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unit 4

IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN protocol architecture*************************

FHSS and DSSS frame formats***********************
Medium access and inter-frame spacing**********************--------
random backoff time in DFWMAC-DCF**********************************
hidden node problem in wireless network****************************
IEEE 802.11 MAC packet format**************************************
MAC Synchronization function, Power management function, Roaming
Bluetooth protocol stack***************************

unit 5
mobile IP concept***********************************
IP packet delivery *********************************
agent discovery methods******************************
Registration of a mobile node via FA or HA***************
IP to IP and Minimal encapsulation
Generic routing encapsulation protocol
client initialization via DHCP**************
(DSDV) routing algorithm*************************
(DSR) algorithm////////////////
hierarchical ad-hoc routing///////////////

indirect TCP segment**************************
snooping TCP*******************************
transaction-oriented TCP*************************
security issues******************************

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