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I want have a house in the forest

where covered with snow.I think the
house will located at northern place
that the temperature can allow the
snow fell on the grounds. Maybe the
forest don’t have any people and
away from the city ,so there will have
a lot of wildlife,of course ,it will be
very quite there.
It will be a single house and I like the
style of simpleness so i think the
house will not have any colorful
decoration outside,and may it will
like a wooden house when you see it
outside,because i don want to
destroy the nature sense scene.But
when we go into the house ,it will be
modern.And there are two floor,the
first floor is the living room,kitchen
and dining room,of course ,there will
be a fireplace that enable us keep
warm in the cold place.The living
near by the big windows that we can
see the splendid view there,then the
dining room is close to the
kitchen,and the kitchen will be open
style.The second floor is my
bedroom,the special feature is that
there will be a wall of display cases
that put my collections about LEGO
brick and models.The desk close to
the windows ,too
Because i live in the south of our
country,so I can’t see snow
often,and I like the snow cover any
thing on the ground ,it will make the
the whole world become white,and
we can feel the clean there.Not only
that ,we can make us calm down in
living in a quite place where will not
be influenced by the city.

I would like to talk about the ideal

house that I envision for myself. This
house would be located within a
peaceful forest,covered by snow.

What i want is a single wooden

structure that blends with the
environment. However, it would be
better if it is well-equipped inside
with various modern facilities,
bringing comfort and convenience to
everyday life.

The first floor would have simple

design and include living room, a
functional kitchen, and an dining
area. A fireplace would be put in the
center, serving as a source of
warmth and comfort during the chilly
weather. The living room would near
expansive windows, providing
splendid views of the landscape.

Moving to the second floor, the

bedroom would be a outstanding
feature of this space. A unique and
captivating element would be a wall
decorated with display cases,
showcasing my cherished collection
of LEGO bricks and models.
Additionally, my desk would be
placed near the windows, allowing
me to appreciate the magnificent
scenery while i do some works

The imagination of an ideal house

has a deep personal
significance.Because of spending
most of my life in the south of my
country, I desire to experience the
beauty of snow-covered landscapes.
It embodies a sense of peace,
creating an clean atmosphere.

我最喜欢的⾐服是⼀件短袖 它的颜⾊
是灰⾊ 这件⾐服有⼀排扣⼦ 可以将
他们扣起来 在⾐服的胸⼝处 ⼀边有
⼀个⼩的⼝袋 ⽽另⼀边印有品牌的名

这件⾐服是今年 4⽉从⽹上购买的 那时
候的天⽓开始逐渐变热 所以我提前买
我刚买回这件⾐服的时候⼗分喜欢 但
是那时候我在学校上课 所以我没有什
它 ⼤概⼀周⼀次
我第⼀眼从⽹上看到它就⼗分喜欢 因
为这件⾐服⼗分简约 没有什么其他的
装饰 ⽽且灰⾊也⼗分低调 当我穿上
它的时候 材质⼗分舒服 ⽽且⾐服很
轻 你⼏乎感受不到他的存在

⼤ 但是我仍然⼗分喜欢

One of my favorite pieces of clothing

is a gray short-sleeved shirt. It’s a
simple but stylish clothes that i
bought online in April. I couldn’t
resist purchasing it as the weather
was starting to warm up, and i
anticipated some lighter outfit for
the season.

This shirt is not flashy It has a row of

buttons that can be fastened up, a
small pocket on one side and the
brand’s name printed on the other
side. What i love the most is its
understated elegance which reflects
my personality as i am a person who
prefers to keep a low profile. And the
gray color goes well with almost

When i first spotted it online, i was

drawn by its simplicity. When i finally
wore it, i was pleasantly surprised by
its comfort. The fabric is soft and the
shirt feels incredibly light-weight,
almost like a second skin.

Although i have to admit that it is a

bit oversized for me now, that hasn’t
diminished my affection for it. I
didn’t wear it quite often when the
classes were in session. Cause a
high school student, we were asked /
required to wear the school uniform
all the time. So i only wore it once a
week. But now, i am on summer
vacation. I can wear it whenever i
want, probably twice a week.

It’s become a go-to choice/ item,

offering both style and comfort.

