment storage period and
the electricity generated by the power station a repayment guarantee mechanism for the
is equivalent to saving 9.58 tons of standard repayment reservoir. The repayment storage

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parties have determined through international ocean LNG carriers independently designed
bidding to order two custom river and and built by Hudong-Zhonghua and are
ocean LNG carriers from Hudong-Zhonghua new members of Hudong-Zhonghua’s G4
Shipbuilding (Group) Co., Ltd., the only “Changxing” series LNG carriers. They adopt
comprehensive manufacturer of equipment X-DF low-speed dual-fuel diesel engine direct
on the whole LNG industrial chain in China, propulsion system and burn LNG. Compared
and select a leading international shipping to traditional carriers, their carbon dioxide
companies as the operation manager of the emissions can decrease by 15%, nitrogen
3. ICBC-Green Shipping carriers of the project. The parties concerned oxide emissions by 85%,and sulfur oxide
Loan aligned with the have jointly established a single ship company and PM emissions by 99%. After learning SN

Poseidon Principles to specifically implement the supporting Group’s positioning of a “forerunner in low-
LNG long-term agreement of the ship lease, carbon development”, based on shipping
and the single ship company has submitted and energy customers’ need of purchasing
a financing application to its shareholders’ green carriers, ICBC has jointly designed
long-term partners ICBC and a Japanese the Poseidon Principles-linked international
commercial bank. syndicated loan service solution for green
Introduction the Bank has always adhered to integrating energy carriers. The Japanese commercial
economic responsibility with social Solution Design bank and ICBC took the lead in setting up the
Through continuous hard work and steady responsibility, attached greater importance international syndicate, and invited domestic
Based on the application of the single ship
development, ICBC has become one to the development of green finance and and overseas commercial banks to participate
company, ICBC and the Japanese commercial
of world’s leading banks, with a quality support for ecological civilization in the in the syndicate. The loan uses carriers as the
bank have designed a ship financing solution
c u s to m e r b a s e , a d i ve r s i f i e d b u s i n e s s Group’s development plan, and made clear pledge in addition to 80% equity pledge and
for it. The carriers of the project are river and
structure, strong innovation capability and that the Bank will “lead the way in practicing
market competitiveness. With services as green development and develop into a world-
our foundation, we have been creating value leading green bank with a good international
through services. We provide abundant re p u t a t i o n ” t o b o o s t t h e h i g h - q u a l i t y
financial products and quality financial development of the real economy with green
s e r v i c e s t o ove r 1 0 m i l l i o n c o r p o ra t e finance.
customers and 720 million personal
customers around the world, and serve the Project background
high-quality economic and social growth
To ensure energy supply security in Shanghai
with our own high-quality development. We
and surrounding regions in the middle and
consciously incorporate social responsibility
lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the SN
into our development strategy and operating
Group, a Shanghai-based large state-owned
and management activities. We have been
energy enterprise, has signed a long-term
widely praised in developing inclusive finance,
purchase agreement of liquefied natural
assisting in rural revitalization, promoting
gas with an overseas liquefied natural gas
green finance, supporting public welfare
(LNG) company. LNG will be supplied to the
programs, etc.
Shanghai LNG Terminal in the long term. To
In the process of business development, facilitate the transportation of LNG, the two Green Shipping Loan aligned with the Poseidon Principles

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enterprises’ overseas entities, domestic banks season and it has strong handling capacity.
are subject to regulatory requirements that Currently, China has Shanghai Wuhaogou
are different from those applied to foreign LNG Terminal, Dongguan Jovo LNG Terminal
banks. In this project, loans are granted and Shenzhen Hua’an LNG Terminal, which
by remitting loan funds to an overseas have created a specific demand market
correspondent bank via ICBC’s free trade for medium-sized LNG carriers. Moreover,
zone accounts. Meanwhile, ICBC engages an there are a few upstream LNG uploading
international law firm to issue professional projects/sellers available. Currently in Asia,
opinions on the preconditions for using the there are only Singapore LNG Terminal,
loans and on the international laws involved Malaysia LNG Terminal and Brunei Lumut
in the financing, so as to meet domestic and Terminal. Therefore, once a trade contract
overseas regulatory requirements. is signed, the buyer will perform contract
obligations according to schedule and will
In terms of contribution to the sector, in
not easily break it. The LNG shipping market
recent years, a large number of Chinese-
segment can create long-term, stable LNG
funded enterprises under the “Going
transportation demand.
Global” strategy have made investments
Green Shipping Loan aligned with the Poseidon Principles
overseas, generating the demand for credit In terms of contribution to the society, the
transfer of interests. Within five working days to urge customers to cut carbon emissions to financing. As the overseas companies set preconditions for the international syndicated
after drawdown is completed, ICBC obtains obtain loan support. During the project term, up by domestic Chinese-funded enterprises loan are set according to the requirement
the confirmation letter of transfer of insurance the borrower shall disclose to the lender the have no credit record or settlement record that Hudong-Zhonghua collects payments
interest issued by the insurance company fuel consumption data of the carriers of the in overseas banks, it makes it difficult for first and then delivers carriers. A preferential
after the registration for the pledge of the project before June 30 every year. The lender overseas banks to assess their risks. In this loan interest rate is provided, to support
carriers is completed and relevant insurance calculates the carbon emission intensity of project, as an intermediary liaison of the Hudong-Zhonghua rolling out the first of such
of the carriers becomes effective. the carriers using the fuel consumption data, international syndicate, ICBC has prompted LNG carriers. The project has demonstrated
quantifies its climate impact and gives a score, the international syndicate to provide more H u d o n g -Z h o n g h u a ’s d e s i g n c a p a b i l i t y
Performance so as to judge whether the decarburization of preferential financing cost and financing and excellent shipbuilding capability, and
the carriers of the project meets IMO’s carbon conditions to the borrower, and worked with promoted it to build the international brand
In terms of innovation features, the project
emission reduction objectives. overseas banks to deal with the difference of “intelligent manufacturing in China”. The
is based on the Poseidon Principles, and uses
the carbon emission intensity of shipping as between domestic and overseas regulatory carriers of the project are the world’s largest
In terms of replicability, the project has
a key consideration in the evaluation of the requirements with an innovative mode. We fourth-generation LNG carriers on shallow
opened up an innovative path to provide green
loan offer. The Poseidon Principles are an have strengthened risk control in credit waterways and they can enter inland rivers.
finance services to enterprises under the
industry standard established by international business, offshore entity credit and business The project has further implemented the
“Going Global” strategy. With the deepening
mainstream financial institutions based on structure and expand the depth and breadth Suggestions on Promoting Coordinated
of the Belt and Road Initiative and the “Going
IMO’s 2018 “climate deal”, which requires of cross-border financial services. and Stable Development of Natural Gas
Global” strategy, a large number of Chinese-
cutting the carbon emissions of some ships of the State Council and promoted the
funded enterprises have made investments In terms of profitability and sustainability, the
by 40% by 2030 compared to 2008. Financial “Upgrade Cargo Ships Along the Yangtze
overseas, but Chinese-funded banks lack project is one medium-sized river and ocean
institutions evaluate whether a shipping River” strategy. Meanwhile, the project has
relevant experience in providing green LNG carrier. It has the shallowest design
project meets the objectives of the climate actively responded to Shanghai’s LNG supply
financing to overseas projects. Meanwhile, draught among carriers of the same level. It
deal based on the Poseidon Principles, so as guarantee demand, the “Upgrade Cargo Ships
when providing financial services to domestic can enter the Yangtze River during the dry

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Along the Yangtze River” strategy and the The project pays close attention to the
goals of carbon peak and carbon neutrality. needs of shipping and energy customers and
The project has ensured stable transportation supports high-end advanced manufacturing.
of imported LNG, not only sufficiently By aligning itself to the international industry
improving Shanghai’s natural gas security and standard, the Poseidon Principles, the project
emergency capacity and peak load regulation has learnt how to track carbon footprint and
capacity but also solving phased imbalance motivate relevant enterprises to continue
4. GD Power Development Co., Ltd.
between supply and demand of natural gas. carbon emission reduction activities through - Carbon-Finance-Link System Development & Application
The project has thus provided an effective financing products. In this project, it’s the
measure and means to achieve a supply- first time a Chinese-funded bank participates
demand balance of natural gas. in international ship financing under the
Poseidon Principles, opening up an innovative
In terms of environmental benefits, the
path to provide green finance services to
G u o d i a n P owe r D eve l o p m e n t Co. , Ltd . Digitalization of green
subjects of the project are river and ocean (hereafter as "GD Power") is a core listed
enterprises under the “Going Global” strategy,
company of the CHN Energy Group. GD
assets management through
LNG carriers. Equipped with X-DF dual-
and accumulating precious experience for
fuel (marine fuel and LNG) engine direct Power was officially established in1992 Carbon-Finance-Link System
innovation in ship financing service.
propulsion system, the LNG carriers can emit and mainly engages in the production and
In recent years, many co mpa ni e s have
15% less carbon dioxide, 85% less nitric oxide, sales of electricity and heat. Its projects
vigorously developed carbon reduction
and 99% less sulfur oxide and PM compared are distributed in 28 provinces, cities, and
projects such as renewable energy to promote
to carriers with traditional marine engines. autonomous regions across the country.
sustainable development, respond to climate
Meanwhile, the carriers of the project can As of the end of June 2022, the company's
change, and serve the national dual carbon
directly meet the IMO Tier III requirements total assets reached 412.434 billion yuan,
goals. However, due to the involvement
under any mode, indicating reduction of nitric with a total installed capacity of 100.3864
of many professional technologies such
oxide emissions. million kilowatts, and a total share capital
as carbon reduction accounting, green
of 17.836 billion shares. Its thermal power
finance product management and external
Overview installed capacity was 76.17% of the total
certification, and carbon asset management,
installed capacity, with 76.46 million kilowatts;
The financing solution is based on the most companies lack professional technical
hydropower installed capacity accounted
Poseidon Principles, and uses the carbon capabilities and management systems, which
for 14.9% of the total installed capacity, with
emission intensity of shipping as a key leads to increase in management costs and
14.9566 million kilowatts; wind power and
co n s i d e ra t i o n i n t h e eva l u a t i o n o f t h e brings obstacles to financial institutions for
photovoltaic installed capacity accounted
loan offer. During the project term, the green finance investment, urgently needing a
for 8.94% of the total installed capacity,
borrower shall disclose to the lender the comprehensive solution.
with 8.9698 million kilowatts. GD Power's
fuel consumption data of the carriers of the
main economic and technical indicators rank Based on the above needs, GD Power has
project before June 30 every year. The lender
among the top comparable companies, and collaborated with a green finance technology
calculates the carbon emission intensity of
have been selected for the Forbes list of service provider (iGreenBank (Guangzhou)
the carriers using the fuel consumption data,
the World's Most Trusted Companies and Information Technology Co., Ltd.) to jointly
quantifies its climate impact and gives a score,
awarded the top 100 listed companies in develop the "Carbon-Finance-Link System –
so as to judge whether the decarburization of
China and the National May Day Labor Award. carbon finance digital management system"
the carriers of the project meets IMO’s carbon
(hereafter as the "Carbon-Finance-Link
emission reduction objectives.

