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THE AGE OF CLASSICS Greek Orders of Architecture

-An order is a systematic and organized way of

identifying temples and other building through the sum
Minoan Civilization of their parts
♣Geography – island of Crete; City of Knossos
♣Religion – Zeus / Aphrodite •3 requisites to an order:
♣History - Strong Mythological Basis oHorizontal Entablature
♣Art and Architecture: oUpright Column
Palace of Knossos oBase
-Cretan Column (bun capital, only column made of wood
made by Cedar from Lebanon) •3 Orders:
Labyrinth at Crete oDoric
-House of Minotaur made by Daedalus oIonic
-Maze of tunnels located near Palace of Knossos oCorinthian

Mycenean Civilization Greek Meander Bands

♣Geography – island of Mycenea; City of Troy •Astragal/Bead and Reel
♣Religion – Zeus /Aphrodite •Guilloche
♣History- Illad depicted by Homer •Egg and Dart/Tongue
♣Art and Architecture: •Honeysuckle
Megaron •Fret
-selling quarters of men in Trojan Palace •Dentils
-meets to discuss political affair •Anthemion
-bun capital
Citadel of Mycenea – Tholos (behive tomb) and The Lion Gate Greek Moldings
Walls of Troy – most terrified means of defense in history •Fillet
Greek Civilization •Ovolo
♣Geography –Aegean Sea, Adriatic Sea, Mediterranean •Corona
Sea (first armada – great ship building) •Cyma Recta
♣Religion – Zeus /Aphrodite (Polytheism) •Cyma Reversa
♣Geology – Marble as building material (archi not built •Scotia
but sculpted) •Torus
♣Sculpture: Art form favored by gods
1.Archaic Parts of an Order
-Daedelic Style – body must not be twister •The Roof
-Only sign of life: Archaic Smile oPediment – triangular face of wall
-Kourus - Male, Kore – Female oTympanum – fills the space inside pediment
1.Classic oAcroterion – ornamental blocks
-Typified by the S curve •The Entablature
-Weight of body rests on one leg oCornice – where pediment rests
-Implied movement: more space between legs, arms, oFrieze – horizontal band that supports the truss
torso of pediment
♣Triglyph – upright channels spaced at
Greek Sculptural Forms regular intervals
•Caryatids – female as columns ♣Metope – spaces in frieze between
•Canephora – female carrying basket on their heads triglyphs for relief
•Atlantes – male as columns oTenia – narrow band that separates frieze from
•Telamones – male as brackets in architecture architrave
•Busts – carved from chest/neck up oArchitrave – horizontal band supported by columns
•Term/Torso – carved from waist up ♣Regula – naroow bands attached to triglyph
♣Guttae – six squares attached to regula
Greek Pottery
•Red figure ware – red figure, black bg
•Black figure ware – black figure, red bg
•White ground ware – red or black figures, white bg
•The Column Forms of Greek Architecture
oCapital – crowning member of column 1.Palestra - wrestling school; specializes also in teaching
♣Abacus – square slab reading, writing and numbers
♣Echinus – carries the design 2.Temple - Most important form of Greek architecture /
♣Annulet – the necking; separates capital from houses the Greek god or goddess / Usually, one god –
shaft one temple
oShaft – body of column
♣Drums – section of column Parts of Temple
♣Flutings – concave grooves alongside shaft 1.Antae – main entrance
♣Entasis – optical illusions 2.Pronaos – foyer, where people congregate
•The Base 3.Naos– main hall where the statue of the deity is placed
oStylobate – top most step of the base 4.Adyton – A private room that continues from the naos
oStereobate – remaining steps 5.Opisthodomus/Epinaos – The treasury of the temple
oCrepidoma – 3 steps that make up base 6.Peristasis – The row of columns that surround the
Parts of Architecture 7.Pteron – The porch or the portico
1.Citadel – fortress, walled/high city founded by Pericles/
elgin marble sculptures made by Phidias Temple Terminologies
2.Propylea – gate/entrance 1.In Antis – when two columns are placed in front of the
3.The Chalkotheke – bronze gallery, collection of antae
Athena’s bronze statues 2.Prostyle - has a row of usually four or six columns in
4.Brauronia – sanctuary of Artemis front
5.Agora – marketplace/contains stoa 3.Amphiprostyle - repeats prostyle at the back
6.Stoa – porch of shops Colonnade – series of 4.Dipteral - double colonnade on all 4 sides, sometimes
columns with further rows of columns at front/back
7.Boulouterion – buildings of citizen of Greece 5.Engaged Columns – directly attached to the external
8.Tholos – all-purpose venue: sleeping quarters/dining walls.
hall of officials 6.Pseudodipteral - engaged columns in the inner row of
9.Theokoleon – residence of high priests columns at the sides
10.Prytaneion – seat of Prytaneis, Greek house of senate, 7.Cyclostyle – round columnar arrangement
holy fire of Hestia (hearth goddess)
11.Theater/Theatron/Koilon- home of Apollo (god of arts Plan Types
and muses) / carved out from hillside for open air 1.DISTYLE - 2 columns
perfomances 2.TETRASTYLE - 4 columns
3.HEXASTYLE - 6 columns
Parts of Greek Theater 4.OCTASTYLE- 8 columns
1.Parodos – main entrance 5.DECASTYLE - 10 columns
2.Orchestra – flat round disc where performers perform

