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Teacher SHARMAY T. MONTEROSO Learning Area PE C11

Time &Date November 16, 2023 Quarter 2nd quarter


A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of current health trends, issues and
Standards concernsin the local, regional, and national, levels
B. Performance The learner consistently demonstrates critical thinking skills in
Standards exploring local,regional and national health trends, issues, and concerns
C. Learning 1. Discusses the existing health-related laws;
Competencies / (H10HC--IIa-1)
Objectives write
the LC code for
D. Specific 1. discuss existing health-related laws
Objective 2. perform varied activities based on health-related issues,and ;
3. explain the importance of health-related laws.

E. Integration of MAPEH
content within Values Integration: Value the importance of health related issues.
and across
A. Subject Matter Health Trends, Issues and Concerns at the National Level
B. Integration Activity based-learning, discovery learning.
C. Strategy Differentiated Instructions
III. Learning Resources
A. References Grade 10: Physical Education and Health Learning Materials
1.Teacher's Guide K to 12 Curriculum Guide
2. Learner’s Material pages pp. 365
3. Textbook pages Pp.365
4. Additional Materials from Laptop, Smart TV
Learning Resources (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Internet
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher Activity Pupil Activity
A. Reviewing Elicit ( 5 minutes)
lesson or Review Past Lesson
presenting Before we proceed to our proper
the new discussion let us have a quick review about
lesson. our topic last meeting.
Again, what was our lesson last meeting?

Let us give ourselves a round of applause. Our topic last meeting was all

Is there any questions or clarification about Pupils follow

our topic yesterday?

None teacher
B. Establishing Engage ( 5 minutes)
a purpose for Motivation
the lesson
I had prepared an activity. This acitivity is
called “ Arriane Says!”

Now ,I have here some guide questions for

you to think about what is our lesson
today. None so far teacher

(Discuss the Classroom rules), and why is it

important to follow these rules.


examples /
instance of 1. Why do you think rules like what I
the new presented earlier,exist? Are important?
lesson 2. What happens when our class does not
have rules?
Do you have any idea of what is our topic
today? None teacher

Our lesson today is all about Health

Trends, Issues and Concerns at the
National Level

But before we proceed to our proper

discussions let us read first our objectives.

At the end of the lesson you shoul be able

1. discuss existing health-related laws
D. Discussing
concepts and
new skills #1
2. perform varied activities based of
health-related issues,and ;
3. explain the importance of health-related

Different health-related laws

1. Consumer Right
-provides for the regulation of products
and services being sold and offered in the
2. Responsible Parenthood and
Reproductive Health Act- provide for
material and child health care, family
planning,and responsible parenthood.
3. Philippine AIDS prevention and
Control Act- provides assisstance for the
prevention and control of AIDS.
4. Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act-
provides for the regulation of narcotic
E. New concepts and practicing other related substances being
new skills #2 sold/imported in the country.
5. Tobacco Regulation Act- supervises
the legal production of cigarettes in the
6. Cybercrime Prevention Act- provides
for criminal offenses committed online.
7. Anti-child Pornography Act- protects
from malicious act online.
8. National Blood Services Act- describes
the blood donation program in the
9. Anti-Hazing Law- prohibits physical
and emotional harm and abuse as
F. Finding practical applications initiation to a certain social group. These words teacher are the
of concepts and skills in daily 10. National Environmental Awareness different health-related issues.
living and Educational Act- provides for the
inclusions of environmental education
programs in various national institutions.
11. Seat belts use act- penalizes vehicle
users who will not wear safety belts while
on the road.

5 Main Health Issues

1. Road Accidents Yes teacher
 RA 8750 ( Seat belts use acts of 1999)
 RA 10586 (Anti-Drunk and Drugged
Driving Law)
2. Tobacco Use
 RA 9211 (Tobacco regulation Act
3. Dangerous Drug Use
 RA 9165 ( Comprehensive Dangerous
Drugs Act of 2002)
4. Reproductive Health
 RA 10354 (Responsible Parenthood
and Repreductive Health Act)
 RA 8504 ( Philppines AIDS Prevention
and Control Act of 1998)
5. Cybercrime Our lesson today is all about Health
 RA 10175 ( Cybercime Prevention Act Trends, Issues and Concerns at the
of 2012 National Level.
Do you have any questions or clariffications
about the lesson? Consumer right
Tobacco prevention act
Anti-hazing Law


Direction: Loop the 12 words, group of
words, acronyms or phrase below that
pertain to the country’s current health
issues that may affect adolescents, like you

1. List down the words that you were able

to find in the activity?
2. As an adolescent, what do these words
mean to you?

Lets have another activity, I will divide the
class into two groups. Each group will have
different acitivity. For GROUP 1 ,you are
going to perform a role play and choose
only 1 main health issues. And for GROUP 2
,you are going to make a slogan related to
health issues and explain.
Did you understand class?


Demonstrated 20 %
Quality of work 15%
Creativity 15%
E. Making Again what is our lesson today?
ns and
abstractions Yes very good.
about the
lesson. Give me atleast 3 health related laws.

There are 5 main health issues in the

Philippines that may affect adolescents:
Road Accidents,tobacco use,dangerous
drug use,reproductive health and

Existing health related laws importance are

the provision of
Security,prohibitions and information in
safeguarding people’s health.
F. Evaluating Evaluate
Learning Direction: Identify the correct answer that
will correspond to every question. Choose
the letter of your choice, and write it in
your activity notebook.
_______ 1. Which among the choices is the
most frequent causes of death
A. Road Accident B. Lifestyle Diseases
B. C. Tobacco Use D. All of the Above.
_______ 2. According to Dr. Natividad
(2013) 36.2% of Filipino College and 43.5%
ofHigh School graduates admitted to
having engaged in ___________.
A. Cigarettes smoking B. pre-marital sex
B. Reckless driving D. Alcohol Intake
_______ 3. What do you call to a crime
committed in cyberspace.
A. personal crime B. heinous crime
B. cybercrime D. property crime
_______ 4. According to a 2016 report
from DOH, 200 Filipinos die every day due
A. road accident B. hypertension
B. Smoking-related diseases D. Diabetes
_______ 5. Republic Act 10354
(Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive
HealthAct) best explains as the…
A. Provision for maternal and child
B. B. Provision for family planning.
C. Provision for responsible parenthood.
D. All of the Above

G. Additional Extend
activities for Directions: In an A4 size bond paper, write
application an essay regarding the importanceof
or knowing and understanding the
remediation health-related laws as a citizen of
thecountry. Submission will be on next
A. No. of learner’s ___Lesson carried more on to the next
who earned 50% objective
in the evaluation ___Lesson not carried
___% of pupils got 50% mastery
B. No. of learners ___Pupils did not find difficulties in
who require answering their lesson.
additional ___pupils find difficulties in answering
activities for their lesson.
remediation who ___ Pupils did not enjoy the lesson because
scored below of lack of knowledge , skills and interest
50% about the lesson.
___ Pupils were interested in the lesson,
despite of some difficulties encountered in
answering the questions asked by the
teacher .
___Pupils mastered the lesson despite of
limited resources used by the teacher.
___ Majority of the pupils finished their
work on time.
___ Some Pupils did not finish their work
on time due to unnecessary behavior.
C. Did the remedial ___of learners who earned 50% above
lesson work? No.
of learner’s who
have caught up
with the lesson

D. No. of learners __ of learners who require additional

who continue to activities for remediation
E. Which of my __ yes __no
teaching __ of Learners who caught up the lesson
worked well?
Why did these
F. What difficulties ___ of learners who continue to require
did I encounter remediation
which any
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?

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