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ITABHI Corporation

years after the start of the US Federal
Aviation Administration’s $4.3 billion Advanced

Automation System project contract in 1990,
the Government Accounting Office stated that
continuing delays in the deployment of the
Initial Sector Suite System, a key component of
the AAS, could “have the potential for affecting FMs ability to
handle safely the predicted increases in traffic into the next centu-
ry.”’ Later that year, the AAS project schedule was extended by 19
months. The FAA blamed the delay on their underestimating the
development and testing time for the ISSS software, as well as on
unresolved differences in the system specifications caused by
changes to the requirements.
By April of 1994-following an additional 14-month schedule

delay in early 1993 (blamed once again on ISSS-related software
problems)-FAA management declared the AAS project “out of
control.” At that point, the cost for AAS completion was pre-
dicted to reach over $7 billion, with yet another schedule slip of
up to 3 1 months possible. At this point, the FAA effectively sus-
pended the AAS program.

0740 7459/96/805 zyxwvut

0 0 0 1996 I E E E JULY 1996
‘The FAA recently announced that a
reduced-functionality ISSS under a
restructured and curtailed AAS program
called the Display System Replacement
project will hecome operational in
of 99.99999 percent in the AAS. takes place by a contmuous process of

Ambiguity, continuous change, and “puzzle-solving,” that IS, scieptists use

complicated feedback loops dominate the accepted paradigm to solve current
our project-management decision mak-

ing. Because our endeavors are often
1998-six years late, fourteen years after unique, no one has the requisite exper-
the project started, and seventeen years , tise we need for planning and imple-

after it was initially defined. T h e cur- ’ mentation. Project success or failure

rent cstirnated cost-to-complete for thc affects the public directly and indirectly,
DSR project totals $5.6 billion. often creating unintended socio-
Until that time, and assuming no economic impacts. As they continue to
fiirther setbacks, the FAA and the flying increase in size, complexity, and the
public can only hope that the current air potential for ill effects if they fail, more


traffic control system, with its over and more of our projects will fall into
taxed and breakdown-beset 1960’s era the “postnormal” category.
computer systems, will not become the ~ T h e implications for project man- questions of interest as well as to resolve
source of a catastrophic accident. agement are two fold. First, many of the paradigm-nature anomalies-areas
assumptions underpinning traditional where the paradigm doesn’t seem to
, project management are tenuous at best quite fit reality.

BEYOND NORMAL SCIENCE ~ and incorrect a t worst. A combination Occasionally, an anoinaly is of such
of change, complexity, discontinuities, significance that it directly calls into
Large-scale software projects like the diseconomies of scale, nonlinearities, question the whole paradigm. T h e sci-
A A S or the US Defense Department’s , and the consequences of failure serve to entific community then shifts from
Strategic Defense Initiative-which undermine them. Second, project man- unanimity into crisis, conflict, and tur-
were estimated to require more than 2.3 ’ agement should-I believe, must-be moil until a new paradigm emerges to
and 10 million code statements respec- propelled foremost by a process and explain the anomaly. Things then run
tively-are characterized by high deci- philosophy of risk management; i t relatively smoothly until another cri-

sion stakes and high levels of system should be the central actor in project sis-causing anomaly is discovered and
uncertainty. As such, they are poor can- management instead of just another the process repeats itself once again.
didates for being planned or developed , member of the supporting cast. T h u s , K u h n contends, scientific
under the prevalent “normal science” 1 progress is a matter of relatively
model of project management. peaceful periods of paradigm refine-

Normal science assumes that large- 1 NORMAL VERSUS ment punctuated by intense periods of

