Right To Information Act

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Right to Information Act

தகவ$ அறி)* உ,ைம/ ச1ட*

Previous year Questions:
• Give a brief History of RTI.
தகவ$ அறி)* உ,ைம ச0ட2தி3

• First RTI law developed by Sweden in 1766.

• !த# தகவ# அறி*+ உ-ைம0 ச2ட+ 1766 இ# 8வடனா#
9 உ<வா=க>ப2ட@

• Universal Declaration of Human Rights -1948

• மன#த உ'ைமக*+கான உலகளாவ0ய ப0ரகடன5 -1948

• States everyone the right to seek, receive, information

• தகவ$கைள' ேத*வத+,- ெப0வத+,- அைனவ34,- உ6ைம உ8ள9
• International Covenant on Civil and Political rights 1966 states that everyone shall have the right
the freedom to seek and impart information
• சிவ$% ம()* அரசிய% உ/ைமக2 ம3 தான ச7வேதச உட:ப<=ைக
1966 அைனவA=B* தகவ%கைளD ேதEவத(B* வழGBவத(B*
HதIதிர* உ2ளJ எ:) L)கிறJ
History of Right to Information Act:
தகவ$ அறி)* உ,ைம/ ச1ட3தி4
• The right to information is a fundamental right under Article 19 (1).
• தகவ$ அறி)* உ,ைம எ4ப6 ப7,8 19 (1) இ4 கீ ? ஒA
அBCபைட உ,ைமயாF*.
• In 1976, in the Raj Narain vs the State of Uttar Pradesh case, the
Supreme Court ruled that Right to information will be treated as a
fundamental right.
• 1976$, “ராL நேர4 vs உOதரCப7ரேதச மாநில*” வழRகி$,
தகவ$ அறி)* உ,ைம அBCபைட உ,ைமயாகR
கAதCபS* எ4T உ/ச நUதிம4ற* தUVCபளXOத6.
History of Right to Information Act:
தகவ$ அறி)* உ,ைம/ ச1ட3தி4
v First grassroots campaign for the introduction of RTI started by Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan (MKSS) in 1994.
v 1994 இ" ம$%& 'சா* ச+, ச-க/ (MKSS) RTI அ12க3,4கான 2த" 7ர9சார!ைத ெதாட-'ய=.

v National Campaign for People’s RTI – Formed in 1996; formulated initial draft of RTI law for the Government.
v ம"க$ தகவ' அ)*+ உ-ைம"கான ேத2ய 4ர6சார+ - 1996 இ' உ9வா"க:ப<ட>;

v தகவ' அ)*+ உ-ைம6 ச<ட?@A ஆர+ப வைரைவ அரசாCக?@Dகாக உ9வா"Eய>.

v Tamil Nadu became first Indian state to pass RTI law in 1997.
v RTI ச>ட3ைத இய41ய 2த" இ@,ய மாAல/ தCDநாF ஆH/-1997

v Freedom of Information (FOI) Act, 2002 passed. Thereafter, Bill for the RTI Act, 2005 was passed and became fully operational on
October 12, 2005.
v தகவ" Jத@,ர9 ச>ட/ (FOI) 2002 Aைறேவ4றMப>ட=. அத*7றH, RTI ச>ட/, 2005+கான மேசாதா Aைறேவ4றMப>F, அ+ேடாப& 12,
2005 அ*O 2Pைமயாக ெசய"பா>F+H வ@த=.
Objectives of the RTI Act, 2005
RTI ச"ட$தி' ேநா,க.க/:
ü Empower the citizens.
ü !"ம$க&$! அதிகார- அள/0ப2

ü Promote transparency & accountability in the working of the government.

ü அரசா(க!தி+ ெசய/பா12/ ெவள56பைட!த+ைம ம9:; ெபா:6<ண>ைவ ஊ@AவB!த/.

ü Contain corruption.
ü ஊழைல@ க1F6பF!GகிறG.

ü Make our democracy work for the people in real sense.