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System"), which helps enterprises to achieve enterprises with carbon accounting, real-
carbon reduction project management, green time carbon trading quotations, carbon
finance product intelligent management, asset development support, carbon asset
certification and MRV (monitoring, reporting, management, and related data statistics
and verification), carbon asset management, services.
and other functions, building an efficient and
By the end of 2022, GD Power has used the
low-cost enterprise green finance and carbon
Carbon-Finance-Link System to manage
asset digital management system.
more than 200 renewable energy projects

The Introduction of such as wind power and solar photovoltaic

power generation online, to set up a total
Carbon-Finance-Link System carbon account for the enterprise, the carbon

The Carbon-Finance-Link System aims to credit account for each project and carried

use digital technology such as blockchain out carbon reduction accounting. Based on

to build a digital management platform the uploaded data archived with blockchain,

that links carbon reduction projects, carbon the system is available to conduct intelligent

assets, and green finance businesses. The verification and MRV for green bonds, green

Carbon-Finance-Link System provides digital loans, and other green finance products.

information to GD Power through SaaS, mainly

including four core functions: (1) Carbon
Outstanding Achievements Zhoushan Offshore Wind Power Project
In terms of scalability the project types in China, and undoubtedly will effectively
reduction project (library) management and of Carbon-Finance-Link currently included mainly consist of renewable serve the national "dual carbon" strategy
certification, which provides enterprises System energy projects such as wind power and for related enterprises. By using digital
with carbon reduction project information
photovoltaic power generation, and can be technology to efficiently link corporate
management, operational data management Based on technologies of blockchain and
expanded to various types of green projects carbon emission reductions and carbon
(including carbon reduction accounting, s m a r t co n t ra c t s , t h e C a r b o n - F i n a n ce -
in the future. The types of financial products assets with green finance, it can improve
environmental benefits measurement and Link Syste m c a n a c h i eve c a r b o n a ss e t
that the Carbon-Finance-Link System can co r p o ra te m a n a g e m e n t e f f i c i e n c y a n d
MRV), carbon account management, and management, carbon reduction project
diversely serve for green bonds, carbon reduce management costs, while laying the
intelligent green certification services; (2) verification management, green finance
neutral bonds, climate bonds, blue bonds, foundation for further innovation in carbon
Green loan management and verification, product intelligent management, MRV and
sustainable-linked bonds, green loan etc., and finance. At the same time, it makes full use
which provides enterprises with online certification, building a high-efficient and low-
can be further connected to leasing financing, of digital technology advantages to realize
green loan management, online intelligent cost system for enterprise green finance and
funds and insurance products. With the intelligent management, certification, and
verification, online reporting, loan tenure carbon asset digital management. Through
applicability to abundant types of projects MRV of carbon emission reduction projects
monitoring and verification, and related Carbon-Finance-Link System, GD Power's
and financial products, the Carbon-Finance- and green finance products for corporate
data statistics services; (3) Green bond online management of renewable energy
Link System has large space for horizontal groups, regional companies, and project
management and certification, which projects involves a green bond financing
and vertical expansion of the system, strong companies, which improves management
provides enterprises with online green scale of more than 6 billion yuan, a green loan
adaptability and inclusiveness of the system, efficiency and reduces management costs.
bond management, intelligent verification, financing scale of more than 5 billion yuan, an
showing its promotability. The innovative digital credit mode provides a
bond duration monitoring and verification, annual carbon reduction of about 15 million
solution to the problems of "greenwashing",
and related data statistics services; (4) tons, and an annual carbon asset value of In terms of industry contribution, the Carbon-
carbon data falsification and errors that
Carbon asset management, which provides more than 800 million yuan. Finance-Link System is the first of its kind
have plagued green finance. In addition,

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promoting effect on the efficient operation sustainable development, it is regarded as a

of enterprises and the establishment of a major green finance technology innovation
new type of credibility system in society. and will bring tremendous contributions to
Overall, the Carbon-Finance-Link System the industry. As a large state-owned listed
achieves the unity of economic benefits energy enterprise, GD Power takes the lead in
and social benefits. Project owners reap the developing and supporting innovative green
benefits of low financing costs brought by finance and carbon asset digital management
the development of green projects, while the system for renewable energy development,
whole society enjoys the benefits of reduced strengthening its social responsibility, and
carbon emissions and a better ecological providing a good practice reference for
environment. counterpart large energy enterprises in China.

In terms of innovation, the Carbon-Finance-

Link System has established carbon accounts
at two dimensions of enterprise and project
to measure carbon emissions reductions
respectively. This achieves full-system carbon
emissions reduction project management
across enterprise groups, regional companies,
Inner Mongolia Onshore Wind Power Project a n d p ro j e c t co m p a n i e s , i m p rov i n g t h e
the Carbon-Finance-Link System helps year. Third, the certified green loans can efficiency of carbon asset management. In
reconstruct the operation mode of the apply for the carbon-reduction supporting the meantime, by using digital technology
entire industry ecosystem, greatly improves tool of the People's Bank of China, saving to efficiently connect enterprise carbon
efficiency, and reduces management costs about 10 million yuan in loan financing costs emissions reduction and carbon assets
for all parties, thus promoting the high- per year. Fourth, the Carbon-Finance-Link with green finance, it provides enterprise
quality development of the entire industry System will provide effective support for management efficiency and reduces
ecosystem. the development of carbon assets, thereby management costs, laying the foundation for
increasing GD Power income. It is expected further carbon finance innovation. In addition,
In terms of profitability, GD Power has already through the Carbon-Finance-Link System,
that 15 million tons of carbon assets will
and will continue to use the Carbon-Finance- green finance products implement intelligent
be developed each year, achieving about
Link System to issue green bonds, green management and verification, and achieve
800 million yuan in annual sales revenue.
loans, and other green finance products. The multi-standard consensus.
Moreover, the Carbon-Finance-Link System
economic benefits achieved as follows: First,
will save management costs for GD Power by
by using the intelligent verification of the
improving management efficiency.
System to save large amount of verification
and MRV costs. It is estimated that GD Power In terms of promoting social benefits, the The Carbon-Finance-Link System is nationally

can save about 1 million yuan in verification Carbon-Finance-Link System is committed to originated and undoubtedly, it will effectively

costs per year. Second, the issuance cost of using digital technology such as blockchain serve the national goal of "carbon peaking

certified green bonds is 15bps lower than to prevent "greenwashing" and ensure the and carbon neutrality" goals for enterprises.

that of non-green bonds, saving about 10 "integrity" of green finance and carbon By using digital technology of blockchain and

million yuan in bond financing costs per asset management, which has a positive other means to provide technical support for

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and practice, it won the first "Green Finance low-carbon transformation of the economy
Pioneer Innovation Award" at the "Dawan and society.
5. China CITIC Bank District Green and Sustainable Finance
“CITIC Carbon Account”
- CITIC Carbon Account Summit" in Shenzhen. According to the 2022
annual performance report of CITIC Bank, as Project
of December 31, the number of "CITIC Carbon
Account" accounts was 681,000, with a As a "green account" for measuring individual

cumulative emission reduction of 536.52 tons. carbon emission reduction, CITIC Carbon
CITIC Bank Credit Card of CITIC Bank's "new retail" development
Account has received the attention and
strategy, and practice the bank's brand
Center proposition of "let wealth have temperature".
At present, the path of carbon emission guidance of the Ministry of Ecology and
reduction in China is mainly through the Environment, Shenzhen Bureau of Ecology
CITIC Bank Credit Card Center is a business production side, but the various products
department set up by CITIC Bank in Shenzhen
Project Background and Environment, Shenzhen Banking and
produced by the production side produce Insurance Regulatory Bureau, Shenzhen
for unified management, centralized operation Lucid waters and lush mountains are emissions because of consumption. The F i n a n c i a l B u re a u a n d o t h e r u n i t s f ro m
and independent accounting of credit card invaluable assets, and it is the common emission reduction of the consumption side research, development to formal launch.
business. It is the national headquarters of responsibility of the whole society to build not only has great potential, but also has CITIC Bank Credit Card Center has carried
CITIC Bank's credit card business and the an earth home where man and nature live a huge traction effect on the production out in-depth cooperation with Shanghai
first branch-level franchise. Since the card in harmony. With the proposal of "30.60" side. Encouraging consumers to actively Environmental Energy Exchange, Shenzhen
was officially issued at the end of 2003, double-carbon target in China, CITIC Bank participate in carbon emission reduction E m i s s i o n R i g h t s E xc h a n g e a n d o t h e r
it has always adhered to the cost and risk Credit Card Center responded positively to actions, thus driving the production side to institutions in this project, and jointly carried
control strategy of "being invincible", adhered the government's call, and in April 2022, CITIC carry out carbon emission reduction, is of out research and development with China
to the development policy of "customer- Carbon Account, a personal carbon inclusive great strategic significance for the green and Huixin Carbon Asset Management Co., Ltd.,
centered", practiced "product leadership, p l at fo r m b a s e d o n C I T I C B a n k ' s g re e n
customer intimacy, channel as king, operation financial system, was officially launched,
excellence", constantly innovated products which was the first personal carbon account
and services, and strived to cultivate business launched by domestic banks and centered on
characteristics and management advantages. the city. Individual carbon emission reduction
Promote the coordinated development of is accumulated by scientific measurement
efficiency, quality and scale of business. method, so that green consumption behavior
can be digitized, visualized, traceable and
At present, CITIC Bank Credit Card Center has
measurable, thus guiding the transformation
been established for 20 years. Since the "first
of green consumption of social citizens.
year" of China's credit card development,
CITIC Bank Credit Card Center has taken root Since its launch, "CITIC Carbon Account" has
in Shenzhen, relying on the tide of reform and gained great attention and recognition from
opening up, resonating with the development all walks of life, and has been successfully
of China's social economy, creating a "credit selected as the benchmark case of the first
card with temperature", and has achieved "Eco-Brand Development Report (2022)",
great development by leaps and bounds, and the bank has been awarded the eco-
becoming the leading domestic card issuing brand certification. With its outstanding
scale of "100 million". Become the leader performance in green financial innovation "CITIC Carbon Account" Project Wins Green Finance Pioneer Award

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the Development and Reform Commission), with extensive audience research, detailed
Carbon Neutralization Commission, research conclusions and rich industry
China Banking Association, China Energy insights. During the same period, China News
Conservation Association and other key Weekly and other mainstream media jointly
ministries and professional associations have disseminated on the official micro-blog, which
paid close attention to forming a strong and won wide attention from the official micro-
positive endorsement to build a positive blog @ Shandong Environment (Shandong
public opinion environment for the listing of Ecological Environment Department), @
"CITIC Carbon Account". Eco-China Network (official micro-blog of
China Forestry Ecological Development
2. International Forest Day, March 21, 2022:
Promotion Association), @ 922 Green Travel
the official release of the full version of the
(China Urban Planning and Design Institute)
Green Paper on Low Carbon Life in 2022
and other regulatory units and industry
On March 21, International Forest Day, CITIC associations, paving the industry's leading
Bank Credit Card, together with IPSOS and edge.
CITIC Carbon Account interface display
Sina Finance ESG Rating Center, released the
a third-party professional organization in release of five highlights of "Green Paper 3. World Earth Day, April 22, 2022: [Green
full version of the Green Paper on Low Carbon
China. The "CITIC Carbon Account" project on Low Carbon Life 2022" and the launch Start, Low Carbon New Future – CITIC
Life 2022 for the industry, which once again
was officially launched on World Earth Day on of the internal test version of "CITIC Carbon Carbon Account Cloud Press Conference]
gained further attention from the industry
April 22, 2022. Account" was held, "CITIC Carbon Account" was

"CITIC Carbon Account" is a "green life On the eve of Arbor Day on March 10, CITIC
business card" tailored for the vast number Bank launched the internal test version of
of users, accurately reaching the low-carbon "CITIC Carbon Account" and released the
behavior data in various life scenarios, so highlights of "Green Paper on Low Carbon
that users can get a fast and smooth new Life" to build a "double perspective" of
experience of green life. At the same time, news with "double events", to stabilize the
CITIC Bank announced the launch of the industry's first position, and to establish
"Green Xinhui" ecological platform, jointly the bank's leading edge in personal carbon
with multi-party ecological partners, so accounts. This stage has received reports
that users'green low-carbon behavior can from leading party and government media
be measured and traced, so that green i n c l u d i n g P e o p l e ' s D a i l y, Xi n h u a N ews
consumption behavior can be digitized, Agency, China Daily, Guangming Net and
visualized, capitalized and valued, thus Global Network, as well as key financial
giving full play to the synergistic effect of the and ESG media reports such as China Net
industrial chain and the ecological circle. Finance and Economics, Sina Finance and
Economics, China Securities Daily and 21st
(I) Main developments since the launch of
Century Economic Report. China Environment
the "CITIC Carbon Account" project:
Network (news unit directly under the
1. Tree Planting Day on March 10, 2022: the Ministry of Ecology and Environment), China
Development Network (news unit in charge of "CITIC Carbon Account" Project Wins 2022 IFF Global Green Finance Awards - Innovation Award