scale software projects are like puzzles POSTNORMAL SCIENCE dynamic change. Our move from an
to be solved: using reasoned trial and 1 Aristotelian to an Einsteinian concept
error, based on accepted engineering ~ In 1962, scientific historian and of physical laws, for example, required
paradigms, the pieces will fall in place. , philosopher Thomas Kuhn published a several such transformations.
However, as Frederick Brooks has breakthrough book, The S t r u c t w e of
pointed out, creating software systems is ’ Scieztijic Revolutions. In it, Kuhn wrote Changing times. In the mid-1980s,
one of the most complex tasks ever ’ that scientific paradigms, what he called other scientific historians and philoso-
undertaken. No matter how we might “normal science,” are “accepted exam- phers, notably Silvio Funtowicz and
otherwise pretend, for large-scale soft- ples of actual scientific practice-exam- Jerry Ravetz, began to argue that
ware projects there are no edge pieces ples of which include law, theory, appli- Kuhn’s view of scientific progress was
to guide us, no picture on the box we , cation, and instrumentation together- too narrow.’ Funtowicz and Ravetz
can refer to when stuck, and no assur- [that] provide models horn which spring contend that while Kuhn’s model may
ancc that we have all the pieces or even ’ particular coherent traditions of scientif- have been representative of past scien-
that they fit together. ic research.’” Scientists and engineers tific progress, it is no longer entirely
Increasingly, large-scale projects operate under these accepted conceptual applicable. They claim that “normal sci-
most closely fit into what is called “post- world views or para- digms to attack ence” presumes an insular coininunity
normal science.” They have objectives important contemporary problems and of scientific interest from which the
that are unprecedented in breadth and ’ to define legitimate areas of research. public is generally excluded; discussion
depth-such as reliability requirements Scientific progress, Kuhn asserts, of what is beneficial scientific advance-

inent is limited to the scientists them- greatly affect the public good. They fur- Notable among them was Frederick W.
selves. This view implies that there is a ther assert that even paradigm change i Taylor, who codified this belief into
scientific answer to pressing societal la Kuhn is not sufficient, nor will it ever four principles of management, pub-
be sufficient, to solve the messy tech- , lished in Principles of Scientific
nology-cum-public issues now upon LE. iWmngement. According to Taylor,
management should
Paradigm departure. T o deal with the (1) replace individual workers’ rule-
pressing scientific problems of today, ’ of-thumb methods with specialized, sci-
Funtoa-icz and Ral-etz propose a trans- entifically developed approaches;
problems, with scientists-because of science model the!. call “postnormal (2) select, train, and develop workers

their objectivity and expertise-ideally science.” T h i s new model does not using scientific methods, so each worker
positioned to address them. imply that the scientific method is performs the right job;

Funtowicz and Iiavetz point out invalid, but rather that certain ques- (3) bring together scientifically
that today, however, scientists are tions or problems non- being posed do selected workers and scientifically
being asked to reach solutions for com- not fit the scientific process; not all developed work to gain the optimal
plex public problems such as genetic re- hypotheses can be tested by experimeii- results; and
engineering, global warming, and the tal means. A major argurnent brought , (4) ensure an equal division of work
like. With these types of problems against SDI, for example, was that the and responsibility between management
+ the facts ofthe matter are uncertain, system could n o t be “fully tested” and workers, and foster close coopera-
+ the values involved are in dispute, except in actual use.’ As a result, the tion between the two.
+ decision stakes are high and deci- confidence that it n-ould a-ork when
needed could never be attained. T h e Project-based structure. Many people

sions urgently needed, aiid
+ the public is deeply involved in iinplications of deploying such a system later refined Taylor’s principles, includ-
making decisions and deeply affected by are not difficult to imagine. in g organization a I theorist Lut 1 er
those that are reached. Likewise, postnormal science does Gulick. In 1937, Gulick presented the
Fuiitowicz and Ravetz maintain that n o t imply that the normal-science idea that a project-type organizational
the normal-science model, with its prac- model is irrelevant, hut only that it is structure-one responsible for achiev-
tice of using “hard” scientific inputs to most germane when hoth probl’em ing a specific organizational purpose-
make “sofTt))policy decisions, is not pre- uncertainty and decision stakes are low. could be more effective than the more
pared to resolve these new, complex Once either factor starts to increase, the traditional functional forms advocated
types of questions where “hard” policy usefulness of the normal-science by Taylor and others. Gulick‘s idea
decisions have to be made using “soft” approach decreases rapidl!.; solutions seemed to be supported by die numer-
scientific inputs. They go on to argue will be based uroup judgment ous successful scientific and engineering