3.Logeion/Proskenion – Elevated podium where the The Roman Empire

performers are introduced
♣Geography – situated on a barren land
♣Religion – Jupiter / Venus
4.Paraskenion – stairs on both sides for the performers ♣Lifestyle – Hedonism (pursuit of pleasure)
performers perform, may contain the altar ♣Art and Design:
5.Skene – backstage oInterior Design
oGrotesque – Griffin (lion body, wings and talons of
6.Kerkis – Upper and lower rows of seats; lower seats for eagle, dog head w/ beak)
priests of Dionysus, the god of wine
oMeander Bands
7.Klimakis – Aisles ♣Arabasque – vertical
♣Rinceaux – horizontal
8.Diazoma – Main aisle that separates the lower from the
upper seats
o Painting
Types of Greek Theaters ♣Trompe L’oeil – 3D, optical illusions
♣Mosaic – small tiles called tesserae
1.Auditorium – with a semi-circular orchestra
♣Fresco – wet plaster painting
2.Odeon –intimate gatherings like poetry readings, o Engineering
usually covered ♣Concrete, Aqueducts and Plumbing, Bridges
3.Hippodrome – Oval shaped theater for horse and o Architecture
chariot racing ♣Round Arch – Vaults and Dome
oOrders of Architecture
4.Stadium – Oval shaped theater for foot races
♣Tuscan – abacus, echinus, not fluted
♣Composite – abacus, volute, fluted
Forms of Architecture The Roman House
•The Forum (ex. The Forum Romanum)- where people •Atrium – hoses in the city by the rich
gather for religious, political, judicial pursuits •Domus – atrium (city)
•The Regia – high priest •Villa – atriuma (country)
•The Curia – public court •Insula – tenement housing in the city
•Tabularium – official records office of ancient Rome
•Roman Temple (ex. The Pantheon) Parts of Roman House
•Thermae – Roman Bath (ex. Thermae of Carcalla) – •Vestibulum – entrance
social spaces used by men, women during the day •Lanua – front door
•Fauces – Corridor
Parts of Roman Temple •Cubiculum – Bedroom
•Podium – raised platform •Triclinium – Dining Room
•Entrance Steps – series of steps •Tablinum – Study Room
•Pronaos – foyer •Lararium – alter
•Cella – main hallParts of Roman Thermae •Latrina – bathroom and toilet
•The Grounds •Culina – Kitchen
oAtrium: Principal entrance and vestibule •Taberna – Store room
•Latrina: Water Closet •Atrium – living room
oPromenade: outdoor walkways a.Andron – corridor connecting atrium and garden
oPalestra: Gymnasium b.Compluvium – rectangular opening above atrium
oLibraries: Storage of reading materials c.Impluvium – pool for rainwater
oGardens: labyrinths, water features •Ala – two rooms facing the atrium
oHalls: Banquets •Peristylium – row of column facing the garden
oWater Reservoirs: water supply •Hortus – Garden
oAqueducts: Water source •Prosticum – Back entrance
•The Baths
oEntrance Halls: Foyers Parts of Roman Insula
oApodyteria: Dressing rooms •Shops/Taberna: middle-lower class citizens have shops of
oFrigidarium: cold water business
oTepidarium: warm or tepid water •Light Well: admits light to all the floors
oCaldarium: hot water •Water Well: supplies water for insula
oNatatorium: Swimming pools •Latrine: Toilets