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widespread concern from all walks of life behavior can be measured and traceable, and
in the emerging field of personal carbon promote the wide integration of green low-
emission reduction, and actively advocated carbon into people's lives.
and practiced green low-carbon life.
6. In 2022, "CITIC Carbon Account" was
4. August 8, 2022: the expansion of the highly regarded and won multiple awards
ecological platform through cooperation
In 2022, "CITIC Carbon Account" won the
based on "CITIC Carbon Account"
"Global Green Finance Award-Innovation
In order to give full play to the alliance effect Award" of the International Finance Forum
of CITIC's "LuXinHui" low-carbon ecological (IFF); It was successfully selected as the
platform and join hands with multi-partners benchmark case of the first Eco-Brand
in the industrial chain to achieve two-way Development Report (2022), and the bank
empowerment, on August 8, CITIC Bank was awarded the Eco-Brand Certification.
Credit Card Center and Visa jointly announced With its outstanding performance in green
the formal signing of a memorandum of financial innovation and practice, it won
officially launched, and "Luxinhui" low- more than 80 media. They witnessed the strategic cooperation on sustainable business, the first "Green Finance Pioneer Innovation
carbon ecological platform will be launched official release of "CITIC Carbon Account" and and the two sides will implement the concept Award" at the "Dawan District Green and
at the same time. officially launched the "Green Xinhui" low- of financial responsibility and green finance. Sustainable Finance Summit" in Shenzhen.
carbon ecological platform at the conference, Jointly carry out business exploration related
On April 22, on the occasion of the 53rd According to the 2022 annual performance
which won wide attention from the industry. to sustainable business and carbon accounts.
World Earth Day, a "Green Start, Low Carbon report of CITIC Bank, as of December 31, the
New Future-CITIC Carbon Account-Cloud The cloud conference was broadcast live 5. In May and November, "CITIC Carbon number of "CITIC Carbon Account" accounts
Conference" was held, inviting government on the four platforms of CITIC Bank Credit Account" was upgraded and low-carbon was 681,000, with a cumulative emission
regulators including the Shenzhen Municipal Card Official APP "Moving Card Space", Sina scenarios were further expanded reduction of 536.52 tons.
Committee, the Shenzhen Local Financial Weibo, Sina Finance APP and CITIC Bank
Supervision and Administration Bureau, Credit Card Official Video Number, with more Since November, the financial low-carbon (II) Main Functions and Innovations of "CITIC
t h e S h e n z h e n B u re a u o f E c o l o g y a n d than 800000 viewers. The cloud conference behavior of CITIC Bank debit card users Carbon Account" Project
Environment, and the National Center for takes the form of online paperless to fulfill the can accumulate carbon emission reduction
1. Systematic design of "CITIC Carbon
Strategic Research and Cooperation on green low-carbon commitment with practical through the "CITIC Carbon Account", which
Climate Change of the Ministry of Ecology actions. covers four carbon emission reduction

and Environment. Representatives from scenarios, including the opening of media- "CITIC Carbon Account" is a sustainable
From the release of the Green Paper on March free debit card, online transfer, credit second
Shanghai Energy and Environment Exchange, development system designed by fully
10 to the official release of "CITIC Carbon loan processing and credit second loan
China Automobile Circulation Association, i n t e g r a t i n g t h e i n t e r n a l a n d ex t e r n a l
Account" on April 22, the dissemination of repayment. During the same period, the newly
Air China, Xiamen Airlines, Haihang, Tencent, resources of CITIC Group, referring to the
this listing has received 2,650 news reports, upgraded "CITIC Carbon Account", whether it
Jingdong, Huawei, Tianyin Science and carbon inclusive development system, and
7928 positive public opinions on the whole is CITIC Bank debit card, credit card users or
Technology, CITIC Academy, CITIC Digital combining with the pressures and challenges
network, and the total reading volume of other bank card users, can be registered and
Media, Dachang Bank and other partners, faced by individual carbon inclusive. "CITIC
original topics on social media has exceeded opened through CITIC Bank mobile banking
as well as senior banking card organizations Carbon Account" system has strong core
71.06 million, realizing the leap from "zero" APP and mobile card space APP to support
such as China UnionPay, Visa and MasterCard, competitiveness, mainly including the bank's
to "hot" product awareness. At the same the opening of accounts by the whole people,
a total of 15 industry partners attended, with own account and wind control capabilities,
time, "CITIC Carbon Account" has aroused so that more consumers'green low-carbon covering rich consumer life scenarios, strong

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achievements on social platforms and attract external partners to jointly build a green
more friends to participate. Through the ecosystem. CITIC Carbon Account adopts
carbon account platform, users can also learn AaaS open ecosystem to achieve rapid and
about low-carbon related popular science seamless access of green partners, reduce
knowledge, participate in question-and- the access threshold, and create a green and
answer game interaction, and measure their open financial ecosystem with CITIC carbon
carbon footprint to experience a richer low- account as the service core. Build rich green
carbon life. low-carbon emission reduction scenarios for
users, so that users can continue to practice
"CITIC Carbon Account" has been launched
low-carbon behavior in all aspects of clothing,
in Mobile Card Space APP, CITIC Bank Mobile
food, housing and transportation.
Banking APP and CITIC Financial Holding
Fortune Plaza, covering more than 100 million (3) Neutralizable and tradable
consumer users of CITIC Bank and CITIC
Through cooperation with government
Group. Bank card users of other banks can
authorities, CITIC Carbon Account is
also register and open accounts to support
calculated and measured by a third-
the whole people.
party professional organization in strict
CITIC Carbon Account interface display
3. Innovation of the Project accordance with the methodology approved
financial technology capabilities, and open functional applications, including carbon by the Carbon Exchange, which ensures the
As the first personal carbon account
and unbounded cooperation platform. account opening, carbon emission reduction scientific and authoritative nature of carbon
launched by joint-stock commercial banks,
records, carbon value social sharing, low- emission reduction accounting, as well as
"CITIC Carbon Account" as the first personal "CITIC Carbon Account" is designed to be
carbon science popularization, low-carbon the asset value attribute of carbon emission
carbon emission reduction account led more scientific and developmental. Its main
knowledge questions and answers, carbon reduction, laying a solid foundation for carbon
by domestic banks, its carbon reduction innovations are as follows:
emission calculator and other functional neutralization and carbon trading of future
accounting adopts the carbon emission
modules. Electronic credit card application, (1) Measurable and traceable users, enterprises and cities.
reduction methodology recognized by the
electronic bill, online life payment (including
third-party authority, and is approved by
water, electricity, gas, etc.), electronic debit U n d e r t h e g u i d a n ce o f t h e co m p e te n t Social Value
experts organized by Shanghai Environmental authorities of the national government and
card, online transfer, online loan and online
E n e r g y E xc h a n g e , w h i c h e n s u r e s t h e in cooperation with third-party professional "CITIC Carbon Account" is a positive measure
repayment are nine special financial scenarios
scientificity and authority of the accounting, institutions in China, CITIC Bank has taken by CITIC Group and CITIC Bank to
for carbon emission reduction accounting.
and automatically collects individuals through developed the first set of carbon emission implement the "dual carbon" strategy.
The user is authorized to open a carbon
user authorization. And through scientific reduction methodologies for green financial
account without manually uploading any data In 2020, in order to improve global
m e a s u re m e n t m e t h o d s t o a c c u m u l a t e scenarios, innovatively realized accurate
or information. The system automatically environmental governance, actively respond
personal carbon emission reductions, to accounting of carbon reduction in financial
collects the emission reduction behavior data to climate change and build a community of
provide each user with a strong proof of the scenarios, and promoted the standardization
of the user in the green scenario, calculates human and natural life, China proposes to
practice of green low-carbon life, to create a of carbon account financial scenarios.
in real time, and feeds back in real time in strive to achieve carbon peak by 2030 and
unique "green life card".
the personal carbon account interface. The carbon neutrality by 2060. The proposal
(2) Multi-scene and interoperable
2. CITIC Carbon Account Function user can query the source of each carbon of double-carbon target marks that the
value and exchange the corresponding rights CITIC Carbon Account fully integrates the construction of ecological civilization in China
"CITIC Carbon Account" has realized basic resources of CITIC Group's internal and
and interests. Users can share their carbon has entered a critical period of comprehensive

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green transformation of economic and social of society, and integrates the sustainable
development and improvement of ecological development concept of "devoting itself to
environment quality from quantitative change becoming a green bank, a humanistic bank,
to qualitative change. a caring bank, an honest bank, a value bank
and a brand bank" into its strategy and
C I T I C G ro u p h a s a w i d e ra n g e o f re a l
culture. It has achieved remarkable results in - Low-carbon consumption
industries, and knows that under the current
green credit, carbon footprint management, scenario development and
situation, achieving the goal of "double
carbon" is the way to integrate into the future
inclusive finance, customer service, supplier carbon account system of China
management and other aspects.
global industrial chain reform. The industrial UnionPay green low-carbon
sectors of the Group will actively integrate I n o rd e r to h e l p C h i n a ' s 3 0. 6 0 d o u b l e theme card
into the green low-carbon reform, develop c a r b o n t a rg e t a n d i m p rove t h e u r b a n
both industry and finance, and help achieve carbon inclusive construction mechanism,
the goal of "double carbon" by enlarging CITIC Bank actively exerts its synergistic
the low-carbon effect of the industrial advantages and continuously promotes the
chain and the ecological circle. As a central innovation of green financial products. The
enterprise, CITIC Group has been adhering to release of "CITIC Carbon Account" is the
Carbon Asset Pledge Project (II) Major Initiatives
the implementation of the central decision- first personal carbon account launched by
making and deployment, earnestly fulfilling domestic banks in response to the call of the 1. launching supporting business rules and
(I) Overview of the case
the mission of state-owned enterprises, government, focusing on the construction exploring collaborative supervision.
actively grasping the trend of green low- In order to serve China's "Carbon Peak and
of the city's carbon inclusive mechanism, so
SEEE has been taking a "business rules"
carbon transformation, and unswervingly neutrality" strategy, deeply practicing ESG
that users'green low-carbon behavior can be
oriented approach, with the support of
taking the road of green low-carbon principles and fully unleashing the financing
measured and traceable, and promote the
Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Ecology
development. p o te n t i a l o f c a r b o n a s s e t s , " S h a n g h a i
wide integration of green low-carbon into
and Environment and Shanghai Municipal
Environmental And Energy Exchange (SEEE),
people's lives.
On the basis of the green and low-carbon Financial Regulatory Bureau. SEEE has
a subsidiary unit of Shanghai United Assets
development strategy formulated by the successively launched "Assistance in Handling
And Equity Exchange (SUAEE), has launched
Group, CITIC Bank fully recognizes the CCER Pledge Business Rules" and "Shanghai
a 'Carbon Asset Pledge' Project based on
g re a t s i g n i f i c a n ce o f t h e co n st r u c t i o n Carbon Asset Pledge Registration Business
carbon spot trading. The aim is to assist
of "green bank", bases itself on the new Rules" and related supporting documents
trading participants (including Shanghai
development stage, implements the new to regulate carbon asset pledging business
municipal enterprises under centralized
development concept, vigorously promotes and maintenance of legitimate rights and
management and institutional investors) in
the construction of green financial system, interests of both parties in pledge. At the
Shanghai Pilot Carbon Market in unleashing
explores and formulates green financial same time, SEEE is exploring collaborative
the value of carbon assets and solving
solutions, and supports the high-quality regulatory mechanisms between carbon
short-term financing problems through
development of national green economic market regulatory authorities and financial
this financing tool.Meanwhile, laying the
transformation with practical actions. institutions in the implementation of carbon
groundwork for promoting carbon asset
asset pledge business.
pledge business in China's National Carbon
At the same time, CITIC Bank attaches great
Market. 2.Launching Extended Business Based on
importance to the common sustainable
development with its partners and all sectors Carbon Asset Pledge Business.

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At t h e e n d o f D e c e m b e r 2 0 2 0 , S E E E leveraged the interconnectedness of carbon value of carbon assets, providing a new E m i ss i o n s A l l owa n ce ( S H E A ) p l e d g i n g
introduced the Shanghai Carbon Allowance assets between financial capital and the real approach for insurance services in the carbon transaction with CINIC (Shanghai) , one of
Pledge Registration Business, and in parallel economy to enhance the flexibility of carbon market. the exemplary enterprises in Qingpu District,
with the further development of carbon asset financing, and represents an innovative in the demonstration zone of green and
(III) Result of Implementation
allowance pledge business, collaborated with measure by financial institutions to support integrated ecological development of the
banks and insurance companies to explore the development of climate finance in the 1.The initial scale of carbon asset pledge Yangtze River Delta. This case represents
the combination of carbon allowance and context of achieving "carbon peak" and b u s i n e s s h a s a c h i e ve d b r o a d m a r k e t a beneficial attempt to implement the
CCER (Chinese Certified Emission Reduction) "carbon neutrality" goals. recognition development concept of "ecological, green,
pledge business, as well as the carbon and sustainable" in the demonstration zone of
(b.)"Carbon Allowance + Pledge + Insurance" With the support of SEEE, multiple financial
allowance pledge loan guarantee insurance green and integrated ecological development
Business i n st i t u t i o n s i n c l u d i n g B O C , B C M , A B C
financing business with "Carbon Allowance + of the Yangtze River Delta. It was awarded
,CCB, SPDB, CIB, BOB, Bank of Shanghai,
Pledge + Insurance". In November 2021, SEEE collaborated with the "Financial Plus Excellent Case Award"
Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank, BOJS,
China Pacific Insurance(group) Co.,Ltd, Bank at the "2023 Special Promotion Meeting
(a.)Carbon Allowance and CCER Combination and Bank of Nanjing etc. have actively
of Communications Co., Ltd. BOCOM and for Financial Support to the Integrated
Pledge Loan Business collaborated with local and foreign-funded
Shenergy Carbon Technology Co., Ltd. to Development of The Demonstration Zone of
enterprises and institutional investors to
In May 2021, SEEE partnered with Shanghai launch the first "Carbon Allowance + Pledge Green and Integrated Ecological Development
explore new pathways of pledge financing
Pudong Development Bank (SPDB) + Insurance" business at The 4th China of The Yangtze River Delta & Annual Meeting
with carbon assets as collateral. As of now,
to facilitate the first carbon allowance International Import Expo. This business not of Financial Urbanization Service Innovation
SEEE has facilitated over 20 carbon pledge
and CCER combination pledge loan for only maintenance of legitimate rights and Development Alliance" held in March 2023.
transactions, unlocking nearly 2 million tons
Shenergy Carbon Technology Co., Ltd. The interests of both parties in pledge (financing
implementation of this transaction fully party), but also significantly enhances the
of carbon assets and financing of nearly 60 China UnionPay Green Low
million yuan.
Carbon Theme Card Project
The introduction of carbon asset pledge
(I) Overview of the case
business has fully leveraged the value of
carbon assets, improved the management On August 20, 2021, SEEE and China
efficiency of carbon assets, and expanded UnionPay Co., Ltd. (UnionPay) jointly released
green financing channels for enterprises and the China UnionPay Green Low Carbon Theme
institutional investors. The close cooperation Card. This product, aimed at individuals
between SEEE and financial institutions and enterprises, is centered around the
h a s b e t te r s e r ve d t h e g re e n e co n o my concepts of low carbon and environmental
transformation of the real economy, further protection. Leveraging transaction data from
promoting the construction of Shanghai bank networks, it provides individuals and
International Carbon Financial Center. enterprises with low carbon lifestyle service
benefits and carbon reduction purchasing
2.Recipient of the Financial Plus Excellent
rights, and introduces the innovative concept
Case Award in the demonstration zone of
of UnionPay Carbon Credits in collaboration
green and integrated ecological development
with professional institutions.
of the Yangtze River Delta