that normal science’s tradition of being rather than o b ~ ~ ~ ~ “ f a Normal
c t s . ” efforts of World War 11-particularly
objective and ethically neutral does not science, therefore, should he viewed as a that of the Manhattan Project.
fit many of the questions being asked of subset of postnormal science-applica- T h e success of difficult or “impossi-
it today. An example? “Are the implica- ble to many (if not most) problems, but bly large” projects during the war years
tions of human gene re-engineering, certainly not to all. helped spawn further refineinelits of the
such as politically motivated eugenics, project concept, culminating in the
value free or ethically neutral?” T h e archetypes of modern project-~nanage-
skills scientists require to fully address PROJECT MANAGEMENT ment theory and practice the 1950’s era
complex questions like this are usually AND NORMAL SCIENCE US Navy’s Polaris Missile Special
beyond standard training. Scientists per- Projects Ofice and, for software partlc-
forming human-genetics research are not Contemporary project management ularly, the SAGE air defense system.6
trained as ethicists nor are medical insur- has been heavily influenced by normal With so many years of success in
ance actuaries trained as public-health science over the course of its theoretical applyliig Gulick’s concept behind us, we
policyiiakers. Still, each area is affected and practical development. Begiiiiiing at tend to passively take for granted the
by what diese scieiitists discover. the mrn of the century, in a period of premises underlying project nianage-
Fuiitowicz and Ravetz assert that sci- inteiise scientific achievement, several ment. However, even a cursory glance
ence aiid its practice cannot be autoniat- management theorists and prachuoners at those premises highhghts the influ-
ically separated froin how it is used, believed work could be improved by the ence of normal science.
above all when the consequences can application of scientific methods.’ + A prolect is defined as a clear-cut

JULY 1996
and end. zyxwvutsrqpo
investment activity with an explicit pur-
pose and a distinct beginning, duration,

+ A project represents the lowest

opportunity cost: It is the most benefi-
Structural anomalies or fissures start to
appear in each premise. Like water
seeping through an earthquake-weak-
ened dam, the cracks reveal themselves
through project consequences: missed
proposed process-model refinements-
such as the evolutionary development
and transform model-into a single,
uiiifymg meta-process model, as well as
to make risk management a much more


cial option for expending scarce

+ At least one solution exists given
the project’s purpose, meaning that the
project is jiasible (it can be technically
accomplished), suitable (it can be man-
agerially accomplished), and acceptnble
(the project’s purpose can be achieved).
+ The time and resources required
schedules, exceeded budgets, and deliv-
ered systems that don’t operate correct-
ly or at all. For large-scale software pro-
jects-SO to 65 percent of which are
ultimately canceled-the flow through
the cracks has become a torrent.’


visible and important part of project
T h e spiral model uses a basic four-
stage, cyclic, risk-driven decision
process as a metaproject management
control mechanism.
1. Determine project objectives, con-
straints, and so on.
2 . Identify risks, evaluate alternative
can be accurately predicted. courses of action, and resolve risks in
+ T h e environmental context is According to Kuhn, when cracks the course chosen.
well-understood and fixed, and “suc- appear in a paradigm steps are taken to 3. Implement the selected course and
cess” can be defined and measured. patch them up, first through a series of verify its completion.
+ T h e risks involved, including refinements. Over the years, various 4. Determine whether the risks are at
their worst-case consequences, can be refinements in software engineering’s an acceptable level to proceed to the
contained. basic paradigm, the waterfall life-cycle next decision stage.
+ Failure t o meet t h e project’s model (which is itself a codification of T h e decision process overlays the
objective is caused by a lack of proper earlier stagewise development models), individual phases of the meta-process
skills or their employment, rather than have been suggested. Requirements model. Before a life-cycle phase is initi-
because the project is infeasible, unsuit- traceability, design inspections, code ated, management must decide whether
able, or unacceptable. reviews, configuration management, the project situation is currently accept-
This description is admittedly ideal. quality assurance, process improve- able, feasible, and suitable. T h e spiral
On even the most well-formed project, ment, abstraction, iteration, rapid model uses the level of risk exposure as
you would be hard pressed to complete- development, and so on have all been a key decision metric for determining
ly meet any of the characteristics, let added to what is’now considered good this. If you perceive project risks as
alone all of them. The description also if not essential software engineering being too great at any phase, you must
contains a presupposition: T h a t you practice, especially for large-scale sofi- reduce them before proceeding. For
have not only sufticient information to ware projects. example, you might have to develop
define a project, but that the informa- Efforts taken to shore up project prototypes to reduce feasibility risk or
tion is accurate enough to let you pre- management or the control aspect of select a special case of the meta-process
dict future events. However, even in software engineering’s paradigm con-
small software projects, information can tinue to receive the most attention, as it
be in short supply and of suspect accu- is almost universally perceived as the
racy, and thus prediction becomes diff- major fissure eroding project success.
cult. Insufficient and inaccurate infor- Over the last decade, risk management
mation forms small cracks in t h e has increasingly been seen as a useful
premises of your project’s foundation. patching material to fill the project
Usually, the cracks do not undermine management fissure and strengthen its
its stnichiral integrity and you can suc- surrounding walls. model to lower suitability risk. Thus, in
cessfully field the project, although the spiral approach, how well you man-
often slightly late or over-budget from Risk first. Barry Boehm’s spiral model age risk is the overriding factor in devel-
your original predictions. was the first major endeavor to make oping and managing software.
When your project is large and com- risk management a formal software
plex and the amount of information and engineering activity, especially in large Risk experience. The spiral model has
its accuracy decline rapidly, prediction D o D software projects.* T h e spiral been used by many companies, particu-
becomes more akin to fortune telling. model sought to consolidate previously larly in the aerospace industry, with

