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POTs up, in, out Luke 6:12-19-How Revival comes about.

How to achieve it- Exodus 18

- Prayer/Being filled with the Holy Ghost everyday- it is the engine of any movement.
Ministry is spiritual. Prayer is the beginning of a missional church. The first thing is prayer.
- Evangelism/Soul winning-preaching-(Inviting them into a relationship with God) and
Discipleship-Teaching. Before discipleship, there is evangelism- because you cannot disciple
people you have not led to Christ. Teach the people. Discipleship- church grows through
discipleship, teaching not through crowd gathering. A church is a family you belong to not an
event you attend. The process is not done until the person does what you are doing.
- Distribute leadership among the people. Leaders of Thousands, Hundreds, fifties, tens. That’s
how the church should be organized. Don’t do the work alone- otherwise you’ll have along
line of people to pray for – and have no time to fellowship with God.

A good church is a church with a vibrant prayer life, good discipleship system, and then a good
planting-sending system. Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10, how you relate on the 3 points. Prayer,
Discipleship, Planting. 3RS- Render a life to the Lord, Raise 12 disciples, Reach 120 people (upper
room) to launch a church.

Render a life- At least 1 hour of Prayer every day, Commit a day throughout the week to serve the
Lord, Give 10% of income to the Lord.

Up in out, that’s the way to go.

Up in out, multiply the mission.

PEDMM- These are core things that Jesus did, that the disciples did.

Prayer- Be in His presence every day. The Holy Spirit came on Jesus at the Jordan, but He led Him
into the wilderness to pray, He was always filled with the Spirit. Every church can grow in 3 months if
you make up your mind to pray. Not a onetime experience- Don’t depend on the gift. The first is
prayer, being filled with the Holy Ghost. If you’d pray long enough, the wind will blow the people into
your church. Human beings are spirits and in them there’s a homing devise looking for the Spirit of
God. So, if you’d pray, the wind of the Spirit will direct them.

Evangelism, - prayer and evangelism are the two-edged sword of the revival. These are 2 key things
for revival. Acts 6: When the church grows, problems arise-but stay the course- stay on prayer and
teaching- find other people to handle other issues but stay with the 2 core things- they are the ones
that bring people- so don’t ignore them. Have targets for soul winning for the year just as you have
financial targets for the year. Because if you aim at nothing you will hit nothing. Don’t expect people
to come if you are not doing evangelism.

Discipleship- people are established, planted through teaching ministry of the Word. The teaching
ministry should be in every church- because that’s what establishes the church.


- Are you born again?

- Who is discipling you and do they know?
- Who are you discipling, and do they know?
- Who are your disciples discipling and do they know?
6 dimensions of increase.

Acts 2:47



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