oLaconicum: dry sweating room •Stairs:
oUnctuaria: shampooing the hair •Rooms: Living quarters
oPortico: Open courtyardForms of Roman •Storage:
Architecture •Entrance Vestibule:
•Theater The Pantheon:
oAmphitheater – built up structure made of levels - •Dome – world’s most perfect dome
Colosseum or The Flavian Amphitheater •Impressive Colonnade – made up of Corinthian columns
a.Arena – stage •Coffers – coffered ceiling balances evenly the weight of
b.Podium – reserved for elites, senators, vestal virgins dome
c.Maenianum Primum – reserved for equites •Oculus – admits light into the temple
d.Maenianum Secondum Imum
– soldiers, married citizens, boys and tutors
e.Maenianum Secondum Imum Summum
– Pullati w/ black tunics, foreigners, slaves
f.Maenianum Summum in Ligneis – women The Bryzantine Empire
♣ The Fall of Rome
oCircus – patterned after Greek hippodrome (horse/ • The Death of Marcus Aurelius
chariot racing) The Circus Maximus • The Burning of Rome
g.Carceres – entrance of chariots and charioteers -Neropolis
h.Bulvinar – emperor -The Eradication of Christians
i.Tribunes – rich citizen of Rome
♣ Constantinopole
j.Spina – median boundary • The capital of the official religion of the empire.
k.Meta – corner on both ends • Christianity is the official religion of the empire
l.Portia Triumphalis – winners’ triumphal exit declared by Constantine.
♣ Art - Symbolism: The Fish, Peacock, Dove
♣ Iconography - Religious art; painting & sculpture that
represents Christ, Angels, the Virgin Mary, the Apostles.
♣ Architecture • Aisles: Spaces on both sides of the nave; maybe single or
• Pendentives - Concave concrete triangles that solve double, where the pews are located
the problem of putting a dome on a square base • Transepts: The crossing; space in the church that traverses
• Squinch Arches - series of Corbel type arches the nave; it separates the nave from the bema
• Concrete + Brick + Rubble • Bema/Chancel: contains elevated platforms for the clergy
• Capitals: • nPulpit: Usually elevated, where the priest addresses the
- Bird and Basket congregation
- Wind Blown Acanthus • Choir: Seats reserved for members of the church who are the
- Cubical/Geometric: Double Capital, Twin Capital only ones allowed to sing
♣ Capitals • Naos: The central space usually directly below a dome
• Wind Blown Acanthus • nExedra: The space directly below the half-domes of the
• Cubical or Geometric church
• Bird and Basket • Channels: Corridors leading from one excedra to another
• Double Capital • Apse: The semi-circular termination of the church
• Twin Capital • Sanctuary: The elevated portion in the apse where the altar
is placed
• Altar: The altar table or communion table
• Baldochino/Ciborium: A canopy or covering supported by
columns, freestanding in the sanctuary above the altar
• Retable: A framed altarpiece, painted or carved, rising
behind the altar table
• Ambulatory: Walkways around the sanctuary
• Chevet/Apse Chapel: A chapel radiating tangentially from
one of the bays or divisions of the apse

