Value Proposition Canvas Practice

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Customer profile

Customer jobs
- chip and modern cloth
- easy accessibility (you can gor this cloth in every shopping mall or delivering by post)
- follow trends
- the feeling that you are stylish
- low quality of clothes
- non unique and non original things (low prose and easy accessibility tend to a lot of
your friends or people from your city can wear the same things)
- baying without spending a lot of time
- opportunity to pay without cash
- quick delivery (up to 3 days)
- big difference of items
Value proposition
Products and Services
- modern and chip clothes
- opportunity to buy clothes of this brand in each shopping mall
- suitable mobile application
- opportunity to pay online
- free delivery
Pain relievers
- money economy
- time economy
- opportunity to follow trends

Задачи покупателя
Сначала нужно понять, на что нацелен покупатель, чего он стремится достичь. Это
могут быть задачи, которые он должен выполнить, проблемы, требующие решения,
или потребности, которые нужно удовлетворить. Чтобы лучше разобраться в этих
вопросах, попробуйте стать на место своего потребителя.

Существует 3 вида задач:

Функциональные – конкретные задачи: они могут быть как личностными, так и

профессиональными, например, занятия спортом, написание месячного отчета о
Социальные – связаны с формированием желаемого образа в социуме.
Эмоциональные – получение определенных эмоций, например, ощущение
безопасности своего дома.
Here are some questions to help you define customer jobs:
What functions does your customer try to perform? (for example, execute specific problem,
solve a specific issue, etc.)
What social goals does your customer try to accomplish?
What are your client’s emotional goals?
What jobs make them feel satisfied?
How do your customers want to be perceived by others? What can they do to achieve this?
How does your customer want to feel? What does he/she need to do to get this?
Track the interaction of the customer with your product throughout the cycle of consumption.
What works should the customer do for this time?

All factors which stop customers from completing a job are called pains. Imagine them as
roadblocks that customers have to deal with. Pains also include negative outcomes that
customers prefer to avoid. You can categorize pains as severe or light, which will help to
prioritize in the coming steps. This step helps to identify problems from a customer

Here are some questions to help you define customer pains:

What does your customer find too costly? (Something that requires a lot of time, costs too
much money, it takes a lot of efforts, etc.)
What makes him/her feel bad?
What are the current solutions that do not suit your customers?
What are the main challenges and problems your customer faces? (A lack of understanding
of how things work, the difficulties with implementation, etc.)
What negative social consequences does the customer face or fear to face? (Loss of
reputation, credibility, trust, social status, and so on).
What risks does your customer fear? (financial, social, technical, etc.)

Gains include the positive experiences and desires that the customers wish to achieve.
Gains can be ordinary or even existential. However, gains aren’t the opposite of pains. They
are aspects that encourage users to adopt a product or service.

Here are some questions to help you define customer gains:

What makes your customer happy? (Time, money, efforts, etc.)

What results does your customer expect, and what can surpass these expectations?
What would simplify the work or life of your customer? (More services, lower cost, new
features, etc.)
What positive social consequences does your customer want to get?
What are they looking for? (A smart design, guarantees, specific features, etc.)
Продумайте выгоды, которые может получить потребитель. Сюда относятся функции
товара, социальные успехи и экономия затрат. Какие бывают выгоды:
необходимые – без них решения задач и проблем не работают, например, покупая
автомобиль, человек как минимум должен иметь возможность на нем ездить;
ожидаемые – ваш покупатель ожидает получить что-то еще, но в принципе он может
без этого обойтись. Например, покупатель Nissan Juke ожидает, что автомобиль будет
безопасным, т.к. тот получил 5 баллов на тестах EuroNCAP;
желательные – зачастую потребитель сам говорит о таких выгодах, например – люк в
крыше или ксеноновые фары;
неожиданные – вы можете приятно удивить потребителя, дав ему то, о чем он и
подумать не мог, например – лимитированная серия в необычном цвете.
Products and Services

This is the place to list all the features, products and services you’ll provide. You can also list
the version of the product you are producing, like freemium, trial. Focus on how the features
and products will help customers get their job done.
Продукты и услуги могут быть:

материальные – произведенная продукция, осязаемые услуги;

цифровые или виртуальные – загружаемые файлы, онлайн-рекомендации,
неосязаемые услуги;
нематериальные – права, лицензии;
финансовые – инвестиции, кредитование, страхование, лизинг.

Pain relievers
Here the focus is on how your product will ease the customers’ pain. These relievers should
be relevant to the pains mentioned in the customer profile. Different sort of pain relievers are
made for different kinds of pain. However, it isn’t necessary to discuss the whole pain in
detail here. Just a simple statement can do the task.

Here are some questions to help you define customer pain relievers:

Does your product/ service provide savings? (Regarding time, money, efforts, etc.)
Does it improve the emotional state of your customer? (Decrease grief, irritation, things that
bring a headache).
Does it fix the defects of existing solutions?
Does it remove the difficulties or problems that your customer faces?
Does your product/ service exclude the negative social consequences that are encountered
or which are afraid of your customers?
Does it reduce the risks that your clients are afraid of?
Does it help your customers sleep better at night?
Does it limit or eradicate common mistakes that customers allow?
Does it eliminate barriers that keep your customers from implementing the specific solution?
Gain creators
This is where you show how your product adds value to customers. How does your product
help customers achieve their goals? List everything that offers something new or improves
the user experience.

Here are some questions to help you define customer gains creators:
Does your product provide savings that make your client happy?
Does it ensure the results that the customer expects?
Does it simplify the work or life of the customer?
Does it give something that your customer wants to get?
Does your product/ service reflect some of the dreams of your customer?
Does it give positive results that meet the criteria for success and failure of the customer?

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