我想了解的⼯作是建筑设计师 这个⼯
作是来设计住宅或者公共建筑 ⼏乎所
的 这个职业我从很⼩的时候就知道
了 但是是在我初中的时候才对它感兴

想要成为建筑设计师 就需要在⼤学选
择建筑这个专业 在之后我也会在⼤学
中选择这个专业并且学习相关知识 在
毕业后 需要向建筑公司投送⾃⼰的简
历 ⽽简历⾥要有⾃⼰设计的作品集
以我现在的了解 建筑设计师需要很多
技能 包括绘画 建模等 当然 也需
计 因为我觉得将⼀个物品⽤⾃⼰的想

The job that has captivated my

imagination since i was a child is
being an architect. Architects are the
creative minds behind designs and
construction of our homes, public
buildings, and the stunning
landmarks that define our cities. It is
a profession that has intrigued me
since early years, but ignited my
passion during my middle school

Becoming an architect involves a

well-designed path. First, you need
to pursue a degree in architecture at
a university. During this time, you’ll
immerse yourself in the world of
design, construction, and
architecture theory. After
graduation, the next step is build an
impressive portfolio showcasing your
design projects. This portfolio
becomes your calling card when
applying to architecture companies,
as they often hire based on your
creative abilities and innovative

This is challenging of course as

architects must possess a diverse
set of skills, including drawing, 3d
modelling, and a solid understanding
of mathematics and physics to
ensure the structural integrity of
their designs. But what makes it truly
fascinating to me is the opportunity
to bring one’s creative vision to life.

Designing a structure, whether it is a

home or a skyscraper, allows the
architects to leave their mark on the
world in a tangible way. This makes
architects such a fulfilling and
rewarding job.
这个礼物是⼀个便携相机 因为这种相
机已经停产很多年了 所以它是⼀件⼆
⼿的 它外⾯是银⾊的 ⼀边是镜头
我将这件礼物送给了我的姐姐 作为她
的⽣⽇礼物 我姐姐的⽣⽇距离我很
近 所以我们经常互相准备礼物
我没有攒很久 或者说我没有攒钱来买
礼物 因为我⾃⼰有⼀点点存款⽽且这
件礼物在我的存款范围之内 并且我有
时回向我爸妈寻求赞助 所以我不需要
拍照 ⽽我也有同样的爱好 并且我⾃
⼰也有⼀个相机 所以我觉得这个礼物

我喜欢看花样滑冰的⽐赛 这是⼀项冰
上的运动 也是冬季奥运会最受欢迎的
运动之⼀ 它分为单⼈和双⼈ 以及冰
我通常在⼿机或者 ipad 上⾯看 因为这
个体育项⽬的转播很少 ⽽且赛事也不
多 所以很难在电视直播上看到 但是
在⽹上可以回看到之前的⽐赛 当然如
果电视上有这个⽐赛的转播 我更倾向
于在电视上看 因为屏幕更⼤
我通常⼀个⼈看 因为我周围的朋友都
没有看过这个项⽬ 但是有时我会将我
花样滑冰⽐赛的时候 每个运动员都有
⾃⼰的节⽬ ⽽这些节⽬都是伴随着⾳
乐 所以当我看这个⽐赛的时候 我通
常⼗分享受 ⽽且运动员在跳跃的时
候 我也会感到⼗分紧张 所以我⼗分

The sport program i enjoy watching

is figure skating. This graceful sport,
set on the icy stage, has earned it
place as one of the most beloved
events at the winter Olympics. Figure
skating has various categories,
including singles, pairs and ice
dancing, each offering its own
unique charm.
My preferred platform for watching
figure skating is typically my
smartphone or my tablet.
Unfortunately, live broadcasts of this
sport are relatively rare on television,
and competition are infrequent.
However, i cherish the opportunity to
watch it on a larger screen when
Usually, i find myself watching these
fascinating / captivating
performances alone as none of my
friends share the same interest for
figure skating. I even tried to
introduce my favorite program to my
cousin, hoping to ignite her interest.
But i failed. This hasn’t diminished
my affection for it though.
one of the reasons i am drawn to
figure skating is the individuality of
each athlete’s routine, set to
captivating music. The intricate
dancing movements and emotional
expression of the skater never fail to
captivate me. Besides, the moments
of tension during daring jumps and
spins keep me on the edge on my
All in all, figure skating is a
breathtaking blend of elegance and
strength. When seeing those skaters
performing on the ice, i feel like they
are telling their own unique story. I
find immense joy in being part of
their journey as an audience.

