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Data analysis & Presentation

A survey was conducted, consisting of a sample of randomly selected people. This survey aims to find out how Barista and Caf Coffee Days target market, rate their products and services. A copy of the customer survey is attached in the Annexure. Comparative Rating: The survey also asked the customers to rate the following parameters on a scale of 1-5 (1being the worst, 5 being the best), for both Barista and Caf Coffee Day: 1. Taste of coffee/food 2. Prices of products 3. Delivery process and overall service 4. Ambience

Preference of coffee shops:

14 Caf coffee day 52 34 Barista Others

The above graph shows which coffee shop the respondents usually preferred to visit. Although this is not a true indicator of market share, it gives us some idea or the closeness in which both companies operate. Out of 100, 52% respondents prefer Caf Coffee Day, 34% respondents prefer Barista and 14% respondents prefer other coffee shops.

Comparative ratings: 1. Taste & Quality of Products The first parameter that respondents were asked to rate was the taste and the quality of the products available at both Barista and Caf Coffee Day. Essentially these products are Coffees,Other Drinks (like Granitas, Cremosas etc), eatables and desserts. Finding out how customers feel about the taste and quality of products offered, could help both these organizations improve their share, by adapting and improving their products. Caf coffee day- 4/5


- 3.5/5

Fig. comparative rating taste of food

2. Pricing Customers perception of prices plays a very important role in a service sector industry. Because of the intangible nature of a service, prices are often regarded an approximate indicators of quality. Pricing policy affects the cafs revenue directly. The higher the price, the larger the profit margins, but the lower the price, the higher the market share. In a retail caf chain though, volumes are what count- thats why the more competitive the price is, the better for the firm.


- 3/5

Caf coffee day-

- 4/5

Fig. comparative rating pricing 3. Service a. Delivery process Delivery Process is the process of delivering the product to the customer once it is prepared and ready for consumption. Baristas delivery process is again, self-service. When an order is ready, the Barista attendant calls out the customers name and the customer has to go to the counter and collect it. Barista received an above average rating of 3.5/ 5. Caf Coffee Days delivery process involves a restaurant- like approach. When the order

is ready, and the customer has not collected it from the counter, a Caf Coffee Day attendant comes to the customers table and delivers the order. Caf Coffee Day received an excellent rating of 4.5/ 5 for this process.

Barista -

- 3.5/5

Caf coffee day -

- 4.5/5

Fig. comparative rating delivery process

b. Overall service A customers visit to a coffeehouse doesnt end with his purchase of coffee. He goes there for the service the organization provides, and this service is provided directly by the staff. Barista performed exceptionally well, with another excellent 4.5/ 5 rating. Caf Coffee Day stayed at the above- average level once again with only a 3.5/ 5. barista- 4.5/5 Caf coffee day- 3.5/5

Fig. comparative rating overall service

4. Ambience One of the main characteristics of a service in intangibility, a major effect of intangibility is that since the service cannot be seen or touched, it is very difficult communicating its qualities or advantages to the customers. This also poses a problem in creating a brand image for the organization. Service organizations use physical evidence to overcome these hurdles. Physical evidence is basically any sort of tangible that can be attached to the service, like the building, the colors, the furniture, etc. This is especially true in the hospitality industry, where ambience plays a huge role in building the service organizations brand- and adding value to its core product.


- 4.5/5

Caf coffee day-

- 3.5/5

Fig. comparative rating ambience

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