In May 2021, with the support of SEEE,

UnionPay Green Low Carbon Themed Bank Card Product Launch BOC completed the first Shanghai Carbon

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charging stations, utility bill payments, total issuance exceeding 1.5 million cards.
o n l i n e m ov i e t i c ke t s , o n l i n e c a r t i c ke t
In March 2023, based on this project and
purchases, electronic government services
with the support of SEEE, UnionPay and
through UnionPay, walking, Online account
China Merchants Bank jointly launched a
management between different banks, and
carbon-neutral credit card. The greenhouse
repayments/transfers through UnionPay etc.
gas emissions generated throughout some
These scenarios are guided by mechanisms
parts of the lifecycle of this credit card, from
of entertainment, interaction, and dynamic
production to distribution, have been offset
feedback to encourage users to adopt a
through the cancellation of CCER, achieving
green and low-carbon lifestyle.
carbon neutrality.
2.By researching and developing low-carbon
scenarios, gradually build a carbon-inclusive
ecosystem to promote sustainability.

Through research on scenario development

and accounting system within China UnionPay
Green Low Carbon Theme Card, aimed to
further promote the popularization of low-
carbon lifestyle concepts domestically. In
the future, according to build a more diverse
(II) Major Initiatives motivating them to practice green and low- and multi-level of the Inclusive Carbon-
carbon lifestyle through both material and emission-reduction Benefit Mechanism (ICBM)
1.Comprehensively meeting the green and scenario, while improving and upgrading
spiritual rewards.
low-carbon demands of various types of existing scenarios, to assist Shanghai in laying
enterprises and individuals, issuing China 3.Digitally issuing virtual cards as the main a solid foundation for the ICBM platform
UnionPay Green Low Carbon Theme Card, form, with the option to choose environment- and establishing a standardized and orderly
(divided into enterprise cards, small and micro friendly material physical cards, and enjoying operating system for ICBM initiatives. SEEE
enterprise cards and rural revitalization cards) paperless online services such as electronic will continue to explore the development of
to strongly support the green development bills provided by the bank. a sustainable and vibrant ICBM ecosystem
of different types of enterprises. Developing through commercial incentive mechanisms,
(III) Result of Implementation
a series of themed and rich-benefit green and with clear rules and rich scenarios.
low-carbon themed credit and debit cards for 1.The project covers 12 personal green and
individuals. low-carbon lifestyle scenarios, guiding users 3.The project has strong scalability and

towards adopting a green and sustainable replicability, leading the comprehensive

2.Collaborating with professional green-economy transformation and
o r g a n i z a t i o n s , i n n ova t i ve l y l a u n c h i n g sustainable development of the economy
carbon reduction algorithms for green Currently, there are 12 personal green and and society.
and low-carbon scenarios, issuing low- low-carbon scenarios covered, including
carbon certificates to cardholders, public transportation such as buses, subways, As of the end of March 2022, this project has
enabling cardholders to truly understand high-speed railways, biking, electric vehicle facilitated 30 commercial banks to launch 40
the significance of carbon reduction, and green and low-carbon card products, with a

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ESG research with localized and intelligent source data integration

solutions for continued deepening of the
Southern Asset Management uses AI financial
application and practice of ESG investment in
big data analysis technology to mine ESG
data, combining data provided by data

Major Measures suppliers, data captured by AI algorithms,

7. China Southern Asset Management and data from analyses by researchers to
Southern Asset Management’s ESG
- ESG Comprehensive Information Platform Comprehensive Information Platform is a
achieve multi-source data integration. On the
basis of data, the company captures effective
cloud-based digital solution for ESG research. ESG indicators from those data to form a
It consists of three modules: a data module, unified ESG factor database, which provides
a model module, and an application module, an extensive data foundation for ESG rating
With the support of China's national strategic Southern Asset Management has integrated
and it includes multi-dimensional ESG model research so as to solve the critical
dual-carbon goals (carbon dioxide emissions the artificial intelligence technology in
information modules such as ESG ratings, problem of data deficiency in the current
peak by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060), financial technology and the ESG investment
underlying data, climate database, research process of ESG development in China.
the concept of green financial development concept under the development of green
report system, controversial events, and
h a s re ce i ve d w i d e a t te n t i o n . Th e E S G finance, and independently built the Southern 2. Model module - Evaluating factor
vote tracking. Deeply incorporated into
investment concept, as an important part of Asset Management ESG Comprehensive effectiveness through quantitative models
the company's comprehensive investment
green finance, includes the three dimensions Information Platform, thus providing stable
research platform and through detailed Southern Asset Management has built an ESG
of environmental, social and corporate support for the company's ESG investment
data information and a visualized interface, factor evaluation system, adopting scientific
governance, and in recent years an increasing practice and development.
it promotes ESG business in terms of ESG evaluation models to evaluate and test the
number of market institutions have started
to incorporate ESG factors into investment Case Overview ratings, climate investment and financing effectiveness of factors and quantitatively
management, product innovation and risk selecting material impact indicators for
research and decision making.
Attaching great importance to the research management. promoting the localized practice of ESG
As one of the earliest asset management and practice of ESG investment, Southern
Asset Management continues to explore 1. Data module - Adopting financial
institutions entering the ESG field in China,
multi-dimensional promotion of ESG intelligence technology to enhance multi- 3. Application module -- Integrating multi-
Sou t h er n A ss e t Manag e m e nt has be e n
exploring the development path of ESG integration and to reshape the cornerstone
investment in the domestic market and the of value creation. In order to strengthen the
construction and application of ESG rating application and integration of ESG in the
systems since joining the United Nations investment and research process, Southern
Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) Asset Management has built its own ESG
in 2018. Through long-term exploration and rating system that combines the three
practice, Southern Asset Management has traditional dimensions of environmental,
discovered that ESG investment in China social, and corporate governance with
mainly faces key issues such as lack of data, controversial events to provide researchers
the need to test investment effectiveness, with ESG research and practice. On this basis,
and inadequate localization of ESG ratings. Southern Asset Management has built an
To effectively solve these issues, from ESG Comprehensive Information Platform
the perspective of ESG development and consisting of a data module, a model module,
localization practices in the Chinese market, and an application module, thus providing our Southern Asset Management ESG Comprehensive Information Platform

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carbon intensity) that is consistent with companies and 6,484 bond issuers.
the PCAF methodology, allowing research
2. Success in carbon emission data
teams to learn about carbon emissions of
various industries in the absence of sufficient
quantity and quality of climate disclosure, Southern Asset Management is the first
and to adjust portfolio asset allocation for mutual fund company in China that carries
high-polluting enterprises in order to achieve out carbon emission data measurement for
portfolio decarbonization and emission all equity targets in its investment portfolios.
re d u c t i o n a n d p rov i d e c a r b o n - n e u t ra l It has innovatively combined external data
solutions. Southern Asset Management's collection with independent research, and
carbon emission database mainly adopts a has completed the construction of a carbon
gradient boosting decision tree model to emission database based on machine learning
capture complex nonlinear relationships, and on the global financial industry carbon
which can effectively deal with missing accounting standards set by the PCAF,
values and categorical variables for diverse and has carried out evaluations of carbon
carbon emission forecasting scenarios. It emissions of its investment portfolios. As
uses regularization techniques to calibrate of 2022, the carbon emission data score of
the models in order to solve the problems of Southern Asset Management has reached
forecast variance and sample noise. the international standard level 2-3 (the
levels are from 1 to 5, with a smaller number
Implementation Effect representing a higher data quality).
module ESG data information differentiates and assigns weights to the
ESG rating system indicators based on the Southern Asset Management's ESG 3. Enriching the ESG product system and
Take the ESG rating system and carbon
materiality of the industry, thereby adjusting Comprehensive Information Platform has expanding green investment
emission database that have been incorporated
the indicators and weights of the ESG provided effective support for the company
into Southern Asset Management's ESG With the ESG Comprehensive Information
rating system to enhance the materiality to promote the ESG investment concept and
Comprehensive Information Platform as an Platform as a foundation, Southern Asset
of indicators and the validity of evaluation to achieve deep integration for the operations,
example: Management has launched various innovative
results. In addition, the rating system includes investment research, and product positioning:
products to guide capital flow to green
1) Southern Asset Management's ESG not only traditional ESG scores but also
1. One of the rating systems with the widest i n d u s t r i e s . B y t h e e n d o f 2 0 2 2 , g re e n
Comprehensive Rating System combines controversial event scores, which
coverage of investment targets investments at Southern Asset Management
takes the ESG performance of investment
By scientifically grasping the characteristics had reached 218.058 billion yuan.
targets into more comprehensive account, Southern Asset Management's independently
of the capital markets, Southern Asset
making the rating system more suitable for developed rating system includes 17 themes, 4. Integrating into the company's whole risk
Management has independently developed
effectively utilization in the Chinese domestic 39 sub-themes and 115 sub-category selection management process
an ESG rating system and database with
market. indicators. It has extended effective support
Chinese domestic characteristics and in line The ESG Comprehensive Information Platform
to the implementation of the ESG investment
with international standards, and continues to 2) Carbon Emission Database is combined with the internal risk control
concept and brought about ESG's deep
optimize and upgrade it as ESG investment system to take ESG factors into full account in
Southern Asset Management has built its integration with the Chinese investment logic.
methodology improves. In this rating system, various cross-asset investments, research and
own carbon emission database (including As of the end of 2022, the company's ESG
through in-depth research into industry risk management, monitor and identify ESG
direct emissions, indirect emissions and rating system covered 4,381 A-share listed
characteristics, Southern Asset Management risks in the daily investment research process,

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and analyze the risk exposure of ESG factors 3. Shenzhen Green Finance Pioneer Innovation
through stress testing and performance Award
attribution in order to prevent long-term ESG
investment risks and safeguard the company's
The "Southern Asset Management - Carbon 8. ChinaBond Pricing Center
sustainable value creation capabilities.
E m i s s i o n D a t a b a s e " wa s awa rd e d t h e
- ChinaBond ESG Series Products
Shenzhen Green Finance Innovation Award

External Recognition by the Financial Society of Shenzhen Special

Economic Zone, and the company's ESG Since the concept of ESG was first put owned financial infrastructure funded by
Southern Asset Management has rating system and carbon neutrality practice forward, its practice has gradually become the State Council. Actively responding to
incorporated ESG investment into the whole were also selected for participation in an effective way of promoting sustainable the national "14th Five-Year Plan" and the
investment research chain through the the Shenzhen Green Finance Regulations development and a global trend. China has strategic goal of "carbon peaking and carbon
ESG Comprehensive Information Platform, Excellent Cases Exhibition. always been an advocate, participant and neutrality", CCDC is committed to the new
the built-in ESG rating system, and other
promoter of global sustainable development. development concept; it has established
tools such as the carbon emission database
Guided by policies, China's ESG practice is in its foundation in the financial infrastructure
covering the entire pre-investment, during-
the ascendancy. More and more enterprises services and has incorporated green
investment and post-investment process. We
and financial institutions have incorporated development into its company strategy and
have been highly recognized by all parties
environmental and social benefits into their daily operations. Building a green financial
domestic and abroad:
business objectives, striving to achieve long- information disclosure system, releasing a

