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Author: Sam Hargrave

The “Extraction Movie” was Directed by: “Sam Hargrave” and was written by
“Joe Russo”. The Movie was filmed in Ahmedabad & Mumbai (Provinces of India) Filmed in
November 2018.

– A Black Mercenary who has nothing to lose is hired to rescue the kidnapped son of an
imprisoned international crime lord. But in the murky underworld of weapon dealers and drug
traffickers which the mercenary will face, an already Deadly/Suicidal Mission approaches the
– A Troubled Soldier - for-hire sent to rescue a drug lord’s kidnapped son. But as the boy is
under his skin, the question becomes: who’s saving who?

“Chris Hemsworth” Who is a famous actor in the marvel studios, has played the character “Tyler
Rake” in the Extraction movie. (Based on my opinion) His role and character fit him Especially in the
action scenes. His Performances are incredible and Outstanding in action which may be
Acknowledgeable for the viewers when watching the movie

“Tyler Rake” (Chris Hemsworth) In his current state, he was broke after he resigned from being an
SASR operator. Then a few months later he was called by a person who is from another special
force and he was hired to be given a mission in the organization he joined. “Tyler Rake” a former
SASR operator, turned into a mercenary who often specialized in extraction operations and
assassinations. he has been given a Mission and it is to save the incarcerated Indian drug lord's
kidnapped son named “Ovi”. when he arrived at the place where the kid was kidnapped, he manages
to eliminate every single one of the kidnappers who are ARMED by showing his skills and he
Rescued the kid successfully without being severely Injured. The next step is that he needs to take
the kid out of the Province they are in and it was Currently ruled by a drug lord and needs to Monitor
the kidnapped kid but when he found out all the kidnappers died and the kid is gone, he sent a
checkpoint to every bridge that goes outside the Province area making sure the kid will not escape
and capture him once he is found by his men. Tyler was assisted by his Teammate “Nik Khan” and
her crew to help them escape the Province and has Eliminated all the Forces by the drug lord’s men.
Tyler Rake was Severely Injured after they had killed all of the forces except for ONE, that person
has shot Tyler’s Neck and he sat in the edge of the bridge as he told them to Escape without him and
he intentionally fell into the river in the bridge as it looked like he has died from Blood lost or drowned.
8 Months later when the kid is swimming in a pool after he rises from diving, he saw Tyler sitting on
the bench of the pool as he paid him a visit that he was alive. Ovi is finally happy to see him once
The Director of this story tells about: A mercenary and his comrades fought against the corruption of
a tyrant who has been ruling a province by staying low and avoiding suspicion from the government
by bribing the other forces to work for him so he could continue to his negotiation in illegal stuffs to
earn Vast amount of wealth. The Audience are impressed with the Scripts of the story also from the
other characters who had fulfill their role with passion and good effort for the people to be thrilled
watching them perform. 7/10

Critique Paper Made By: Date: 10/24/2021

Kaitren Rozdrax (Kairo) Grade & Section: 11-STEM XIII

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