The Prayer Life of A Missionary Christian

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The prayer life of a missionary Christian

The one who’s been sent on a mission. He’s a purpose for his living- he’s not living an
ordinary life. Every Christian ought to be on a mission. One with the consciousness of the
gospel of Jesus Christ and the need for the world to hear the gospel. Because that’s the
only saving power in the world. The bible shows us that no one can be saved except with
the gospel of Jesus Christ- and we either believe it and act that way or not. And you don’t
believe something until it propels, controls your life- anyone can say I believe this or that.
What you believe is what controls your life- whether negative or positive- until you act on
what you say you believe; you don’t really believe. What you believe controls your life and
your actions.
What is the content of the prayer of a missionary Christian- what are his concerns, what’s
filled in his mind. Font think in terms of titles but in function, in impact. How are you
impacting your world, how are you changing your generation. Don’t live an ordinary life-
refuse that- make an impact in the world where you are- and that will grow because God
needs you- all those who come into your environment are impacted by your words. Make an
impact! Look at those who came to Jesus, He changed them with His words- the ones who
listened to steven saw an angel- with the apostles they took notice that they had been with
So, make an impact, refuse to be ordinary- because you see you have the Holy spirit- He’s
called the excellent Spirit. Don’t strive for excellency- you have an excellent spirit-do
excellent things the first time- He’ll impact your mind with His excellent thoughts, with His
mind-through the Word. I have an excellent spirit therefore I do excellent things- you were
born to be excellent- that’s God’s plan to make us excellent.
As a missionary Christian, your focus in prayer is different from the ordinary person and
general believer who is not serious in the ministry. People think only the pastors are called
into the ministry and others are supporters of the ministry.

Ephesians 4: 10 He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens,
that he might fill all things.) 11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some,
evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work
of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.

For perfecting the saints, so that the saints can do the work of the ministry. Every Christian
ought to be on a mission- because everyone of us has been sent. You can’t live a successful
life until you are on a mission, until you are on the Go mission. We are not only called to
believe on Jesus but also to suffer-labor for His sake.

So, the missionary Christian’s focus in prayer is different. He’s not focused only on His
family. He prays differently, the content of his prayer, the concerns of his heart. Out of the
abundance of the heart the mouth speaks- so it depends on what you have in your heart.
So, what you’ve got in your heart will be expressed outside. What are you concerned about?
Everyday issues? The less is included in the greater- if you solve bigger issues, the small ones
will be solved- if our country is more influenced by the gospel today, more problems would
not be existing. Thank God for what is there but it is not enough- that’s where you and I
come and be on a mission because there is job to do.

But as a missionary Christian, what is my content in prayer?

1- Colossian 4: 3 Withal praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of
utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in bonds:

If it was good for Paul, it is good for everybody. There are two things he’s asking for; 1-
utterance may be granted us and that we may have opportunities to preach the gospel. So,
how do I pray as a missionary Christian? I am praying for our brothers and sisters around the
world that the world that the Holy Spirit will grant them utterance and create for them
opportunities to preach the gospel. Utterance and the opportunity- because you may have
the opportunity but don’t have the utterance. Utterance here means vocal emission-
something is coming out of your mouth- words may be granted to us- God will put words in
our hearts to speak. For example, you are going to work tomorrow-so we are praying that
would give you words to speak and create for you opportunities to preach the gospel.
Imagine all of us are praying like that, imagine that becoming the consciousness of our
prayer. Because if we are not conscious of our prayer, we won’t know when God answers
us- that’s why sometimes I ask people, “what did you pray about today?” but they don’t
remember anything except the need they have been having. So, when God answers, they
don’t remember-because they are not conscious of their prayer. So, we pray that utterance
may be give to us- not just me but everyone of us- and now we can trust God to grant us
utterance because He said, “Open your mouth and I will fill it.” So, what am watching out is
the opportunity- and when it comes, I start out- when that guy has been locked out with
me, this must be the opportunity-so, I launch out because that could be the only chance and
you are conscious of it, you’ve been waiting for it.
Colossians 4:3 TLB
Don’t forget to pray for us too, that God will give us many chances to preach
the Good News of Christ for which I am here in jail.

2- 2 Thessalonians 3:1 Finally, dear brothers, as I come to the end of this letter, I ask
you to pray for us. Pray first that the Lord’s message will spread rapidly and
triumph wherever it goes, winning converts everywhere as it did when it came to

That the gospel will spread rapidly, will have free course, will be unhindered and be
honored. Look at the concern of the writer and the consciousness he wants us to have. So,
the missionary has a focus-he thinks about the message, he thinks about the gospel. E.g.,
Assuming you were selling something like a Christian magazine, and came hawking around
the church- as a missionary Christian, you don’t come to make money from them, but you
are thinking about the gospel- if you sold such things to them, the right thing to do is to take
that money to church. Be careful when something is free-that it’s free doesn’t mean you
cant get it when a price is put on it- but somebody paid for it and made it free- if you are
smart, ask how much it costs and contribute something to it- your consciousness should be
smart- and I am talking in terms of ministry- not when people are fighting for their rights
that something should be free because somehow it was paid for it.
3 Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be
glorified, even as it is with you.

