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2 —— Journal Entry Voucher "4 z Date a ‘Municipality of Orion, Bataan ‘Transaction Type: Disbursement - Oi ‘Debit Green _ = abi ‘ecount Resoonsity Aecount Tite =o = a a c 16 a 9,250.00 _ ‘Subsistence, ae Quer aes ut rors 9,250.00 ‘Cash in Bank -| ore: ee fem | seeang wioaa = LORENA SAMO **NINE THOU Hepublic of he Phitppines Municipality of Orion, Bataan Orion, Bataan ~ No. 100-2022-12-002158 OBLIGATION REQUEST Fund General Fund Date Dec 27, 2022 payee | LORENAM SAMONTE Officer Orion Bataan Address Responsibility Center Particulars. EPP. ‘Account Amount Code 18-10-7611 MUNICIPAL SOCIAL |L SAMONTE- PAYMENT FOR 7614 (716-2) e 9280.00 WELFARE AND DEVELOPMENT SUBSISTENCE ATT OWARICE JCoveRING THe Penton FROM UNE TO DecEMaen 2022 P_a7%000 A | Centiiea B | Certified ~~ [_] Charges to approprationvaltoiment necessary, Existence of available appropriation lawl and under ty ect supenion Supporting documents vai, proper end legal i tal some ake cree [nny olny T Pretes ane | ANTOMO L RAYMUNDO JS Pimestiome | uence nGawoaLkue- Position T [ sition Mufipal Budget Officer MUNICIPAL MAYOR | | post apd oun Ot et coe | ovcar mo a eae 2 i Ww a Printed By MARIVIC P ESTRADA Approved Print Date ecember 27, 2022 11:38°18AM ~~ a ee DISDURe ENT VOUCHER Fund. General | Republic of the Philippines DV No. MUNICIPALITY OF ORION Dev 23r4a~ 308 Bataan Dae / af: 4, fm - Do | Payee LORENA SAMON VAT REG TIN 164-423-425-000 CAKOA Nos 100 - deda- > ODUNE - Responsibility Center Address. Orion, Bataan MIs quit suo Particulars Amount: Payment for subsistence allowance covering the period from P 10,500.00 June to December 2022, 25 ay ith veld) x0 p05 128000 (1,250.00) Amount Due_[? 9,250.00 4] Certified: [p | Certified: [ce] Certinn Expenses/Cash Advances necessary, vahd, proper, lawful and incurred under my direct supervision nd Developm Head of MSW Deparmenvth 5] Approved For Payment: P Municipal Social Welfare Municipal Loval Chief Executive ANTONIO L. RAYMONDO, JR. tase un ne TA Officer Head of Ack ‘Completeness and propriety of supporting, us/previvus gash advance held in ating DepartmenvOffice Funds available for the purpose a maa R. TUMALAD Municipal Treasurer Head of Treasury Department’ Office Payment Check No, Date: \y oA De 1 34h | $5 (4400p Bank Name’ LBP-Balanga Gade sew no Sg ea FE] Received Payment: Oy taney trap gnature Over Printefi Name/Position 1945671 12 29 202% LORENA GIMENEZ **9,500.00°* **NINE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED PESOS ONLY** ' i subsistence abows t Mo, JeV-2022-12-003880 Journal Entry Voucher" £ Senet — ~ — Mancpaity of Oren, Bataan eansaction Type: Osbursement- OIS800! ‘pate Oecember 29,2022 Responsibility ‘Account Title - oe _. Grea Comter - _ a | 1810-7611 Subamtence, Lavy and Guster Mlowance 9500000 ‘Cash Bank. Local Currency , Curent Account 2500.00 a — oamoo astn00 ‘Supporting Documents OO Sa = Date Description - ~ Deeument No =a = raaree ‘Obiigation Request G00. 