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On 3/6/19 SF Judge gave Former Google Exec now CEO of DocuSign's son, full custody ex
parte a 3 months old child whom he never met before and wanted aborted.

Thygesen hires Agents to Follow, Stalk, and Surveil the

April 27, 2023

Thygesen Continuously to this day has Wang unlawfully Surveil-lanced, He would have
agents follow, surveil, and videotape the Wang Family, stage False Crimes in Order to
Terminate Wang’s Contact with her son.

Thygesen would unlawfully deploy a team of investigators to surveil and videotape Wang.
Thygesen would then distort his unlawful surveillance of Wang and falsely report to law
enforcement that Wang was planning a child kidnapping attempt. To again stage a False Crime in
Order to Terminate Wang’s Contact with her son.
Google Executives get Free Security
Thygesen lied about getting security because of Wang. First, it’s Free Security for Google
executives, Second how could you have gotten security on 8/13/19 due to Wang, when in March
2019, and July 2019 you declared you were arriving with security???
Thygesen knowing lied to law enforcement, Thygesen deliberately omitted he was illegally waiting
in the “rear” of Terra Firma- (the “rear” of Terra Firma is Wang’s designated entrance. Thygesen
who illegally surveil-lanced for months the Wang family, Thygesen would have his hired agents
surveil, and videotape, the Wang’s, — — — -in the rear of Terra Firma, Thygesen had hi agents wait 15
minutes before Thygesen was scheduled to arrive at the Visitation Facility, and Thygesen would
have his agents surveil, and videotape in the “rear” of Terra Firma, the Wang’s, 15 minutes after
Thygesen had left the Supervised Visitation facility, Thygesen did this to stage a False Crime in
Order to Terminate Wang’s Contact with her son.
After law enforcement took action, despite no evidence found through the SWAT, search and raid
of Wang’s home, on July 29, 2021 Thyesen took the same lies he fed to law enforcement,
embodied in the search warrant affidavit to San Francisco County Superior Court and had Judge
Monica F. Wiley terminate all of Wang’s in-person visitation indefinitely.

DOUGLAS RAPPAPORT: “ This court has a declaration from a law enforcement officer in a Search
Warrant which he swore under penalty of perjury is under oath that given the facts that he has
seen, there’s an abduction risk to the child. That Search Warrant Affidavit was recently provided, I
think, within the last month to Mr. Thygesen that Ms. Wang subsequently between July 19th and
today’s date has been prosecuted for illegally issuing subpoenas in secret to the U.S. Department
of State for the child’s passport to the United Health Care Alliance for the child’s medical……..”
(7/29/21 RT 4:17–28)
Thygesen would then have his agents, criminal
attorneys Douglas Rappaport, Erica T. Johnstone,
Darrick Chase, Matthew Dennis, Gregory Johnson, etc.,
falsely report to the District Attorney’s around the
country that Wang was attempting a kidnapping.
Thygesen utilized his legal team, his Google network,
and vast resources to abuse law enforcement agencies
for personal gain, in order to terminate all of Wang’s
visitation with her child. Thygesen in order to purport
further acts of violence and terror purported against the
Wang (after absconding with her 3 months old baby boy
on March 6, 2019 by impersonating her online and
threatening murder/suicide) now Thygesen has
escalated the lies to the false allegations of kidnapping
which resulted in Wang’s home being raided via search
warrant executed on June 1, 2021. Thygesen knowingly,
falsely reports and staged a crime against Wang, which
further traumatized her and her family through his
falsely testimony to law enforcement resulting in 20
police officers armed with automatic machine guns
who broke down Wang’s home to the Wang residence
and broke into Wang’s home by having a locksmith
unlock Wang’s residence and seized all electronics,
including computers, phones, and other electronic
devices in search of evidence of Thygesen’s false
allegations of an attempted kidnapping.
Thygesen With His Vast Resources Would stage False Crimes in order To falsely Incriminate
Wang. Thygesen Would Then Lie to Law Enforcement Abusing The Criminal Justice System On
Top Of His Google Resources In Order To Terminate Wang’s Visitation With Her Child. And if one
District Attorney, law enforcement agency disregarded these false allegations Thygesen Would
Then move on to another, and then another agency, in another jurisdiction, another State,
continuously Forum Shopping For Criminal Charges with his team of attorney, one in every state,
From Across The Country, Hiring A Team Of Attorneys, Investigators Working Around The Clock To
Put Wang Away (in prison) In Order To Permanently Eliminate Her From Her Child’s life.

Thygesen, Knowingly Transmitted Or Caused To Be Transmitted, In Any

Manner, To Any Peace Officer, To Wit: Police Detective Richard Hales, A Report To The Effect That
An Offense Had Been Committed, To Wit: Christoffer Thygesen, Allan And Terry Thygesen Through
His Agents Criminal Attorney Douglas Rappaport, Erica T. Johnstone, and others

Knowingly, Falsely Reported, That Thygesen Was The Victim Of A Kidnapping Attempt And
Thygesen Knew That At The Time Of This Was False Transmission There Was No Reasonable
Ground For Believing That Such An Offense Had Been Committed.

