Freelance Task 4

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1) SkillSet
Wordpress developer
2) Keywords
Wordpress seo , wordpress On-Page seo , wordpress seo optimization

3) Tagline/Title
I will do On-page Seo for your Wordpress site
4) Description
Hi, Are you looking for a White Hat SEO Expert for your business? Are you Not getting the
desired organic traffic from your website? but Why? because your website does not have SEO
Optimization. I am an SEO Expert I can help you Optimise your website. I have 3+ years of
experience. I will follow the manual white hat SEO technique which will increase your traffic.
Advanced White Hat SEO Expert with Advanced SEO strategy. I do SEO for every CMS like
WordPress, Shopify, Squarespace, Wix, blogger, Optimization (SEMrush/ahrefs), and link-building

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