2022-12.002188 ) check OO 1948671 = reese [Desbursement Voucter _ — +200-2022-12-307 a LOXENA GNENEZ subeserc atowance coving prim June 0 Decembe 2022, Prepared by ke hod ‘Approves by : “Tuesday, January 3,2023 Frepube of the Philipines Municipality of Ori ‘onon, Bataan ion, Bataan Wo. 100-2022-12-002159 Fund General Fund OBLIGATION REQUEST Fete Dec 27 2022 Payee | LORENAP GIMENEZ Office ron Bataan Address Particulars. FPP. ‘Amount Responsibility Center PAYMENT FOR E ALLOWANCE MUNICIPAL SOCIAL VELOPMENT i€ PERIOD FROM 7611 BER 2022 500.00 B | Certified apscopration aotment necessa eee Senses Eustence of avaiable appropriation [sven _| sgeue Oh -— Can hug? 23 Pees am FExcrvancon ) wewcine ndanoananel_/ Mumcoal Buciget Officer veer @- DISBURSEMENT VOUCHER paauieseaseal Republic of the Philippines MUNICIPALITY OF ORION Bataan DV No. ie Doo-dnaa far 3% ~ Ve afer ID No/TIN VAT REG TIN 164-423-425-000 ICAFOA No: /@0-4622- A 6D0KY Payee LORENA GIM Responsibility Center Address Orion, Bataan TP in Particulars Amount Payment for subsistence allowance covering the period from 10,500.00 June to December 2022, 20 days (eth eae order) $50 peso 1.00000 Amount Due | P 9,500.00 =] Certified fp | Certified: Te Certine Completeness and propacty of supporting | ddocuments/previous cash advance Expenses/Cash Advances necessary, valid, proper, lawful and mcurred under my direct supervision Funds available for the purpose funds held in Journal Entry Voucher "4 + GanoraiFund No, JEV-202242-009786 | Mnvepatnyot Oven, Baten | Transaction Type: Dabusmemert-DSB0OT ete December 1, 2022 Respoosioitty . eae Crest Center - a T8101011 —_~Retesataten Awana (A) soo : 18101031 Represent Allowance (RA) S760) ——— vero 1081 Representation Allowance (RA) 537500 _ se 10.1081 Repreveiatios Alowance (RA) cr 18-10-1061 Represetvation Atowance (RA) 5,975.00 Sos Dyer Reprasertaton Atowence RA) 9.37.00 re10-1081 Representation Allowance (RA) sare ece 16101001 “Representation lowance (RA) sara 1810-1101 —___ Rereseitation lowance (RA) ea7s00 = serena Representation Allowance (RA) Sears00 iereaet: Represeraion Ahowance (RA) 7 aso HE10761 Representation Alowance (RA) _ mm _6375.00 werears Reprenetanon Alowance 4) mae O0 ee wercarss Reqrese tn Allowance (RA) 6a rere “Tramspartaton Allowance (TA) _ m4 7665000 _ 1eiti0s1~SSS™SCaorinton Aowance TA) —SSSCSCSC‘“~<~S~SCS SOO resect TuamportionAlonance TA) 627500 reso08t 637500 _ 1816-1981 637500 ier0c7! —Trapsperiaten Alowance (TA) 037500 rere TranspocahenPtowanee (TA) 7 627500 18-10-1001 7 ‘Transpo. avon Aowance (TA) m4 6.27500 18-10-1101 "Tranape. saben Abewance (TA) — - m1 6,175.00 7 _ TraapoaoanAlewanee (A) sco Transporation Allowance (TA) 7 m4 687500 Transponaven ABowance (TA) a4 6,375.00 ‘Transporation Allowance (TA) a4 "637500 — senoers Ttansoc“acen Allowance (TA) a) — vero 0.00 oe 1513750 Duet Gsis oo s000¢ F a Se “ora _ : 17037600 rears 7 == a Owe _ Description _ Document No - www ‘Approved Payroll 2082 aie gat Regan 2.007368 22022 Aco Debt We Recount (ADA) raves Particulars: a 'YROLL. RATA OF ALL MUNICIPAL HEADS FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER 2022 