varying degrees of success. I t was SHATTERING THE PARADIGM cess-particularly for large-scale soft-
refined by T h e Software Productivity ware projects-is severely limited by

Consortium to strengthen its risk man- Despite efforts to improve its prac- this perspective.
agement and implementation aspects.” tice, risk management is still primarily As software projects become large-
regarded as an additional support activi- scale, the effects of complexity, ambi-
t y of project management and not as guity, change, and uncertainty domi-
project management’s central tenet. nate, acting like a confluence of storm-
More often than not. risk management sn-ollen rivers that rapidly undermine
is not considered a t all because to do so the premises that “normal” project
“contradicts” a core prenlise underljing management is built upon. That a pro-
a software project. By definition, a pro- ject is feasible, suitable, and acceptable
ject should be doable, n o t “risky”; cannot automatically be presumed for
except under exceptional circumstances, large-scale software projects.
a project’s chance for success should be
significantly grcatcr than the likelihood Cracking premises. Consider acceptabil-
of failure. A project should also be well- ity, for example. What does it mean in
Still, few organizations have the requi- defined, represent the lowest opporm- an AAS-like project? H o w can you
site risk management expertise to apply nity cost, and so on. After a l l , if it clearly define investment objectives
the spiral model properly.” Generally, weren’t, i t wouldn’t have been when the project spans multiple com-
software project managers are not con- approved, right? munities of interest with conflicting
versant with formal risk management, expectations and definitions of success?
its relationship to decision mahng, nor The risk stigma. Until they are c o n - For a project of this sort, the primary
how to integrate risk management into pleted or canceled, all projects hare community of interest includes not only
existing project management activities. risk. HoM-ever, for project mana,pers to the FAA customer, but the airlines, the
T h e spiral model has increased the visi- admit to “riskiness” can be seen as companies that depend upon the air-
hility of risk as an issue to be seriously admitting to “not fiilly understanding lines for routine business, and millions

considered in software project manage-
ment, albeit not to the degree that

might be wished.
T o overcome the lack of risk man-
agement expertise in the software engi-
neering community, several efforts have
taken place since the spiral model first
+ T h e Software Engineering Insti-
the problem” or being “overly pes-
simist,” or worse, “not a team player,”
among other thinFs. This association of
risk with somethinp being xrong leads
to cognitive dissonance: A belief is held
in spite of evidence to the contrary.
Many large-scale, extremely complex,
and unprecedented DoD software pro-
jects, for example, are universally seen
of passengers, not to mention Congress.
Each of these groups is affected to vary-
ing degrees by the project’s success or
failure, and the consequences of the lat-
ter are much greater than merely the
project’s cost. Unintended conse-
quences and attendant risks are also
almost universally overlooked.
T h e acceptability premise is fur-
tute has an established software risk as risky yet are declared by fiat to be ther weakened by the fact that large-
management program. “low-risk” so as not to imperil future scale projects are long-lived, and thus
+ T h e UK Government’s Centre for funding. Similar things happen in their objectives will assuredly change
Information Systems has created guide- industry, and not only on large-scale as economic conditions shift, technol-
books on risk management for enter- software projects. Given this mindset, it ogy improves, experience clarifies
prise-, program-, and project-level is difficult to make a case for perform- needs from desires, and so on. Each
managers in computing and telecom- ing risk management. change in turn affects technical feasi-
munications. At best, risk management is view-ed bility and managerial suitability as
+ T h e D o D , under its Software as one of those “self-evident” activities: well. Accurately predicting cost o r
Acquisition Best Practices Initiative, software projects obviously involve schedule a t the start of such a project
developed a guide to acquiring best risks t h a t need t o be managed. is highly unlikely, not only because of

