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Test of faith of Abraham.

When Abraham was 100 years old Isaac was born unto him and Sarah as promised by Yahweh.

But then Yahweh wanted to test Abraham's faith. He asked Abraham to take his son into the land of
Moriah and in the mountain to offer him as a burnt offering. And early in the morning Abraham sadlded
his donkey and took his along with two of his men and went to place Yahweh told him to go. When they
have reached the place and Abraham could see the mountain from afar he ordered his men to stay
behind and took the wood for the burnt offering, laid it upon Isaac and took the fire and a knife. But
then Isaac ask Abraham where the lamb for the offering is and Abraham answered, 'Yahweh shall
provide for himself a lamb'. And they came to the place which Yahweh had told him of and Abraham
built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar upon
the wood. And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son. But then the angel
of the Yahweh called him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I. And he
said, do not lay your hand upon Isaac, neither do anything unto him: for now I know that you fear
(Yarah) Yahweh, seeing that you do not withheld your only son for me. And Abraham lifted up his eyes,
and looked, and behind him a ram was caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the
ram, and offered it up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son. And Abraham called the name of that
place Yahweh Yireh(Yahweh shall provide). And the angel of Yahweh called unto Abraham out of
heaven the second time and said that since he has not withheld his only son, Yahweh will bless him
multiply his seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and his seed
shall possess the gate of his enemies. And in his seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed;
because he obeyed(shama) Yahwh's voice.

To understand the extant of Abraham's faith it is important to understand the flow of the above story.
The keypoints to take from story may be as follow.

1. When Yahweh asked Abraham for his only son as a sacrifice, he did not hesitate.

2. Isaac did not rebel even after knowing that he was about to be sacrificed.

3. Both Abraham and Isaac trusted that Yahweh will provide for Himself a lamb. ( Fulfilled in the sacrifice
of Yahshua ha' Massiach i.e. the lamb of Yahweh)

4. Yahweh did provide a lamb in the stead of Isaac.

5. Yahweh acknowledged that Abraham feared Yahweh.

6. Yahweh blessed Abraham with the promises we have studied in lesson 3.

7. The blessings come from obedience of Yahweh's voice.

Thus we should always be aware that faith in Yahweh is always followed by willingness to do Yahweh's
will and fear Him in all manners and obey His voice.

Note: -
1. Fear -Yahrah: - to Revere/respect, having a stong sense of feeling in awe of something ( flowing of the

2. Obey-Shama:- to Hear/listen/obey. that is to follow/work out what one hears. To the hebrew mind to
listen is to do what they hear, thus obey.

Questions and answer.

1. What did Yahweh ask from Abraham.

Ans. Yahweh asked Abraham to go to the land of Moriah with Isaac and there in the mountain to
sacrifice his son as a burnt offering.

2. What did Abraham and Isaac believed regarding the sacrifice?

Ans. Abraham and Isaac believed that Yahweh shall provide for himself a lamb to be sacrifice. Even
though Abraham was willing to sacrifice Isaac because he feared Yahweh, he trusted that Yahweh shall
rescue him from the situation.

3. How did Yahweh saved Isaac?

Ans. Yahweh saved Isaac by providing a ram that was caught in a thicket by the horns for a sacrifice
instead of him. This was a fore shadowing of the sacrifice of Yahshua Messiah.

4. What did Yahweh blessed Abraham with?

Ans. Yahweh will multiply Abraham's seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the
sea shore; and his seed shall possess the gate of his enemies. And in his seed all the nations of the earth
will be blessed because he obeyed(shama) Yahweh's voice.

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