foaun, EASIER Orne, PAID. pew eral BY ——— ——— _——™ —_— > : —______ Pag FoR aLLowances seowre (iia Saar [Saas eit] ‘sor | tm [omm | Same ae a SH = nS aml pena an f i a eu Taso Rg nest SST Poo | eras ipso Tie ser t Hine : t ner Trova THOSE Tae Tso | ea | TST t t [SRENETOTAT Tease — acres] Te [esse rom esesr[ re eas ees Ft nenggetntesme sino Eopoulenzree aed tc ramnsch = 12", Grow - ravwingp. om Louroes p.noceoa &* 7778 13 ast nie Cao's BUA 0B incon Tease | sei PA 2 € > e Jw 4 waa. p Ase Republi of me Paige Municipality of Orion, Bataan fk, Bataan No, 400-2022-12-002066 OBLIGATION REQUEST Fund General Fund LL Bate Den 19,2022 | payer | LOURDES PNOCEDA oftica? | OFS Bataan Ivrea (“tem Faticulare TBR | Aecount Cove Peewee \CIAL | LPN - PAYMENT OF RATA FOR 7611 | Soeekr [TNE Mont OF SeceMecr 2022 15-10 8771 MUNICIPAL em a) 275.00 igncuuaer 8711 (may S875:00 | 18-10-1051 GENERAL 1050 (74ay Sate Seivices Serer soso ow 97800 Pe A | Cenifiea B | conttiea sang apreilli timeih ty Existence of avalble appropriation PATE i ir cted cageatson OO supsoring cocuments val, proper an! legal i = come | = ee 2) Prwctare| RATOMOL RAYHUNOO J Prateatame | WEncHte n SxCoALANG f Poon | MUNGPAL MAYOR Poeton ullopa Budget oficer a ‘ts +| ne Tacasuneresorncr | AUT D nahi, | ie Printed By: MARIVIC P. ESTRADA Print Date ecember 19, 2022 1.93.14 Republic of te Priippines Municipality of Orion, Bataan ta pA . ron, Bataan o No. 190-2022-12.002088 BLIGATION REQUEST Fund Goneral Fund Date Dee 19, 2022 2 | LOURDES P NOCEDA Gifce’ | Oren Bataan Address [7 Responsibiity Center Particulars FPP. ‘Account Code |__ e001) OFFICE OF THE |LPN- PAYMENT OF RATAFOR ont am |P 7.65000 MUNICIPAL MAYOR SHE MONTH OF DECEMBER 2022 ort aa 7.550.090 110-1031 HUMAN RESOURCE 031 as) 6.27800 MANAGEMENT OFFICE 0st wma 6375.00 18-10-1047 MUNICIPAL spat 3) 6375.00 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT OFFICE jeu ay 6.75.00 19.10-1961 MUNICIPAL CIVIL 4081 a3) 6378.00 REGISTRY aA aay 675.00 18-10-1071 OFFICE OF THE sort 3) 6.37500 MUNICIPAL BUDGET OFFICER 1071 ay 6,378.00 48-10-1081 OFFICE OF THE 1081 oe 6.75.00 MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTANT 1084 4) 6,375.00 se-10-1051 OFFICE OF THE 1091 as 6.37500 MONCIPAL TREASURER | 10 ay 6,375.00 12-10-1101 MUNICIPAL 1101 as 9.37500 ASSESSOR'S OFFICE 101 ia) 6,375.00 110-1721 MUNGIPAL 75. INFORMATION OFFICE ut 719) 6375.00 4101 ay 6.37500 seioe7s OF THE ‘ o: MUNICIPAL ENGINEER est 713) 6,378.00 18-10-4811 MUNICIPAL Hi orrice ACHEALTA u anit a) 8,575.00 eR aan 4) 6.37500 16410-7611 MUNGIPAL SOCIAL 5 5 WELFARE AND DEVELOPMENT rat 13) 6,375.00 7611 ay 6.37509 ‘Printed By MARIVIC P ESTRADA | Print Date ecorber 19, 2022 139 140M LANDBANK wedAccass Insttsloal Internet Boring DEBIT MEMO - ATM PAYROLL Kp 08> Account Number 0442-1005-19 (GENERAL FUND) Branch of Account 044 - Balanga PARTICULARS, Transaction Reference Number 246-044-221220-81830 Transaction Date 20 Dec 2022 06:21:57 PM Amount Debited PHP 294,164.32 Remarks Completed Print Close

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