1. International Finance Forum (IFF) Green term sustainable development with win-win series of green-themed pricing products,

Finance Innovation Award results for all parties. developing innovative green bond collateral
management services, optimizing green
In 2022, the "ESG Comprehensive Information China Central Depository & Clearing Co., Ltd.
bond life cycle services, and establishing a
Platform" project of Southern Asset (CCDC) is a centrally administered state-
professional think tank for green financial
Management was honored with the IFF
“Global Green Finance Innovation Award”,
and was highly recognized by major financial
officials and scholars domestically and

2. PRI Responsible Investment Award

On December 1st, the UN PRI announced

the list of 2022 PRI Awards. As the only
representative of Chinese-funded institutions,
Southern Asset Management's "Facilitating
the climate transition - Application of a
carbon emissions database" project was the
winner for "ESG incorporation initiative of
the year" and "Emerging markets initiative of
the year". This marks the first time that China
Mutual Funds won the PRI Award.
ChinaBond ESG Evaluation System

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research are all part of the company's plan to leverages international mainstream
promote the quality growth of China's green methods and experience, referring to the
bond market and aid in the development of e nv i ro n m e n t a l st a n d a rd syste m o f t h e
financial infrastructure services. International Organization for Standardization
(ISO), "Sustainability Reporting Guidelines"
China Bond Pricing Center Co., Ltd. (CBPC)
of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI),
is a pricing benchmark service platform for
"Principles of Corporate Governance" of the
China's financial market that CCDC built,
Organization for Economic Cooperation and
keeping in mind the central depository
Development (OECD), and other important
institution’s neutral status and professional
regulatory documents and international
advantages over the past 20 years. Through
academic research results, and the evaluation
the ESG evaluation system, the ESG concept
method is consistent with the international
can be developed into a useful management
mainstream evaluation framework. Second,
tool and decision-making basis, and the
key subjects including rural revitalization
capital market's capability to support national ChinaBond Green & Sustainable Index Series
and bond investor protection provisions
strategy and the real economy can be
are established in the index design, which institutions on consulting projects. This allows strategies to boost the portfolio's overall
significantly enhanced.
takes into account China's current macro CBPC to offer comprehensive solutions to return on investment. More than 10 ESG-
In response to the national policy, CBPC kick- environment and the development features the market across a variety of dimensions, themed bond indices were issued by CBPC
started the ESG evaluation research in 2018. In of the capital market. Listed corporations and including data, evaluation systems, and in partnership with external agencies. These
2020, CBPC launched the first ESG evaluation bond issuers can both make use of the ESG methodologies, thus meeting investors' need indices include the first ESG bond index for
system that comprehensively covers the evaluation system. Third, more than 90 of the for investment strategy formulation, credit risk the insurance asset management business
issuers of publicly offered credit bonds in industries included in the national economic management, risk measurement assessment, and the first domestic ESG-themed Chinese
China’s bond market. In 2021, the system classification are taken into account, and and in-depth ESG research. Currently, around dollar bond index. The results give domestic
further expanded to fully cover A-share listed their unique characteristics are accounted 50 financial institutions of varying types, and international players in green and
companies in the domestic market. By being for through the formation of over 60 sets including commercial banks, commercial sustainable finance with a diversified set of
the first of its kind, ChinaBond ESG review of industry evaluation indicators tailored bank wealth management, securities ESG investment performance benchmarks
fostered the high-quality growth of China's to their respective stages of development firms, funds, insurance asset management, and tracking criteria. From the risk control
financial market and included all of the and technological processes. Fourth, the and international institutions, have used application perspective, ESG information
country's bond issuers and listed enterprises. ChinaBond ESG database leverages robust ChinaBond ESG products to conduct related is an effective supplement to the financial
data capabilities by integrating a plethora of businesses. information-based traditional credit rating
Independently designed by ChinaBond
unstructured data and alternative data via framework. Many market institutions have
P r i c i n g C e n t e r, t h e C h i n a B o n d E S G From the investment application perspective,
financial technology. The database, which begun to use ChinaBond ESG indicators as
Evaluation System combines international ChinaBond's ESG scores and databases are
dates back to 2018, includes over 20 data the observation dimension of investment risk,
m a i n st re a m f ra m ewo r k m e t h o d o l o g i e s used by institutions in investment strategy
sources and over 400 data elements. as shown by research from the CBPC, which
with a thorough incorporation of China's formulation and analysis frameworks to
found a correlation between ChinaBond
regulatory landscape, national development Based on ESG evaluation, CBPC has identify companies with strong sustainable
ESG evaluation and ChinaBond market
conditions, and capital market peculiarities. launched diverse productservices such as development capabilities, thereby effectively
implied rating and an early warning effect on
The ChinaBond ESG evaluation system has ESG database, ESG indices, ESG reports boosting the portfolio's ESG performance.
corporate credit risk.
the following four characteristics: First, and ESG consulting services. CPBC has also I n t h i s w a y, E S G i n ve s t i n g s t r a t e g i e s
the system development comprehensively collaborated with several leading financial complement conventional financial or factor ChinaBond ESG series products have won

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widespread adoption of ESG principles. In investment and carbon risk management.

2022, Companies traded on the Beijing Stock To e n co u ra g e re fo r m a n d t h e o n g o i n g
Exchange and the Science and Technology improvement of ESG practices, corporations
Innovation Board are as new entities to be now have access to ESG reports that evaluate
evaluated for their social and environmental their sustainable development capabilities.
impacts as part of ChinaBond's ESG process.
CBPC also actively promotes the declaration
Furhtermore, Public opinion data and carbon
o f f i n a n c i a l n at i o n a l st a n d a rd s fo r t h e
emission data have been assimilated into the
"Environmental, Social and Governance
evaluation system in full, and the assessment
Evaluation System of Bond Issuers" draws
dimension has been continually refined and
attention the leading and exemplary role
improved in accordance with the most up-
of financial infrastructure and continues
to-date regulatory criteria for domestic
to serve the competent authorities. CBPC
environmental information disclosure. With
is committed to working together with all
the official release of the ChinaBond Carbon
market participants to advance healthy and
Neutral Database, market institutions now
sustainable financial growth in the future.
have a centralized resource for accessing,
analyzing, and acting upon data concerning
the carbon emissions of bond issuers and
publicly traded companies for use in a wide
variety of contexts, including carbon-themed
ChinaBond ESG Awards

multiple financial innovation awards since first cooperation between an important

their release, including the "Green Finance financial infrastructure institution in China
Pioneer Innovation Award" in Shenzhen's and an authoritative international industry
2020 Excellent Green Finance Case Selection, association in the field of sustainable finance.
the 2020 Shanghai Financial Third Prize in the The White Paper presents the development
Innovation Achievement Award, The Asset and implementation outcomes of China's ESG
magazine's 2021 "Best ESG Index Provider", system development from an international
Environmental Finance magazine's 2022 perspective, demonstrates the exploration
"Asian ESG Supplier of the Year" Award, the of business entities and financial market
3rd International Finance Forum (IFF) "Global innovation, and serves as a case reference for
Green Finance Innovation Award". advancing sustainable development around
the world.
In 2022, CCDC and the International
Capital Market Association (ICMA) jointly Consistent with its mission to serve the real
composed the "White Paper on ESG Practices economy, CBPC is dedicated to advancing
in China—Observations Based on Bond the state-of-the-art in ESG evaluation system
Issuers and Listed Companies" (hereinafter methodologies, developing cutting-edge ESG
referred to as "White Paper"), which is the product service models, and facilitating the
"White Paper on ESG Practices in China"

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9. Sinopec
- Green Energy Geothermal
(Carbon Neutrality) ABS

of Natural Resources) and “Geothermal “Belt and Road Initiative” and Xiong’an New
Development History and Hebei, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Shandong, Jiangsu,
Research and Experiment Demonstration Area development, and strived to supply
Zhejiang, etc. To date, SGE has signed
Advantages of the Company strategic cooperation agreements with over
Base” of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and green and clean energy. Following the

Development History has registered its geothermal district heating instructions of CPC Central Committee to
50 cities, counties or districts, with a heating
projects in the Clean Development Mechanism “develop mixed-ownership economy, and
Established in November, 2006, Sinopec capacity of nearly 70 million sqm, which
of the United Nations. foster world-class enterprise with global
G re e n E n e r g y D eve l o p m e n t C o . , L t d . , is capable of replacing 1.7 million tons of
Xiongxian Model competitiveness”, SGE has advanced mixed-
hereinafter referred to as “SGE”, is a Sino- standard coal and reducing 2.5 million tons of
ownership reform to add new driving forces
Icelandic joint venture set up by Sinopec Star carbon dioxide annually. With its geothermal Together with Xiongxian government, SGE
to development. It is also actively integrated
and Arctic Green Corporation. It specializes businesses growing bigger and better from has set up a geothermal heating “Xiongxian
into Sinopec Group’s “One Foundation,
in geothermal development & utilization, scratch, SGE has become the largest middle- Model” featuring “government-enterprise
Two Wings and Three Pillars” development
energy-saving technologies & services, GHG and deep-layer geothermal development and cooperation, market-oriented operation,
pattern and Sinopec Star ’s “Geothermal
emission reduction, etc. with headquarters utilization enterprise in China. comprehensive development, technological
Energy, Green Hydrogen, Wind Power and
located in Xiong’an New Area of Hebei Technological Advantages advancement, environmental protection and
Solar Photovoltaic” industrial system, which
province. For 17 years, SGE has been following people’s benefits”. Xiongxian geothermal
Based on Sinopec Group’s advantages in has laid a firm foundation for high-quality
the development philosophies of “overall heating project has been listed by IRENA for
resources exploration and development and development. With the target of securing
planning, phased execution, comprehensive as showcase for global promotion. Upgraded
the platform of Sino-Icelandic Geothermal clean, safe and economic energy supply, SGE
utilization and sound development” and from “Xiongxian Model” to “Xiong’an Model”,
R&D Center, SGE has not only introduced will make sustained efforts to consolidate its
“priority in resources, advancement in it will help Xiong’an New Area build a
and absorbed advanced technologies and leading position in the industry of geothermal
technology, and protection of environment”, model case of highly-developed geothermal
concepts from Iceland, but strengthened heating and waste heat utilization, and make
and sticking to the principle of “deep & industry, and lay a solid foundation for the
independent R&D, thus forming 6 core a greater contribution to the target of Carbon
shallow combination, heating & cooling development of geothermal industry during
geothermal development technologies. It is Emission Peak by 2030 and Carbon Neutrality
combination, comprehensive utilization the “14th Five-Year Plan”.
a “Geothermal Development and Utilization by 2060.
and integrated development”, with projects Corporate Responsibility
Demonstration Unit” of the previous Ministry
executed in provinces or cities such as Tianjin, SGE has integrated itself with cities along
o f L a n d a n d R e s o u rc e s ( n ow M i n i s t r y

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Projects in Xiong’an New co a l w i t h g e o t h e r m a l wa s exe c u te d i n is a key project of Xiong’an New Area, an geothermal development and utilization as
t h e c o a l - f re e a re a s o f X i o n g x i a n , a n d agreement was signed to supply clean well as R&D in relevant areas. This Carbon
Area corresponding geothermal heating franchise h e at s o u rce s fo r Xi o n g ’a n B u l l e t Tra i n Neutrality ABS has integrated the concepts

Xiong’an New Area was established on April was obtained; In April, 2019, the heating Maintenance Administration; in June, 2021, of “Carbon Neutrality” and “Xiong’an New

1, 2017. During an enlarged meeting of the project for Xiongxian No.3 Senior High Xiongxian geothermal heating project was Area Development”, and marks the first green

Leading Party Members’ Group of Sinopec on School, which is the first permanent building listed by IRENA as a showcase for global bond issued by a geothermal enterprise in

April 5, 2017, it was pointed out that an active since Xiong’an New Area establishment, promotion; in September, 2021, the bidding China. It serves as a showcase for geothermal

part shall be played in implementing the CPC was executed; In July, 2020, the consortium of “Geothermal Heating Franchise Project e n t e r p r i s e s t o ex p a n d t h e i r f i n a n c i n g

Central Committee’s strategic arrangement consisting of SGE, Beijing Gas Group and in Anxin Rural Communities in 2021” was channels and obtain low-cost and long-

on Xiong’an New Area development. On April N o r t h C h i n a Pe t ro l e u m Ad m i n i st rat i o n awarded with a heating area of 550k sqm; in term funds, and echoes with President Xi’s