3.Describe a good advertisement

that you think is useful

You should say:

Where you can see it
What it shows
Why you think it is useful
And explain how you feel about it
个⼴告 在这个⼴告⾥ 花花草草变成
了⼀个个会说话 有思想的个体 当他
们被浇⽔的时候 他们就表现出在喝
⽔ 当有⼈破坏他们的时候 他们就会
因为这个⼴告赋予了植物情感 让我们
不忍⼼破坏他们 所以我觉得⾮常的有

我看到这个⼴告之后 觉得我们不应该
破坏花草 常常告诉我的弟弟不应该破

The advertisement I'm going to talk

about is a non-profit ad that often
airs on TV. It's a truly heartwarming
public service announcement about
taking care of plants and flowers. In
the ad, the grasses and flowers are
brought to life, given voices and
emotions. When they get watered,
they act as if they're drinking
happily, and when someone steps on
them, they appear really frustrated,
sometimes even tearing up. It ends
with a slogan written in Chinese
characters that mean 'taking care of
the plants.'

What makes this ad intriguing is how

it makes plants seem like they have
feelings. It tugs at our heartstrings
and makes us think twice about
being rough with them. It seems a bit
childish, primarily targeting kids who
believe that everything can talk and
have emotions. However, I believe it
also resonates with some adults by
reminding them of their childhood
and evoking their empathy.

After seeing it, I felt more

responsible towards nature. It serves
as a reminder for us to value and
protect our environment, including
plants and flowers. I've even shared
it with my little brother, teaching him
not to harm these living things.

To me, it's indeed useful. It's also

heartwarming and thought-
provoking. It effectively conveys the
idea that we should care for and
respect plants, making us more
aware of the beauty and vulnerability
of the natural world. It's a gentle yet
powerful way to encourage us to be
more responsible toward nature."
4.Describe a piece of good advice
that you gave to someone
You should say:

Who you gave the advice to

What the advice was
Why you gave the advice
And explain how he/she followed
your advice
这个建议是关于早睡的 我将这个建议
给了我的同学 因为他在学校上课的时
因为我⾃⼰习惯于早睡 特别是在学校
住宿的时候 我常常在⽼师要求的睡觉
时间之前就已经⼊睡了 我向别⼈给出
服 在⼀天的劳累之后 可以充分的休
息 ⽽且当我们没有睡⾜够的时间之
后 我常常在早上会起不来 ⽽且⼀整
天也⼗分困 让我感到⼗分的难受
在听了我的意⻅之后 他开始在 11 点之
前⼊睡 ⽽他在尝试早睡之后 每天的

I once gave a piece of advice about

getting enough sleep and keeping
early hours to one of my classmates
who often complained that he lacked
energy and felt exhausted all the
time, especially during school hours.
He got also distracted easily in
classes, influencing his overall study
And now it was exactly the prime
time in life that would determine/
shape our future. Dedication, hard
work, and study efficiency were all
key points to our performance in our
school, thus affecting the final grade
in gaokao. College entrance
examination. When he was
complaining about this with me, i
offered him an advice-keeping early
hours. This was sth i concluded from
my hands-on experience as i have a
personal habit of going to bed early,
especially when i was staying in the
school dorm. I often fell asleep well
before the designated bedtime
around 11 set by our teachers. And i
seldom felt lack of energy. I believed
after a long day of classes and
activities, getting a good night’s
sleep allowed us to fully recharge.
And when i didn’t get enough sleep, i
often struggled to wake up in the
morning and would be just like him
lacking of energy and getting
distracted easily.
Upon hearing my advice, he decided
to give it a try. He started going to
bed before 11 pm, which was way
earlier than his usual bedtime. After
getting into that habit of keeping
early hours, he noticed a significant
improvement in his energy levels. He
was no longer feeling excessively
tired during school hours, and
concentrated more in class. He even
told me that he realized the
importance of having a healthy
It was rewarding to see how a simple
piece of advice, based on my own
positive experience, could make a
positive impact on someone else’s

5.Describe an area of
science(biology, robotics, etc.)
that you are interested in and
would like to learn more about

You should say:

Which area it is
When and where you came to know
this area
How you got information about this
And explain why you are interested
in this area
我知道这个领域是在我很⼩的时候 我
上 现在我有时候会在⼿机上观看关于
这个领域的⼀些视频 我也会在新闻上
还有宇宙之外的世界是未知的 ⽽探索

One area of science that has always

fascinated me is the study of
superior planets, which are planets
outside our solar system. My interest
in this field was sparked when I was
quite young. My parents used to buy
me a lot of popular science books,
and one of them mentioned the
concept of superior planets. I began
to delve into this field primarily
through these books. As I grew older,
I started exploring it further by
watching videos on my phone and
keeping an eye on news articles
related to it. It's amazing how
technology has allowed us to access
such a wealth of information right at
our fingertips.
What captivates me about this area
is the mystery of it. The fact that
there are countless planets out
there, beyond our own solar system,
waiting to be discovered and
explored, is incredibly exciting. It's a
reminder of how much we still don't
know about the universe.

