SC19TF Bulletin - 3 - March 2022

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Daily Bulletin, SC19TF (Phuentsholing)

Report as of date: 3 March 2022

Sl COVID-19 Updates, Public information and events in Phuentsholing in the last 24 hours
1 New positive cases detected:78 Total Samples tested : 946 Cumulative positive cases: 4839 Cumulative RT-PCR test: 275, 882
2 Segregation of New Positive Cases: Facility Quarantine-10; Containment: - 2; Red houses/buildings & red clusters: 43 Community : 23
Surveillance areas covered: In-Patient Department & Emergency Unit (patients & attendants); Flu Clinics (PSA & Pasakha); QFs; Red sealings, red
buildings & red clusters (completion of 10th day).
Index cases recovered and
4 Primary contacts in FQ: 218 Primary contacts discharged: 8 Active cases in Isolation: -565;
discharged: 20
Total Red Households: 354 Total Red Buildings: 23 Total Red Village: 8 Total Red Clusters: 12
5 New : 19 New :3 New :0 New :1
Released : 35 Released :0 Released :0 Released :3
6 Samples from other hospitals tested (& positive cases): Dorokha-2; Gedu-0; Gomtu-71(2+ve); Lhamoizingkha-271; Samtse-68 (4+ve); Sipsoo-0
Total QIs (travelers, returnees, primary contacts, etc.) admitted into
7 QIs discharged from FQs: 62 Total QIs currently in FQs:1275
Quarantine Facilities: 160

Daily update on number of vehicles, public movement and induction of FWs in the last 24 hours
8 Total vehicles switched at Sorchen Switching Point: 296 Inbound (Down): 153 Outbound (Up): 143
9 Number of vehicles carrying goods exited Sorchen: 142
Total vehicles exited from Phuentsholing with escort to other high risk Dzongkhags via Indian Highway: 0 (Nganglam-0; Gomtu-0; Gelephu-0;
L/zingkha-0; S/Jongkhar-0; Samtse-0
11 Total Passengers exited from Phuentsholing with escort service to other high risk Dzongkhags via India: 0
12 Total vehicles entered Phuentsholing with essential goods/commodities, and for boulders: 220 Goods-220; Boulder-0
Total foreign workers confirmed, screened, became unfit and tested drug
13 Confirmed=0; Screened=0; Unfit=0;
Public Notification
● All those who undergo RT-PCR tests must strictly stay at home in their respective containment centers without going out anywhere on the
same as well as the following day.

● Meanwhile, RT-PCR positive cases shall be contacted by the surveillance team within 24 hours but those tested negative will not be contacted.

● Therefore, all are requested to follow this notification strictly and those tested are requested to keep their mobile phones on.

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