26, 2018, a strategic cooperation framework Bureau won the bidding of Rongdong Area January, 2023, the mining rights in Xiongxian instruction to “promote the large-scale and

agreement was signed between Sinopec Heating & Cooling Construction, Operation, Daying Specialty Town (20.79 km2) and high-efficiency development of new energy

and Hebei provincial government on the Management and Service Project (12 million Xiongxian Chengnan Area (7.34 km2) were and clean energy”, where geothermal is an

investment, construction, operation of heating sqm). The consortium has been registered obtained. As of now, totally 5 geothermal extremely competitive new energy and is of

& cooling businesses in Xiong’an New Area. as Hebei Guolian Clean Energy for project mining rights have been obtained in Xiong’an great value for social publicity. It will help

Under such backdrop, SGE rapidly responded operation and management. The phase-I New Area, securing 70.24 km2 franchised capital market and the public have a better

to the call of the state and Sinopec Group, project, which is 6 million sqm, has been in areas; efforts have been made in raising understand of geothermal industry and its

and moved its headquarters to Xiongxian of smooth operation, offering stable heating the level of intelligence and digitalization future development. Besides, use of proceeds

Xiong’an New Area. A series of key projects services in winter for the first group of for geothermal development, with nearly to development new geothermal projects and

have been pushed forward as follows. relocated households of Xiong’an New Area. RMB 15 million invested in a dynamic data R&D, which will facilitate the rapid and healthy
a cq u i s i t i o n a n d m o n i to r i n g syste m fo r development of geothermal industry. It not
In July, 2018, a 600k-sqm project to replace In October, 2020, as part of the Beijing-
geothermal wells, which is the first system of only enabled financing in the capital market,
Xiong'an Intercity Railway Project which
the kind in Xiong’an New Area and even in but is also fairly priced. With this green
Hebei province; endeavors have been made bond, the public can enjoy more benefits
to advance the study and formulation of of decarbonization that are facilitated by
geothermal standards in Xiong’an New Area. geothermal heating. Multiple benefits have
Totally 87 standards or execution programs been achieved in society, environment and
covering 6 professions such as geothermal economy. It helps reduce air pollution in areas
resources exploration and evaluation have where geothermal projects are executed, and
been formulated. is of great significance for improving the air
quality in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region and
Significance of Xiong’an North China, safeguarding public health, and
New Area’s First Green building an ecologically civilized society. This
green bond not only serves as the debut of
Carbon Neutrality ABS
Sinopec’s geothermal business in the capital
On March 18, 2022, SGE issued Xiong’an market, but also represents Sinopec’s efforts
New Area’s first green Carbon Neutrality to promote Xiong’an New Area development.
ABS on Shanghai Stock Exchange, with a It has offered an innovative approach to
size of RMB 300 million and a period of support the growth of geothermal industry in
3+2 years. Use of proceeds is to strengthen Xiong’an New Area through green financing.
Geothermal Project site photo

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Upon issuance, the green bond was highly development of global geothermal industry
welcomed by investment institutions and hand in hand.
actively subscribed by various investors. It
As one of the major organizers of the 7th
has the lowest interest rate as compared
with other securities of the same rating in
WGC, Sinopec will stick to the principles of
green, safety and transparency in preparing
10. SynTao
Shanghai Stock Exchange.

During the “14th Five-Year Plan”, SGE will

the event, and ensure that it will be hosted
with both Chinese characteristics and global
- Carbon Neutrality Database and Climate
adhere to the development philosophy of
“priority in resources, innovation as driving
standard. As a showcase of international
geothermal cooperation and a field trip co-
Risk Scenario Analysis Platform
force, corporate governance by law, and organizer of the 7th WGC, SGE will fully
m u t u a l b ene f i t s t hro ug h co o p e rat i on ”, demonstrate its geothermal technologies,
and take mixed-ownership reform as an concepts and achievements to the world
opportunity to vitalize growth, deepen core as well as the role of geothermal energy in
Project overview risk scenario analysis and stress testing
services provided to financial institutions
technologies R&D, and improve market fulfilling China’s Dual Carbon target. It will The SynTao Green Finance (STGF) PANDA can help these institutions quantify and
competitiveness. Based on its clean energy strive to obtain good performances in this Database and Climate Scenario Analysis understand the impact of climate risks to their
integration businesses with “geothermal “Olympics of global geothermal community” and Stress Testing platform is built based asset portfolios. Results can help financial
(waste heat) +” as the core, SGE will speed up and shoulder more responsibilities in bringing on the international practical experiences institutions better identify the direction and
the pace in becoming a geothermal enterprise China’s geothermal industry to the world. and methodologies of carbon footprinting path of asset structure adjustment, as well as
that is “world-renowned and best in China”. and climate risk scenario analysis, using develop a solid low-carbon transition path.
authoritative climate scenario modeling Hence, this project helps financial institutions
The World Geothermal data at home and abroad and incorporating improve the efficiency of assets' climate risk
Congress China's localized emissions factors and management, promotes the accounting and
climate policy trends. This project has disclosure of green projects' environmental
World Geothermal Congress, known as the
actively advanced the academic research and climate performance, and makes funds
“Olympics of global geothermal community”,
and industrial practice of corporate carbon more channeled to economically, societally,
is the premier global geothermal event that
foot printing and climate risk analysis, and and environmentally beneficial industries.
spreads and shares geothermal technologies
generated practical impact and value on
and innovations. The 1st WGC was held in
the economy, society, and environment. The Project background
Firenze of Italy in 1995, and totally 6 WGCs
Orient Securities Carbon Neutrality Index
have been held since then. In 2019, China Among the major global challenges facing
developed based on the PANDA Climate
won the right to host the 7th WGC, which is human beings, climate change has been paid
Database provides investment institutions
the 1st time ever. The 7th WGC will be held greater attention by more countries and
with investment targets focused on carbon
in Beijing from September 4 to September 6, market economic entities. The physical and
neutrality contributions, which could help
2023. Themed on “Clean Geothermal, Green transitional risks posed by climate change
diversify investment options, alleviate climate
Earth”, the 7th WGC is inviting fellows from will have an increasingly substantial impact
risks, and obtain long-term investment value.
political, industrial, academic and research on all types of assets around the world.
For listed companies, the index provides
communities to get together in Beijing, join In September 2020, President Xi Jinping
b e n c h m a r k s fo r c a r b o n n e u t ra l i t y a n d
various topics such as encouraging policy, announced that China will "aim to have CO2
facilitates the low-carbon transition of listed
advanced technology, business cooperation emissions peak before 2030 and achieve
companies in the entire industry. The climate
and environment protection, and promote the carbon neutrality before 2060", which results

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STGF PANDA Climate Database

in both constraints and opportunities for the perspectives of both corporate internal
companies and financial institutions in low- m a n a g e m e n t a n d ex te r n a l c l i m ate r i s k
carbon economy transitions. exposure level. The database contains 4 data
categories: 1) Climate Management: based on
In the process of advancing China's dual
TCFD's 4 dimensions of governance, strategy,
c a r b o n g o a l s , i t i s c r i t i c a l to q u a n t i f y
risk management, metrics and targets,
corporates' carbon footprint and climate
assessing the ability and performance of the
risk exposure level. However, the ability of
target corporates to address climate change.
domestic financial institutions and companies
2) Corporate Carbon Footprint: employs
to use scenario analysis and stress testing to STGF sectoral- and city-level projected emissions scenario data, online data explorer
t h e STG F Co r p o ra te C a r b o n Fo o t p r i n t
assess climate risks is still weak. Practically,
Measurement model to quantify the target
institutions face difficulties such as lack of hypothetical climate scenarios, with the aim are with the Paris Agreement goals.
corporates' total carbon emissions and
climate scenario data and emissions data. of better adjusting asset pricing, setting low-
Climate-related data disclosed by domestic
emissions intensity. 3) Climate Risk Exposure:
carbon transition paths, and strengthening Project performance
reflects the target corporates' physical and
A-share listed companies has problems such the quality of information disclosure. In
transition risk exposures in the context of By providing professional carbon and climate-
as lack of disclosure details and different climate scenario analysis module, users can
climate change and carbon neutrality. 4) related data services to financial institutions
scopes of emissions, which has created input their portfolio data and the model will
Climate Opportunities: measures the target and corporates, this project has important
tons of obstacles to accurately analyze and generate asset-level and portfolio-level future
corporates' opportunities in the context of value in terms of innovation, scalability,
understand the transition and physical risks emissions profile and the level of exposure
climate change and carbon neutrality. industry contribution, profitability, and
companies face. to various climate risks. The climate stress
promotion of public welfare.
(2) STGF Climate Scenario Analysis and testing module offers users a granular view of
Project content Stress Testing Platform helps financial the extent to which their portfolios experience In terms of innovation, STGF is the first
institutions and companies quantify financial losses resulting from climate risks institution in China that developed a ready-to-
(1) STGF PANDA Climate Data Platform is a
financial impacts of physical and transition (e.g., carbon value-at-risk, probability of use tool to evaluate a given asset portfolio's
professional database that evaluates listed
risks through simulation and analysis of default changes), and how aligned portfolios exposure to climate risks by utilizing our
companies' response to climate change from

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In terms o f pro j ect pro fi tabi l i ty, a few to the academic exploration of climate risks
domestic asset management institutions by domestic financial institutions, scholars,
h ave p u rc h a s e d STG F PA N DA C l i m a te and researchers. Second, STGF PANDA
Database, which provides basic data inputs Climate Database provides a comprehensive
required for corporate carbon footprinting. dataset for conducting climate-related data
The yield of Orient Securities Carbon Neutral analyses such as carbon accounting and
Index, which is built based on the PANDA climate scenario analysis that offer insights
d at a b a s e, s h owe d a h i g h p o te n t i a l fo r on how to revise future business plans to
continuous growth. According to the data in achieve carbon neutral goals. Third, the
its July report last year, in terms of historical Orient Securities Carbon Neutrality Index
performance, the index has outperformed the allows regulators and government agencies
CSI 300, the Shanghai Composite Index, and to evaluate the capital market's recognition
the Hang Seng Composite Index over the long of the concept of carbon neutrality and
term. formulate more effective carbon neutrality-
STGF physical risk sample analysis
related policies. The release of the index
I n te r m s o f p u b l i c we l fa re p ro m o t i o n ,
own proprietary China sectoral- and city- In terms of industrial contributions, this project also makes the public, media, and other
first, STGF translated a series of UNEP
level carbon emissions projection model has actively advanced the academic research stakeholders more aware of these carbon-
FI's TCFD pilot project progress reports,
combined with clients' asset-side data. Our and industrial practice of corporate carbon neutral-themed companies' performance in
which introduced the progress of global
model combines top-down forecast data on foot printing and climate risk analysis. STGF's terms of their low-carbon contributions.
climate risk disclosure requirements and
sectoral- and city-level emissions gaps and corporate carbon footprint and climate
summarized the mainstream climate risk
carbon price, with bottom-up asset-side data, risk assessment models are consistent with
assessment methodologies. These reports
using assets' geographic location, sector, leading climate risk evaluation methodologies.
not only provide a wealth of tool references
business and product characteristics, and Our models allow various financial institutions
for financial institutions to conduct climate
other dimensions to assess future emissions and companies analyze their portfolios'
risk analysis and implement TCFD disclosure
profile until 2060, carbon-related costs and current and future emissions level, climate risk
recommendations, the release of the Chinese
profits, carbon value-at-risk, and implied exposures, and associated financial loss in a
version of these reports has also contributed
temperature rise of a given asset portfolio. scientific, comprehensive, and straightforward
way. Regulators have put forward increasingly
In terms of scalability, the project has a wide
clear and strict requirements for financial
range of application scenarios for various
institutions to disclose climate-related
financial institutions and corporates. For
information. More institutions are using the
financial institutions, carbon footprinting for
TCFD framework for information disclosure,
credit or investment portfolio, development
which lists specific requirements for disclosing
of carbon-neutral themed financial products,
both the procedure and result of conducting
net-zero transition roadmap setting can
climate scenario analysis and stress test.
be done using results generated from this
Thus, the quantitative and comprehensive
project; for corporates, benchmarking of low-
modeling results generated from our model
carbon transition industries, corporate carbon
will help financial institutions improve the
management improvement and other relevant
quality of climate-related financial information
analyses can be carried out.
A series of UNEP FI's TCFD pilot project progress reports, translated by STGF

120 121
Chapter 3 Chapter 4
2022 IFF Global Green Finance Award - Innovation Award Winners Special Features

1.Supporting Green Finance to Align with a Net Zero

Future - Carbon Trust Green Finance Cases

Opening have supported financial institutions on the

road to Net Zero, from footprinting, to target
Net Zero targets have been widely adopted setting, and from green finance product