I have a thirst to find the answers to

questions like what those planets
look like, whether there are signs of
other forms of life, how those
potential living beings might differ
from us, and whether we, as human
beings, have the ability to reach
those planets. It not only piques my
curiosity but also ignites my
imagination. Learning about it
reminds me of the vastness of the
cosmos, making it a captivating field
of science that I am eager to
continue exploring.

Describe a rule that is important in

your school or at work

You should say:

What the rule is about
What happens when people break
the rule
Why you think it is an important
And explain how you feel about the
The rule I am going to talk about is
about mobile phone,our school
prohibit students to bring any
electronic equipment,especially
mobile phones.if students need bring
phones to take bus or subway,they
have to give the phone to the teacher
until school is over.
Even though our school is very strict
in this rule,still some students break
it.The result is that their phone will
be confiscate until the end of this
term,but if the students break this
rule at twice,teacher may call
students parents to school,and warn
the students.
The rule is very crucial for the
management of school.As we all
know ,our attention can be attracted
by our mobile phone,so this rule can
make us focus more on our study
Because I've never brought my cell
phone to school,but I think it is
important for us to keep our
study,which is beneficial for the
development of our study

The rule I want to talk about is the

ban on bringing mobile phones to
school. In our school, students aren't
allowed to bring any electronic
gadgets, especially cell phones. If
students need to have their phones
with them, like for commuting, they
have to hand their phones over to the
teacher until the school day is done.

When people break this rule, there

are consequences. First, their phone
gets confiscated until the current
term ends. But if a student
repeatedly breaks this rule, the
teacher might call their parents to
school and give them a warning.

one of the reasons why this rule is

essential is that it helps create a
better learning environment. Mobile
phones can be super distracting with
all the notifications and the
temptation to use them for non-
school stuff. By not allowing phones
in school, students are less likely to
get sidetracked from their studies.

another is that it makes things fair

for everyone. Not all students may
have phones, and letting some use
them in school could lead to
inequality. By enforcing a no-phone
policy, the school ensures that
everyone has the same access to
educational resources.

besides, it teaches responsibility and

discipline. Students learn that
there's a time and place for
everything, and during school hours,
the focus should be on learning, not
on personal electronic devices.

As for how I personally feel about

this rule, I've never brought my cell
phone to school, and I support the
rule because I think it's crucial for us
to stay focused on our studies. It's
good for our academic growth and
helps us develop discipline, which is
a valuable life skill.

Describe a drawing/painting that

you like

You should say:

When you first saw this painting
What the painting is about
Who drew/painted it
And explain why you like this
The painting I want to describe was
drawn by Monet,a famous artist from
French .The painting is called
Impressive,Sunrise.I first saw this
painting when I took an art class.Our
teacher introduced the impressionist
painting for us,so he show a many
plants for us,included this one.
The paint is about a peaceful
landscape.In the center of the
painting,you can see a boat with a
person in the sea,and behind the
boat,you can see a vague harbor,but
the most important is the
sunrise,The orange-red sun in the
sky.when you look at the sea,you can
see the reflection of the sun and
harbor,with orange,red,blue and
When I saw this panting,I was
shocked by the beautiful view it
has,not only that,this panting can
always bring a peaceful feeling to
me.I think that’s why I like this
panting very much

The painting I'd like to describe is

"Impression, Sunrise" by the famous
French artist Monet. I first
encountered this painting when I
took an art class. Our teacher
introduced us to Impressionist
paintings, and this particular one
was among the examples he showed

"Impression, Sunrise" depicts a

serene landscape. In the center of
the painting, you can see a boat with
a person in the sea. Behind the boat,
there's a hazy harbor, but the focal
point is the sunrise. The orange-red
sun dominates the sky, casting a
warm glow. When you gaze at the
sea, you can see the reflection of the
sun and the harbor, painted in hues
of orange, red, blue, and green.

