Explicit and Impicit

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for YOUR TURN 2 page 720

Explicit and Implied Cause and Effect

DIRECTIONS Read the following statements from “The Value of Autumn
Leaves,” and identify the cause-and-effect relationships they contain.
■ Circle the clue words, if any exist.
■ Draw a box around the causative verbs or causative suffixes, if any exist.
■ List the causes and effects, and indicate whether they are explicit or implied.

1. “Studies show that fall colors have a mood-elevating effect on just about anyone, anywhere.”

Cause(s): Effect(s):

2. “A drive in the country makes people feel better, takes their mind off their troubles.”

Cause(s): Effect(s):

3. “Essentially, leaf colors begin to change because chlorophyll—a substance that makes them
green—begins to diminish as a result of shorter days and cooler weather.”

Cause(s): Effect(s):

Additions to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.

Original content Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
4. “Excellent color requires excellent conditions—a stretch of mostly sunny days and cool, but
not freezing, nights.”

Cause(s): Effect(s):

5. “Excessive rain, a prolonged period of drought, or an early freeze can each diminish autumn
leaf color.”

Cause(s): Effect(s):


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Explicit and Implied Cause and Effect

DIRECTIONS Identify the cause-and-effect relationships in the numbered
sentences of the following passage.
■ Circle the clue words, if any exist.
■ Draw a box around the causative verbs or causative suffixes, if any exist.
■ In the chart, list the causes and effects, and indicate whether they are explicit
or implied.

Before They Blow: Detecting Volcanic Eruptions

Washington’s Mount Rainier is a spectacu- early detection yielded crucial information
lar backdrop for the city of Seattle, but this about the imminent explosion. Not all efforts
mountain is also the most dangerous volcano to predict volcanic eruptions are as successful,
in the United States. 1As a result of studying however. In 1980, signals from Mount St.
the geologic activity around volcanoes prior to Helens had alerted scientists to a possible
and during eruptions, scientists have learned eruption, but the force and timing of the erup-
a great deal about predicting volcanic erup- tion were miscalculated. 5The destruction
tions. 2Before an eruption, hot magma rises; caused by the catastrophic Mount St. Helens
this produces blasts of steam and small earth- blast contributed to increased awareness of vol-
quakes. 3If scientists are able to detect such canoes’ natural warning systems. In hopes of
early warning signs, then people can be evacu- avoiding another disaster, scientists now moni-
ated before a major eruption. 4For example, tor Mount Rainier to detect the ground motion
many lives were saved when Mount Pinatubo that could announce the next eruption.
erupted in the Philippines in 1991 because
Additions to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.

Cause(s) Effect(s)
Original content Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

CHAPTER 24 | Analyzing Causal Relationships | Reading Workshop 25

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