ü நம# ஜனநாயக*ைத ம-க.-காக/ ெசய2பட ைவ6ப#.
ü An informed citizenry will be better equipped.
ü தகவலறி;த <=ம-கைள உ@வா-<த2
ü Government more accountable to the governed.
ü அரசா(க; ம@கI@A அதிக ெபா:6<ண>JசிKட+ ெசய$பட ேவMF;
Important provisions under the Right to
Information Act, 2005:
1.Can get all information from Public Authorities.
• அைனDJ தகவ%கைளN* ெபாJ நி)வனGகளQடமிAIJ ெபறலா*
2.Public authorities mean all authorities and bodies under the union
government, state government or local bodies. The civil societies that
are substantially funded, directly or indirectly, by the public funds also
fall within the ambit of RTI.
• ெபா$ அைம)*க, எ.ப$ ம/திய அர4, மாநில அர4 அ8ல$ உ,ளா;சி
அைம)*கள=. கீ ? உ,ள அைன/$ அதிகாரAகைளBC அைம)*கைளBC
DறிFDC. ெபா$ நிதி ேநரIயாகேவா அ8ல$ மைறKகமாகேவா
கணMசமான அளவM8 அள=Fக)பNC சிவM8 சOகAகPC ஆRIஐயM.
வரCபMTD, அடADC.
Important provisions under the Right to
Information Act, 2005:
3.Section 4 1(b): Government has to maintain and proactively disclose information.
• ப:6; 4 1(b): அரசாBக- தகவ$கைளC பராம64க ேவD*- ம+0-
EFGHIேய ெவளKய:ட ேவD*-.

4.Simple procedure for securing information.

• தகவ%கைளS ெப)வத(கான எளQய நைடTைற.
5.Prescribes a time frame for providing information(s) by Public Information
• ெபாJD தகவ% அVவல7க2 தகவ%கைள வழGBவத(கான
கால=ெகEைவ நி7ணய$=கிறJ.
6.Only minimum information exempted from disclosure.
• BைறIதபXச தகவ%கY=B மXE* வ$ல=B அளQ=கSபXE2ளJ
Important provisions under the Right to
Information Act, 2005:
7.Two-tier mechanism for appeal.
• ேம<=ைறய?@ ெசCவதDகான இரF@ அ@+H வழி=ைற.

8.Provides penalties in case of failure to provide information on time, incorrect,

incomplete or misleading or distorted information.
• தகவ<கைள வழLகM தவறினா</தவறான, =Oைமயைடயாத அ<லP தவறாக
வழிநடMP5 அ<லP தி'+கRபSட தகவ<கைள ெகா@Mதா< அபராத5 வ0தி+கிறP

