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1) Calculate the magnitudes of momentum vectors, respectively of masses m1 = 1 g;

m2 = 1 kg and m3 = 106 kg, when they are in a freely falling motion on a height of
100 m. Given that the momentum vector of Earth is opposite to each of the
formers momentum vectors ; find the speed of Earth in each case
(Me = 6x1024 kg).
Determine the magnitude of the force exerted on each mass
2) A lift for a building has a mass of 250 kg and carries 3 persons of respective
masses m1 = 60 kg; m2 = 80 kg and m3 = 100 kg. The lift starts from rest and its
engine exerts a force of 5x103 N ; determine :
1° the acceleration of the lift during the upward motion
2° the height reached during the upward motion if it takes 5 seconds
3° Suppose that the person of mass m3 stands on a balance. Compute the
magnitude of his apparent weight during the accelerated upward motion of the lift,
and the value of the person’s mass indicated by that balance.
3) A car of mass 103 kg is climbing up a rectilinear road inclined of 20° with respect
to the horizontal. If frictional forces are negligible and given that g = 9.8 m/s2 ;
1° the magnitude of the force F exerted by the engine when the car is moving:
a) in a uniformly accelerated motion, with an acceleration a = 0.2 m/s2
b) in a uniform motion
2° the resistance force R exerted by the road on the car in each case
4) A body of mass 10 kg and acted on by a force of magnitude F = (20 t + 40)
newtons, is moving along a straight line. At initial time, the body occupies a
position of abscissa x0 = 5 m and has a speed v0 = 6 m/s. Compute, at time t = 2s :
1° the instantaneous speed v
2° the instantaneous abscissa x
5) A body of mass 0.8 kg is placed on an inclined plane of 30° with respect to the
horizontal. Given that the coefficient of friction is 0.3 ; compute the necessary
force F to be exerted on that body, so that it can climb up the plane :
1° in a uniformly accelerated motion, with a = 0.1 m/s2
2° in a uniform motion
6) A particle of mass m1 = 0.2 kg is moving with a speed v1 = 0.4 m/s along the OX
axis and strikes another motionless particle of mass m2 = 0.3 kg. After the
collision, the first particle moves with a speed v’1 = 0.2 m/s in a direction that
makes an angle a = + 40° with the OX axis. Determine :
1° the magnitude and the negative direction b of the velocity vector v ' 2 of the
second particle after the collision.
2° the variations of the velocity vector and of the momentum vector of each
7) A vehicle of mass 1500 kg is running along a horizontal road with a speed of
60 km/h. When the driver brakes to produce a constant acceleration, the car stops
after 1.2 minutes of braking. Determine the magnitude of the breaking force F ,

exerted on the particle, and the magnitude of the acceleration a of the breaking
8) A body of mass 2 kg is moving without friction on a horizontal surface, due to a
horizontal force of magnitude F = 55 + t2 in newtons. Given that the body starts
its motion from rest; compute its speed v at the time t = 5 s.
9) A body of mass m from rest at a position of abscissa x0, is moving in a rectilinear
motion under the action of a force F = - 2 . Prove that its speed v in any position
of abscissa x is given by the relation :

2k æ 1 1 ö
v2 = ç - ÷
m çè x x0 ÷ø

10) A billiard ball of mass m1 = 1 kg, collides with a speed v1 = 3 m/s, another
stationary ball of mass m2 = 2 kg. After the collision, we find that the angles of
deviation from the horizontal direction are respectively q = + 53° and f = - 37°.
Determine the speed v'1 and v'2 of the two balls after their elastic collision.


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