practices, designating formal risk man- However, few- project managers see insufficient data, b u t because t h e
agement as a paramount practice. any compelling reason or need to make premise of a fixed environmental con-
Also, as the references at the end of risk management a separate, formal text is violated as well.
this article show, numerous books and activity, let alone the quintessence of Other assumptions are also erpd-
articles o n the subject have also project management. This is unfortw ing. I n normal software projects, a
appeared in recent years. nate. In my experience, project suc- definite end t o the project is i r e -

JULY 1996
sumed. However, for large-scale soft- + decision stakes are very high, folly, but invariably creates problems

ware projects, with their long develop- + decisions are needed urgently, and when you attempt the idea again in the
ment and operational lives, their deep + whatever happens, a broad coinmu- ~ future with a different approach.
connection t o a vast community of nity of interest will be deeply affected.
interests, and their tight coupling into Not all large-scale software projects zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
New ethic. W e must develop an extra

huge programs made up of similar pro- meet these criteria, of course, as not all sensitivity to risk or, more appropriate-
jects, this premise is severely eroded if ’’
have a public face per se. It could be ly, a ?ick-takiizg ethic which holds that
not completely washed awaj7. For exam- argued that most don’t, at least not at + success entails taking on risks,

ple, the current DSR project is only one the present time. However, this situa- sometimes very great risks, but doing so

part of a much larger FAA moderniza- tion is likely to change. As software intelligently;

tion program that totals over $30 billion. becomes ever more ubiquitous, increas- + risk is not something to be feared
Whatever happens with DSR has ripple ing numbers of large-scale software o r avoided, but something we can
effects well after it is officially delivered. projects are directly affecting our lives. profit from;
Even DSR success will bring about Indirect impacts are also growing. 1 + change is not feared, but embra-
changes in ways that are unanticipated. ced; and
T o paraphrase John Donne, no large- New criteria. T h e assumption that , + by mastering the details, the risks
scale software project is an island, entire large-scale software projects are just like can be mastered as well.

of itself. small ones, only bigger, must be aban- ~ A postnormal project is filled with
Normal projects are assumed both to doned. To effectively deal with post- dilemmas to manage as opposed to
be bcneficial and to represent the lowest normal-type software projects, project problems to solve, and every decision
opportunity cost option. For large-scale managers must adopt a different operat- has a potential for negative conse-
projects, neither assumption may hold. ing premise: Large-scale software pro- , quences. T h e high uncertainty and
T h e realizable benefits of the FAA’s air jects belong to the postnormal world high decision stakes dictate that every

traffic control modernization program until proved otherwise. decision, whether it he made by the
have been in dispute since its inception.’ However, scaling back to the “nor- project sponsor, project manager, the

Furthermore, it is sometimes the case mal” project domain should not be seri- software team leader, or the individual
that not doing a large-scale project is bet- ously considered unless the following p r o g r a m m e r must be a t a level of
ter than trylng and f a i h g because of the criteria are met: ~ acceptable risk to the greatest possible
way public perceptions are permanently + T h e project’s risks (and rewards) degree. In other words, each decision
shaped. As originally defined, SDI, and are fully and completely understood by must be assessed for risk.
to a degree AAS, are cases in point. all parties potentially affected.
+ T h e risks are thoroughly, continu-
~ Decision making. I t is essential t o
ously, and visibly assessed and managed. implement a quality decision-making

leadership to actively control the risks.