The Word of the Lord came to you unhindered, now it is glorified in your life-others are
telling you that your life has changed. So, can you make sure you extend it to someone else,
because someone else needs it. Let that be your consciousness-and that will make you pray
for it and make opportunities for it. If God gave you 1b dollars, what would happen to the
gospel of Jesus Christ? How many of you would definitely ensure with your money that
the gospel made tremendous progress? Let me see your hands! God never says when I give
you something big, then you do big things for me. He gives you little and you prove your
faithfulness and then He promotes you- because you’ve got to prove your intelligence,
financial intelligence. So He trains you, trains you about human beings, trains about those
who cheat, trains you how to protect your money and invest it- then takes you to another
level, lets you know that at this level there are bigger wolves, helps you understand how
things work at this level-then takes you to another level where wolves are not thieves but
don’t like anybody to come to their level because they understand the power of money-
then take you to another level- if you win there, then you come to the final one where you
run nations with money-now they know they cant get you-so they have to play with you.
That’s why God doesn’t bring money because it attracts enemies to you- so He has to train
you how to deal with such.

Part 2

2 Corinthians 5: 18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus
Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation.

He’s reconciled you to Himself to go and reconcile others. So, you are a missionary Christian.
No Christian can be successful until he’s on the mission-until he takes that responsibility of
preaching the gospel and see to it that the gospel moves. It’s got to be his job. When you
come to a new environment, the first thing to think about is the place of worship. Didn’t it
you see it in the bible? The first thing the great men did when they came into a new place
was to set up an altar- the alter signified the place of worship, the place of prayer- when
they received a financial blessing, the first thing they did was to give a tithe. Jacob did- how
did he learn it? From His father. And you need to be very careful, Paul said, though you have
10 thousand instructors, yet you do not have many fathers. You can listen to so many
preachers and they can tell you 1000 different things on the same subject and may even
disagree on the same subject 1000 times on the same subjects in their 1000 sermons. The
question is not whether XYZ is right, the question is, what does the Word say? The Word
contradicts itself- it is not about who said it nicely or in the way you like it-What does the
Word say? You’ve got to be smart and study the Word for yourself because God is not going
to hold somebody responsible if you are misled. He’ll hold you responsible because He gave
you the Word to discern for yourself.
3- 37 Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers
are few; 38 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth
labourers into his harvest.

Who is the Lord of the harvest? The Holy Spirit! Why is He telling us t pray to the Lord of the
harvest to send labourers into the harvest? Because of the 37th verse. There is so much to be
done, glorious opportunities- but not enough laborers, not enough people to enter into His
harvest- it’s harvest time, so much to be taken but not enough people. God needs people.

So, the missionary Christian identifies with Jesus, He knows what’s going on in the world,
and synchronizes with God’s timing, he understands what’s going on in the spirt, he
understands that it’s harvest time- and so, he prays the prayer that Jesus told us to pray;
“Oh God, send laborers into this harvest.” But he needs to be one of the laborers to pray
such kind of prayer-then he can pray that God will send laborers into the harvest. God has
so many people who want to hear the gospel, so may people hungry for the Word- it’s
harvest time. So, you pray that God would send laborers into His harvest. You’ve got to
mention the harvest fields, the opportunities there that the Spirit can relocate. When I see
so many people I know the harvest is ready, when I see so many people suffering I know the
harvest is ready- because you see they are our opportunities for the gospel, when I see large
masses of people gathered for one thing no matter what it is I just know that the harvest is
plenteous- and I have something better that they need than what they are watching- but I
need to make it available to them and I am the best salesman for the gospel. So, God needs
many people, but I need to be one so that I can pray for more. I am a missionary Christian.
How often do you gather a few people and tell them lets pray for more laborers in such and
such a place. Because you see, you can’t be everywhere, but there are some people that can
go into certain places and you’ve got to pray that God will send people into such places-God
needs them-God has to break in and camp among them-it is important. Go and reach out to
them and pray for laborers to break out among them. Let the anointing come to their camp-
and God knows what to do- He can bring in their dreams- he knocked Saul of Tarsus- and I
believe somebody was praying for him- we are concerned about giving people them money,
but we never give them the gospel. The Gospel is the most important thing in the world.

4- Ephesians 6: 18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and
watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; 19 And for
me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to
make known the mystery of the gospel.

Utterance and speaking boldly. Pray for this for brothers and sisters-that as they go about
their businesses, work-they will open their mouth boldly and speak. Before long, they’ll start
winning people to Christ and bring people to church. You can pray that for young children
that they will not be timid.

2 Thessalonians 3: 3 Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free
course, and be glorified, even as it is with you: 2 And that we may be delivered from
unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith.
For the gospel to move fats because the time is short for man to believe the message- Jesus
is coming soon. And before the seven years there’s a rapture-where suddenly two are in
field, one suddenly goes and the other is left. Not even enough time to say bye.

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