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4th International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Intelligence 2019

4th International Conference on Computer
(ICCSCI), 12–13Science and Computational
September 2019 Intelligence 2019
(ICCSCI), 12–13 September 2019
"PowPow" interactive game in supporting English vocabulary
"PowPow" interactive game in supporting English vocabulary
learning for elementary students
learning for elementary students

Wiwik Andreania*, Yi Yingb

Wiwik Andreania*, Yi Yingb
English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia 11480
Chinese Jakarta, Indonesia
English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia 11480
Chinese Department, Faculty of Humanities, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia 11480

Learning styles that are suitable for generation Z are learning by doing and learning through gadgets. Learning through a game is
more fun styles
Learning and beneficial, as proven
that are suitable by some studies.
for generation Therefore,
Z are learning in foreign
by doing languagethrough
and learning learning, especially
gadgets. English,
Learning many
through mobile
a game is
more fun andarebeneficial,
developedasand can bebydownloaded
proven on android
some studies. phones
Therefore, for free,
in foreign such as learning,
language Funland and MonkeyEnglish,
especially Puzzlesmany
applications arethe application
developed has be
and can notdownloaded
been developed based phones
on android on the for
Indonesian elementary
as Funland school
and Monkey students.
Puzzles WorldA Tour.
application, called
Unfortunately, the PowPow
beennotdeveloped to meet based
been developed those needs
on theinneeds
supporting Indonesian
of Indonesian students learn
elementary schoolEnglish vocabulary.
students. A game
This game has
application, threePowPow
called differenthas
been house, restaurant
developed to meetand outer
those space.
needs in In each theme,
supporting studentsstudents
Indonesian are motivated to play each
learn English prompt
This gameinhas
30 seconds to complete
three different thehouse,
This application is played
and outer space. Inbyeach
35 elementary Indonesian
theme, students studentstoaged
are motivated play7each
to 12prompt
After playing
question in 30the game,toit complete
seconds is found out
the all students
game. This agree that this
application game motivates
is played them to learn
by 35 elementary English.
Indonesian students aged 7 to 12 years.
After playing the game, it is found out all students agree that this game motivates them to learn English.
© 2019
© 2019 The
The Authors.
Authors. Published
Published by
by Elsevier
Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
© is an
2019 open
The accessPublished
Authors. article under
by the CC BY-NC-ND
Elsevier license (
B.V. committee
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific of the 4th International Conference on Computer Science and
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access article
Computational Intelligence 2019. of
under the
the CCscientific
BY-NC-ND committee of the 4th International Conference on Computer Science and
license (
Peer-review under Intelligence 2019 of the scientific committee of the 4th International Conference on Computer Science and
Keywords: digitalIntelligence
Computational game-based learning;
2019 game; English vocabulary; elementary students
Keywords: digital game-based learning; game; English vocabulary; elementary students

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +6221 5345830 ext.2609; fax: +6221 5300244.

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* Corresponding
Tel.: +6221 5345830 ext.2609; fax: +6221 5300244.
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1877-0509 © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
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by Elsevier B.V.
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This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 4th International Conference on Computer Science and Computational
Intelligence 2019.
474 Wiwik Andreani et al. / Procedia Computer Science 157 (2019) 473–478
2 Wiwik Andreani and Yi Ying/ Procedia Computer Science 00 (2019) 000–000

1. Introduction

In recent years, research on the effectiveness of digital game-based learning (DGBL) has increased. Educational
games focus on structured and entertaining game programming supports players in the learning process until the
specified teaching target is achieved. In this context, the researchers examine how an interactive game supports
English vocabulary learning for elementary students. Moreover, students need more interesting learning media in
English learning to avoid the boredom they experience when taught using conventional methods. A research has been
conducted among the third graders in Salatiga and it concludes that the students’ competency in the vocabulary
learning is affected by the internal and external factors, some of which are students’ motivation, the level of
concentration, the level of difficulty of the words, the number of students in the classroom and the use of educational
teaching tools1. Further, another study has researched on the effect of game played by the elementary students. The
result states that the students’ interest increases as they thought the game is advantageous and fun, which at the same
time causes them to be more knowledgeable2.
The effectiveness of Digital Games Based Learning is also measured by testing the game to students by holding
a pre-test and post-test. It is concluded that the result of the test comparison shows the game used as a tool in learning
can increase students' interest and motivation3. Another previous research also shows that the game approach
motivates students to learn more than the non-game approach. In addition, the motivation and results of achieving
gameplay between men and women are also equal. This shows that gameplay is not limited to male only 4.
Based on the above circumstances, the present research proposes a learning alternative approach using interactive
game. This is designed based on the specific needs of the elementary students as the users.