Kinds of Church Plans

1. Circular/Octagonal
2. Greek Cross
3. Latin cross Basillica
4. Domed Octagon
5. Complex Four Columned
6. Semi-Complex Four Columned
7. Central Plan Tetrconch
8. Four Columned
9. Two Columned
1. Narthex
2. Stairs
Forms of Bryzantine Architecture 3. Ambulatory
• Circular/Octagonal Plan: 4. Exedra
• Greek Cross Plan: 5. Naos
• Latin Cross Plan: Also known as a Basilica 6. Sanctuary
• Other Forms of Plans: 7. Apse
• Domed Octagon 8. Chevet
• Complex Four Columned
• Semi-complex Four Columned Forms of Bryzantine Architecture
• Central Plan Tetraconch • Baptistery:
• Four Columned • A circular or octagonal building that is separate from the
• Two Columned main church for the sole purpose of performing
Parts of a Bryzantine Church • Contains a basin of water or pool in the center called the
• Atrium: The open space or open couryard before entering baptismal font or the piscina
the main doors of the church • Mausoleum:
• Porch: The elevated platform laden with steps leading to the • Contains the repository of a dead Christian
main door of the church • Cenotaph: An empty tomb; a monument in honor of a
• Narthex: The foyer of the church; in medieval times, this person or group of people whose remains are elsewhere
space was reserved for non-converts • Sanctuary:
• Nave: The main central walkway of the church • Contains the relic of a Saint or Martyr of the church
Forms of a Bryzantine Baptistery ♣ Architecture
• Atrium: The main foyer leading to the vaulted corridors • The Round Arch
• Outer Vaulted Corridor: Circular hallway that serves as • Arcades - Series of arches placed
the walkway side by side
• Inner Vaulted Corridor: Contains niches for saints and • Receding arches
other symbols of the church • The Tympanum: The space filled in between an
• Piscina: Pool or basin of water where the baptism is opening and an arch
performed • Capitals
• Baptismal Font: Fountain of sacred water that flows into -Cushion -Scalloped
the piscina
Parts of a Bryzantine Mausoleum
• Entry Corridor - The main entry to the vaulted corridor
• Circular Vaulted Corridor - Circular hallway that
separates the ossuaries from the burial chambers
• Ossuaries - Burial chambers for bones
• Burial Chambers - Repositories for dead bodies • The Vaults
• Central Burial Chamber - Main repository, usually • Barrel Vault
reserved for the most important members of the family • Groin Vault
Parts of a Bryzantine Sanctuary • Ribbed Vault
• Narthex - The main atrium • Butresses - External supports for walls
• Nave - The main hall where people wait to venerate • Towers - Built because of the advantage of height
• Retable/Iconostasis- Iconographic screen that separates
the nave from the altar and the apse, Wall of icons Forms of Romanesque Architecture
• Apse: ♣The Cathedral
• Altar: Where the saint or martyr is venerated • Porch
• Chevet: Where the relic of the saint or martyr is • Nave
enshrined • Double Aisle
• Bema/Chancel
The Romanesque Period • Pulpit:
Factors that helped shape the Romanesque Period • Choir:
♣ The Crusades - The continuing efforts of the Christian • Transepts
empire to expand the empire through conversion. • Apse
- The battle between the Christians and the Muslims • Sanctuary:
♣ Feudalism - The granting of land titles or fiefs • Altar:
- The conflict between the church • Baldochino/Ciborium:
and the state • Retable:
• Fiefs - Land titles that separated • Ambulatory:
the empire into fiefdoms • Chevet/Apse Chapel
and eventually – kingdoms • Sections of a Romanesque Cathedral Wall
diminishing the role and - Ground Floor Arcade
importance of the church - Triforium Arcade or Blind Story
- Clerestory Arcade