9.the writ jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of India and high courts under Articles
32 and 226 of the Constitution.
• அரசியலைம)பM. 32 மTXC 226 பMZவM. கீ ? இ\திய உ]ச
ந^திம.றC மTXC உயR ந^திம.றAகள=. ேம8Kைறய_N அதிகார வரC*
Important provisions under the Right to
Information Act, 2005:
10.Exemtion under Office Secrecy act -1923 and special acts notified by parliament
• அ"வலக இரகசிய, ச-ட/ -1923 ம67/ பாரா:ம;ற=தா?
அறிவ@AகBப-ட சிறBC, ச-டDகளF; கீ H வ@லAI
11.Not necessary to say reasons for asking information
• தகவ? ேக-பத6கான காரணDகைள Nற ேவOPய
12.Need not to ask any personal information from applicant
வ@OணBபதாரQடமிRST எSத= தனFBப-ட தகவைலV/ ேக-கA
Important provisions under the Right to
Information Act, 2005
13.Reason for rejecting an application is mandatory
• வ"#ண%ப'ைத நிராக0%பத1கான காரண3
க4டாயமாக ெவள:%ப;'த%பட ேவ#;3
14.Applicant has the Right to appeal
வ"#ண%பதார=>? ேம@AைறயC; ெசEய உ0ைம
15.Exception from fee incase of BPL
வGைம> ேகா4H1?> கீ ேழ இ=%பவLகM>கான
க4டண'தி@ இ=NO வ"ல>?
Time period:
• In normal course, information to an applicant is to be supplied within
30 days from the receipt of application by the public authority.
• If information sought concerns the life or liberty of a person, it shall
be supplied within 48 hours.
• In case the application is sent through the Assistant Public
Information Officer or it is sent to a wrong public authority, five days
shall be added to the period of thirty days or 48 hours, as the case
may be.
கால அள'
• சாதாரணமாக, வ+,ண-பதார/01 தகவ2
வ+,ண-ப3 ெபற-ப6ட 30 நா6க;01<
வழ>க-பட ேவ,@3.
• தகவ2க< ஒ/ நபCD வாE0ைக அ2லI
JதKதிரMைத- பNறி எனQ2அI 48 மண+
ேநரMதிN1< வழ>க-ப@3.
Significance of the RTI Act
RTI ச0ட2தி3 89கிய2;வ*
• Every year, around six million applications are filed under the RTI Act, making it the most
extensively used sunshine legislation globally.
• ஒXெவாR ஆO[/, ]மா^ ஆ7 மி?லிய; வ@OணBபDக_ RTI
ச-ட=தி; கீ H தாAக? ெச`யBப[கி;றன, இT உலகளவ@?
மிகb/ பரவலாகB பய;ப[=தBப[/ ச-டமாI/.
• Empowers the citizen to question
• IPமகdAI ேக_வ@ ேக-க அதிகார/ அளFAகிறT
• Against to abuse of power
• அதிகார Teப@ரேயாக=TAI எதிரானT
Significance of the RTI Act
RTI ச0ட2தி3 89கிய2;வ*
• A crucial pillar for the functioning of a transparent and vibrant
• ஒ= ெவள:%பைடயான ம1G3 OH%பான
ஜனநாயக'திS ெசய@பா4H1? ஒ= A>கியமான
• Helps in making government accountable
• அரசாWக'ைத ெபாG%X>YறZ ெசEவத1?
• Serves the overall interests of the society.
• ச\க'திS ஒ4;ெமா'த நலSகM>?3 ேசைவ
Significance of the RTI Act
RTI ச0ட2தி3 89கிய2;வ*
• expose corruption, human rights violations, and wrongdoings by the state.
• ஊழ$, மனXத உ,ைம ம[ ற$க\ ம]T* அரசி4
தவTகைள அ*பலCபSO6கிற6.
• The access to information about policies, decisions and actions of the
government that affect the lives of citizens
• FBமRகளX4 வா?RைகையC பாதிRF* அரசா^கOதி4
ெகா\ைகக\, `B8க\ ம]T* நடவBRைகக\ ப]றிய
தகவ$கைளC ெபTத$
• RTI is a fundamental right to the citizens
• RTI எ4ப6 FBமRகளX4 அBCபைட உ,ைம
Bottlenecks of RTI Act:
RTI ச"ட$தி' இைட+,க.:
• Poor record-keeping
• ேமாசமான பதிT பராமC-U
• A lack of sufficient staffing.
• ேபாதிய பண+யாளXக< பNறா01ைற.
• Lack of Supplementary laws
• Iைண ச6ட>க< இ2ைல
Bottlenecks of RTI Act:
RTI ச)ட+தி. இைட12க3:
• not proactively publishing information in the public domain
• ெபாI களMதி2 ZD[6\ேய தகவ2கைள
• Frivolous RTI applications
• அNபமான RTI வ+,ண-ப>க<
• blackmail the government authorities.
• அரJ அதிகாCகைள மிர6ட
Central Information Commission
ம+திய தகவ8 ஆைணய;
• As per Section 12 of RTI Act
• RTI ச6டMதிD ப+CT 12D ப\
• CIC was constituted with effect from 12th October 2005 under the RTI
Act 2005.
• Its jurisdiction extends to all central public authorities.
• மMதிய தகவ2 ஆைணய3 ஆனI RTI ச6ட3 2005D
கீ E 12 அ0ேடாபX 2005 2 உ/வா0க-ப6டI.
• அதD அதிகார வர3U அைனMI மMதிய ெபாI
அதிகாCக;013 நc6\0க-ப@கிறI.
Central Information Commission Composition