This painting left a profound impact

on me. I was struck by the sheer
beauty of the scene it portrays.
Moreover, it consistently evokes a
sense of tranquility whenever I look
at it. I believe that's why I'm so
drawn to this painting. It captures a
moment of serene natural beauty,
and that feeling of peace and
harmony resonates with me on a
deep level. Monet's ability to convey
such emotion through his
brushstrokes and use of color is truly
remarkable, and it's why
"Impression, Sunrise" remains one of
my favorite artworks.

Describe a photo that makes you

feel happy

You should say:

When and where you took the
What the photo is like
How often you watch the photo
And explain why it makes you feel
The photo I am going to talk about is
a landscape photo,I took this photo
about 2 years ago,in the grass land
of a garden where covered by snow
in winter.The garden near my
home,and the landscape in there is
very beautiful.
As I said before,I took the photo in
winter,so the green grass land turn
into white ,and a path that connect
the top of the garden alone the grass
land,in the far side,there were 3
trees with few leaf standing
alone.The atmosphere of the photo is
cold and peaceful.
I am not sure how many times I
watch the photo,but When I look at
the album on my phone, I always
click on this photo.
Because I took the photo in winter,so
it was the times when we would have
the spring festival soon,so I always
feel happy and anticipated at that
time,besides the peaceful
atmosphere there can also make me
feel calm.

The photo that brings me joy was

snapped about 2 years ago in a
garden close to my home, during the
winter season when the ground was
covered in a thick layer of snow. This
garden has always been a source of
beauty and calm for me.

In the picture, the once-green grassy

field had transformed into a
sparkling white snowy landscape. A
winding path stretched from the
front to the top of the garden,
cutting through the snow. In the
distance, three tall, leafless trees
stood gracefully. The overall vibe of
the photo was chilly but incredibly

I can't count the number of times I've

gone back to this photo, but it's
become one of my favorites in my
photo album. Whenever I scroll
through my phone's pictures, this
one always catches my eye.

This photo makes me happy for a

couple of reasons. Firstly, it was
taken in the winter, a season that
signifies the upcoming spring
festival, a time of happiness,
anticipation, and togetherness in my
culture. Seeing the snow-covered
garden reminds me of the excitement
and warmth of those approaching

apart from that, the serene

atmosphere captured in the photo
has a soothing effect on me. The
peaceful beauty of the snow-covered
landscape, with its untouched purity,
reminds me to appreciate the simple
and calm moments in life. It's a visual
reminder of the tranquility that can
be found in nature, even during the
coldest and harshest seasons, and
that connection with nature brings
me happiness and a sense of inner

Describe a difficult task that you

completed at work/study that you
felt proud of

You should say:

What the task was
How you completed it
Why the task was difficult
Why you were proud of the
completion of the task
The difficult task I am going to talk
about was an experimental work that
our teacher asked for in class,we
need to made a paper box that can
undertake the weight of 10 books.
At first,our teacher divided us into 8
groups,each one has 4
students,because the tools was
limited,so we had to share them,the
most difficult is that everyone need
made our own work by ourselves,so
sometimes I had to wait these tools
when other people was using
them,after taking these tools,I need
to speed up my work and finish it
before class is over.
Even though the time was not
enough for me,I finished it on time
because my classmates who had
finished their works lent me their
tools,and in the end,my work
undertook 15 books,and achieved
the goal successfully.
I was proud of it because I solved the
problems i encouraged,and finished
the work well in the end,when I saw
the book was became a tower on the
small box,i had a sense of

I'll talk about a challenging task I

completed during my studies that I
felt proud of. The task was to build a
paper box that could support the
weight of 10 books.

Our teacher divided us into 8 groups,

each with 4 students, and we had
limited tools to work with. The tricky
part was that we had to make our
individual paper boxes, so there were
times when I had to wait for others to
finish using the tools. This time
pressure added to the difficulty of
the task.

I managed to finish my paper box on

time, thanks in part to the help of my
classmates who had already
completed their work. They let me
use their tools, which sped up my
progress. Surprisingly, my paper box
not only held 10 books but could
support 15, surpassing the initial

I was proud of this achievement

because I overcame various
challenges, such as limited
resources and time constraints. I
also successfully designed and built
a paper box that exceeded the
teacher's expectations. When I saw
the stack of books securely balanced
on the small box I made, it gave me a
profound sense of accomplishment.
This project taught me important
problem-solving skills, the value of
teamwork, and the importance of
perseverance, all of which
contributed to my pride in
completing the task successfully.

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