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Used to describe: Used to describe actions in Used to describe: Used to describe:

 habits in the present. progress at the moment we  a single action in  a long action that was
 states in the present. speak. the past in a determined in progress at a
 universal truths. or undetermined (less certain time in the
Leonard is playing outside frequently) time. past.
I wash my hair twice a now.  a finished action in  a long action that was
week. (habit) Virginia and her friends are the past. being performed when
Susan works at the studying for the test We lived in Virginia for 3 a short action
Laundromat. (state in the tomorrow. years before moving to happened.
present) I am preparing the dinner; Colorado. I was taking a shower
The lion kills for food. I can’t help you right now, Melissa found her when the phone rang,
(universal truth) Billie. lunchbox this morning. that’s why I didn’t answer.

Now do the
Mark the correct alternative to complete the
exercises: sentences below:
1. Juan __ from Porto Rico when he __ 7 years
a) came / was b) come / is c) was coming / is
2. Larisa __ her fiancé every night before sleeping.
a) called b) is calling c) calls
3. Oscar __ math. I __ to explain many times in
Complete with the proper tense of the verbs given: vain.
1. Mom _______________________ the attic when she ________ a) doesn’t understand / am trying
from the ladder, but she’s OK now. [to clean; to fall] b) didn’t understand / was trying
2. Juliet _________________ to marry Romeo but her family c) doesn’t understand / tried
4. The cat __ that dead rat this morning. Please,
___________________ the idea. [to want; not /to accept]
get rid of it, I ____ sick.
3. I ___________________ this book when I _______________ for a) brings / am getting
this course, but I ____________________ it anymore. [to buy; to b) brought / am getting
enroll; not / to need] c) is bringing / get
4. Dad _____________ downtown and Mom ___________ nearby, 5. When Laura __ 10 we __ her we will give her a
so they _________ to work together. [to work; to work; to go] car when she __ 16.
5. Martin can’t go to the meeting; he ___________________ his a) is / promise / becomes
b) was / promise / became
vacations on the beach and will return next week. [to spend]
c) was / promised / becomes
6. I ____________ a new car, this one ____________________ a 6. I __ it! The purse __ on that desk 2 minutes ago
strange noise and the mechanic can’t fix it. [to need; to make] and now it simple __!
7. Cecilia __________________ a book when she _____________ a) wasn’t getting / is / disappears b) don’t get / was
her favorite soap opera ________ on. [to read; to realize; to be] / disappeared c) didn’t get / was / disappears
8. Patricia and her friends ________________________ a party in 7. The Millers __ when the guy __ into their house.
a) slept / broke b) were sleeping / breaks
the garage to celebrate her promotion. You can’t put your car there
c) were sleeping / broke
now. [to throw] 8. How long __ in that line to get the tickets for the
9. When I ___________ a little girl I _______________ in Santa show yesterday?
Claus, witches and angels. Now I barely ______________ in a) did you wait b) are your waiting c) do you wait
justice. [to be; to believe; to believe]
Teacher’s keys

Complete with the proper tense of the verbs given:

1. Mom was cleaning the attic when she fell from the ladder, but she’s OK now. [to clean; to fall]
2. Juliet wanted to marry Romeo but her family didn’t accept the idea. [to want; not /to accept]
3. I bought this book when I enrolled for this course, but I don’t need it anymore. [to buy; to enroll; not /
to need]
4. Dad works downtown and Mom works nearby, so they go to work together. [to work; to work; to go]
5. Martin can’t go to the meeting; he is spending his vacations on the beach and will return next week. [to spend]
6. I need a new car, this one is making a strange noise and the mechanic can’t fix it. [to need; to make]
7. Cecilia was reading a book when she realized her favorite soap opera was on. [to read; to realize; to be]
8. Patricia and her friends are throwing a party in the garage to celebrate her promotion. You can’t put your car there now.
[to throw]
9. When I was a little girl I believed in Santa Claus, witches and angels. Now I barely believe in justice. [to be; to believe;
to believe]

Mark the correct alternative to complete the sentences below:

1. Juan __ from Porto Rico when he __ 7 years old.
a) came / was b) come / is c) was coming / is
2. Larisa __ her fiancé every night before sleeping.
a) called b) is calling c) calls
3. Oscar __ math. I __ to explain many times in vain.
a) doesn’t understand / am trying
b) didn’t understand / was trying
c) doesn’t understand / tried
4. The cat __ that dead rat this morning. Please, get rid of it, I ____ sick.
a) brings / am getting
b) brought / am getting
c) is bringing / get
5. When Laura __ 10 we __ her we will give her a car when she __ 16.
a) is / promise / becomes
b) was / promise / became
c) was / promised / becomes
6. I __ it! The purse __ on that desk 2 minutes ago and now it simple __!
a) wasn’t getting / is / disappears b) don’t get / was / disappeared c) didn’t get / was / disappears
7. The Millers __ when the guy __ into their house.
a) slept / broke b) were sleeping / breaks
c) were sleeping / broke
8. How long __ in that line to get the tickets for the show yesterday?
a) did you wait b) are your waiting c) do you wait

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