Romanesque Contributions to Art and Architecture Romanesque Cathedral: Plan and Section
♣ Art A. Clerestory Arcade
B. Triforium Arcade
• Metalwork C. Ground Floor Arcade
Church decorations 1. Porch
Exposed nail heads 2. Double Aisle
• Painting 3. Nave
4. Transept
Manuscript illuminations and illustrations
5. Berma
• Sculpture 6. Apse
Relief carvings
The chevron meander band Forms of Romanesque Architecture
The gargoyle - Grotesque sculpture with the body of ♣ The Monastery
monkey with a pointed tail, the wings of a bat and the • Church
head of a monster with an open mouth • Cloister - The courtyard of the monastery
• Tapestries • Library - Repository of manuscripts
• Chapter House - Meeting hall
• Parlor - Reception hall
• Dormitory - Sleeping quarters 7.Chapter House
• Reredorter/Necessarium - Communal latrine 8.Parlor
• Malt House - Where grain is stored 9.Dormitory/Dorter
• Refectory - Dining room 10.Reredorter
• Calefactory/Warming House - Where the communal 11.Malt House
fire was kept 12.Refectory
• Almonry - Where alms are kept and distributed; 13.Warming House
where the almoner is stationed 14.Almonry
• Novice’s Quarters 15.Novices’ Quarters
• Abbot’s Lodgings - Residence or the head monk 16.Abbot’s Lodging
• Visiting Abbot’s Lodgings 17.Visiting Abbot’s Lodging
• Infirmary - Where the sick is treated 18.Infirmary
Romanesque Monastery Plan Forms of Romanesque Architecture
1. Nave • The Fortress/Fortification
2. Tower • Military construction designed for defense
3. Sanctuary/Bema • Bastion: Angular structure projecting outward from a
4. Transepts fortress for artillery
5. Cloister • The Keep - Fortified tower within a fortress built within a
6. Library castle
7. Chapter House • The Castle/Manor - Residence of the ruler or lord
8. Parlor • Barbican/Gate House - Fortified outpost or gateway
9. Dormitory/Dorter which is sometimes attached to the guard rooms
10. Reredorter • Tower Prison
11. Malt House • Service Rooms
12. Refectory • Stable
13. Warming House • Household apartments - Living quarters of the staff
14. Almonry • Ante Room - Foyer
15. Novices’ Quarters • Chapel
16. Abbot’s Lodging • Retainer’s Hall - Room for the assistant of the lord
17. Visiting Abbot’s Lodging • Retainer’s Kitchen
18. Infirmary • Great Chamber/Chamber - The living room
Forms of Romanesque Architecture • Kitchen
• The Monastery: • Pantry
- Church • Buttery - For the butler; room for the spirits
- Cloister - The courtyard of the monastery • Lord’s Hall - Private residence of the lord
• Library - Repository of manuscripts • Bailey: - Courtyard
• Chapter House - Meeting hall • Postern - A secondary door or gate which is concealed; a
• Parlor - Reception hall secret entrance or exit
• Dormitory - Sleeping quarters Romanesque Keep: Plan
• Reredorter/Necessarium - Communal latrine 1.Entrance to Keep
• Malt House - Where grain is stored 2.Ante Room
• Refectory - Dining room 3.Great Hall
• Calefactory/Warming House - Where the communal 4.Throne Niche
fire was kept 5.Chamber
• Almonry - Where alms are kept and distributed; 6.Kitchen
where the almoner is stationed 7.Chapel
• Novice’s Quarters Romanesque Castle: Plan
• Abbot’s Lodgings - Residence or the head monk 1.Barbican/Gate House. 12. Chamber
• Visiting Abbot’s Lodgings 2.Guard Rooms 13. Great Chamber
• Infirmary - Where the sick is treated 3.Tower Prison 14. Kitchen
4.Service Rooms 15. Pantry
Romanesque Monastery: Plan 5.Stables 16. Buttery
1.Nave 6.Household Apartments 17. Lord’s Hall
2.Tower 7.Ante Room 18. Bailey
3.Sanctuary/Bema 8.Chapel 19. Postern
4.Transepts 9.Retainer’s Kitchen
5.Cloister 10.Retainer’s Hall
6.Library 11.Tower
THE DARK AGES Tracery Patterns
Trefoil Quatrefoil Cinquefoil Multifoil

