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InTASC Standard 6:

InTASC Standard 6- Assessment

01 Learn about standard 6

02 Breakout Rooms

03 Time to share and debrief

Standard 6: Assessment
The candidate understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage
learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the
candidate’s and learner’s decision making.
3 Guiding Questions
1. 2. 3.
Formative & Data-informed Accommodations &
summative instruction modifications
Guiding Question 1
Does the candidate select and use a variety of appropriate formative and summative assessments that are
aligned to learning objectives to support and verify student learning, share assessment data with students and
caregivers, and use technology to assess students’ understanding of the content and organize assessment

Big Points:
Effective use of a variety of formative and summative assessments.
Appropriate use of technology tools for assessing students' understanding.
Gather relevant progress and performance data for informed decision-making and sharing.
Drive future instruction based on assessment outcomes.
In the chat tool..
Share one formative or summative assessment
you have found beneficial in your classroom.
Guiding Question 2
Does the candidate use the data obtained from multiple assessments to diagnose individual learning needs,
monitor learner progress, and guide planning to better meet the needs of the learner?

Big Points:
Consistent use of data from multiple assessments.
Provide timely and descriptive feedback to students.
Actively redesign lessons based on assessment outcomes.
Continue to design multiple modes of assessment:
Guiding Question 3
Does the candidate make proper accommodations and modifications of testing conditions to accommodate
individual learning styles and varying levels of knowledge for all students, including students with Special Needs
and English Language Learners?

Big Points:
Provide proper accommodations and modifications for individual learning styles.
Address varying levels of knowledge for all students, including Special Needs and English Language Learners.
Frequently monitor students during testing to ensure students are on task.
Break-Out Rooms
How do you currently integrate multiple assessments in your teaching to engage students
and guide your instructional decisions?

Considering the use of technology in assessments, what specific tools have you found
effective in assessing students' understanding, and how do you share this data with
students and caregivers?

In terms of accommodations and modifications for diverse learners, what approaches

have you implemented to ensure fair and inclusive testing conditions?

Can you share a specific example where you adjusted your instructional plans based on
assessment data? What was the impact on student learning?
Thank you!

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