• Members in CIC – The CIC is headed by the Chief Information

Commissioner and not more than ten Information Commissioners are
there for the assistance of CIC. The Chief Information Commissioner holds
office for five years.
• Appointment of the commissioner in CIC – The commissioners are
appointed by the President on the recommendation of a committee
consisting of the Prime Minister as Chairperson, the Leader of Opposition
in the Lok Sabha, and a Union Cabinet Minister nominated by the Prime
• Tenure of Office: The Chief Information Commissioner and an Information
Commissioner shall hold office for such term as prescribed by the Central
Government or until they attain the age of 65 years, whichever is earlier.
They are not eligible for reappointment.
ம+திய தகவ8 ஆைணய
• உ7Bப@ன^க_:தைலைம தகவ? ஆைணய^ ம67/ ப=T தகவ?
• நியமன/:ப@ரதம^,மAகளைவய@? எதி^Aக-சி= தைலவ^ ம67/
ப@ரதமரா? பQSTைரAகBப[/ ம=திய அைம,சரைவ அைம,ச^
ஆகிேயாைரA ெகாOட Igவ@; பQSTைரய@; ேபQ?,
கமிஷன^க_ IPயர]= தைலவரா? நியமிAகBப[கிறா^க_.
• பதவ@A கால/: தைலைம= தகவ? ஆைணய^ ம67/ தகவ?
ஆைணய^ ஆகிேயா^ ம=திய அரசா? பQSTைரAகBப-ட
கால=தி6I அ?லT அவ^க_ 65 வயைத அைடV/ வைர, எT
lSைதயேதா அTவைர பதவ@ய@? இRBப^.
• அவ^க_ ம7 நியமன/ ெபற தIதிய6றவ^க_.
ம2திய தகவ$ ஆைணய2தி3 பண?க@

• தகவ@ மG>க%ப4ட எNதெவா= நப0டமி=NO3

Xகாைர% ெப1G வ"சா0>க
• ெபாO அதிகார'திS க4;%பா4HS கீ ^ உ_ள
எNதெவா= பதிைவ`3 ஆE[ ெசE`3 அதிகார3.
• தSனா4சி அதிகார3
• எNதெவா= நியாயமான வ"ஷய'திc3 வ"சாரைண>?
உ'தரவ"ட அதிகார3
• சிவ"@ நdதிமSற'திS அதிகார3,
• நாடாMமSற'தி@ ஆ#; அறி>ைக
Role of the Central Information Commission

• Receive and inquire into a complaint from any person:

• Who has not received any response to his request for information within a
specified time
• Who deems the information given to him/her incomplete, false or misleading,
and any other matter related to securing the information
• Who has been unable to submit a request for information due to the non-
appointment of an officer
• Who considers the fees so charged unreasonable
• Who was refused the information requested
Role of the Central Information Commission

• The commission has the power to examine any record under the control of
the public authority. All such records have to be given to the Commission
during the examination and nothing shall be withheld.
• Order enquiry into any matter on reasonable grounds only (suo-moto
• Secure compliance of its decisions from any public authority.
• the CIC has the powers of a civil court,
• submits an annual report to the GOI on the implementation of the
provisions of the Act.
• This report is then placed before both the Houses of Parliament.
1. Delays and Backlogs:
• On average, the CIC takes 388 days (more than one year) to dispose of an appeal/complaint from the date it
was filed before the commission.
• A report released last year has pointed out that more than 2.2 lakh Right to information cases are pending at
the Central and State Information Commissions (ICs).
2. No Penalties:
• The report found that the Government officials hardly face any punishment for violating the law.
• Penalties were imposed in only 2.2% of cases that were disposed of, despite previous analysis showing a rate
of about 59% violations which should have triggered the process of penalty imposition
3. Vacancy:
• Despite repeated directions from the court, there are still three vacancies in the CIC.
4. Lack of Transparency:
• The criteria of selection, etc, nothing has been placed on record.
தைலைம தகவ8 ஆைணய+தி8
உ3ள ப@ரBசிைனக3
• தாமத>க< மNd3 ப+DனைடTக<
• அபராத3 இ2ைல
• காலிய+ட3
• ெவளQ-பைடMதDைம இ2லாைம
State Information Commission:
• It is constituted by the State Government.
• It has one State Chief Information Commissioner (SCIC) and not
more than 10 State Information Commissioners (SIC) to be
appointed by the Governor on the recommendation of
the Appointments Committee headed by the Chief Minister.
தமி1நா4 மாநில தகவ7
• Section 15(i)
• 07.10.2005
vWhat are the aims and objectives of RTI Act-2005
vExplain briefly the salient features of RTI Act
vDo you agree that RTI is the key to Good Governance. Justify
vRTI ச6ட3-2005D ேநா0க>க< எDன?
vதகவ2 அறிg3 உCைமh ச6டMதிD Z0கிய
அ3ச>கைள J/0கமாக வ+ள01க
vRTI ச6ட3 ந2லா6சி01 Z0கியமானI எDபைத
நc>க< ஒ-U0ெகா<கிறcXகளா.நியாய-ப@MIக

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