Chapter 4: globally by both the public and private

s e c t o r s . T h ey a re a key s t e p t ow a r d s
development to impact assessment.

tackling climate change, with the number Theme 1: Measuring

Special Features of organisations setting targets growing
constantly 1 . Financial institutions are not
Portfolio Carbon Footprints
immune to these dynamics. This megatrend Financial institutions have a key role to play
of low carbon transition impacts them, in facilitating necessary shifts by directing
b o t h i n te r m s o f re t u r n s a n d t h e r i s k s capital flows to support decarbonisation
they face. However, proactive actions on efforts. Portfolio carbon footprinting is
decarbonisation and Net Zero can also bring a critical step for financial institutions to
opportunities. quantify and understand the Green House Gas
(GHG) emissions stemming from their loans
T h e C a r b o n Tr u s t i s a g l o b a l c l i m a t e
and investments. Based on the information,
consultancy established in 2001 and driven
they can better identify and manage risks,
by the mission to accelerate the move to a
navigate emissions reduction goals, disclose
decarbonised future. We have supported
p r o g r e s s t ow a r d s t a r g e t s , a n d a c t t o
over 3,000 organisations globally with their
reduce their portfolio climate impact. This
climate action planning, collaborating with
understanding can then trigger and underpin
more than 200 partners in setting science-
internal discussions, and engagement with
based targets, and supporting cities across
stakeholders, to identify concrete actions that
five continents on their journeys to Net Zero.
help lower financed emissions.
Through a dedicated green finance team, we
help financial institutions navigate the risks Carbon Trust joined the development of the
and opportunities created by climate change. GHG Protocol’s guidance for the measurement
We provide expert advice and assurance to of Scope 3 emissions. We leveraged our
ensure that green and sustainable finance sectoral expertise and deep understanding
flows deliver genuinely green outcomes. The of best-practice methodologies to create
following case studies demonstrate how we effective methods to quantify meaningful

1 Net Zero Tracker | Welcome

122 123
Chapter 4 Chapter 4
Special Features Special Features

financed emissions footprints. We take the carbon footprint tools to help AfricInvest rapidly. At COP26 in 2021, over 450 financial are also necessary for ensuring the target is
view that it is better to have an imperfect estimate their financed emissions (Scope 3 institutions, with more than US$130 trillion feasible and to guide subsequent action.
footprint than no footprint at all. With the Category 15 - Investments) in alignment with in assets under management, committed to
Case Study: Science-based target setting for
data quality and availability challenge, we the methodologies of the Partnership for reaching Net Zero before 2050. 4 Voluntary
an UK Asset Management Firm
introduce high-quality proxy data to fill Carbon Accounting Financials’ (PCAF) Global initiatives like the Glasgow Financial Alliance
gaps. All our assessments include data GHG Accounting and Reporting Standard for for Net-Zero (GFANZ), alongside sector Th e U K A s s e t M a n a g e m e n t F i r m i s a n
quality scoring and recommendations for the Financial Industry. The aim of this exercise initiatives are driving more collective action independently managed investment company
improvements in future iterations. We look to is to create a baseline for AfricInvest’s and financial institutions making high-level based in London and a signatory of the Net
transfer knowledge to the financial institutions decarbonisation journey. Net Zero commitments. Zero Asset Managers Initiative. As a signatory
we work with, allowing them to understand to the NZAMI, they have committed to setting
Elsewhere, we assessed AfricInvest’s practices Commitment is just a starting point and
not just the results, but the process. We an interim science-based target covering over
against the TCFD recommendations and concrete actions are needed to turn
seek to empower our clients to update their 90% of their total asset- under-management
designed a tool to support AfricInvest to commitment into reality. According to the
footprint calculations themselves and take (AUM) on a 2030 timeline. This will be further
examine the climate risks and opportunities SBTi’s Guidance for Financial Institutions,
action on data quality improvements. aligned with a longer-term Net-Zero target.​
of current and potential investee companies. setting a science-based target includes the
Case Study: Portfolio footprinting and risk Finally, we provided capacity building sessions following steps: i) establish the boundary of To support this commitment we helped the
assessment for AfricInvest 2
and held awareness raising workshops for coverage; ii) calculate baseline emissions; iii) UK Asset Management Firm develop interim
a range of stakeholders within the firm to calculate a target in line with commitments; targets for their public equity portfolio.
AfricInvest is a pan-African investment
support the integration of the tools and best and iv) develop emissions reduction Leveraging the relevant SBTi guidance for
platform active in multiple alternative asset
practices. This helped to build a broad base approaches and timelines. These steps financial institutions​​, we first modeled the
classes including private equity, venture
of support for the firm’s Net Zero ambitions. are usually the most challenging and time target trajectories using the temperature
capital, private credit, blended finance and
consuming for organisations. However, they
listed equities. Founded in 1994, AfricInvest Through a thorough analysis of the firm’s
has invested in over 200 companies across 35 organisational and financed emissions,
African countries in a variety of high growth alignment with TCFD and identifying the
sectors.[1]AfricInvest is seeking to become climate risks and opportunities that exist, we
a Net Zero private equity investor by setting were able to support AfricInvest’s journey to
a baseline quantification for their financed integrating climate considerations as a key
emissions, reevaluating the risks across its pillar in their investee engagement strategy.
portfolio and developing comprehensive and
climate-friendly strategies to tackle them. Theme 2: Developing Net
To help AfricInvest achieve these goals,
Zero Targets and Strategy
we have supported them in compiling a As public awareness of the need to reach
comprehensive GHG inventory for the firm’s Net Zero emissions at the global level has
operations (i.e. Scope 1, 2, and material grown, the number of financial institutions
Scope 3 3 ) according to the GHG Protocol committing to Net Zero targets has increased
Corporate Standard. We have also devised

2 This project is majority funded by KfW DEG.

3 Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions are a way of categorizing business emissions. Scope 1: direct GHGs emissions from a business; Scope 2: indirect
GHGs emission from purchased energy; Scope 3: GHGs emission from upstream and downstream value chain.
4 Net-zero for financial institutions - Science Based Targets

124 125
Chapter 4 Chapter 4
Special Features Special Features

The ASEAN region has some of the fastest l o a n s a n d s u s t a i n a b i l i t y - l i n ke d l o a n s .

growing economies in the world. However, Thematic loan products such as green and
sustainable finance markets in the region are social loans, are dedicated to projects that
currently underdeveloped. A report by Bain have a positive impact on the environment
& Company and Temasek estimated that the o r s o c i e t y. I n a d d i t i o n , s u s t a i n a b i l i t y-
region’s green sector will be worth USD 1 linked loans refer to loan facilities which
trillion in economic opportunities by 2030, but are structured to incentivise borrowers
only USD 15 billion has been invested since to achieve predetermined Sustainability
2020. There are sizeable gaps in sustainable P e r f o r m a n c e Ta r g e t s m e a s u r e d b y
financing . Therefore, urgent action is needed
predefined Key Performance Indicators.
to scale up sustainable financing to bridge With our advice, this framework was
these gaps and support meeting the national developed in accordance with the following
climate commitments. international Principles, including (i) Green
Loan Principles (GLP); (ii) Social Loan
Case Study: The First Sustainable Loan
Principles (SLP); and (iii) Sustainability
Framework from a Vietnamese bank
Linked Loan Principles (SLLP). 6 7
At COP26, Vietnam made significant national large network of customers can, therefore,
rating methodology for their Scopes 1, 2 and on sustainability, helped to channel more climate commitments, most notably setting leverage the bank’s sustainable finance
3 emissions. W
​ e then developed an aggregate assets towards the green economy. a target of Net Zero emissions by 2050. products for their green and sustainable
portfolio temperature rating with Scope 1, The Bank for Investment and Development projects.
2 and 3 temperature heatmaps. The insight Expanding financing for a of Vietnam (BIDV), the largest commercial
Through this project, BIDV became the first
provided by the heatmap analysis helped decarbonized economy bank in the country, was identified as a key
commercial bank in Vietnam to announce
with the Asset Management Firm’s decision- partner for the government to promote the
the comprehensive framework for their
making and was particularly useful in terms Massive investment is needed to achieve sustainable financing needed to achieve the
customers. As Mr. Le Ngoc Lam, BIDV’s
of developing a more specific engagement net zero emissions by 2050, the financial country’s climate goals.
CEO said, “the development and issuance
strategy at the country and sector levels.​ sector can play a critical role in supporting
Carbon Trust supported BIDV with the of a Sustainable Loan Framework will help
To determine the effect of engaging with this journey, either by diverting capital
development of their Sustainable Loan BIDV provide sustainable financial products
priority portions of its portfolio, we further away from carbon-intensive activities or
Framework. This collaboration was made in accordance with international standards
developed various scenarios to identify scaling up investment in clean energy and
possible under the ASEAN Low Carbon to domestic enterprises, and at the same
investee companies that would most benefit other green activities. Emerging economies
Energy Programme (LCEP), a £15 million time serve as a basis for BIDV to strengthen
from engagement activities. ​ are no exception. With rapid urbanization,
development programme funded by cooperation with international partners in the
population growth and the corresponding
This project helped this firm create a credible the UK Government. This Framework field of sustainable development in Vietnam”.
increase in energy demand, emerging markets
1.5-degree pathway with targets that meet outlines qualifying activities to guide the Th i s a l s o p o s i t i o n s B I DV a s a c re d i b l e
and developing economies often encounter
SBTi’s criteria. More importantly, this exercise development and issuance of thematic partner to support the implementation of
more challenges in tackling climate change.
provided insights for their portfolio carbon Accompanying such growth is an urgent
footprint management, portfolio company need to accelerate the transition towards 5 World Bank and Institute of Finance and Sustainability (2022) “Unleashing Sustainable Finance in Southeast Asia (November), World Bank,
engagement and decarbonisation of its decarbonisation and climate resilience to Washington, DC. Retrieved on 31 March 2023, from:
exposures. This effort, together with other avoid the consequences of environmental 6 These principles are jointly produced by the Loan Market Association (LMA), the Loan Syndications and Trading Association (LSTA), and the
work the Asset Management Firm undertook degradation.
Asia Pacific Loan Market Association (APLMA)
7 BIDV – First Vietnamese bank to issue Sustainable Loan Framework

126 127
Chapter 4 Chapter 4
Special Features Special Features

sovereign bond issuance programme, which r e p o r t f o r t h e U K G ove r n m e n t G r e e n

includes a world-first green retail savings Financing Programme provides the likely
bond via the UK Government’s retail savings approach to be taken for reporting, the
arm, NS&I. In addition to the core purpose metrics to report against, and an upfront
of financing green and sustainable projects, assessment of the allocation and alignment
the programme will also finance or refinance of the likely financed activities with the
projects and schemes for much needed government’s sustainability related policies.
infrastructure, create jobs, and support It also highlights how the green financing
biodiversity, as well as mainstream green programme supports the climate goals and
financial products. The programme seeks commitments of the wider UK government. 9
to innovate in its approach to reporting
Engaging at such an early stage for impact
on impact to provide markets with a best-
assessment helped the UK Government
practice example.
mobilise resources and processes to enable
In support of the programme, we reviewed robust impact reporting throughout the
the proposed activities eligible for finance duration of the Green Finance Programme
and the proposed impact metrics. These and consider impact more holistically. It
were assessed against both established further contributed to the desired level of
reporting metrics and the feasibility of data transparency and the government’s aim to
the Vietnamese Government's Sustainable capital to flow into an increasingly sustainable
collection. Afterwards, a shortlist of likely push the green finance agenda forward.
d evelo p m e nt st rate g y. B I DV ’s example global economy.
available metrics comprising environmental
demonstrates that financial institutions in
We have advised a wide variety of financial (including nature-based), and social metrics
emerging markets are stepping up through
institutions, bond issuers and both public were produced for the UK government to
their financing decisions and this, in turn, can
and corporate borrowers on understanding report against. We also examined a range of
accelerate the broader move to a Net Zero
and measuring the climate impact of their UK Government policies in the context of the
financial engagements, including developing programme. The major ones are overarching

Theme 4: Assessing the credible impact assessment frameworks goal of achieving Net Zero by 2050 and the
and methodologies, and quantifying Climate Change Committee’s (CCC) Sixth
Impact of Green Finance t h e e nv i ro n m e n t a l i m p a c t o f f i n a n c i a l Carbon Budget, which provided the best
With the rapid growth of green and products and portfolios. Recently, we were representation and description of activities
sustainable finance, the issue of greenwashing commissioned by the UK Treasury and Debt and associated allocation of GHGs to achieve
is increasingly drawing more attention, Management Office to develop a pre-issuance Net Zero. Through the assessment, the
which could hinder capital flows. As such, report on the impact and alignment of the programme's categories and the allocations
financial institutions must ensure they remain UK’s sovereign green financing programme. 8 align sensibly with the policies, which
transparent about the real impacts of their demonstrate how this programme could
Case Study: UK Green Gilt Pre-issuance
green investments. Through robust and contribute materially to reaching Net Zero by
transparent impact reporting, the industry can 2050.
build trust from asset owners and encourage The Green Financing Programme is a green
This publicly-available pre-issuance impact

8 BIDV – First Vietnamese bank to issue Sustainable Loan Framework 9 Pre-Issuance Impact Report on the UK Government Green Financing Programme (

128 129
Chapter 4 Chapter 4
Special Features Special Features

billion of financing to the underlying voluntary an unprecedented level. Large corporates

greenhouse gas emission reduction projects 2
have pledged climate targets and zero-
, making positive contributions to promoting carbon strategies, driving zero-carbon
green and low-carbon transition development. transition in the value chains and fueled the
The CCER system was launched in 2012, since VCM development. The VCM trading value
then supplying CCERs to the pilot markets. reached 1.3 billion USD in 2022, nearly tripled
However, to prioritize the launch of the compared to the 2020 level. 4
2. Huang Dafei: Carbon compliance scheme, the policymaker put the
Trading Promotes CCER system on suspension in 2017. With Carbon finance innovation
the national market sailing into its second
Financial Products compliance period, the CCER system is
In April 2022, the China Securities Regulatory

Innovation expected to be re-launched in 2023.

