Chapter One For Chiazor

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The researcher chose the above project topic in order to study public's perception on

redeemers university corporate social responsibility, as case study furthermore how the

researcher intends to carry out this study will be clearly discourse in this project proposal.

Redeemers university Ede is the scope of the study to focus on and over the world have the

major aim and objectives of improving and impacting knowledge through teaching,

community services and research but these objectives and aims cannot be achieved only by

the academic staff alone without other staffs such as administrative staffs and nonacademic

staff, these are people who constitutes organization, by synergizing their effort and true

commitment towards the organization which in turn bring positive contribution to the

purpose goal and objectives of the organization.

Furthermore, synergy and proximity should be created between public’s perception and

redeemers university corporate social responsibility if the organization want positive

performance, meanwhile the study will collectively study and discourses on every variables

that constitutes the word organization put differently public perception and redeemers

university corporate social responsibility.

The concept of business social responsibility has continued to evolve and expand. Today, the

efficient use of resources to make profit is still seen as the primary social responsibility of


The idea of corporate social responsibility began in the early part of the twentieth century.

Interestingly enough, it came from business executive who believed that corporations have an

obligations to use their resources in ways that would benefits the entire society.
Another writer Daris and Bellomstom (2010:39) defined social responsibility simply as: “The

obligation of decision makers to take actions which protects and improve the welfare of the

society as a whole along with their own interest”.

On the other hand, Omokhole (2005.p15) sees socially responsible as “the interest in and

commitment to the aims, objectives and aspiration of the wider society in which the private

sector functions”.

According to Stainer And Steiner (2001,P.110) socially responsible is “ A business

organization’s configuration of the principle of social responsibility, process and of social

responsiveness and policies, programmes and observable outcome as they relate to a firm’s

societal relationship.


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a business process that any organization/firm could

adopts beyond its legal obligations in order to create added economic, social and

environmental value to society and to minimize potential adverse effects from business

activities, which includes interactions with suppliers, employees, consumers and communities

in general.

Although, corporate organizations in Nigeria are socially responsible to an extent, the

question still remain, what is the public perception with regard to them falling their aspect of

the social contract existing between them and their host communities? Have they been doing

enough? Do the host communities feel the impacts of these organizations’ Corporate Social

Responsibility? It is therefore based on the foregoing that this study seeks to assess the public

perception of Corporate Social Responsibility in Ede Osun state, using Redeemers University

as a case study

The main objective of the project is to study public's perception on redeemers university

corporate social responsibility.

Thus, the specific objectives of the study include the followings which are to:

1. To evaluate the extent of redeemers university involvement in public affairs.

2. To have an insight into the role it is expected to play in the area of corporate social


3. To become familiar with the effects of social responsibility on a redeemers university

and society.

4. To evaluate public impression/opinion/perception on the redeemers university.


This project is conducted to examine the public's perception on redeemers university

corporate social responsibility. The research questions are posed as follows:-

1. To what extent has Redeemers university City improved the living condition in its


2. To what extent does Redeemers university engage itself in community and employee


3. Does the gain derive by the community from Redeemers university exceed the loss

they suffer

4. Does the company meet up with the needs of the community?


The researcher focused on respondents in ede community within Redeemers University. The

expected numbers of respondents that will be involved for this research are 150 individuals.

The respondents will be identified using simple random sampling technique.

This research will be conducted in the ede community around Redeemers university, The

community was chosen because it is near to researcher and able to easily access the required



The significance of this study lies in its theoretical and practical contribution which is as

follows: It will make a significant contribution to the body of knowledge on public's

perception on redeemers university corporate social responsibility.

The study is also important in the sense that it is aimed at corporate social responsibility and

to have a comprehensive view in total public's perception on redeemers university corporate

social responsibility.

The study is important because it will serve as a reference point for both present and future

researchers who intends to carry on similar study. It will provide a deeper understanding of

the public's perception on redeemers university corporate social responsibility. The findings

of the study will help the planners of corporate social responsibility system on how to

implement appropriate corporate social responsibility within the organization to enhance

good public’s perception. Study will help university management to reflect more on the

purpose and benefits of corporate social responsibility in line with every quality.

The study will be restricted to one hundred and fifty (150) individuals within ede community

which would serve as the public which would look into the school corporate social


In the study of this type all cannot be assumed to be well. Time available is the first

constraint in this study. The time available is too short for this type of research work there by

limiting the study to a number of redeemers university. Finance is seen as a constraint too

because it not always readily available.


UNIVERSITY refers in general to "a number of persons associated into one body, a

society, company, community, guild, corporation, etc".At the time of the emergence of urban

town life and medieval guilds, specialized "associations of students and teachers with

collective legal rights usually guaranteed by charters issued by princes, prelates, or the towns

in which they were located" came to be denominated by this general term.

SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Social responsibility as described in this study is a

demonstration of certain responsible behaviour on the part of public and the private

(government and business) sectors toward society and the environment.

PERFORMANCE Performance is the manner in which an organisation functions, operates,

or behaves in the society.

PERCEPTION the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the


Daris and Bellomstom (2010:39, p.g 23-25) social Responsibilities of the Businessman New

York. Harper and Brothers Publisher.

Stainer and Steiner (2001,p.110) corporate social Responsibility a Reassessment; London;

Groom Helm Itel.

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