2. Literature review

There have been some studies on the effects of using games in vocabulary learning, some of which state that games
are beneficial for language learning. A research done among Iranian children on the effects of using a digital computer
game has proven that the game has improved vocabulary learning. There were 40 girls aged six to seven years old
having no knowledge of English were divided into experimental and control groups. SHAIEx digital game was used
for the experimental group, while traditional method was used in the control group. The result of the study shows that
the mean score of the children in the experimental group was higher than that of the control group, meaning that digital
games used in the vocabulary teaching has the positive effect on the children. They, therefore, conclude that “using
games in young leaner’s class smooths their learning because games capture their attention and motivate them” 5.
In 2013 a similar study was conducted among Iranian kindergarten students. The study aims at finding ways to
help the students fix the novel words in their minds. The students were divided into control and experimental groups;
the control was taught using regular teaching method whereas the experimental group uses an online language game.
The result has depicted the fact that the students in the experimental group are motivated and enjoy the learning more
than the control group6.
Another research has examined the effect of video games among Iranian students’ vocabulary learning. There were
40 learners participating in the research and they were chosen through a TOEFL proficiency test. They were divided
into two groups, each of which consists of 10 learners, a control and an experimental group. The control group learned
vocabulary in the classroom traditionally, but the experimental group studied the same vocabulary using a video game
called “Runaway: A Road Adventure”. The study has found that learning vocabulary through video games was
Game-based learning has a positive influence on student learning. Game based learning also develops student skills
in school. From the results of the study, the game-based learning approach was effective in facilitating the
development of student skills. Game designers and educators are expected to be able to design games that suit the
needs of students and implement educational games in general8. Education by combining mobile games can encourage
students to be active and feel happy to learn and gain knowledge. From the results of experiments conducted, students
who learn through games get more knowledge than those who learn not through games9. Digital game-based learning
for schools through game-based learning is highly recommended in classroom teaching10. The elements of the game
need to be considered and the effectiveness of the game designed also needs to be tested11. In addition to game play
in classroom, it is necessary to assess the effectiveness of Digital Based Game Learning which can be applied flexibly
Wiwik Andreani et al. / Procedia Computer Science 157 (2019) 473–478 475
Wiwik Andreani, Yi Ying/ Procedia Computer Science 00 (2019) 000–000 3

for a variety of different contexts12.

3. Research methods

There are some steps in conducting the research. However, the present paper limits itself in merely the perception
of the elementary students of the game PowPow. It does not cover the technical aspect of the game design. First, a set
of questionnaire is distributed to 112 elementary students from three schools in Kemanggisan area. The result of the
questionnaire is used as the input of designing PowPow game. Then, the game is played by 35 elementary students,
aged 7 to 12 years old. Finally, the students are given some questions to find out their perception of PowPow game.
Even though there have been some digital learning games of English, especially vocabulary, PowPow game in the
research is different from the previous ones since PowPow game was designed based on the needs of the users, in this
case elementary students. The summary of the survey of the users’ needs is:
● 36% of the respondents play digital games less than 1 hour.
● the picture of the game is the most aspect liked about the game (29% of the respondents)
● three themes are the most favorite ones:19% choose outer space, 18% select restaurant, and 13% like house
● 66% of the respondents choose level-based game
● 55% of the respondents prefer to use mouse when playing the game
In summary, the needs of the users are:
● the genre of the game is puzzle
● the game should consist of some mini-games to give a lot of various types of learning
● the game uses 2D graphic
● background music and sound effect are needed for the stage choosing and right wrong answer identification
● trophy room and stars are the feature needed in the game

The following is the difference of the digital learning games:

Table 1. The characteristics of English vocabulary learning games

Monkey Puzzles Cambridge
Name Funland PowPow
World Tour English FC
Platform Android, iOS, Web iOS, Web Android, Web Android
Genre Puzzle Puzzle Puzzle Puzzle
Gameplay Answering Answering Answering Answering
available questions available questions, available questions available questions,
picture matching, picture matching,
coloring picture as coloring picture as
requested requested
Graphic 2D 2D 2D 2D
Sound Background music Background Music No background Background music
music when stage and
mini-game are
chosen; sound
effect to show the
right and wrong
Feature Achievement in the Achievement in the Two additional Achievement in the
trophy room when form of stars, three mini-game form of trophy
users can finish is the maximum room and stars
certain number of number users can gained by
tasks of the game get; a star is gained completing a
or do some based on the score variety of 9 sets of
4 Wiwik Andreani and Yi Ying/ Procedia Computer Science 00 (2019) 000–000
4 Wiwik Andreani and Yi Ying/ Procedia Computer Science 00 (2019) 000–000
particular actions
Wiwik Andreani et al.
gained in every
/ Procedia Computer Science 157 (2019) 473–478
4 Wiwik Andreani and Yi Ying/ Procedia Computer Science 00 (2019) 000–000
in the game
particular actions game.
gained in every mini-games
in the game game.
particular actions gained in every mini-games
4. Result and discussion in the game game.
4. Result and discussion
a. Game design
4. Result and discussion
a. Game design
PowPow consists of three themes and nine sets of games. Each game starts with the knowledge of the specific
theme. The a. users
Game are design
given some time and
to learn
PowPow consists of three themes nine the
setsknowledge before
of games. Each theystarts
game applywiththe the
knowledgein the game
of the play.
users users to absorb
are given some thetimeknowledge
to learn thesoknowledge
that they can achieve
before they the
the game andin thegetgame
the stars.
can allowsconsists
choose of three
the theme andthemes
play andgame
the nine within
sets of limited
games. Each
amountgame startsGame
of time. with the knowledge of the
the game
This way users to absorb the knowledge so that they can achieve the goal ofusers can repeat
the game and get to
the stars.
find The usersisare given insome time to learn the knowledge before theyrecord
applyofthe theknowledge in the game play.
Usersout if choose
can there progress
the theme and completing the game
play the game played
within by noting
limited amountthe of time. Game time can
users needed in each
repeat game.
the game to
way allows users to sample
absorb of thePowPow
knowledge so that vocabulary
they can achieve the goal of the game and get the stars.
find out iffollowing is the
there is progress in completing the interactive
game played by notinggame – that
the record ofisthe
the knowledge
time needed ofin animals.
each game. Fig
Users canachoose
1a shows part ofthethe theme
game and
where play the game within limited amountThisof time. provides
Game users can repeat the game to
The following is the sample ofthe users
PowPow have chosen
interactive the theme.
vocabulary gamepart users
– that is the knowledge with the information
of animals. Fig
to out if there is progress in completing the game played by noting the record of the time needed in each game.
1a guide
showsthema partinoflearning
the game thewhere
Englishthe vocabulary. Then, users
users have chosen are given
the theme. This some tutorial users
part provides (Fig.2)with
in which users
the information are
The following
needed is the sample of PowPowThe interactive vocabulary game –tool
the knowledge of animals. Fig
to guidetothem
the intended information.
the English vocabulary. game tutorial
Then, usersserves as thesome
are given users with
tutorial (Fig.2) some
in which necessary
users are
1a shows
words. Thisa part of the
needs game
to intended
be donewhere the users
in order have chosen
to play the theme. This part providesFig 3users
asks with
to information
needed to work on the information. The the
gamegame adequately.
tutorial serves asMoreover,
the tool to equip users with some apply their
to guide them
constructed in learning the English vocabulary. Then, users are given some tutorial (Fig.2) in which users are
words. This knowledge
needs to beofdone the theme.
in orderEventually,
to play thewhen
three stages are completed,
Moreover, usersusers
Fig 3 asks are accommodated
to apply their
with thetointended
work onmaterials.
the intended information. The game tutorial serves as the tool to equip users with some necessary
constructed knowledge of the theme. Eventually, when the three stages are completed, users are accommodated
words. This needs to be done in order to play the game adequately. Moreover, Fig 3 asks users to apply their
with the intended materials.
constructed knowledge of the theme. Eventually, when the three stages are completed, users are accommodated
with the intended materials.

Fig 1. knowledge of animals in the mini game

Fig 1. knowledge of animals in the mini game
Fig 1. knowledge of animals in the mini game

Fig 2. game tutorial of animals

Fig 2. game tutorial of animals
Fig 2. game tutorial of animals
Wiwik Andreani et al. / Procedia Computer Science 157 (2019) 473–478 477

Fig 3. interactive game interface

b. Users’ perception of the game

The perception of the game users is based on the result of the questionnaire filled in after users completed the game

Table 2. The result of the questionnaire

No Key Indicator Percentage
1 Users’ evaluation on the mini games 83%
The theme “house” is easy to be played 83%
The theme “restaurant” is easy to be played 86%
The theme “outer space” is easy to be played 80%

2 The game provides an interesting way of learning 91%

3 The game causes users to like English more 86%
4 The game increases the learning interest 86%
5 The game builds a more engaging learning environment 100%
6 The game is recommended to be played 83%

5. Conclusion

The PowPow game is considered to have succeeded in attracting students' interest in learning English and making
students motivated to learn that English. In addition, this mobile application can improve students’ English vocabulary
skills. Conventional learning approaches are not in accordance with the development of technology, especially for
elementary school students.
One thing that needs to be improved is to increase the due time to have more time to practice. This shows that
improvement is needed in developing the application that is tailored to users’ needs. It is recommended that this
interactive game be applied in other learning subjects besides English. For example, history might be the next lesson
that may use interactive games to describe historical figures, places, or locations.


This research is built on the interactive game designed by three BINUS University students of Game Application
and Technology Department, School of Computer Science.
478 Wiwik Andreani et al. / Procedia Computer Science 157 (2019) 473–478
6 Wiwik Andreani and Yi Ying/ Procedia Computer Science 00 (2019) 000–000


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