+ Proiect management nrovides the nrocess that has risk as the overridinp
T o ensure that the project’s risks are
W i t h such strained o r shattered fully and completely understood by the
“normal” project premises confronting parties potentially affected, managers
us, we have two choices. W e can con- must openly define and share risk (and
tinue to try to repair the normal-sci- success). When they do, not only will all
ence paradigm of projects and project parties better understand the project’s
management and hope failurc rates purpose and benefits, but when

decline. O r we can decide on an alter- inevitable difficulties arise they are like-
native view.

view because zyx

Large-scale projects such as AAS or
SDI fit the postnormal perspectives
much better than the normal-science

+ the “facts” of the situation are

highly uncertain,
+ project values and expectations are
in constant dispute,
ly to respond with rational action rather
than gut reaction. Each manager must concern and t h a t actively searches for
also articulate the point of unacceptable risk in every decision, assesses risk to
risk, where the project is no longer ben- see if it is too great, and if it is, ta!:es
eficial,’* the risks outweigh the rewards, positive action to reduce it.’+ R primary
or a project turns out not to be doable characteristic of such a decision
in its present form. T o continue stub- process is t h a t i t m u s t be visible,
bornly past these points believing that repeatable, and measurable. T h i s
something can be salvaged is not only ensures that a base level of consistency

is achieved, helps others to understand Information concerning risks and be improved. It means lookiiig at deci-
why and how a decision was made as implications of risk m a n a g e m e n t sions as correct o r incorrect, rather
well as how to improve future deci- actions must also flow freely across the than right or wrong, and being able to
sions, and if needed, how a decision project, as well as include multidisci- reverse decisions that are incorrect.
can be reversed with minimal damage. plinary concerns of the stakeholders. And it means management directs its
OtherArise, incomplete or suboptimal energies at achieving success, not lay-
decisions are the likely result. ing blame. Proactive, risk-taking pro-
In a postnormal environment, the ject management stresses cooperation,
most effective decision process accountS collaboration, integration, and balance
for risks from the initial project defini- of action.
tion time until the project is retired. It
does little good for a project plan to be
developed and then checked for risk
afterwards; risk must be the first input to
P aradigms are important to the
way we see the world. They cre-
ate a frainework of thought for under-
any initial project definition and be con- standing and explaining reality. They
tinually reassessed throughout the pro- also define the rules that we act under
ject’s development and operation. a n d w h a t we consider acceptable
T o be most effective, the decision Because decisions are so interlocked behavior. If the paradigm is wrong,
process must pragmatically support in large-scale projects, the consequences however, we will end up talang actions
how project members make decisions of a few or even one rislq- decision can be that we think are fitting, but are in
involving risk on a daily basis. This quickly multiplied a hundredfold to dis- reality detrimental.
iniplies that process cannot be bolted astrous effect. Because our knon-ledge of The concept of postnormal science is

on as an afterthought, be ad hoc in
nature, nor performed once a quarter
or life-cycle phase. It must be enibed-
ded into everyday work practices. T h e
a decision’s effect is limited. even good
knowledge of the separate risks involved
can’t prevent mistakes in an individual’s
intuitive jud,ment of the effects of man-
meant to challenge how science is used
today in attacking complex, societal ques-
tions, how society values, relates to, and
uses science, and what the proper role is of

process must also support different aging those risks today. *Ipostnormal scientists and practitioners of science. such
decision makers’ perspectives and project can only succeed when a project as engi!xcr>. in addressin? these ques-
work contexts. It should help program team has a risk-tahng ethic and sees itself tions. Although the postnormal concept

managers, project managers, or pro- as operating in an enterprise sihiation on may not be a perfect analogy or substitute
gramtners answer specific questions an undertaking of scope, complication. for large-scale software project manage-
about financial, technical, legal, politi- and most of all, risk. ment, it is clear that the current reliance
cal, or any other risk or combination on a normal-science paradigm is severely
of risks involved in the decision mak- Leadership. Even if the risks are fully wanting. .It the very least. by taking a
ing relevant to their work environ- and completely understood by all parties postnormal I-ien~of large-scale software
ment. Just as a rancher sees a cow dif- potentially affected, and the risks are projects based upon a risk-taking ethic,
ferently than a microbiologist, a pro- thoroughly, continuously, and visibly risk, uncertainty, and the potential impact
jcct manager sees a risk differently assessed and managed, you still need a of failure can at last be acknowledged and
tlian a programmer. project management team that can pro- dealt with forthrightly, not ignored or
It is imperative that you assess risks vide leadership and actively control thc hidden like some dark family secret.

