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Họ và tên:_________________________________ Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút
Lớp: _____________ MSSV: _________________ (Thí sinh không sử dụng tài liệu, làm bài trên
phiếu trả lời và nộp lại đề!)

Part 5:
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Select the best answer to complete the sentence.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet.

____ 1. The production manager at the Detroit plant is very ______ about meeting the deadline scheduled for this sales
A. concerned C. confused
B. tired D. satisfied
____ 2. The president has failed to come to ______ with the two most important social issues of our time.
A. responses C. answers
B. grips D. solutions
____ 3. This research is important ______ that it confirms the link between aggression and alcohol.
A. and C. to
B. because D. in
____ 4. The project manager gave Claudia Goddard an outstanding performance ______ for her excellent work on the
advertising promotion.
A. review C. standard
B. statement D. request
____ 5. The kind of music that we listen to __________ us relax.
A. helps C. help
B. have helped D. helping
____ 6. The company has strategically lowered its prices to outsell its competitors and ________ more customers.
A. attracts C. attracting
B. attract D. attracted
____ 7. The sudden increase in sales of Samsung Galaxy7s is ______ to their appearance in a popular television drama
series which is currently showing on HTV7.
A. contributed C. distributed
B. concluded D. attributed
____ 8. When my name was called, the HR manager looked ______ at me.
A. up C. down
B. across D. along
____ 9. They have faced challenges on many ______, from prolonged drought and devastating bush-fires, to a global
pandemic, and now the first recession of their lifetimes.
A. times C. ways
B. things D. fronts
____ 10. Where _________ next month’s sales meeting going to _________ place?
A. is / be taken C. will / be taken
B. is / take D. will / take
____ 11. As the problem is too technical, it cannot be resolved ________ the phone.
A. across C. by
B. over D. onto
____ 12. They’re all getting bonuses __________ profits have improved.
A. because of C. while
B. during D. since

____ 13. After returning from his trip to Asia, the CEO ______ the branch heads on the agreement entered into by the
A. briefed C. explained
B. communicated D. told
____ 14. The program consists of 20 students, and all of ________ are women.
A. whose C. whom
B. them D. who
____ 15. I hope he _____ what we _____!
A. doesn’t hear / said C. didn’t hear / say
B. doesn’t hear / saying D. didn’t hear / were saying
____ 16. Our last year’s research showed that the top four banks’ share had increased ________ only five percentage
points in the preceding fifteen years.
A. on C. from
B. in D. by
____ 17. There are 20 employees ______ to the complete survey on the supply quality
A. responsible C. respond
B. responsive D. irresponsible
____ 18. The question we usually debate is ______ people will continue to spoil the environment.
A. that C. if
B. what D. which
____ 19. The director is requiring that all new employees ______ the session on insurance.
A. enroll C. take part
B. participate D. attend
____ 20. As this year ______ to a close, we look back on the moments that made it unforgettable.
A. finishes C. draws
B. reaches D. surges
____ 21. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, she is not able to be with her family and ______ ones at this special time.
A. love C. loving
B. loved D. loves
____ 22. Do you see your grandparents _____?
A. much C. hardly ever
B. always D. usually
____ 23. The number of defective products last month decreased in comparison with ______ of the same month the
previous year.
A. one C. ones
B. those D. that
____ 24. We should play our part in getting our country back on ______ and help rebuild the national economy.
A. progress C. track
B. cue D. development
____ 25. The freshness of the vegetables ______, depending on the time of year.
A. vary C. varying
B. varies D. variance
____ 26. If the front door is locked, punch in your access code while ______ down the green button on the door handle.
A. hold C. holding
B. held D. holds
____ 27. Internet sites on this web-page provide links of a general nature to a collection of studies for quick ______.
A. domain C. indication
B. reference D. procedure
____ 28. Every means ______ will be used to ensure that your valuables are delivered quickly and safely.
A. possibilities C. possibility
B. possibly D. possible

____ 29. Miners working in the coal industry ______ significant health risks.
A. endure C. influence
B. face D. suffer

Part 6:
Directions: Read the texts below. For each empty space in the texts, select the best answer for it to complete the
texts. Then mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet.

Questions 30-32 refer to the following text.