The Staging Of A False Crime of Kidnapping:

Thygesen Hired Multiple Private Investigators To Film The Wang Family At Supervised Visitations.
Thygesen Would Have His Investigators Wait In The Rear Entrance Of The Terra Firma Supervised
Visitation Facility, The rear Entrance way specifically Designated as the entrance for Wang (the
Non-Custodial parent). Per Court Ordered Terra Firma Contract, in order to utilize their secure
facility, Thygesen to declare under penalty of perjury that he would abide by the rules and policies
of the facility, he had to sign the contract declaring he understood the following:

Terra Firma Contract Paragraph # 22. Prior to a scheduled visit, the Custodial Parent will park in
front and enter Terra Firma’s premises through the front door. The Visiting Parent will park in the
back and enter Terra Firma’s premises through the back door. This also means the Custodial
Parent should not be driving anywhere in the back side where the Visiting Parent is parked and the
Visiting Parent should not be driving through the front area where the Custodial Parent is parked.
Non-compliance of this rule will result in termination of that visit and the person responsible for
the termination will be charged for the visit. This includes any additional guests, family or friends
before and after the visit.
Thygesen at trial on January 5, 2022, testified under penalty of perjury that he understood and
signed the Terra Firma contract and understood it, — -THYGESEN TESTIFIED UNDER PENALTY OF

He understood that he, should not be driving anywhere in the back side where the Visiting Parent is
parked and the Visiting Parent should not be driving through the front area where the Custodial Parent
is parked.
Reporter’s Transcript of Proceedings January 5, 2022
MS. WANG: Okay. Mr. Thygesen, do you remember that when you first

started going to Terra Firma there was an intake application

like a contract you have to sign. Do you remember signing that? (1/5/22 RT 61:20–22)

CHRISTOFFER THYGESEN: I’m sure there was an intake form, and if

there was, I definitely did sign it. (1/5/22 RT 61:26–27)

MS. WANG: Okay. Did you read it? (1/5/22 RT 62:1)


MS. WANG: Okay. So on paragraph 22, it states, prior to scheduled visitation, the custodial parent
will park in the front of Terra Firma and enter only through the premises through the front door. The
noncustodial parent will park in the rear in the back and enter only at Terra Firma premises through
the back door. That means custodial parent should not be driving anywhere near in the back side
where the visiting parent is parked, and the visiting parent should not be driving in the front or park
in the front, non — (1/5/22 RT 62:3–11)

MS. INSALACO: Your Honor, I object. This — Ms. Wang is raising her voice at this witness who is a
victim in this domestic violence case. She is speaking to him completely inappropriately, and I ask
the Court to admonish her to be careful about her tone and demeanor when questioning this
Witness. (1/5/22 RT 62:12–17)

THE COURT: The Court did not observe Ms. Wang raising her voice. Ms. Wang is speaking very
clearly as she has been directed to do throughout these proceedings. (1/5/22 RT 62:23–24)

Thygesen not only illegally had investigators wait in the entrance of the facility Thygesen had his
investigators wait 15 minutes before Thygesens arrival time, and had these same agents wait 15
minutes after Thygesen left with the child.

Senate bill, SB1141: Domestic violence: coercive control, passed by both houses and signed by
the Governor, amends Section 6320 of the Family Code so that “disturbing the peace of the other
party” — a grounds for a DV Restraining order — includes Coercive Control. The legislature has
unambiguously recognized that conduct that “destroys the mental or emotional calm” of victims.

qSpecifically, the amended statute defines coercive control as “a pattern of behavior that in
purpose or effect unreasonably interferes with a person’s free will and personal liberty.” The
following examples of coercive control are included in amended Section 6320 of the Family Code:

(1) Isolating the other party from friends, relatives, or other sources of support.

(2) Depriving the other party of basic necessities.

(3) Controlling, regulating, or monitoring the other party’s movements, communications, daily
behavior, finances, economic resources, or access to services.Since 2019 Allan Thygesen CEO of
DocuSign paid to have his Agents to Follow, Stalk, and Surveil the Wang's in another attempt to
Falsely incriminate her on bogus Criminal Charges.

The Wang's are constantly afraid for their lives and documented Thygesens' abuse, his agents
following them, however when caught red-handed Thygesen instead then made a False Police
report that the Wang's were 'casing' the Supervised Visitation in order to kidnap the child, clearly
this is outrageously false.

However the Thygesens' were able to convince the authorities to issue a search warrant to search
Wang's issue Statements to the Police that Wang was seen "casing" the area around Terra Firma
located in Alameda, California in an attempt to the Kidnap the child.

Statement by Thygesen's Agent Matthew Dennis Admitting They were surveilling the Wang's in the
"rear" of Terra Firma the Non-Custodial Parent's Designating Entrance
Thygesen then makes a False Police Report to Utah DA Investigator Richard Hales that he saw
Wang's casing Terra Firma and that this was an Abduction/Kidnapping Attempt

On 6/1/21 Utah Richard Hales Executes based on Douglas L. Rappaports' False Allegations, and
Staging of a Kidnapping, with this False information Sgt. Richard Hales Issued a Search Warrant
based on this False Information on Wang's Home, obviously nothing relevant was found, because
Thygesen and his attorneys lied.