a t a fine level of granularity s o risks. T/T7ithoutleadership, “risk-taking Clearly, projects strir-ing for goals
informed decisions can be made, but ethic” is just a meaningless phrase. like those of the .%IS are needed, and
also a t a level coarse enough t h a t Management must be proactive, or as sometimes the “performance envelope”
actions taken to manage them are effi- Stephen Covey puts it, more than needs t o be pushed. O n l y through
ciently implemented. Take, for exam- “merely taking the initiative,” manage- experimentation can true learning, and
ple, two statements: “There is a timing ment must create a culture where risk is hence progress, take place. However, it
risk in the system design” and “There not synonymous with disaster.” should be remembered that one defini-
is a 30-percent chancc of the message Being proactive means taking tion of insanity is when a person, failing
buffer overflox\\ing resulting in a 10- responsibility for the choices made on at a task, tries the same thing over and
milliseconds delay.” T h e former is the project. I t means spending the over again, expecting a different result.
useful to the project manager, the lat- time necessary to understand how Given the success rate of large-scale
t e r t o a software t e a m leader. decisions are made and how- they can software projects, you decide.

J U L Y 1996
1. T. Perry, “Special Rcport: Air Traffic Control -Improving the World’s Largest, Most Advanced
Spectnm, Feb. 1992, pp. 22-36.
2 . T. Kuhn, The Structure ofScieiitific Revolutions, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1962.
Robert N. Charette is
president of the ITABHI
Corporation of FairfJx,
Virginia. l l i s interests are
in eiitre~~reneurism, uni-

3. S. F u n t m k z andJ. Ravetz, “PostNorma1 Science: A New Science for New Times,” Scieiztific
E i m p i i z , Mar. 1992, pp. 9.5-97.
4. D. Parnas, “Parnas: SDI ‘Red IIerrings’ Mirv the Boat,” (Letter to the Editor) Cotnputer, Feh. 1987,
pp. 6-7.
5. T. S. Untcman and C. P. Zeithaml, ,Winupmrizt: Fiiizction and Stratear, Irwin, Boston, 1990.
6. H. Sapolslq, The Polaris System Development, Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1972.
7 . C. Junes, Patterns of Sofrwm-e Systems Failure and Success, International Toinsoti Computer Press,
Boston, 1996.
fied approaches to proac-
tive risk management, sys-
tems engineering, and very
large-scale systems defini-
tion a i d management.
Charette is the chair of
the SEI risk-managcmcii t prugram advisoiy board,
the author of the lead guidchouk on risk manage-

8. B. Boehm, “A Spiral Model of Software Development and Enhancement,” Computer,May 1988, pp. ment for the UK Govcrmnent’s Centre Cor
61-72. Information Systems, and has written numerous
9. Emylopedia uJSoJwnre E/2gineerii7g, vol. 1, J. Marciniak, ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1994. papers, articles, and hooks on the management of
10. R. Charette, ilpplzcatioiu Str-ategie.r$r Risk Analysis, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1990. risk. I I c can he reached at PO Box I 929,
1 1.“Federal Aviation ’Idministration’s Advanced Automation System Investment,” ( h w n m e n t
Spriiigfield, VA 22 1.5 1;
Accounting Office, GAO/T-IMTEC-88-2, March 3 1, 1988.
neering Rzsk Arzalysis uizd Management, IMcGraw-Hill, New York, 1989.
13. R. Charctte, “On Becoming a Risk Entrepreneur,” American Pmgrammer, Mar. 1995, pp. 10-15.
14. S.I‘untowicz and J. Kavetz, “Risk Management a5 a Postnormal Science,” Rirk Aizalysis, Mar. 1992,
.. Y5-97.
15. S. (:i)vey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Rest-runwgthe Character Ethic, Simon & Schuster, New
York, 1989.

Evidence For or Against Object-Oriented Software

Development Supporting Software Reuse.
Computer is seeking articles for a August 1997 theme Issue.
This issue w i l l characterize and assess this relationship and highlight areas including
reengineering legacy software t o object-oriented reusable software;


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