Pamela Bailey
1001 Briggs Road, Suite 280
Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054

Dear Ms. Bailey,

I am pleased to inform you that your application for the position of managerial assistant has
been accepted. On behalf of Bio-Meds Pharmaceutical Company, I would like to
congratulate you. As mentioned in the job description, you will _______ support to
30. A. be providing B. provided
C. be provided D. providing
management, supervisory and professional staff. Your main duties will be _______
31. A. scheduling B. scheduled
C. to schedule D. schedules
appointments and events, transmitting information and following up on projects conducted
by the staff. During your three-month trial period, you will be trained by Nelson Meade,
whom you met during your interview. _______ you accept the position, you will start on
February 20. 32. A. While B. Because
C. Until D. Should

We hope to hear from you before February 17 and look forward to working with you.

Sincerely yours,

Rita Carson
Human Resources Department

Questions 33-35 refer to the following text.

Is dentistry the career for you? Today’s dentists have many more opportunities than they
used to. In the past, a dentist’s life was predictable. Most were men who would leave home
for a few years to study at a dental school, then _________ to their hometown,
33. A. returning B. returns
C. returned D. return
open up an office, and work there their whole life. Most dentists looked forward to this or

something similar. Today dentists are more mobile. Men and women can attend dental
schools in different places. Some still return to their hometown to work. Others move on to
new cities. Dentists today may specialize in one or more areas. Two common _________
are oral surgery and dental public health. 34. A. subjects B. ones
C. departments D. things
Oral surgery focuses on treating diseases and problems through operations. Dental public
health concentrates on improving the dental health of a community. For example, these
dentists go to schools to teach children how to brush their teeth. Some dentists work only in
their specialty areas while others do both _________ and specialty work.
35. A. amateur B. extended
C. expertise D. general

Questions 36-38 refer to the following text.

Dear Mr. Russell

Thank you for recently enrolling for our total home security program. You can be sure that
you _______ the right decision in choosing MTT to protect your home and property.
36. A. make B. made
C. will make D. had made
MTT guarantees fast and efficient services. We are constantly updating our security
systems _______ you the highest level of protection. We also use of the most highly
37. A. ensure B. ensured
C. have ensured D. ensuring
sophisticated detection equipment in the nation.

We _______ hope that you’ll be fully satisfied with our services, and if you have any
38. A. will B. do
C. are D. have
questions or requests, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Thank you again for choosing

Sincerely yours,

Alyssa Mary
Security Director, MTT

Part 7:
Directions: You are going to read a selection of texts followed by several questions. Select the best answer for
each question and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet.

Questions 39-40 refer to the following advertisement and e-mail.

Royal Indian Cruise Lines Recruitment Fair
March 11, 9:00 a.m.-6:30 p.m.
Raj Hotel and Resort, Bengali Hall

Royal Indian Cruise Lines recently added three new ships to its fleet. We will be hosting a
recruitment fair to fill job openings created by this expansion. Our managers and directors will
be conducting on-site interviews for the following positions in our restaurant and food
preparation department:
- wait staff
- event planners
- head chefs
- assistant chefs
- kitchen staff
Royal Indian Cruise Lines offers all employees full medical coverage, competitive salaries, paid
vacations and generous biannual bonuses. Applicants wishing serious consideration are
requested to send us an application package including a résumé, cover letter, current
employment status and a medical history report. Please send these documents to our main office
in Mumbai by February 21.

Royal Indian Cruise Lines

Personnel Department
153 Besant Road
Shiva Building, Mumbai 400-018
*Faxes or e-mails will not be accepted.

To: Indira Rurian <>

From: Sanjeev Rao
Subject; Recruitment Fair
Date: February 18

We received the application package you sent us, but unfortunately it is incomplete. We
received your résumé, cover letter and current employment status. We will require the additional
documents before we can register you for our recruitment fair and schedule an interview for you.
Please send us this information as soon as possible. Once we have received it, we will send you
an e-mail with a list of available times for interviews. I have attached a list of specific jobs with
this e-mail for you to go through and choose which positions you might be interested in.

Thank you for your interest in Royal Indian Cruise Lines.

39. Why did Mr. Rao attach a list of available jobs?

A. To assist Ms. Kurian in arranging her trip C. To inform Ms. Kurian of pay rates
B. To help Ms. Kurian select jobs to apply for D. To review Ms. Kurian's interview schedule

40. What is NOT mentioned about Royal Indian Cruise Lines?

A. It is based in Mumbai. C. It is hiring new managers.
B. It recently expanded its fleet. D. It offers a bonus package.


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