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Strength of Argument: 16 marks ( pg no.

124 - 127)
Which argument is more convincing.
Your answer should
Consider both arguments
Evaluate their reasoning, evidence and use of language
Support your judgment with their words and ideas


1. Wide range of aspects of both arguments: Key criteria clearly defined( listed below)
2. Link each of these to a strength/weakness with a reason
3. Frequent evidence from the source for each developed point from both the arguments
4. Comparing two sources/arguments explicitly
1. Detailed and reasoned explanation of each criteria
2. Both- reasoning and evidence- are evaluated explicitly
3. Provide a conclusion about which argument is stronger for each criteria and a
final conclusion

Criteria for quality of evidence Criteria for sources of potential bias or vested interest

Is the evidence relevant to the topic being discussed Is there any potential Author bias. explain why?

Is the evidence selectively provided or is it significant Is there any potential Publisher bias ( newspaper/
and include counter perspectives also magazine/letter/speech/blog/website etc)? Explain why?
Is the evidence updated or outdated about the topic Are multiple perspectives considered or is it biased in favor
being discussed of someone or against someone?

Is the evidence research based or opinion based Identify the type of bias accurately

Is the evidence from a range of information and depth? Local interest/ economic bias/ personal values/ experience
Is it sufficient- is sample size big enough for
generalization? Criteria for use of logic

Is the source of evidence reliable Is the argument relevant to the topic

Does the argument have seamless flow from causes to
Is the evidence fact based, opinion, value or anecdotal? consequences without skipping any step

Is it an expert testimony or experienced testimony? Are there unsupported claims

Criteria for use of language Are there logical fallacies

Is the language clear or is it confusing or too technical/
full of jargon? Criteria for use of structure
Is the tone emotive and exaggerated making it difficult Does the argument have a clear introduction and
to believe? conclusion
Is the tone emotive but uses some facts to support the
argument, making the emotional appeal to the audience
a strength? Does it have multiple arguments to support its conclusion
Are all the arguments used to support the conclusion
Is the tone persuasive? relevant to the topic
Is the tone precise, measured and easy to follow and
believe? Acceptability of value to others
Is the tone precise but lacks convincing and appeal for How likely other people are to agree with their
the audience? perspective/ view

Strength of Argument - Prompts

Comparative analysis of 2 arguments

Criteria Questions

1.Use and ● Is the evidence relevant to the topic being discussed

quality of ● Is the evidence selectively provided or is it significant and include counter
evidence perspectives also
● Is the evidence updated or outdated about the topic being discussed
● Is the evidence research based or opinion based
● Is the evidence from a range of information and depth?
● Is it sufficient- is sample size big enough for generalization?
● Is the source of evidence reliable
● Is the evidence fact based, opinion, value or anecdotal?
● Is it an expert testimony or experienced testimony?
● Is factual data used more than the use of opinion, value judgments, and
● Which Type of facts are used - data, statistics, personal experience?

2.Identificati ● Is the Argument without any self interest and potential bias ?
on of ● If there is bias, identify it accurately
self-interest, ● Is there any potential Author bias. explain why?
the profit ● Is there any potential Publisher bias ( newspaper/
motive or magazine/letter/speech/blog/website etc)? explain why?
● Are multiple perspectives considered or is it biased in favor of someone or against
bias, vested
● Local interest/ economic bias/ personal values/ experience

3.Use of ● Is the argument relevant to the topic

logical ● Is there a logical flow to the argument?Does the argument have seamless flow
reasoning from causes to consequences without skipping any step
● Does it have reasons from all/ most perspectives; personal, local, national, and
● Are there any logical fallacies? If yes, identify them.
● Are there unsupported claims
4. Use of ● Does the argument have a clear introduction and conclusion
structure ● Does it have multiple arguments to support its conclusion
● Are all the arguments used to support the conclusion relevant to the topic

5.Use of ● Is the language clear and easy to understand or is it full of jargons difficult to
language understand?
● Is the tone precise and measured?and easy to follow and believe?
● Is the tone emotive and exaggerative making it difficult to believe?
● Does use of emotive tone sometimes support the topic being discussed and help
in persuasion?Is it emotive but uses some facts to support the argument, making
the emotional appeal to the audience a strength?
● Is it precise but lacks convincing and appeal for the audience?

6. ● How likely other people are to agree with their perspective/ view
y of value
to others

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