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“A simple but powerful reminder of the positive domino effect a good education can have on

many aspects of a person's life and outlook.”-anonymous

A very good morning ladies and gentlemen, I would like to extend my warm welcome to all of
you. To our barangay officials, parents and teachers a pleasant morning to all of us. Welcome to
the 4th general Parents-Teachers Association meeting of school year 2022-2023.

Part 1
Zumba for All
( to give us energy for todays program help me welcome Mam Liz Paran and Mam Glore Jean
for Zumba for all)
( please settle down)

National Anthem and Invocation

-To start with,may I request everyone to please stand for the singing of our national anthem
and please remain standing for invocation via audio visual presentation. ( please be seated)

Attendance Recognition
- And to recognize our presence this morning please help me welcome Mam Rhia D. Miranda
our GPTA secretary for the attendance recognition.

Opening Remarks/Welcome Address

-to begin our 4th GPTA meeting we are pleased to have Sir Joseph P. Cabales Principal 1 of
Manal Elementary School to deliver his words of welcome.( Thank you Sir)

Part 2

-for the part 2 of this program will talk about administrative matters and will be discussed by the
assigned person.
-first is the Presentation of MES accomplishment sy 2022-2023
-next is financial report
 Pta Funds will be discussed by Mrs. Mechelyn Pagalan
 School Funds will be discussed by Mrs. Jessica Conception
 Raffle Bonanza Income will be discussed by Mrs. Liz Xandra B. Paran
 Mooe will be discussed by Our Administrative Officer Michael Magallano
-Update of school site
-Year end rites and ceremony
-year end reports
-Incoming reading camp
-incoming enrollment for sy. 2023-2024
-Brigada Eskwela 2023
-and other matters
Part 3
-raffle bonanza
-awarding of Prizes
-Feeding free arozcaldo for all

-help me welcome our GPTA President-internal affair Mr. Reynaldo Duamlagan for his

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