The Gothic Period

♣ The Black Plague - The Bubonic Plague
wiped out two-thirds of Europe’s
population Gothic Sub Periods
♣ The Inquisition - People were ♣ Early English/Lancet – Presence of tracery
unenlightened and in the dark and patterns in the tympanum of Gothic
Scientific thinking was not encouraged. windows.
-Supposed to battle heresy in the middle ♣ Decorated – Presence of stained glass
ages but ended up becoming a series of ♣ Perpendicular – Presence of mullions
witch trials. (torture devices) and transoms
♣ The Black Death - Bome by the fleas of • Mullions: Vertical divisions in Gothic windows
infected rats. • Transoms – Horizontal divisions in
♣ Art: Gothic window
• Painting
- Manuscript Illustrations Forms of Architecture
- Stained Glass ♣ Cathedral
• Sculpture • Narthex
- Portable Sculptures • Spire Tower
Romanesque Contributions to Art and Architecture • Nave
♣ Architecture • Double Aisle
• The Pointed Arch • Naos
• Spandrel: The space between a pointed arch and a • Transepts
rectangular structure
• Double Bema
• Spires: The termination of a tower
• Apse
• Pinnacles: Turret like terminations on top of ying
buttresses • Chevets
• Flying Buttresses: External supports away from the
wall Gothic Cathedral: Plan
• Stained Glass • Narthex
• Rose Windows • Spire Tower
• Piers: Cluster of columns • Nave
• Fan Vault • Aisle
• Lierne Ribs • Naos
• Capital • Transept
• Fleur De Lis
• Bema
• Tracery Patterns: Patterns that hold glass in Gothic
windows • Apse
• Trefoil • Chevet
• Quatrefoil
• Cinquefoil
• Multifoil
The Six Types of Support for Roofs and Ceilings The Megaliths
1. Post and Lintel - Composed of Vertical posts where a • Menhirs
horizontal member is supported • Stone Obelisks
2. Truss - Composed of a horizontal member where two -Large Pieces of stone
diagonal beams rise and connect at the apex • Cromlechs
3. Arch - Each side rises from a vertical point and bends • Stone Circles
to meet at the center -Post and Lintel structures
4. Vault - Formed by a series of arches laid out -Forming concentric circles
consecutively one after another • Stonehenge
5. Dome - Intersection of arches at an axis
6. Cantilevered - A horizontal beam is supposed by The Bronze Age: The Age of Metal
vertical post on only one side !The start of when people were slowly but surely moving
towards becoming civilized.
Signi cant Contributions of the Bronze Age
• Before written records
• Fishing
• Archeology - science that deals with old things
• Trade and Barter - Money
• Artifacts
• Jewelry - As a sign of social status
• Fossils
• Most of the facts are based on carbon dating,
drawings and symbols
The Age of Antiquity
“Almost all great civilizsations existed near a body of water.”
The Paleolithic Period: The Old Stone Age
♣ The Three Sub Periods The Mesopotamian Civilization: The Fertile Crescent
♣Geography - Two great rivers; Tigris and Euphrates
1. The Mousterian Period - Man used body as canvas
♣Religion - Polytheism; The Belief in many gods
2. The Aurignacian Period - Used caves as canvas to
record events, 2 dimensional drawings • Enlil: Supreme God, King of the Gods
3. The Magdalenian - 3 dimensional drawings, • Ishtar: Goddess of Fertility, Justice, Love, Beauty
♣History - Mesopotamians developed their first
presence of gender and apecie identification
system of writing - Cuneiform
The Theory of Magic:
-Invented the wheel
• Fertility Magic - Animals painted on cave walls
Three Regions of Mesopotamia
were the young kind or in their young form
1. Sumeria
- Used to hasten the growth of animals so that they
2. Assyria
will be good enough to hunt.
3. Babylon
• Death Magic - Animals are painted with spears or
arrows piercing its body
-The belief that the spirits will guide their aim and Sumerian Civilization
ensure them of a sure kill Forms of Architecture
Three Sumerian Time Periods:
• Propitiation Magic - Animals are painted being
offered as sacrifices to the gods • Pre-Proto Sumerian - Reed Houses
- Used to appease the gods • Proto Sumerian - Brick Buildings, Pillared temples
Forms of Paleolithic Architecture • Sumerian Proper - Introverted type house, Ziggurat
• Lean-to - Made of light weight materials; animal
skin, bones, twigs Assyrian Civilization
• One Room House - Permanent Structure, Made use of • Capital city of Assyrian Civilization is Nineveh
Dry Wall Construction and Flat Top Construction where the Palace is situated
• Mud Hut - Wet Wall Construction, No doors; no Forms of Architecture - Palace
windows but has a hole on top.
Babylonian Civilization
The Neolithic Period: The New Stone Age Forms of Architecture
Forms of Neolithic Architecture
• The Tower of Babel - Built by order of King Nimrod, —
1. Hut with a second oor - storage of surplus grain and Built by men to be equal to God
protection against wild animals.
• The Gate of Ishtar - Dedicated to Ishtar as the Goddess
2. Stone Towers - Protection against neighbouring tribes of Chastity
3. Hut with a rectangular room - For an extended family
• The Hanging Gardens of Babylon - Built by Semiramis by
system, man starts to behave as a basic unit of society order of King Nebuchadnezzar, dedicated to the queen
4. Square Temples - Earliest place of worship, man of Babylon, Amytis.
believed in the presence of a supernatural force that
governs the lives of men

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