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Chapter 3

Bahasa Inggris

Nama :

Kelas :
ii Bahasa Inggris VIII Semester 1
1. Kerjakan semua soal dengan teliti.
2. Jawablah soal pilihan ganda dengan cara
klik pada pilihan a, b, c, atau d.
3. Jawablah soal uraian dengan cara ketik
jawaban Anda di kolom jawab yang
4. Geser ke kanan/kiri untuk berpindah
5. Pastikan soal sudah terjawab semua.
6. Jika sudah yakin dengan jawaban Anda,
selanjutnya klik tombol “NILAI PILIHAN
7. Selanjutnya kirim/share (ikon pada pojok
kanan bawah) hasilnya ke guru Anda.

Semester 1 Bahasa Inggris VIII 3

Multiple Choice

Listen to the tape and answer the questions

1 to 4!

1. The text is about the suggestions to ....

a. consume more fresh food over junk
b. not overuse the electricity
c. change their way of life to reduce global
d. use public transportation

2. Local groceries are usually ....

a. close c. neigbouring
b. immediate d. near

3. Going to local market helps us to ....

a. save on fuel
b. support local sellers
c. save our money
d. get fresher foods

4 Bahasa Inggris VIII Semester 1

4. No electricity is needed and saving the
energy means reducing ... and money.
a. air pollution
b. toxic waste
c. carbon dioxide
d. dangerous gas

The dialogue below is for questions 5 to 8.

Tina : Hey, Ari. Don’t sit on that bench. You
can sit on this chair instead.
Ari : Oh, why?
Tina : One of the bench’s legs is broken. You
may fall if you sit on that.
Ari : Alright. Thanks for noticing me.
Tina : Have you read the news about the road
accident in the city square?
Ari : Yes. It happened because the rider was
careless. I think people must raise the
awareness on safe riding.
Tina : I agree with you. The government should
also make more rules.
Ari : Yes, the government must punish people
who break those rules. There are many
traffic accidents that happened because
the careless riders who broke the rules.
Semester 1 Bahasa Inggris VIII 5
Tina : And because they go really fast. Seriously,
all road users should start prioritizing
safety over speed.

5. Why can’t Ari sit on the bench?

a. Because it is painted.
b. Because it will be disposed.
c. Because it is bad.
d. Because its leg is broken.

6. What must government do to raise the

awareness on safe riding?
a. The government should make more rules
related to the car using in the road.
b. The government should make more rules
related to the cleanness of the road.
c. The government should make more
rules related to safety on the road.
d. The government should make the road
bigger and larger.

7. The underlined statement expresses ....

a. prohibition c. obligation
b. suggestion d. appreciation
6 Bahasa Inggris VIII Semester 1
8. “We must not break the rules.”
The meaning of the sentence above is ....

a. we have to follow the rules

b. we don’t have to follow the rules
c. we have to break the rules
d. we mustn’t follow the rules

9. The teacher is teaching now. The students

... sleep in the class.
a. must c. don’t have to
b. have to d. mustn’t


We can find the sign on the places below,

except ....
a. hospital c. office room
b. parking area d. laboratory

Semester 1 Bahasa Inggris VIII 7


Lisa : Hi, Weni. You look sad. Is something

bad happen?
Weni : Yes. I feel disappointed with myself.
Look at my examination result. It is
Lisa : Why? How could you get bad score?
Weni : I don’t know. I studied, but I can’t seem
to do well on the tests.
Lisa : I think you must try another learning
Weni : I don’t know. I have to do something.
Lisa : What about having a study group with
me? I plan to study together with Rendra
and Tina. You know they are good in
English, right? You can learn from them.
Weni : Are you sure that I can join?
Lisa : Yes. But, you have to be completely
focus when we study. You must turn
off your phone while we study.
Weni : Alright. I agree with that. Thank you
for inviting me.
Lisa : Don’t mention it. I hope you can do
well on the next examination.

8 Bahasa Inggris VIII Semester 1

1. Why does Weni look sad?

2. Did Weni study for the exam?

3. What suggestion does Lisa recommend to


4. Mention the expression of obligation on the


5. Why does Weni thank Lisa?

Semester 1 Bahasa Inggris VIII 9


Nama :

Kelas :


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