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Public speaking is a crucial skill that empowers individuals to effectively

convey ideas, inspire change, and connect with others on a deeper level. It plays a
pivotal role in various aspects of professional and personal life, fostering confidence,
leadership, and effective communication.
I interviewed one of the aspirant for sk-chairperson in our Barangay in the
upcoming BSKE 2023. He is Renz Ivan Ogalesco an 18 years old advocate, studying
at Catanduanes National High School, grade 12 senior high school student taking
Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics. Ogalesco said he experience
public speaking many times in his entire life.
‘Since elementary days I already experience public speaking either in public
places or school department, I am a student leader and an advocate. For me, public
speaking is really important because by this, I can be able to share my voice to those
people who needs it. And so as a spokesperson I speak tirelessly for me to be able to
be the voice of every single youth out there” Sk chairperson aspirant under TEAM
IVAN, Renz Ivan Ogalesco responded.
It’s very evident by his answer that public speaking really gives us the chance
to share our voices and opinions and use this platforms to influenced and for us to be
able to be heard. Public speaking is a profoundly human endeavor, weaving threads of
connection between individuals, communities, and ideas. It's not merely a skill, but a
conduit for genuine expression, allowing us to share our stories, beliefs, and
aspirations. When someone stands before an audience, vulnerability meets courage,
creating a moment of shared humanity.
According to Wikepedia, through public speaking, we bridge gaps of
understanding. It enables us to convey empathy, passion, and conviction in ways that
written words alone often struggle to capture. It's in the subtle nuances of tone, the
warmth in a smile, or the sincerity in a pause that we truly connect. Public speaking
fosters growth. It's the space where confidence is nurtured, where self-doubt is
transformed into self-absurdness. It empowers individuals to step into leadership
roles, whether within a small team or on a grand stage. In personal spheres, public
speaking celebrates individual voices, reminding us that every story is worth telling.
It's the toast at a wedding, the eulogy at a funeral, the impassioned plea at a
community meeting. In essence, public speaking isn't just about the words spoken,
but the shared experience, the moments of vulnerability, and the bonds forged. It's a
celebration of our collective journey, reminding us that we're all, at heart, storytellers
yearning to be heard and understood.
“ As an aspirant sk chairman in my Barangay I pledged to worked tirelessly
by using public speaking as one of my platform for me to be able to share what I
should share. I want to make a meaningful impact in my barangay and I can do it by
using public speaking so I do acknowledge that public speaking is really important
especially as a good force for good leader” Ogalesco added.
Finally, I can assure that by his responses public speaking really can make
wonderful change in our community.

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