Thygesen Paid Douglas Rappaport to Lie and Stage a Fake Crime and communicated False
Kidnapping allegations to Utah County District Attorney Investigator Richard Hales which resulted
in a SWAT search of Wang's home NOTHING WAS FOUND!!!!

On 7/19/21 Thygesen's attorney Douglas Rappaport further used Utah Sgt. Richard Hales as
a conduit by telling the court that an Officer a Police Sargent concluded a Possible Kidnapping
Attempt (although it was Thygesen who had Rappaport first spread the lies about the Terra Firma
Incident), in an attempt to further Terminate all Visitation between Wang and her then 3 year old
son. This is the sickening, highly unethical and fraudulent nature of Thygesen, and their attorneys
a.k.a Google Grandpa, Current DocuSign CEO.
Thygesen's Hired Liar Attorney Douglas Rappaport using Utah County DA Investigator Richard
Hales as a conduit for his lies.

Terra Firma Policies which Thygesen signed knowingly yet no only violated this by hiring agents to
surveil, stalk and harass the Wang's he additional staged a Fake Crime and Falsely reported
Kidnapping Allegations.
Thygesen deliberately omitted material
information, he withheld that the Terra Firma
Under California law, telling only part of the truth in any court filing by an attorney is the
same as telling a lie, and withholding, concealing, or omitting relevant information in
court filings is the same as telling a lie. And is considered fraud on the court, according to
the State Bar. A lawyer who tells a half-truth in court or in court filings is considered to have told
an outright lie. Under state attorney ethical standards, an attorney who withholds or conceals
material facts or information from a judge also is guilty of lying, according to the State Bar.

Thygesen continues to have us stalked, surveilled in an attempt to again have me falsely prosecuted again.

Do you see the license plate number (6VHT147) in the Green

car at Terra Firma?

In the photo in an email dated 9/18/20 below of the Green Honda license plate
number (6VHT147) that picture was taken in September 2020.
Now almost 3 years later that exact same car with the exact
same license plate (6VHT147) was seen surveilling us outside Rally
San Mateo on June 11, 2023 !
The exact same car with the exact same license
number (6VHT147) was surveilling us before I arrived for my Rally
visit, and was still surveilling us after my visit.
Thygesen continues his campaign of Terror and Attempts to Fake, Manipulate new Criminal Charges.

Clearly, Thygesen feels that the Rally rules and policies do not apply to him. Thygesen has made numerous false
police reports at Rally despite him violating the law by again having his private investigators Surveil us before and after
his designated arrival and departure time, this is frightening because last time he falsely accused us of kidnapping the
child when we documented his agents following us, he is literally covering up his illegal activities with false allegations to
the police about me, can Rally document again that Thygesen has been warned.
Thygesen on numerous occasions June 2, 2022 had a Black Jeep wait on-site at
Rally to Stalk, Surveil, and film the Wang's the Black Jeep was surveilling the Wang's
before Thygesen arrived with the child, and would wait long after Thygesen has left with the child.
See Previous False Kidnapping Allegations Thygesen has made against Wang at Terra Firma.
June 2, 2022 Thygesen's PI's Surveilling in Black Jeep the Wang's Onsite at Rally Before Thygesen
arrived w/ Child
June 2, 2022 Thygesen's PI's Surveilling in Black Jeep the Wang's Onsite at Rally Before Thygesen
arrived w/ Child

On June 30, 2022 Terry Thygesen made another False Kidnapping Police Report
against the Wang's at Rally Visitation, by false stating Wang approached their
security team who again were Stalking, Surveilling, the Wangs' for no apparent
reason except to make new False Allegations against them by filming them, or to
prompt more False Kidnapping Police Reports in efforts to have Wang falsely
Thygesen on July 16, 2023 again had his agents wait in the
same Black Jeep at Rally On-Site, this is continuous course
of conduct in violation of Cal. Fam. Code § 6320 (“monitoring
the other party's movements,”)

July 16, 2023 Thygesen again had PI's Surveilling in Black Jeep the Wang's Onsite at Rally Before
Thygesen arrived w/ Child, This is another attempt to Stage a Fake Crime
July 16, 2023 Thygesen again had PI's Surveilling in Black Jeep the Wang's Onsite at Rally Before
Thygesen arrived w/ Child, This is another attempt to Stage a Fake Crime
July 16, 2023 Thygesen again had PI's Surveilling in Black Jeep the Wang's Onsite at Rally Before
Thygesen arrived w/ Child, This is another attempt to Stage a Fake Crime
July 16, 2023 Thygesen again had PI's Surveilling in Black Jeep the Wang's Onsite at Rally Before
Thygesen arrived w/ Child, This is another attempt to Stage a Fake Crime

Thygesens' due to Allan Thygesen's $86 Million+ in salary as the

CEO of DocuSign never feels as laws, or policies of Rally, Terra
Firma should ever apply to them, they feel as if they are above
the law, that it does not apply to them that cannot be tolerated.
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