Commission (CSRC) issued Carbon Financial
Products Standard (the Standard), which for
the first time official definitions are provided
International carbon
for carbon financial products in China. The
trading markets and trends carbon finance products are categorized
in three types, including carbon financing,
Since China announced commitments to total trading value of 7.661 billion RMB. The The European Union Emissions Trading
trading and market support instruments. The
peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 market closed at RMB 54.22 per tonne 1 at the Scheme (the EU-ETS) is the most mature
Standard also provides framework guidelines
and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060 (also end of the trading period. Overall, the market carbon trading market globally. The EU-
for implementation and transactions. As
known as the ‘dual carbon goals’), the “1+N” launch was smooth. The main product traded ETS has been the cornerstone of the EU's
the market continues to find carbon price
policy framework has been formulated at the in the national carbon emissions market is the climate policy, covering around 40% of the
formation, carbon finance products are
central level to provide guidance for China's carbon emission allowance. EU's greenhouse gas emissions. It is legally
expected to expand, for example carbon
response to climate change and green and binding and has clear financial attributes
The other product of the national carbon assets pledge, carbon repurchase, carbon-
low-carbon development. Carbon emissions that are crucial to the EU in achieving its
emissions trading scheme is the China linked bonds, carbon-linked loans and carbon
trading scheme, a market-based approach to carbon reduction targets. The EU-ETS trading
Certified Emission Reduction (CCER). The funds etc.. These climate finance instruments
reducing greenhouse gas emissions, is one of value reached 751.4 billion in 2022. 3 The
Measures for the Administration of Carbon have important roles to play in channeling
the key policy tools adapted to support the EU continues to push for market reforms,
Emissions Trading (Trial 2021), specifies that capital and resources to the green sectors,
achievement of China's dual carbon goals. including raising its emissions reduction
compliance entities may use CCERs to offset promoting the low-carbon transition of the
targets coverage by the EU-ETS and
The status quo of China’s their carbon emission allowances each year,
tightening allowance supplies, in order to
with a 5% ceiling. The offset mechanism
carbon emissions trading is an important part of the carbon trading
push the EU to meet its emissions reduction Carbon has been an innovative ingredients in
targets. the domestic and international climate finance
scheme market. According to statistics, approximately
markets. The carbon-linked bond is one of
34 million tonnes of CCERs were used in The global voluntary carbon market (VCM)
On 16 July 2021, the national carbon emissions the examples. In May 2014, China Guangdong
the first compliance period of the national has bloomed in recent years. With the
trading scheme was officially launched. Nuclear Power Corporation (CGNPC) issued
carbon emissions trading market. These CCER signing of the Paris Agreement, the global
By 31 December 2021, the end of the first the medium-term note of CGN Wind Energy
offsets reduced the compliance costs for the consensus on climate actions has reached
compliance period, the cumulative trading
enterprises, they also leveraged around RMB 2
volume was 179 million tonnes, delivering a
2 China Beijing Green Exchange and EDF co-hosted a roundtable discussion on "The Future of the Voluntary Emission Reduction Market under
the Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality Goals".
3 LSEG Refinitiv, Carbon Market Year in Review 2022
1 Carbon emission allowances'volume, turnover and average price from the official website of the Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange. 4 Trove Research

130 131
Chapter 4 Chapter 4
Special Features Special Features

Limited, which is the first tranche of bonds of proceeds are used to supplement SPIC restructuring is critical to China's dual carbon
linked with carbon revenue in the China’s Jiangxi Electric Power Co.,Ltd’s working goals. The carbon price will need to play a
domestic bond market. The coupon consisted capital and to retrofitting the turbine units. 6
role in driving the power generation sector
of fixed and floating rates, with the floating restructuring.
Th e C S R C ’s St a n d a rd p rov i d e s a c l e a r
rate linked to the carbon asset revenue of
definition of carbon-linked bonds. Carbon- Carbon finance broadens financing channels
CGNPC's five wind power projects over the
linked bond is not only an innovation in linking fo r g re e n p ro j e c t s . Re n ewa b l e e n e rg y,
life of the bond and a floating rate band
the carbon market to the capital market but forestry carbon sinks, methane utilization
[5BP, 20BP]. In the international market, the
also is an important breakthrough in the are a few examples of the sectors that have
International Finance Corporation (IFC) listed
development of domestic carbon derivatives. potential for carbon credit development.
the world's first Forests Bonds on the London
For issuers, carbon bonds can be used to raise Broadening the financing channels for low-
Stock Exchange in 2016, with an issuance size
funds for projects with emission reduction carbon green projects through voluntary
of $152 million and a maturity of 5 years, to
benefits, lowering interest cash payments, emissions reduction mechanisms such as
fund forest conservation and deforestation
i.e. lowering financing cost. The investors get CCER and enhancing the financial market's
reduction projects. The Forests Bonds are
access to potential carbon credits, which role and capacity in carbon assets evaluation
innovative in introducing carbon credits as
may be used to offset their own operational will support China’s important agenda in
one of the coupon payment methods, giving
carbon emissions or sold for investment ecological product value realization.
investors the flexibility to choose to pay the
coupon with carbon credits generated from Carbon trading provides opportunities for
the underlying projects or in cash. 5
The importance of carbon financial products innovation and contributes
to promoting ESG investment. ESG
The recent launch of the national carbon finance development investment is becoming mainstreamed for
e m i s s i o n s t ra d i n g m a r ke t h a s c re a te d
The carbon market is a widely used carbon financial institutions to manage risks, including
conditions for further innovation of domestic
pricing tool worldwide. An effective carbon the physical and transitional risks posed
carbon finance products. In November 2022,
market can generate price signals that reflect by climate change. Carbon finance adds
State Power Investment Corporation (SPIC)
the policy commitment and the market’s to the ESG investment product spectrum,
Jiangxi Electric Power Co., Ltd. issued the
supply and demand, effectively guiding channeling investment to low-carbon fields. It
country's first carbon emission allowances
resource allocation to support emission also provides investors opportunities to fulfill
green asset-backed bonds in the interbank
reduction and green investment. their environmental and social responsibilities
market. The issuance size was RMB 130
while having a more sustainable long-term
million, with a maturity of 180 days and
C a r b o n f i n a n c e p ro m o t e s l ow - c a r b o n investment strategy.
a coupon rate of 10-15 BP lower than the
transition of China's economic development.
issuer's general financing cost, and the
The eight key emitting sectors account for
pledge was for a total of 2.88 million tonnes
more than 80% 7 of the national emissions,
of China Emissions Allowance (CEAs) held
among which the power sector accounts for
by power plants under SPIC Jiangxi Electric
the highest carbon emissions, reaching more
Power Co.,Ltd. The coverage ratio of principal
than 40% 8 . The power generation sector’s
and interest is approximately 125%. The use

5 Data source: IFC website

6 SPIC JIANGXI ECLECTRIC POWER CO.,LTD.’s 2022 First Tranche of Carbon Emission Rights Green Asset-Backed Debt Financing Instrument
7 Carbon Emissions Accounts and Datasets for Emerging Economies (CEADs) 8 CEADs

132 133
Appendix Appendix
Jury Committee of 2022 IFF Global Green Finance Award Jury Committee of 2022 IFF Global Green Finance Award

Jury Committee of 2022 IFF Global Green Finance
Antony LEUNG Leong Vai Tac
IFF Vice-president IFF Vice-president
Chairman & CEO, Nan Former Secretary for
Chairman Co-Chairpersons Fung Group
Former Financial Secretary,
Economy and Finance
of Macao Special
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Administrative Region

Han Seung-soo Jenny Shipley

IFF Co-chairman IFF Board Member
Chair, the Council
Former Prime Minister LI Tong LIN Jianhai
of Presidents of the
United Nations General of New Zealand
IFF Board Member IFF Vice-president &
Assembly Co-chair of Silk Road
Chief Executive Officer Chairman
Former Prime Minister International
and Executive President of IFF Global Center
of the Republic of Korea Association
of BOC international Former Secretary
Holdings Limited (BOCI) of IMF
Jury Member

Erik Solheim Deborah M. Lehr LIU Yanhua Bindu N.Lohani

Former Under-Secretary IFF Board Member IFF Advisory Committee IFF Academic
General of United Nation Vice Chairman & Member Committee Member
Former Executive Director Executive Director, Honorary Director of Former Vice President of
of the UN Environment Paulson institute National Climate Change the Asian Development
Programme (UNEP) Expert Committee Bank

134 135
Appendix Appendix
Jury Committee of 2022 IFF Global Green Finance Award Jury Committee of 2022 IFF Global Green Finance Award

Xuedu LU NIE Qingping ZHANG Shenfeng ZHANG Yansheng

IFF Academic IFF Academic Member Vice Chairman of IFF Academic
Committee Member Former Chairman of China Council for the Committee Member
Promotion of Chief Researcher of
Former Chief Adviser on China
International Trade
Cliamte Change of the Securities Finance China Center for
ADB Corporation International Economic
Exchanges (CCIEE)

Frank Riisberman Domenico Siniscalco ZHENG Guoguang ZHOU Jian

IFF Board Member IFF Vice President Secretary-General of Former Vice Minister of
Director-general of Former Minister, National Committee for Environmental
Global Green Economy and Finance, Italy Disaster Reduction Protection of China
Growth Institute (GGGI) Vice Chairman, Member of UN Secretary
Morgan Stanley High-level Panel
International Limited on Global Sustainability


IFF Academic IFF Academic IFF Member IFF Vice President and
Committee Member Committee Member Member of CPPCC Secretary-General
Dean of Economics and Member of the Standing Standing Committee Former Vice President,
Management School of Committee of Former Vice Chairman, World Bank
Wuhan University the 13th National China Insurance Former Vice President,
People's Congress Regulatory Commission NewDevelopment Bank

136 137
Appendix Appendix
Jury Committee of 2022 IFF Global Green Finance Award Jury Committee of 2022 IFF Global Green Finance Award




October 2023

2023 / 10
International Finance Forum (IFF)
The International Finance Forum (IFF) has been publishing
the Global Finance Development Report (Report) during
the IFF Annual Meeting since 2021. Based on a wide range of international data,
the Report tracks and researches on major global issues to promote
the role of finance services in supporting economic recovery and sustainable development.
It analyzes and forecasts global economic trends and outlook, offers in-depth analysis on financial
138 development and innovation, and discusses global challenges and policies. 139
IFF Global Green Finance Award
The IFF Global Green Finance Award was launched in 2020 by the International Finance
Forum (IFF) and is judged by a committee of more than 20 globally influential and authoritative
financial leaders and elites from the financial and environmental sectors. It aims to recognize and
reward institutions that have made outstanding achievements and innovative solutions in the field
of global green finance, especially in the areas of climate investment and finance and biodiversity
finance, in order to promote global climate governance and sustainable development. The award
has been highly commended by the United Nations and several international organizations, and it
is open to any organization worldwide that has achieved outstanding performance in promoting
green transition, addressing climate risk and achieving SDGs.

The International Finance Forum (IFF) is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental
international organisation founded in October 2003, and established by financial leaders from
more than 20 countries and regions, including China, the United States, the European Union,
emerging countries and leaders of international organisations such as the United Nations, the
World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The IFF is a long-standing, high-level
platform for dialogue and communication and multilateral cooperation and has been upgraded to
F20 (Finance 20) status.

Global Finance 20 (F20)

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